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Please pray I really don't feel well

Forgive me for this dreadful time in the morning,past 3. I really need your prayers. Please pray Jesus holds me as a parent would a child and helps me get to sleep. For I can't seem to do it myself too well. For the last 2 or 3 nights [or you can say mornings counting what time it is] I have been getting sick because I have a very bad cough. I've been coughing to the pointing of throwing up. It can be bad through the day but it's almost unbearable at night while trying to lay down. I wouldn't have asked for prayer if all I had was a cough and a sore throat. But this is to the point sleep is very difficult.

Re: Please pray I really don't feel well

My Rock Is Christ,
There is no need to apologize my dear sis...
I will hold you in my prayers today for the Lord to give you proper rest and peace and that he heal you of that terrible cough and sour throat. So sorry sis that you have been feeling this way.. May the dear Lord and his mighty angels protect you this day.. Please keep me posted okay...
Hugs and prayers your way,
God bless you,

Re: Please pray I really don't feel well

Thank you AW7. It's appreciated. While I can have a bad cough during the day what is a concern is laying down.

I've barely been able to eat. Between the heat and not feeling well. And if I get hungry at night I'm probably just going to get sick after coughing so much. :hugs: back.

Re: Please pray I really don't feel well

ahhh...my dear sis,
So sorry you are feeling so terribly sick. Have you checked with your doctor? Perhaps you need to get checked because it seems like the cough does not go away no matter how much you try.
Hope you feel better soon and I will keep you in my prayers..

God bless you,

Re: Please pray I really don't feel well

Thank you. Doctors are too expensive so I can't go to one.

And thank you for the duckie nurse.

Re: Please pray I really don't feel well

I will remember you in my prayers too.

Re: Please pray I really don't feel well

Thank you RosesinSept.

Please keep praying. The really annoying cough is coming back [I've been given a break most of the day and haven't had the extreme cough like before]. I hope when I lay down again later on that I won't get sick.

Re: Please pray I really don't feel well

I will, sister!

May the Lord bless you and put His hand over you and heal you and shield you from the trouble you are experiencing.

Re: Please pray I really don't feel well


Hi sis, just wanted to check in with you to see if you were feeling better today.
I pray that the cough and sore throat pain has subsided.
Will keep you in prayer...
God bless you,

Re: Please pray I really don't feel well

Thank you BrotherJohn and AW7.

Praise God that I didn't get sick last night and the cough wasn't nearly as bad as before.

While I still have a bad cough every now and than it's not like it was. The main problem is I can barely talk. I can talk but if I try it even for a minute I'll feel really strained.

Re: Please pray I really don't feel well

Try some warm tea with honey to soothe your vocal chords this trick always works...
God bless you,


Re: Please pray I really don't feel well

Thank you AW7. Do you know if there's anything else that helps?

Sorry,I don't like tea. I've tried to drink it before but I can't.

I feel bad. You're trying to help me and I'm making things worse.

Re: Please pray I really don't feel well

MRIC, I'm so sorry. I just came on this old site and just saw this thread. Are you conjested? Are you able to cough anything up? I've had that before and it turned out to be bronchitis. You have to be careful with that because if left untreated it can turn into pneumonia. Can you go to an urgent care clinic? They can at least give you antibiotics and are much cheaper than an ER...or do you have a Free Clinic anywhere near you?
For now, if you feel conjested and your chest feels tight, you need to get an over the counter cough expectorant/depressant. Another thing that works wonders is (over the counter) MUCOSA. It breaks up all that stuff in your chest so you can cough it out. Try to drink a lot of chicken broth too. There's an enzyme in chicken broth that breaks up trapped mucous. That's been proven not to be an old wive's tale.
You need to take care of yourself and kick this thing to pieces!

Re: Please pray I really don't feel well

Praying for you MRIC. Father thank you for holding this person close and bringing comfort and healing here. In Jesus name amen. God bless you !!

Re: Please pray I really don't feel well

Thank you Melissa and Shiloh.

Shiloh,I'm really conjested. And yes I cough up stuff alot. I can't go anywhere. The clinic that is supposed to be free says you have to have a medical card.I can only go to Jesus and be held and be comferted knowing people are praying. I don't understand why I feel worse today than yesterday. Thank you for telling me about the chicken broth. I'm not sure what those medicines you mentioned are but I do have cough medicince.

edit:Mom made me some chicken broth. That is atleast something I'm able to eat ok.

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