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U.S. Readies Possible Solo Action Against Syria


"The main thing was that they have no doubt that Assad's forces used chemical weapons,"
They act like if they keep repeating this often enough, people will believe it. I don't see why it means we need to go kill people in Syria anyway.

Re: U.S. Readies Possible Solo Action Against Syria

O has been behind the rebels in this war who are losing. In my mind this most likely is the reason he wants to attack Syria. O is supposed to commence a "light attack". He obviously is making a statement to Assad in doing so but not sure what he intends.

The coalition to attack has fizzled out. This makes America look weak to the Middle East. It also leaves Israel open to attack. America was feared and as an ally of Israel leaders in the Middle East knew that if they attacked Israel, America would come after them. I think now Israel is on her own.

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