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new moon thursday 5th sept

thinking of a post at RitaNow with a "therory" of a 7 days warning began yesterday (thursday).
I like the idea, and hope so much we are soon out.
as I can see we are having a new moon on thursday 5th
But the war/attack didnt began thursday
it was a Rumor of war

Edit: thanks for your comments:)
I dont think anyone knows exactly when Rosh Hashanna falls, but it is about 7.-8. september (+/-) i guess


Re: new moon on thursday 5th september?

I have never felt this strongly about the coming of the Lord in September.I honestly believe the rapture is on Rosh Hoshanna but I think it could even happen on the 7th or 8th of September.It has to do with the new moon and when that last trumpet is blown.Keep looking up sister!

Re: new moon on thursday 5th september?

Speaking of the last trumpet...

When the 100 blasts are blown on RH, does anyone know at what point during RH those are? It is my understanding that RH starts on the eve of the 4th and ends on the 7th (I may be wrong ) so are the 100 blasts at the start, throughout RH or at the end?

Re: new moon on thursday 5th september?

Not positive, but I think those blasts are at the end, to signal the close?

Re: new moon thursday 5th sept

I think the shofar blasts are played throughout Rosh hashanah with a large blow at the end...each trumpet blow throughout the feast signifies different things.

I am so super excited!!! Less than a week away :| Could you imagine?! This really could be it! Never felt stronger.

Re: new moon thursday 5th sept

So...the last trumpet on the 7th (completion)... on Sabbath... a few months before tetrads and all the dominoes lined up in the ME...on the most watched feast for rapture...makes me nervous and giddy all at the same time!

Re: new moon thursday 5th sept

My wedding anniversary is September 5 and I would not mind being raptured to meet my beloved groom in Heaven that special day..

Does Rosh Hashanna begin on the evening of the 5th of Sept this year or the following day?

it surely would be great to be Raptured during the New Year in the Jewish Calendar.

Jesus come quickly!!!

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