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Pope Francis names new Secretary of State, AKA "Pope in Waiting"

Pope Francis names new Secretary of State, AKA "Pope in Waiting"

In regards to the Malachi prophecy (about last pope being named Peter the Roman), I found it extremely interesting this morning that Pope Francis named his new Secretary of State. He called him his "Pope in Waiting". His name is Pietro Parolin and he is from Italy.


Email: stitchincriket@cableone.net

Re: Pope Francis names new Secretary of State, AKA "Pope in Waiting"

wow that is big news... Peter the Roman!Will he be the Pope if something happens to Francis?

Re: Pope Francis names new Secretary of State, AKA "Pope in Waiting"

Wow... that really is spooky. So he's the right hand man of the Pope? And his name is Peter and he's from Italy (Roman? That can't be coincidence... I'm so excited about so many things!!! Thanks for posting stitchincricket as I'm sure many of us would not be aware. Amazing!

Re: Pope Francis names new Secretary of State, AKA "Pope in Waiting"

Im sure the antichrist is just waiting in the wings right now...will it the next EU emperor????

Re: Pope Francis names new Secretary of State, AKA "Pope in Waiting"

Just thinking. . . being the Pope, he must have a vast amount of theological knowledge, wouldn't he know that prophecy?
(I'm not being persnickety, I am asking with sincerity.)

Website: Check out this video on YouTube: www.youtube.com/watch?v=QopzID7EltI&feature=youtube_gdata_player Sent from my iPhone

Re: Pope Francis names new Secretary of State, AKA "Pope in Waiting"

Patti, I have had the same thoughts about this and many other things. Like what about all the Senators, Congressmen, politicians, etc. who have been raised in the church and might have heard growing up about even some of these prophecies, like Damascus becoming a ruinous heap, etc.? Surely some of these men have read these things in the Bible, I used to wonder about George Bush wondering about certain things too. I'm sure they've had mothers and fathers who have pointed these things out to them at some point.

The Pope, surely, must have heard about St. Malachi's prophecies... I agree.... (scratchin my head). Makes me wonder do they get the same feeling of awe that we do.

Re: Pope Francis names new Secretary of State, AKA "Pope in Waiting"

Interesting, indeed. I agree and can see what you are all saying. Then a thought nags at me. The RCC teaches "Replacement Theology". If they adhere to that theology, how can they possibly interpret any prophecy? Pope Benedict esplained his interpretation of Revelation 12. He explained (his expalnation, anyway) that the "woman" is the Church. Specifically, the RCC. We all know that the woman is Israel. I have had people of my former upbringing in the RCC tell me to be prepared to go through the Tribulation. They don't believe in the Rapture.


Re: Pope Francis names new Secretary of State, AKA "Pope in Waiting"

Correct me if I'm wrong ~~ but the RCC believes Matthew 24 (Christ's prophesies) happened in 70 AD, right? ~~~ do they really study the Book of Revelation?

Re: Pope Francis names new Secretary of State, AKA "Pope in Waiting"

There are no coincidences!

Email: victorychanter@raptureintheairnow.com

Website: raptureintheairnow.com

Re: Pope Francis names new Secretary of State, AKA "Pope in Waiting"

I'm not sure on that, Donna. I've never heard that but that doesn't mean it's not true that they believe that. I know preterists believe that. I ran into a woman who was so on fire for the Lord and something happened later. She became a preterist and believes all the prophecies were fulfilled and that we are living in the Kingdom age.
If we are living in the Kingdom age or what they (the preterists) consider the New Millenium.....then we must be in Hell?

Another "WHAAAAAAAA????" on my part.

Re: Pope Francis names new Secretary of State, AKA "Pope in Waiting"

I was raised a Catholic and so attended a lot of "Mass" back in the day and I can't recall one time when they talked about end-time prophecy. However, I was just a kid and most of the time I was distracted thinking about other things rather than listening to what the priest was saying, but I think my ears would catch "the end of the world" had it been discussed there.

I did also go to "Sunday school", and I do remember us discussing the "end of the world" at one point or another. But I think we barely touched the Book of Revelation there, if at all. I do recall hearing at that time that there would be "at least one more Pope" (John Paul II was still Pope then, if I recall correctly), the teacher was probably aware of that Popes prophecy, and that the Gospel still needed to be preached to the rest of the world, alluding to verse 14 of Matthew 24.

The feel I got from having been raised as a Catholic was basically that how we lived this life dictated whether we went to Heaven or Hell or apparently also "Purgatory", where souls who weren't "good enough" went to just be on sort of a "stand-by" thinking and repenting about the sins they did in their lives, until the final Day of Judgement came. The Day of Judgement which was always really, really far away and probably not happening until thousands and thousands of years into the future. So to weigh in on this debate, there seemed to be a focus more on how we live this life rather than the inevitable return of Jesus and the need to be prepared at all times.

You can even get this feeling now. How many times do you hear the Pope or any other Catholic representative warning about the soon return of our Lord?

Anyway, just sharing my experience. I also mean no disrespect to any Catholics here or anywhere else, including the priest and Sunday school teacher from my childhood. The Lord decided to put them in my life for some reason and according to His plan and they were actually nice people.

By the way, I mentioned having first found out about the Book of Revelation only in high school, but now that I think about it I remember having a picture book of stories of the Bible as a little kid, which included the Book of Revelation and I vaguely remember reading, although I'm not sure that it was the entire Book of Revelation and not just a sort of "to be continued" summary sort of thing. I think the book went by Catholic standards, as I remember it depicting a "Our Lady of Fátima" type of character crushing the head of the serpent at the Genesis section of the book. So I probably did find out about the Book of Revelation at some point back then that I can't remember that well, but I only investigated more into it in high school, saying that would have been more accurate.

Wow, this post was long. Sorry about that!

Re: Pope Francis names new Secretary of State, AKA "Pope in Waiting"

I agree with you BrotherJohn. That was pretty much my experience too. Matthew 24 is addressing the Jews and not the church, but being that the RCC adheres to replacement theology, they believe it was referring to the RCC and all other denominations were excluded because they were not considered part of the RCC. When I was little, they were still saying the Mass in Latin which shows you how disconnected I was when we went every Sunday. Didn't understand a lick of it except a few things that were taught to me. I know a guy who refuses to return to the RCC until they return to the Latin Mass. We were told (and this is no joke) that all who did not belong to the RCC were bound for Hell and we were to be thankful for just having to go to Purgatory. LOL..Some poor guy is down there doing time on a meat rap for eating a hot dog and forgetting it was Lent.

Re: Pope Francis names new Secretary of State, AKA "Pope in Waiting"

I was brought up Roman Catholic and attended Catholic grammer school taught by nuns. We had religion each day but it was more of learning prayers, the Our Father, Hail Mary, Acts of Contrition, how to pray the rosary and saying part of it each day in class. Then for first communion and again for confirmation a year was spent on each. Only a priest was regarded as capable to teach the bible and even then, a reading would be done and he would lecture. That is all I can say I learned. Never heard about the rapture that I know about.

Re: Pope Francis names new Secretary of State, AKA "Pope in Waiting"

Lol, Shiloh. That last line and picture made me laugh. But I was once caught up in those doctrines myself, and most believers I know in person still are as well, including family. I have prayed that the Lord will open their eyes as well. He hasn't, yet. But I trust Him and His plan.

Up until a couple months ago I had a figurine of "Our Lady of Fátima" in my bedroom that my mom had given me around a year ago, a figurine which allegedly had been "blessed" or whatever by some priest. I had also been struggling with a certain besetting sin for a long time and I had asked the Lord over and over again to deliver me from it because it was really wearing me out. As I learned more about the false Mary worship doctrine and idolatry, I felt led to take that figurine out of my room. So I did and my mom confronted me, I just said I didn't want it in my room and didn't explain why. I was really private about my faith and still am a bit, even though I have no problem admitting to it. So I asked the Lord that if He wanted me to have explained to her why I didn't want it in my room, for Him to provide another opportunity for that. The very next day my mom came to me again and asked if I still didn't want that figurine in my room and pressed me again as to why. I took it as the "other opportunity" from the Lord and so I explained it to her, but she didn't listen. It's part of the pedestal the Catholic Church's doctrine has put itself on, dragging others to deception with it. After this whole thing happened I was freed from that besetting sin I was struggling with. I would say the Lord rewarded me by freeing me from it, but I didn't do anything and most certainly not something deserving of a reward. But also I know that He is good and merciful, and I won't question His decisions or timing.

I had also at an earlier time explained to one of my "believing" friends the falsehood of some of the Catholic Church's doctrines, since she is also a Catholic or at least had been, like me. But she didn't listen either. This is why I just trust the Lord in what He has planned. I sure can't get them to listen, being the "least" in both my family and somewhat that as well in group of friends. Due to this, I found myself more often than not asking Him why he had chosen me to wake me up and prepare me for today, and not someone else of my family or group of friends. I think He has given me an answer with verse 9 of 2 Corinthians 12:

"And He said unto me, My grace is sufficient for thee: for My strength is made perfect in weakness. Most gladly therefore will I rather glory in my infirmities, that the power of Christ may rest upon me." (KJV)

Speaking of Scripture, Shiloh, you mention Matthew 24 being addressed to the Jews, and I hadn't fully realised it yet. I guess there's a lot I still need to learn about the Word. But it makes sense. Salvation was offered to the Jews first and then to the Gentiles, which I guess is also implied by the verse 14 I mentioned, speaking of the Gospel being preached around the world. But I mean, when I read the whole chapter I take into consideration some parts of it which can be applied to the Church (the Bride) as well.

Regarding the replacement theology you mention, unfortunately it is actually "a thing," yes. Israel and the Jewish people were not very popular topics in Mass. So much so that I didn't even know what the tribes of Israel were when I first read the Book of Revelation. I am letting out a 'sigh' right now thinking about how serious the deception and false teachings are.

Rieom, no rapture in my childhood Church either.

Re: Pope Francis names new Secretary of State, AKA "Pope in Waiting"

BrotherJohn, I completely understand what you are saying about idolatry and "Our Lady of Fatima" statue. I used to have one that was given to me by my grandmother and it was a music box with a litttle jewely drawer at the foot. She used to make me play that every night. I secretly got rid of it after years and we had every "Saint" statue known to man around our house. We had to pray to them too. All I ever heard was, "Pray to the Blessed Virgin", "pray to Saint so and so"...
One time, I lost something and was looking all over for it and was told to pray to Saint Francis..."Dear Saint Francis, please come around. There is something that's missing that needs to be found." Remember that one? It worked too! You know why? After repeating that continually while searching frantically for a long time, it was me who found it...lololol...and NOT Saint Francis.

Re: Pope Francis names new Secretary of State, AKA "Pope in Waiting"

I can't say I remember that one, especially since it's in English, but... Lol! If you had sat there waiting for Saint Francis to come looking for it you never would have found it, that's for sure.

Re: Pope Francis names new Secretary of State, AKA "Pope in Waiting"

I asked my catholic step son why he doesn't read the Book of Revelation: His reply was because it's symbolic, not meant to be understood" . .

Hmmmmm ~~ I guess the Almighty God Who knows everything wrote to Himself on that one . .

Re: Pope Francis names new Secretary of State, AKA "Pope in Waiting"

LOL! Yeah, Donna. That's true they believe it's all symbolic and that only the pope can interpret it. You should have see me trying to discuss the Rapture with my older cousin, who at one time was going to be a priest. He patted me on the head and told me "that's all sensationalism"...I quietly snuck off to the bathroom to scream.

Re: Pope Francis names new Secretary of State, AKA "Pope in Waiting"

Well, I just about don't know what else to do, except truly just pray and trust the Lord.

I had another discussion with my mom today regarding the false doctrines of the Catholic Church, due to there being this Sunday one of those family get togethers due to one of those town celebrations in "honor" of a certain Saint or Our Lady of Something. I tell her what the Bible says about all of it and ask her where in the Bible it tells us to do what those false doctrines say, but she doesn't listen and to support the Mary worship always mentions this part of John 19:27:

"Then saith He to the disciple, Behold thy mother!" (KJV)

and then she says that John represents the whole Church and for this we are all supposed to take it as Jesus telling us that Mary is also our mother.

"When Jesus therefore saw His mother, and the disciple standing by, whom He loved, He saith unto His mother, Woman, behold thy son!

Then saith He to the disciple, Behold thy mother! And from that hour that disciple took her unto his own home." John 19:26-27 (KJV)

The way I am led to understand verses 26 and 27 is that Jesus saw that they were both grieving and so gave Mary as a mother to John, because He loved them both and didn't want them to grieve Him. It even says that from that hour John took her into his own home (as a very personal thing), not that therefore everyone should start regarding Mary as their mother. I am interested in knowing your opinion on these verses.

Then a few moments after I basically gave up on trying to explain to her since it wasn't going anywhere, she came to me with an article showing the destruction of Haiti where everything was basically torn down except a statue of "Our Lady." I told her I didn't want to see any of it and so she left.

You know, I start thinking about these things and there's that little voice that tells me "What if...?", but it doesn't make sense. Why would Mary worship not be taught in Scriptures if that was the case for us to do? Why would the Lord even have led me and even us here to where we are now if it wasn't the case?

How has the deception gotten so wide that even believers don't want to go by what the Bible says, even if it says otherwise or doesn't say it at all, but choose to go by what man-made "tradition" has come to, and even interpretations of alleged "holy priests"?

I'm like... What is this?

These "celebrations" mean nothing to me, but sadly, I should go to that on Sunday or my family will think I'm being antisocial. I hope the Lord comes for us before then, as I really don't want to take part in such things. I trust the Lord in that He knows what He is doing, even if it doesn't make sense to me at the moment. It breaks my heart to see my family trapped in this deception, but apparently all I can do now is pray and trust the Lord. Will you mention my family in your prayer, please? And me as well, that the Lord may lead me in the right direction always?

Thank you and may the Lord bless you.

Re: Pope Francis names new Secretary of State, AKA "Pope in Waiting"

For those of you who were raised RC:

The End Times weren't discussed in the Presbyterian church I attended in high school in Connecticut, either. However, interestingly one Sunday the high school choir sang "When the Roll Is Called Up Yonder" (which we really enjoyed, especially the boys who decided to "ham it up"). At the moment I can't remember the other two "old-fashioned" hymns we sang that Sunday, but one might have alluded to the Rapture? [I always wondered why those hymns were selected. Had some church member complained that the really old hymns should be sung? Or maybe that the senior minister was too liberal? Was it the choir leader's choice, or the senior minister's -- or maybe the much-put-upon assistant minister?]

I don't remember what the teachers told us in the 6-months' class I attended in 8th grade in California, to join that Presbyterian church (which was considerably more Christian than the one in Connecticut). We read most of the Bible, including probably all of Revelation, but I have no idea what the teachers said about it.

I think most of my early learning about the End Times came from reading the Bible on my own (Late, Great Planet Earth was published when I was in college). I always tell the story about attending my mom's Bible study during school vacations. The first time would have been in 3rd grade (I remember having borrowed my mother's smaller KJV, and at the end of 3rd grade the church gave us all RSV's). They were studying Daniel 7, and I was mystified by that "a time, times, and half a time" -- and extremely impressed that it turned out to mean 3 1/2! So I had an early introduction -- of sorts -- to the End Times.

Recently I've been remembering that somewhere along the line -- probably when I was in high school -- I was wondering about when the End Times would come, and I'd decided that when mankind was able to create life, the Lord would have to intervene.

And here we are!

Re: Pope Francis names new Secretary of State, AKA "Pope in Waiting"

Good testimony of your learning history, Perian! It's so awesome how the Lord prepared us for now over the course of our lives in a variety of ways.

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