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We're going to be classified as mentally ill because of our faith


What really concerns me is this

...Rush argues that the health care reform law will be the mechanism that will enable Obama to begin targeting Christians for persecution.

"For educational and discussion purposes only"

Get ready everyone and stay strong in the Lord. We are about to be labled mentally ill because of our faith. And it has something to do with this new healthcare.

Sorry,I don't know what went wrong with the link. :/

Re: We're going to be classified as mentally ill because of our faith


There you go! You missed a ] between the "l" and "h" at the beginning of the link.

Thank you for sharing this piece of news. Sadly, this doesn't surprise me. A long while ago someone on my Facebook list shared an article saying something like people's "religiousness" would one day be able to be cured as a mental illness.

The state this world is in doesn't help either.

Even my friends, since I started opening myself to them regarding my change on life because of the Lord waking me up, I'm pretty sure they now think I've gone or am going crazy. One of them even told me I was being too "radical."
I don't care about it, as the Lord means everything to me now and I wouldn't have it any other way, but it still saddens me a little.

Re: We're going to be classified as mentally ill because of our faith

Time for new friends, Brother John.

Website: Check out this video on YouTube: www.youtube.com/watch?v=QopzID7EltI&feature=youtube_gdata_player Sent from my iPhone

Re: We're going to be classified as mentally ill because of our faith

I just keep getting more "ill" all the time!!

Re: We're going to be classified as mentally ill because of our faith

That's okay, Brother John. We can all be in the same facility in our straight jackets and padded cells.
Don't feel bad. I remember someone posted a youtube video where "O" (he was in his first term) was reading scripture, basically mocking scripture and was quoting lines from Jesus and he claimed how "radical" what Jesus said was. So, you're in good company.

Re: We're going to be classified as mentally ill because of our faith

Then I guess Im just a Looney Tune then!:)))

Re: We're going to be classified as mentally ill because of our faith

Who wants to make the t-shirts "Love sick for Jesus"?

Re: We're going to be classified as mentally ill because of our faith

I'll get the white T-shirts for everyone.

Re: We're going to be classified as mentally ill because of our faith

Lol, Roses!

Yeah, Shiloh, I remember that speech. The Lord is there for us, and that's what keeps me going. Everyone here, as well, has been such a great help to me with their posts and experiences.

Well, I'm not going to stop talking to them just because they don't agree, but I'm definitely not going to choose the things of this life over the Lord, either. The Lord made me see what is truly important and true and He has been there for me all along, even when I didn't pay attention.

It's such a wonderful thing, look up, everyone! We will hopefully be Home soon.

Re: We're going to be classified as mentally ill because of our faith

and unbelieveable is that the Muslims in all their antics are NOT classified as mentally ill , beating women to death , placing children's arms under car wheels if they steal when hungry , burning churches to the ground with Christians in them , beheading people even children over and over again all over the world , hating homosexuals and stoning them to death .
oh yes ...but they are POLITICALLY CORRECT .....Christians are not !

Email: bonniebell81@hotmail.com

Re: We're going to be classified as mentally ill because of our faith

Christians have already been labeled extremists and terrorists.

Email: victorychanter@raptureintheairnow.com

Website: Rapture In the Air Now

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