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Like a 'Monkey With a Hand Grenade' -- U.S. Policy in Mideast--Big possibility!!!

I wouldn't put this past "O"..It wouldn't surprise me in the least, just looking at the way he has handled our foreign policies, and the non-answers this administration has chosen to govern this country. Something to think about.

God Father Politics
Tad Cronn is the editor in chief of The Patriots Almanac

Like a 'Monkey With a Hand Grenade' -- U.S. Policy in Mideast

It's just convenient -- awfully convenient. That's all I'm saying.

It's convenient for U.S. Mideast policy that after three years of covert support for the al-Qaeda mercenaries who lead the Syrian "rebels," the Obama Administration should suddenly be gifted with an attack on civilians, attributed to the Syrian government, by means of one of the most despised weapons ever devised by mankind: poison gas.

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Re: Like a 'Monkey With a Hand Grenade' -- U.S. Policy in Mideast--Big possibility!!!

What is going on with this? Clearly he cannot use our military without congress approving, and nothing has been proven, as if, and its under debate that he can do something under the "War Powers Act"--I hope I got that right.

Is he going to produce an executive order and bypass congress for the sole purpose of not completely losing his credibility and to blank with Israel and making us look foolish, as no one is behind this, except France, and now the UK is no longer behind us.

Re: Like a 'Monkey With a Hand Grenade' -- U.S. Policy in Mideast--Big possibility!!!

GoldenKnight: We are dealing with a man who has dis-regarded the Constitution, dis-regarded the structural guidelines pertaining to the Office of the President, it seems he can pretty much do what he wants.

But I believe there will be no U.S. Intervention, and Israel will stand alone as scripture says'

Re: Like a 'Monkey With a Hand Grenade' -- U.S. Policy in Mideast--Big possibility!!!

I think that if O hadn't shot his mouth off about CW's being the red line, we wouldn't be talking about any of this... *sigh*

On the other hand, Israel has just spent boo koo bucks ramping up it's security and national rediness, going on a war footing. Now, Israel is all dressed up and no where to go. Could they use this opportunity to hit Iran? They said that they'd have to do so before the end of 2013. Plus, all of this ramping up of Israel's defenses during this time of blabber mouthing and maneuvering of their toys by the U.S and allies in the Mediterranean bathtub, gave Israel the perfect opportunity to ramp things up and get into position without raising the suspicions of their enemies.

And no, I don't think this was the intention of our clueless leader. He's too thin skinned to allow himself to look like such a big buffoon on purpose. I think it was an unintended opportunity by the Residet's blabber mouthing. Now it's dished up for a tasty treat for Bibi's plate.

Of course this is just my speculating and playing at 'strateegery". We'll have to see what happens next.

Re: Like a 'Monkey With a Hand Grenade' -- U.S. Policy in Mideast--Big possibility!!!

Hmmmmmm. Interesting. O doesn't know anything about foreign policy. I don't think many in his cabinet do either.
Chris N., lmho @ "strateegery"....I would try to read into their strateegery but I forgot my "scipture glasses" and "contract lenses".

Re: Like a 'Monkey With a Hand Grenade' -- U.S. Policy in Mideast--Big possibility!!!

Chris N & Shiloh...LOL!! I agree with you both, Chris there's only one thing,
A narcissist would never think he could look like a big buffoon no matter what he does. also remember who he's holding hands with, the MB. There is more than meets the eye here and I doubt we'll ever know the real truth.

Re: Like a 'Monkey With a Hand Grenade' -- U.S. Policy in Mideast--Big possibility!!!

Can O execute and executive order without the support of congress? It almost looks like he's talkd the talk and now has to walk the walk. I think the US will strike on it's own, Iran and Syria will target Israel and give the green light to terrorists to strike the US. Israel will respond in slef defense, firing at Damascus and Iran. This will then trigger Ezekiel 38 which God will defend Israel against. We'll be outta here by then. (Praying that anyway)

Re: Like a 'Monkey With a Hand Grenade' -- U.S. Policy in Mideast--Big possibility!!!

CPorter: Here's a snippet from This Weeks Hal Lindsey Report.

We're now waiting to see what the Obama administration will choose to do and if it will go it alone or seek Congressional approval. Suffice it to say there's plenty of skepticism to go around. U.S. law seems to require the President to consult the Congress before committing our military forces to a conflict that does not threaten us directly. However, he chose to participate in the Libyan intervention without Congressional approval and he's suffered no repercussions from that decision.

One thing I do know, however, is that any sort of international military intervention in Syria will certainly put Israel -- who has intentionally stayed on the sidelines and kept its mouth shut -- at great risk. We all know that Assad has threatened to attack Israel if outside powers attempt to intervene in the civil war. Now, a leading military figure in Iran has threatened to destroy Israel if the West meddles in Syria.

Fair Use for Discussion & Educational Purposes

Re: Like a 'Monkey With a Hand Grenade' -- U.S. Policy in Mideast--Big possibility!!!


GoldenKnight: We are dealing with a man who has dis-regarded the Constitution, dis-regarded the structural guidelines pertaining to the Office of the President, it seems he can pretty much do what he wants.

Amen to what you said my dear sis...

I see such arrogance, pride, haughtiness and pride in this administration..
There is no sign of repentance or humbleness.

This administration needs much prayer...

Re: Like a 'Monkey With a Hand Grenade' -- U.S. Policy in Mideast--Big possibility!!!

I find the idea that if O haden't shot his mouth off about chemical weapons being a red line we wouldn't be in this predicament, to be a harsh statement about let other take care of their own, we only care about our own safety.

While it's obvious the situation is drastic. US and France against Syria, Russia, and Iran is a really really bad situation.


Is it right to let a bad man rape and kill a helpless child because he's big and bad and might kill you? Or do you take your chances and be the hero and take a stand?

Im with go to war!

Even if it was us against all! Push the **** button if need be! We cannot sit on our arses and let this be. No ammount of threat could deter me from defending the innocent. Im 52 yr old vet...fat and outa shape...I would gladly put my...I mean a bigger uniform on and offer my life on the side of rightousness and defence of inocents.

I'm just as afraid of what a conflict like this could mean as everyone else. But I have learned that fear can keep us from doing what is right. And I have learned to hate that....really hate it.

Lets fight!

Love D

Email: dustydonnay@yahoo.com

Re: Like a 'Monkey With a Hand Grenade' -- U.S. Policy in Mideast--Big possibility!!!

Hi Dusty,

Yes, you're correct, that is a harsh statement. But it is the truth. Sometimes the truth can be horribly harsh.

The time to go into Syria would have been at the beginning of their civil war. If we were going to go in, it should have happened before untold thousands of Syrians have already died in this civil war. Now all of the other bad players have come in and hijacked the rebels cause. We are to late and dollars short now. What I find more scary than Assad gassing his own people, is Al Quaida getting control over the CW's... That is the likely outcome to this now... Unless this is an Isaiah 17 moment... Then this whole topic is moot, as God will sort them all out. The innocent, as well as the guilty....

I also find it ironic that you think that statement about O shooting his mouth off, as harsh, yet are all for "pushing the button if need be". The innocents that you want to protect, would be the first to suffer those consequences.

Don't get me wrong, I'm not a Pollyanna, and don't deny the need for war at times. Sad as that may be... But you have to admit, this could be a lot better thought out, than just O covering his behind. And if O hadn't shot his mouth off, they'd have that wiggle room, as to when and how to act. An example would be... Sadam gassing over 30,000 of his own people. Nothing happened right away. That left the wiggle room to come back and get him later, at a time of our choosing, and to our adavantage... Still, just my 2 cents.

Re: Like a 'Monkey With a Hand Grenade' -- U.S. Policy in Mideast--Big possibility!!!

Dusty I agree with you EXCEPT the rebels are just as barbaric- one video Glen Beck played showed one of the rebels eating the heart& liver out of his victim- so who are we really supporting here? The opposition is just as evil, with innocents in between

Re: Like a 'Monkey With a Hand Grenade' -- U.S. Policy in Mideast--Big possibility!!!

meanwhile I think O is playing pattycake and the Lord may be using the delay of no support for US intervention for 6 or 7 more days until..... Oh yeah, Rosh Hashanna.

Re: Like a 'Monkey With a Hand Grenade' -- U.S. Policy in Mideast--Big possibility!!!

Just for a little visual....

Re: Like a 'Monkey With a Hand Grenade' -- U.S. Policy in Mideast--Big possibility!!!

I agree.... to the moot point. It seems clear that the Damascus Prophecy is about to be completed. And with FOT right around the corner... our hopes must surely be up that we are about to head to the Wedding Feast of The Lamb!

I apologize about the button comment. My anger gets so riled up when innocents are murdered like that, and the number ARE a moot point, in my opinion. I am not in agreement with the idea that we are too short or late. Our time with The Lord teaches us that its NEVER too late to change our course until we're dead! That's the point. Should have repented before you got busted and put in prison....No! It's still not too late to repent...but repenting wont get you out of prison. And so with this. It's not too late to act. Not acting is a BAD option...even if we should have done so sooner. Yes....if done sooner....there may have been far less consequences, but to say now we walk away because its been too long?

Love D

Email: dustydonnay@yahoo.com

Re: Like a 'Monkey With a Hand Grenade' -- U.S. Policy in Mideast--Big possibility!!!

Hello brother Dusty.

First, Hugs to you! No hard feelings from me, and you're perfectly right voicing your opinions. This is something that has the potential to change the world forever, and I'm sure we all have strong feelings about it all, and it's good to talk about it, cause the consequences will be known soon.

But, I would like to clarify, that I didn't say that we should walk away. Just that we should choose the time and place, wisely. And even Sec. of State Kerry, basically said in his speech today, that we're going in to save our credibility. Basically, to cover O's credibility. To me that isn't a good enough reason to risk starting WW3. (but I guess somebody's got to do it)

After Kerry and the Prez. both said that they are not doing this for regime change, and that the strikes will be limited in scope, and of short duration, and that we're not going after their Chemical Weapons... What's the point? Will this limited strike cause the Syrians not to use Chemical weapons again?.. (I don't think so) So, what's our goal? Is it just to set the whole Middle East on fire, or is it to do damage to Israel, with all of the certain fall out. Starting WW3 to make O feel better, is not a goal.

Remember Gaddaffi's Line of Death, his line in the sand? How'd that work out for him? If anything that should teach everyone a lesson. That's just begging someone to "cross that line".

As for repentance, I agree, it's never to late. I'd like to see O repent of his 'red line" comment, and say, "I've changed my mind, I shouldn't have said that about drawing a red line, and jeopardizing our credibility"....LOL!

Who knows how this will turn out? Only the Lord knows, but I know that I wouldn't want to be the guy who started WW3.

God bless brother, and I'll see you in the air, soon!

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