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okay pet lovers, ya got pics of your fav pets~

Re: okay pet lovers, ya got pics of your fav pets~

Oh my! What a little sweet pickle, Donna! She looks very soft and lady-like.

Cow: (who doesn't know how to be cat)

Our dog, BooBoo: (who we miss greatly)

My cat Isis: ( that I had when in highschool. She was a rescue. Someone used to through her up against walls as a kitten and as a result, she was "special" after so many times of being thrown against a wall.)

And my other cats that I have now, I believe I've posted before.

Re: okay pet lovers, ya got pics of your fav pets~

You can tell this is going to be a popular thread!

The only picture that I have is that one of one of my cats that I put up on the RITA Now website as my profile picture, but the pets in the pictures here so far look adorable. Shiloh, I really can't understand why some people are so mean to animals, especially to a sweet little kitten such as that one must have been. It makes me sad to even think about it. But at least the Lord found her a good home with you!

I look forward to seeing pictures of everyone else's pets!

Re: okay pet lovers, ya got pics of your fav pets~

This is my baby Jasmine.She is a very sweet girl.
2013-08-10_01-29-20_989 photo photobucket-40314-1376365296164_zps54786945.jpg

Re: okay pet lovers, ya got pics of your fav pets~

Oh, Shiloh, it's so sad when animals and babies are mistreated ~!

Both my kiki's came from a shelter . . and I've enjoyed them so much!

Re: okay pet lovers, ya got pics of your fav pets~

BrotherJohn. I hear you. I'll never understand that either. I believe people who mistreat and abuse animals do that to people too. Don't you? I can't handle even watching those ASPCA commercials where they show abused animals. I end up crying all the time. Now, I have to leave the room.
Donna, your other kitty is so cute too! She has such an "oh, so serious" look on her little face like she has something to say. LOL.

Re: okay pet lovers, ya got pics of your fav pets~

Here's 2 of my current ones snuggling together on my spare bed. Peanut and L'il Bear.
RosesinSept. What a little cutie. Yours looks a lot like another one of mine (Penguin - don't ask. She waddles). She's getting chubby though because I'm always giving them cat treats.

Re: okay pet lovers, ya got pics of your fav pets~

Would you happen to know how to take a picture that you have on your phone and post it, especially when you're using your phone as your "computer"?

Re: okay pet lovers, ya got pics of your fav pets~

I decided to take a new picture tonight, since I hadn't taken any in a while. Talk about trying to herd cats! I got them cornered in the hall. They look soooo thrilled about the who ordeal (yeah right).

Selah (orange), Bester (brown), Meeko (gray)

Email: amy@trackingbibleprophecy.org

Website: www.trackingbibleprophecy.org/

Re: okay pet lovers, ya got pics of your fav pets~

They are all my favorite pets Donna.

I tried to put all their names down but everything got messed up so I left them out.

Re: okay pet lovers, ya got pics of your fav pets~

Shiloh, I wouldn't be surprised if they abused people as well.

Everyone has some really cool cats. I'm surprised because they all seem to get along with their peers. My cats don't get along with one another very well, only their mother gets along with two of them, but even this is only for a brief while until they get annoyed and start fighting or hissing. Lol, sigh.

Re: okay pet lovers, ya got pics of your fav pets~

LOVELY ! ALL ! How beautiful is God's Creation and greatly loved by HIM !

Email: bonniebell81@hotmail.com

Re: okay pet lovers, ya got pics of your fav pets~

Here is my Prince (left) with his now ex girlfriend in July.

And here is him looking on 2 of his offspring. They had 2 boys and 2 girls. All are given to lovely, caring families.

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