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A Little Bummed

Just had interview today---a three hour one with four different people, I thought it was going very well and was actually getting excited, originally I had felt apprehension about it, but I didn't get the job over some excuse that didn't make sense nor did it make sense to the woman who got me the interview. Anyhow, I sure hope we are out of here before September 5, 2013, I'm done with this place and want to go home! I guess it wasn't God's will or I wouldn't have gotten that indicator. Maybe I should have had you guys pray, but I did pray about it, so I was feeling good, but now I'm bummed.

Re: A Little Bummed

I'm so sorry Goldenknight - I was actually wondering about you this morning. At times like this I have to remind myself that God's picture is the bigger picture. For some reason...he didn't want you to have that job. I know that doesn't help you right now but I will continue praying!!

Re: A Little Bummed

Sorry. I can relate as my husband has been out of work for over 1 year. God is providing with freelance work but he has submitted so many resumes and been on so many interviews. It bothers me so much to see him so discouraged, but I know God has a plan for him and for you as well. Praying you feel peace and know that God has already pre qualified you for the job He has for you. Hope you enjoy your weekend

Email: Gwise032@yahoo.com

Re: A Little Bummed

I'm so sorry Goldenknight - I was actually wondering about you this morning. At times like this I have to remind myself that God's picture is the bigger picture. For some reason...he didn't want you to have that job. I know that doesn't help you right now but I will continue praying!!

Thanks so much NoFearJustFaith, I still had one more person to interview before they ended it, I had water, but my throat was like, I hope this is over soon Lord---I've never done a nearly four hour interview. It sounded like from one of the interviewers that they needed someone who could read code, I did that once and produced a reasonable document. He didn't express any concern, so, I don't know, it concerned me, but I didn't think I was out of the game. So maybe after that, they made their decision--who knows, except God.

Have a blessed Labor Day!

Re: A Little Bummed

Wise gal
Sorry. I can relate as my husband has been out of work for over 1 year. God is providing with freelance work but he has submitted so many resumes and been on so many interviews. It bothers me so much to see him so discouraged, but I know God has a plan for him and for you as well. Praying you feel peace and know that God has already pre qualified you for the job He has for you. Hope you enjoy your weekend

Wise gal, thanks for the encouragement, "pre-qualified me" that works for me! Let's do this! The good thing is I have money in my checking and savings, the bad thing is I'm on Emergency UC and am taking in about 320 less per month because of the sequestration---the good things is I'm essentially out of debt, have two more car payments and I'm done, don't owe anything on my credit card and am just paying for rent and basic living expenses. Mentally, spiritually, physically tired of the unemployment, I want to be back at work and being productive. Have a blessed Labor Day!

Re: A Little Bummed

You know, Goldenknight, I am truly hoping that those interviews you have been going to and have turned down means that we are out of here by September 5th and you won't need a job in that case.

But if not, then that tells me that was not the job that the Lord wanted for you, because if it was, you would have gotten it. I say that because the Lord is very good in opening the doors for His children when He is has something special in mind for us.

If we are unfortunate enough to still be here after September 5th, I will continue to pray that the Lord opens a wonderful door for you, and will get that job that He means for you to have. (Praise the Lord that you have no credit card debt, that is a huge plus.) Nothing is impossible with God. He provides a way where there is no way. I know you must be discouaged, but remember there is always hope with God.

Re: A Little Bummed

If you need something to do until you find your job, I need help!
I couldn't pay a lot, but I think you were talking about being tired of doing nothing productive? I am trying to get my house ready to put on the market to sell and there are PLENTY of things that need to be done that I can't do!
I can offer a place for you to stay at no cost. I'm in Oklahoma if you're interested.
(I'm just an old widow-woman trying to get to her grandchildren in Texas ASAP!)
(I'm not really old, but the rest is true, Lol!)
I have no family left here to help me.

Website: Check out this video on YouTube: www.youtube.com/watch?v=QopzID7EltI&feature=youtube_gdata_player Sent from my iPhone

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