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A watershed event in US-Israeli military relations

Monday, Sept. 9, in the wake of the soft soap pouring out of Jerusalem, senior IDF circles were concerned by the unrealistic mood of the country on the eve of the New Year festival as though Israel and the US were fully coordinated on Syria and Hizballah and the danger of Syria repeating its chemical attack – this time on Israel – could be discounted.
The officers explained that the former close cooperation between US and Israel military chiefs was no longer a factor.
“It should be understood,” said a high-ranking source, “that the brakes applied suddenly Saturday night on a ready-to-go US strike against Syria was a watershed event in US-Israeli military relations and a game-changer for the Middle East at large”
President Obama’s shock action, at the very moment that four regional armies of Israel, Jordan, Saudi Arabia and Turkey, were all at peak tension for the attack to begin, will leave a lasting scar on the region for years to come. The finger was about to pull the trigger when it was yanked off.”

Fair use for educational and discussion purposes
Much more at http://www.debka.com/article/23249/Damascus-Hizballah-jack-up-threats-on-Israel-in-absence-of-Obama-Netanyahu-coordination-on-Syria

Email: TxThom@Raptureintheairnow.com

Re: A watershed event in US-Israeli military relations

Is this saying that the IDF would rather have the U.S. make a meaningless gesture and fire off some missiles to "send a message," which would only escalate the conflict? If so, I do not understand that position.

Re: A watershed event in US-Israeli military relations

I believe Israel wanted the U.S. to take the lead and to calm the storm so they didn't have to be seen as the bad guys once again in the Middle East. They are in a difficult place to be. Israel isn't going to sit idly by as these chemical weapons get aimed at them. If the US would've led quickly and decisively when it was known where the weapon storage locations were , there was a chance of de-escalation for the whole Middle East....specifically Israel. Whether or not true, they believe this from their perspective. Now they feel the U.S. has let them down and they'll have to police the neighborhood alone when they hoped to have a partner to work with. Now Assad and pals have been given time to move these weapons to unknown locations and the Pres has given them the whole blueprint and delayed time to move positions and strengthen their defenses. I've also heard that Assad is using human hostages at these sites which is against international law but who is going to stop him? Prisoners were to be used. Who are Assad's prisoners? Christians. Activists trying to stop evil. Probably women and children, too. These aren't hardened criminals doing time as we tend to think of prisoners who've been proven guity .

But the Pres may have some surprise yet up his sleeve. Only time will tell. Some questioned his speech wondering if Israel was behind it. Desiring to work with the U.S. but not obviously so.

I agree David it would only escalate things. We're looking at pretty desperate people cornered by rats looking for ways to escape what's coming, I fear. Their perspectives will differ due to their circumstances. But they do know their God will give them victory. They may feel we have abandoned them but He hasn't and in the end they'll be better with God's hand of protection over them. Definitely our God is turning His focus back to His people now--another sign the days of the Church on earth are limited now.

Syria's Islamic neighbors also feel threatened with the chemical weapons so readily available under a madman's directives. Some believe he could turn these weapons on Jordan next.

Email: victorychanter@raptureintheairnow.com

Website: Rapture In the Air Now

Re: A watershed event in US-Israeli military relations

David, the main point I got from the article was that usually the US and Israel defense departments coordinate middle east activities carefully to avoid stepping on one another's toes or leaving the other in the lurch. And O left Israel in the lurch this time. It's never reassuring to hear about your national security issues on the television.

VC, as I understand it the chemicals are being kept in subterranean concrete bunkers under the warehouse buildings. They are safe from cruise missiles, although not bunker busters. The problem is that hitting them with bombs will mix the chemicals (all the chemicals, of all types of weapons - how's that for a nasty cocktail?) and disperse them erratically. Apparently we did that to one of Saddam's warehouses in Desert Storm and it's still not safe to go there because of various levels of contamination. At least with radiation you can use meters and have some time limits of exposure.

Bottom line is that safely disposing of chemical weapons is delicate, time consuming and expensive. Which is why were were helping Russia get rid of all their old, rusting stockpiles. If we could separate them out before they were processed, it would be a whole lot safer, but that requires boots on the ground. That's why no one is really talking about hitting the chemical weapons themselves.

Mind you, a nuclear device might work both for bunker busting as well as burning up. Or it might just contaminate a huge area. I don't think anyone's actually tested that scenario. Although here's one of us popping a nuke over our own people's heads 55 years ago.


Email: TxThom@Raptureintheairnow.com

Re: A watershed event in US-Israeli military relations

September 9th?

I think Obama hates Israel.

Re: A watershed event in US-Israeli military relations

As frustrating as this is, I'm wondering if this is exactly where God wants Israel. On her own.

Re: A watershed event in US-Israeli military relations

I think so too, Shiloh. God will be protecting Israel this time.

It just saddens me to see us do this to Israel. By turning our backs on them to leave them standing alone, really leaves us standing alone. It defines us and dooms us. It's like abandoning God.

That's interesting Thom. Now Iran and Russia want to be the custodians of the chemical weapons. How comforting. Maybe it would be better for now but in the long run???

I'm not so sure Servant about O's feelings towards Israel. He cloaks his feelings well and could be deceiving us a bit as to his real feelings. Just now is the breaking news of a joint missle test with Israel in the Mediterranean. He could also lure Israel in who so badly needs a friend now. He needs to keep his options open pleasing both sides for now. Later, will be the real test.

Email: victorychanter@raptureintheairnow.com

Website: Rapture In the Air Now

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