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Doubting God

When doing strenuous exercise it is wise to keep your head above your heart so that your brain is getting plenty of oxygen-rich blood flow. I find that principle applies to many other areas of life as well. If we make major decisions primarily guided by our hearts instead of our minds, we may act unwisely.

One exception to this rule is when we talk about faith. The moment I begin to contemplate some of the stories, promises and principles in the Bible from a strictly cerebral perspective doubt begins to creep in. Think about it: water turning into wine, multitudes being fed by a few loaves of bread and a couple of lousy fish, a sea parting so that people can cross without learning the backstroke, little guys killing giants, dead people coming back to life...come on! Sounds like something from a Tolkein novel.

Fortunately God knows of my over-thinking, doubting nature (just as He did of Thomas) and loves me in spite of it. When my mind begins to wander down the path of doubt all it usually takes is to steer my mind toward the opposite. Can I believe Jesus was a liar? Could God not be real or faithful? Is there no plan for my life...everyone's life? When I die is that the end?

Well, when you put it that way the answer is a resounding NO! I simply do not believe we are in the world alone to fend for ourselves and turn into dust at the end. I've experienced too many spectacular, undeniable encounters with my God to stop believing. It has to be one or the other; I either believe or I don't and the answer becomes clear (once again) that I DO. “Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding,” instructs Proverbs 3:5.

But why is my faith so weak? I'd like to think it's because my mind's so strong, but that's obviously not it. I simply fall into the "What have you done for me lately" camp. I need to be reminded frequently that God is always with me but that I often forget to do my part; seek His face. I go on about my busy life, and then suddenly need comfort, peace, protection or rest and wonder why I'm not getting it.

Matthew 14:31 says, “…You of little faith, why do you doubt?” Even though He’s proven Himself to me time and again, I’m right there in the boat with those thick-headed disciples. My dwindling faith amazes even me sometimes.

Faith needs to be exercised and nurtured in order to gain strength. The sustenance for faith comes in the good times and the busy times, not just in the needy and desperate times.

If you start to doubt God’s love, promises, faithfulness, or even His very existence, try imagining how it would feel to stand firmly claiming those things are false. Can’t do it, can you? So get off the doubting road and get back to the path of believing, then stay put. Time to change up and keep your heart (and spirit) above your head. You may not always be able to see what He’s done for you lately, but what He did once and for all is the undeniable foundation to build lasting faith on.
Email Devotional By Diane Markins

Fair Use for informational or educational purposes

Re: Doubting God

I praise the Lord that He led you to share this here, RitaMay. We are being tried in every way more and more these days, and I needed to read this and be reminded of its message.

Re: Doubting God

Praise the Lord, RitaMay! Yes, we must remember Who God is and that nothing is impossible for Him.

The Holy Spirit once revealed to me something that quieted my doubt. If I believe Christ is God in flesh, then I must look to Him for guidance. In His life, He absolutely believed in the Scriptures (John 17:17). He validated the prophets (He claimed Isaiah's prophecy had been fulfilled in their hearing (Matthew 13:14). He validated the Patriarchs, as He spoke of Abraham, Isaac, Jacob (Matthew 22), Moses (Matthew 8:4, Matthew 19:8, Mark 10:3, and Luke 16:31), Noah & Lot (Matt. 24, Luke 17), and King David (Matt. 12, Matt. 22).

The amazing thing here is that because He validated Isaiah's prophecies, Isaiah ALSO validated the above Patriarchs! So that's a double validation.

I blogged about it back in April if you're interested:


**Fair use and educational purposes**


Email: rebeccagoings@gmail.com

Website: yahwehishisname.blogspot.com

Re: Doubting God

I'm so happy it was helpful to you BrotherJohn. BTW that's my brothers name John. Now I have two brother John's.

Re: Doubting God

I just read your blog Becka thanks for sharing. It validated so many story's in the old testament that are considered by many fairy story's. No, all God's word is true from beginning to end.

Re: Doubting God

Thanks for sharing,sister.

Re: Doubting God

Dear Rita May,

I loved your post today, it was so uplifting and inspiring and yes, we need to exercise our faith even when things are not going as we wish. God is with us always and we need to trust in him every day in good times and bad.

God bless you,


Re: Doubting God

Re: Doubting God

Amen Angel Wings, and while we wait we praise and worship Him. Love your pictures Sis thanks for sharing them!

The Book of Remembrance

Then those who feared the Lord spoke to one another, and the Lord gave attention and heard it, and a book of remembrance was written before Him for those who fear the Lord and who esteem His name.

Re: Doubting God

Beautifully written and well said, Rita May. I believe you speak for many of us, even if we don;t want to admit it. Yet, the proof of God is so overwhelming.
When I think of those biblical accounts that you mentioned, I think..."I can't imagine..." But would we have been any different if we had been living in those days? I wonder how people could have doubted and it seems impossible to me, but they did.
On the other hand, I can look at something so simple in nature and I KNOW there is a God...the One true God who sent HIS only Son for us, who is Creator of all living things. I can look at a butterfly and it'll lead my thoughts to God. Look at how intricate it is... its wings, its flight, its patterns and its delicate nature. I can look at a plant or flower and it's the same thing. Look at how God has equiped ALL of HIS creation. This to me, is proof of God's existance. Look at the billions of stars, the sun and moon.
I think Satan tries desperately to make us doubt. But everytime that thought has tried to creep in, God always showed me that HE is the great, "I AM".

Re: Doubting God

To my dear Rita,
Love you sis....


Re: Doubting God

Thank you Shiloh my Sister, for you input. When you mentioned some of God's wonderful creation like the butterfly, it makes one think how can there be any doubt... I also think of the bumble bee it is impossible for it to fly, it's wings should not hold it up according to the scientist yet it fly's.

How great is our God! Looking forward to our meeting face to face Sis.

Re: Doubting God

Just love the song Angel wings dear Sis, thank you so much. Big Hugs and good night.

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