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Transcript of Pastor JD Farag’s Sept. 1, 2013 Mid-East Prophecy Update

JD Farag’s Mid-East Prophecy Update
Sunday, September 1, 2013
Calvary Chapel Kaneohe, Hawaii

[This is the word-for-word transcript (the looong version). I post these as soon as they’re ready, which is generally Monday night.]

[The Prophecy Update begins in the middle of a sentence.]

... we’re going to forego the Prophecy Update and go right into Romans! **laughs** Like that’s ever going to happen.

We’re going to talk today about where this situation in Syria appears to be heading, and perhaps more importantly, why it really matters to us where it seems to be heading.

In order to do that, I’m going to briefly fill in some of the blanks, starting with what we looked at on Thursday night, which we took some time to talk -- actually, we took the whole time Thursday night to talk about this. But I want to sort of bring us up to speed, because everything is moving so very quickly, so much so that when we go home today after church, there will likely be even new developments.

I suppose you could say that what’s happening in Syria right now -- namely Damascus, the capital of Syria, is sort of minute-by-minute. It’s that volatile; it’s moving that quickly. There’s so much at play by way of the prophetic implications and ramifications. And as such, I think we should take just a little bit of time to sort through it so as to have a better understanding of it, especially on the heels of Secretary of State John Kerry’s unprecedented speech on Friday, matched only by the President’s astonishing backtrack speech on Saturday.

It seems that something happened between Friday and Saturday, because the Secretary of State would have us to believe that this was a call to arms, this was a declaration of war, we were ready to pull the trigger, as it were. And then, the much-awaited statement from the President on Saturday morning, as the whole world was watching, thinking that it was going to be a formal declaration of the launching of some kind of an attack, was met -- much to the consternation of some (chief of which would be Israel) and much to the delight of Iran, who is watching all of this, and the other Arab nations (the Muslim nations: Iran is not Arab; they’re Persian).

But the whole world was watching, and what they heard the President of the United States say was that he is not in any hurry now, and he wants to actually seek Congressional approval.

I hope that you’re not that naïve to believe that that was the reason for wanting to kind of catch our breath, so to speak, before launching some kind of a strike.

Let’s go back to Thursday. I want us to have a better grasp of how we got to Friday’s Kerry’s speech, Saturday’s Obama speech, and then today, Sunday morning (which really in the Middle East it’s already p.m. on Sunday night: they’re twelve hours ahead there, particularly in Israel).

For the most part the wheels were set in motion on Thursday when the U.S. sent what ends up being a total of five warships offshore Syria. The fifth was to replace one of the four that were already there, but once it got there they made the decision to keep all five of them there.

Now here’s the problem with this. First of all, it’s a unilateral deployment, in the sense that the President of the United States was embarrassingly snubbed when ... the Prime Minister in the UK received a No vote, and so no military action in Syria. France is kind of going back and forth and not really committing to any kind of military involvement. They’re vocalizing support, but that’s where it stops. So this deployment is riddled with problems, chief of which is that it’s done unilaterally.

And here’s the other problem: this message that we’re sending -- sort of; maybe (it’s like a definite maybe; anyway, I’ll let you think about that one). It’s the message of “We’re going to launch -- well, some kind of an attack. We don’t know when, but we just know that at some point, based on the intelligence--“

What intelligence? That’s kind of an oxymoron because the intelligence from the UN inspectors that left Saturday morning, local time there in Syria-- What I find remarkable about this so-called “intelligence” is that the UN inspectors were there not to try to figure out who launched the chemical weapons, they were there to make the determination that indeed chemical weapons had been launched.

Really? Really?

Listen, this isn’t the first time chemical weapons have been used in Syria. And so we deployed these ships unilaterally based on what is arguably at best sketchy intelligence. At worst, it’s propaganda intelligence, if I can say it that way.

Re: Transcript of Pastor JD Farag’s Sept. 1, 2013 Mid-East Prophecy Update

So we’re moving in and we’re threatening to launch an attack. Think about what Jesus said in Matthrew 24 as one of the markers for the Last Days: “There will be wars and rumors of wars.” That word for “rumors” could also be understood as and translated as, “threats of war.” Not only will there be wars -- civil wars (Egypt, Syria, et al) -- but there will be the threats of wars as well.

So we’re threatening to launch an attack. And we really don’t know who actually launched the chemical weapons attack. See, the problem is we’re going in to support the, quote/unquote, “rebel forces.” Do you know who the rebel forces are?

These are not freedom fighters: this is Al Qaeda, this is the Muslim Brotherhood. These are the Islamists that are seeking to remove Bashar Assad. Why? Because they want to establish this Islamic Caliphate there in Syria.

Why do you think Russia and Iran are threatening anyone who tries to do this regime change -- which the United States, by the way, is swearing up and down that they have no interest in a regime change? Well, then why do we have five warships there?

And by the way, why is it that we don’t want a regime change in Syria, but we were all for a regime change in Libya? And Egypt? Again, this is to me propaganda.

See, Putin in Russia and the Ayatollah in Iran want to keep Assad in place because from the north it is a catalyst by which they can launch their attack, as prophesied in Ezekiel 38. But that doesn’t seem to matter.

Let’s go back to Thursday and this Associated Press article with the headline reading, “AP Sources: Intelligence on Weapons No ‘Slam Dunk.’”

[The August 29th article can be found here:

http://abcnews.go.com/Politics/wireStory/ap-sources-intelligence-weapons-slam-dunk-20102965 ]

They don’t want to use the word ‘slam dunk,’ because it’s got ‘Iraq’ written all over it, and they’re going to great lengths to try to disenfranchise themselves from what then-President George Bush did concerning -- **air quotes** -- weapons of mass destruction in Iraq.

Do you know why, by the way, they did not find any chemical weapons in Iraq when we went into Iraq?

Because: Saddam Hussein, chummy with Assad then, under the guise of humanitarian aid, got all of his weapons of mass destruction, all of the chemical weapons, out of Iraq and into Syria. **pauses, then shrugs**

I’m just going to let you do your own research. I mean, this is common knowledge. And please, I know that many would accuse me of being a conspiracy wack, but doesn’t it kind of make sense? Where did they get these weapons? Well, Assad got them from his buddy Hussein -- Saddam Hussein -- in Iraq.

Let me read you a couple of interesting excerpts that would dispute that it was the Assad regime that used these chemical weapons. Listen:

“The intelligence linking Syrian President Bashar Assad or his inner circle to an alleged chemical weapons attack is no ‘slam dunk,’ with questions remaining about who actually controls some of Syria's chemical weapons stores and doubts about whether Assad himself ordered the strike, U.S. intelligence officials say.”

Listen, I’ve just about had it with the “experts” on both Fox and CNN who are stating emphatically that it was Assad. Here’s the problem: what would be his motivation? Do you realize -- to quote one, quote/unquote, “expert” -- Assad was “kicking their tails.”

A revised quote, more pastoral in nature -- **in a slightly more moderate tone of voice** -- “He was kicking their tails.”

Kicking whose tails?

Al Qaeda. The so-called “rebel forces.”

Re: Transcript of Pastor JD Farag’s Sept. 1, 2013 Mid-East Prophecy Update

So who has the motivation to use chemical weapons?

The “rebel forces.” Because they know that when they do, all of the world’s fingers will be pointed at Assad, whom they want to remove. I mean, it just forensically makes sense.

So here’s another thing: back in May? This isn’t the first time, by the way, that chemical weapons were used in Syria. The reason why we’re so in an uproar now -- the international community -- is because of the scope of the use this time, and the number of deaths resulting from it, this time.

Listen to this, though: there was an AP report when chemicals were used back in May: not a ‘slam dunk,’ either. Washington Times on May 6th, the headline reading:

“Syrian rebels used Sarin nerve gas, not Assad’s regime: U.N. official.”

[The May 6, 2013, article can be found here:

http://www.washingtontimes.com/news/2013/may/6/syrian-rebels-used-sarin-nerve-gas-not-assads-regi/ ]

So if that’s true, then what in the world would have made that big of a change in the dynamics from May to August? I mean, just logically and practically and forensically, again: wouldn’t it make sense that if they used them in May -- and it was apparently then a foregone conclusion! -- that it would also be them using these chemical weapons in August?

Let me read you a part of this article:

“Testimony from victims” -- that’s pretty reliable -- “Testimony from victims strongly suggests it was the rebels, not the Syrian government, that used Sarin nerve gas.”

The article goes on to say: “there were, quote, ‘strong, concrete suspicions but not yet incontrovertible proof,’ that rebels seeking to oust Syrian strongman Bashar al-Assad had used the nerve agent.”

So now, here we go. We move in -- but not for regime change, not to launch a full military attack, not to put boots on the ground, just to ... fire a warning shot. Don’t ... don’t do that! Bad boy! Bad ... bad Syria! Bad whoever did that!

That’s the plan. Now listen to what is the response now, as it relates to our deployment of these warships.

And this is another problem with us -- the United States -- unilaterally doing it. Are we that obtuse that we don’t know that us doing anything, whether it’s just a warning shot or not-- Are we that obtuse that we don’t realize that it will result in an attack on Israel -- and/or the United States?

Make no mistake about it, the Muslim Brotherhood, Al Qaeda: they all march to the same demonic drum. They are chomping at the bit, waiting for any reason to attack Israel.

Here’s this Jerusalem Post article with the title “Hezbollah: If Assad is threatened, we will hit Israel.”

[The August 29th article can be found here:

http://www.jpost.com/Middle-East/Hezbollah-If-Assad-is-threatened-we-will-hit-Israel-324612 ]

Notice it’s not “if he’s attacked” -- no, that ‘s the next article I want to share with you. But no, if he’s just threatened, we will hit Israel! We’ll look for any reas-- You know: if you come over here and just sneeze, we’re close in proximity to the button to launch those Tomahawk missiles; we’re just going to attack Israel!

That’s basically what they’re saying. Listen to what the report said:

“Hezbollah said it would fire rockets at Israel if the West attacks Syria in an attempt to topple Syrian President Bashar Assad.”

Wait a minute! I thought we made it very clear in no uncertain terms that we’re not interested in regime change! Well, apparently they didn’t get that memo. Or maybe we didn’t get the right memo, that that’s really this is about, true to form, heretofore.

“Prime Minister Wael al-Halqi on Wednesday warned against foreign military action against his country, asserting that Syria would become a ‘graveyard of invaders,’ AFP reported.

“Halqi accused Western powers of creating” -- listen! -- “pretexts to attack the regime in Damascus, adding that Syria would ‘surprise the aggressors as it surprised them in’ the Yom Kippur War in 1973, when Arab states launched a surprise attack on Israel.”

Absent from this threat -- which I believe they have every intention of making good on -- is how that they were defeated demonstrably -- **laughs** -- in that ’73 Yom Kippur war and attack. Every time Israel has been attacked -- and they always attack on their feast days, their holy days (talk about that more in a moment)-- Every time Israel is attacked, whether it’s Syria in the Golan Heights, or Egypt-- Any time they’re attacked, they just get more land ... back: it was theirs to begin with.

So go ahead and bring up that particular surprise attack back in 1973 -- when Israel prevailed! And by the way, Israel will prevail ... when -- not if -- you attack again.

Re: Transcript of Pastor JD Farag’s Sept. 1, 2013 Mid-East Prophecy Update

Now this threat was echoed in this report, which was also on Thursday. And this one was from Ynetnews, an Israeli news agency, and the headline read:

“Top Syrian official: Tel Aviv will be hit if Damascus attacked.”

In other words, if you threaten them, we’re going to attack. If you hit Damascus, we’re going to attack. If you have a bad hair day concerning Damascus, we’re going to attack.

[The August 29th article can be found here:

http://www.ynetnews.com/articles/0,7340,L-4423026,00.html ]

Here’s what they said:

"‘If Syria is attacked, Israel will also be set on fire and such an attack will, in turn’” -- listen to this and hang on to this -- “‘in turn, engage Syria's neighbors.’” Hang on to that for a second.

“The source also warned ... ‘a US attack on Syria will herald frequent strikes and attacks on Israel, not just by Damascus and its allies in retaliation, but by extremist groups who will find a ground for staging their aspirations.’"

Okay: what does Israel have to say about this? Apparently all these threats and-- **gives the congregation a knowing look** They’re not sitting idly by....

This was a Israel Hayom report; it was on Friday. The headline:

“Israel sends stern warning to Assad through Russian intermediaries.”

[The August 30th article can be found here:

http://www.israelhayom.com/site/newsletter_article.php?id=11671 ]

Listen to an excerpt from this one:

“Israel issues warning through various intermediaries saying that any attempt to hurt Israel as a retaliation for a U.S. attack--”

We’re not even attacking you; the United States is attacking you. So -- oh,it doesn’t matter: so we’re still going to threaten and attack Israel if the U.S. attacks.

Really? How does -- anyway.

“... retaliation for a U.S. attack would result in a strike on Damascus and the toppling of the Assad regime.” They keep bringing up this regime change. There must be some merit to it.

“Those in the tourism industry say such a decision” -- speaking of the deployment of Iron Dome batteries to different locations throughout Israel -- “might scare many vacationers planning to visit the Red Sea resort during the High Holy Days in September.”

What? They have a Holy Day coming up?

Yes, they do.

They have one of the feast celebrations coming up?

Yes, they do.

Which one is it?

Oh, it just so happens to be Rosh HaShanah, aka the Feast of Trumpets. Interesting! What a coincidence, the timing: how that all kind of works. Ah -- they like to attack Israel during -- because that’s when they’re the most vulnerable, is when they’re celebrating their feasts, their holy days. And it’s coming up this week. So it’ll be interesting to watch and see what happens.

Okay: perhaps you’ll indulge me for just a moment. We’re going to turn a corner and look at what I believe is the bigger issue with respect to where all this is heading.

**has a coughing attack and stops to take a cough drop** Someone at the conference last week gave me a cold. And I don’t know who they are -- but the Lord knows who they are -- **congregation laughs** -- and I will pray for them. Not in the way you might think.

Here’s what I’m thinking: any strike on Syria, whether it’s a U.S. shot across the bow -- also referred to as a “pinprick” attack -- or a preemptive Israeli strike -- which is on the table, by the way -- could very well and very likely engage. And -- this is where I wanted you to hang on to it -- it will engage ... the neighbors. The neighboring people.

This now presupposes -- and please listen to this -- this presupposes that they, unlike us, will make good on their threats. And you have to understand that in the Middle East they make good on their threats. They back them up. There's a cultural component to that too, by the way, especially when it comes to the Arab people.

So presupposing that they make good on their threats, it would, I think, stand to reason that the prophecy in Psalm 83, which is a description listing the neighbors that they’re threatening would be engaged in an attack on Israel: that’s Psalm 83!

It’s also Zechariah 12, the surrounding people. If you look at the original language of the Hebrew in Zechariah 12, the word there that’s used in the Hebrew -- it’s also the same in my native tongue of Arabic -- it carries with it the idea of not just those people that are close in proximity geographically, but it’s those people who are close in proximity genetically too. And that would describe all of those that are now surrounding Israel, against Israel, at the ready to attack Israel.

Re: Transcript of Pastor JD Farag’s Sept. 1, 2013 Mid-East Prophecy Update

[Graphic: the familiar rectangular jigsaw puzzle known as the Prophecy Puzzle is displayed. The three interlocking pieces on the top row are labelled Isaiah 17, Psalm 83, and Zechariah 12. The three interlocking pieces on the bottom row are labelled Isaiah 19, Daniel 9:27/Revelation 13 (together), and Ezekiel 38. The two corner pieces on the left side are linked together; so are the two corner pieces on the right side; the two pieces in the middle are not linked.

In the diagram below, the horizontal or vertical equals signs (==) show where the puzzle pieces are linked.]

Isaiah 17 == Psalms 83 == Zechariah 12
. . . ll . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ll
Isaiah 19 == Daniel 9:27. . . . . . . ll
. . . . . . . . . . Revelation 13 == Ezekiel 38

Now I put this back up, but I want to hasten to say this: that whenever we talk about our Prophecy Puzzle, please, please, please--

**while the Prophecy Puzzle is on the screen, apparently someone brings Pastor JD a glass of water for his cough** Oh, thank you, Woody, so much. That’s great. Now I’m going to have to go to the bathroom in between-- Thank you, that’s a--

**indistinct sounds of another voice, with laughter from the congregation**

“Bring a bucket” -- thank you,Woody, that’s really kind of you. Thank you! Wow; wow.

Please, whenever we talk about this Prophecy Puzzle, I cannot overstate this enough: it is only one plausible scenario. Okay? I am in no way saying, Hey: I’ve got it all figured out, okay? This is how it’s going to go down, this is when it’s going to go down I am absolutely not saying that.

What I am saying is, This is a plausible scenario; this is a possibility as to the prophecies and how they fit together and are coming together, and when they could, perhaps, be fulfilled even together.

I have always held to the belief that Isaiah 17, the prophecy concerning Syria -- Damascus becoming a ruinous heap -- uninhabitable -- is on the cusp of being fulfilled.

Do you realize that the uprising in Syria has been going on for two and a half years? Two and a half years. Something’s got to give! And I still believe that Isaiah 17 has the propensity to be the trigger for all Hell to break loose, and setting in motion these other prophecies.

To quote the threat by Hezbollah and all of the others: It will be that which would trigger the engagement of the surrounding neighbors. That brings Psalm 83 and Zechariah 12 -- and don’t forget that Isaiah 19, the prophecy concerning Egypt, has been also being fulfilled in real time, ever since the Arab Spring in Cairo back in 2011: again, two and a half years.

And we’re watching Isaiah 19 and Isaiah 17 -- in part or whole -- begin to come to pass simultaneously! Simultaneously.

Now the reason I say that is because Israel will prevail. That’s what my Bible says. God has an everlasting covenant with Israel.

And God is not through with the Jew.
And we don’t want Him to be through with the Jew.
Why? Because He has a covenant with the Jew.
And, by the way, He has a covenant with me and you, too.
So if God somehow is through with the Jew,
then how secure are you?

**laughs** You like how that all just kind of rhymes and -- someone’s going to put that to song, I’m sure.

If the ocean ceases to stop at the shore, at the beach; if the Sun by day ceases to shine in the sky; if the Moon ceases to light up the sky by night; and if the stars cease to be in the sky at night -- then we need to talk. Because God declares that if all of those cease -- all of those would have to cease before My people Israel would ever cease from being a nation.

We’re told how it’s going to end. And God will intervene, and He will protect His people Israel during the seven-year Tribulation. However, it’s going to get really bad before it gets really good -- way good, if I can say it that way.

See, Israel will prevail subsequent to this Psalm 83 attack, where the surrounding people will launch an attack on Israel for the purpose of wiping her off the map so she’s a nation no more. They will not succeed.

Re: Transcript of Pastor JD Farag’s Sept. 1, 2013 Mid-East Prophecy Update

Now this could serve -- again, only a scenario -- as a catalyst for the seven-year peace agreement in Daniel 9:27. It will be the Antichrist who will force and enforce this seven-year peace agreement, and when he does, it will commence the seven-year Tribulation and Israel will finally be able -- have the green light -- to rebuild their Temple.

And at the midpoint of the seven-year Tribulation, the Antichrist will set himself up in the Holy of Holies, commit the Abomination that causes Desolation, and then Israel will realize this is not their true Messiah. This is the false Messiah, the Antichrist. And they will flee to modern-day Jordan, where in Petra God, for the last three and a half years, will protect them from Satan and the Antichrist.

Very interesting, though, because the Ezekiel 38 prophecy describes a very different scenario. It gives us details that Israel will think that she finally dwells securely. And she’ll think she finally has peace: “We can build our Temple; we have a peace agreement now.”

And so they bring down their walls with the bars and gates, and now they’re vulnerable. And that is when Russia and Iran will lead an alliance of nations to attack Israel.

Interesting! Don’t you find it interesting that the most vocal and pronounced players on the geopolitical scene are Russia and Iran, concerning Syria? Don’t you also find it interesting that in Ezekiel 38 there is no mention of the surrounding people. There’s no mention of Syria. There’s no mention of Jordan. There’s no mention of Egypt. There’s no mention of any of those in Psalm 83, which tells me that those prophecies will find their fulfillment prior to the Ezekiel 38 prophecy.

Now I could be wrong. Again, this is only a plausible scenario.

Let me move quickly here.

While I personally don’t think that this Damascus prophecy in Isaiah 17 will all come to naught, I think I’d be remiss were I not to at least say that it is possible that it may not go down right now. However, in order to get there and say, Well, this is yet another one of those times where it looks like it’s about to happen-- And then all of a sudden there’s a retreat ... and everybody goes back home ... and eats hummus ... and it’s kind of put on the back burner, so to speak.

That could happen. That could happen. But you’ve got some problems with a couple of other prophecies that you would have to either dismiss or explain away and reconcile with what’s happening right now. All of the prophecies that are in play concerning Damascus, Syria, supremely -- chief of which, in terms of these prophecies, is Jeremiah 49, verses 23 through 27. Listen to this, and listen to the details. It’s a prophecy

Against Damascus.

“Hamath and Arpad are shamed,
For they have heard bad news.
They are fainthearted;”

Listen to this:

“There is trouble on the sea;”

**stops and considers that for a moment** Does that mean there are warships that they fear, on the sea? **shrugs**

“It cannot be quiet.”

Verse 24: “Damascus has grown feeble;”

Is Damascus feeble? Have you seen pictures of what Damascus looks like right now, and it’s not even a ruinous heap yet?

“She turns to flee,”

Have Syrians turned and fled? Yes, they have: we’ll talk more about that in a moment.

“And fear has seized her.
Anguish and sorrows have taken her like a woman in labor.
-- verse 25 -- “is the city of praise not deserted, the city of My joy?
-- verse 26 -- ‘her young men shall fall in her streets,”

Have young men fallen in the streets of Damascus?

“And all the men of war”

Assuming there’s war in Damascus. Is there war in Damascus? Yes.

“All the men of war
shall be cut off in that day,” says the LORD of hosts.
-- verse 27 -- “will kindle a fire in the wall of Damascus,”

That’s sort of an idiom.

“And it shall consume the palaces of Ben-Hadad.”

Re: Transcript of Pastor JD Farag’s Sept. 1, 2013 Mid-East Prophecy Update

Okay. That’s one; here’s another one: Amos, chapter 1 verse 5. Listen to what it says:

“I will also break the gate bar of Damascus,
-- listen! -- cut off the inhabitant from the Valley of Aven,
And the one who holds the scepter from Beth Eden.
The people of Syria shall go captive
-- listen! -- to Kir,”
Says the LORD.

Now listen: this is describing, prophesying how that Syrians will flee the valley of Aven.

Where’s that?

Syria. They will flee Syria.

Where are they going to go?

They’re going to go to Kir.

Where’s Kir?

Jordan! Jordan.

There are so many Syrians fleeing to Jordan that now Jordan has a crisis of its own.

What are they going to do with all of these Syrians who have fled?

Exactly as Amos 1:5 prophesies.

So again, it could be that this isn’t it.

As I said on Thursday night, if this is not it, then I will be the first to apologize to you that, you know what, I got a little excited there: it looked like this was kind of it. I mean, they were fleeing, you know, going to Kir; they were leaving the valley of Aven. And all the -- you know, the -- everything was right there and then ... all of a sudden ... maybe not!

I will apologize to you. And you’ll have to forgive me. **laughs** You’ll have to, because you’re ... commanded to. So there! **congregation laughs**

Alright. Now this is why I believe this is where all of this is heading. And it’s also why I believe where all of this is heading really matters to all of us. Let me explain:

If this is where it’s all heading, then I would much rather be prepared and have it not happen now, than not be prepared, only to have it [happen] now.

What have we got to lose, to be ready, to be watching, to be prepared?

Now if these prophecies begin to come to pass now -- as it would seem they are! Then that means that the Antichrist is about to be revealed now. And this is why it matters: because the Antichrist cannot be revealed and the seven-year Tribulation cannot begin until the Bride of Christ is removed.

Pastor, we know that you’re adamant and dogmatic and vehement about this, but how do you know with such a certainty?

I’m so glad you asked. **some laughter** (You did ask, right?)

Listen, I am-- We don’t have the time, but instead of taking the time, I’m going to assign you some Berean homework. Yeah. And you’ll be able to search the Scriptures for yourself to see that this is true. Okay?

I’m going to give you two resources from two Bible scholars, both of whom I’ve had the privilege to meet with and talk with. The first, Dr. Thomas Ice; the second, Justin Alfred. I’m also going to give you a reading assignment from one that I haven’t yet met or talked with. You know him -- or know of him. He’s the apostle Paul. Haven’t met him yet....

But I want to start there. Write this down: you’re going to be tested on this. Next week. Now, if you don’t come next week, we’re going to know, okay? **congregation laughs nervously**

Alright. Here’s your first assignment: read 1st Thessalonians 5, 1 through 11. That’s the first one.

The second reading assignment is 2nd Thessalonians 2, verses 1 through 7. You got it? Okay.

Now after you read those two assignments, then you can either go to Blue Letter Bible or search, quote, the words, They Shall Not Escape.

[Graphic shows the title They Shall Not Escape, by Justin Alfred, and this url:

http://blogs.blueletterbible.org/blb/2013/01/09/they-shall-not-escape/ ]

I’ve got the url up there, but I don’t know that you’re able to write it all down. But if you even search they shall not escape by Justin Alfred, you’ll get it. It’s on Blue Letter Bible.

It is -- bar none -- the best work on 1st Thessalonians 5. And please, you will see why it is that I stand up here every Sunday and yell at you -- and spit on some of you that are in the baptism rows -- and --

Re: Transcript of Pastor JD Farag’s Sept. 1, 2013 Mid-East Prophecy Update

Okay. Here’s your second one -- the last one, actually. You can either go to Rapture Ready or search, quote, the following: the Rapture in 2 Thessalonians 2:3 by Thomas Ice... and you’ll get it. Again, bar none the best explanation and handling of verse 3 particularly, although he gets into verses 1 through 7.

[Graphic gives this url:


And that word for “falling away” is in the original language “catching away.”

The Antichrist cannot be revealed until the “catching away” Rapture comes first. That alone, stand-alone, is why I can stand alone -- **laughs** -- up here and teach this this way: This is correct. This is correct.

And he makes an excellent case for that.

Now I’m going to close our Prophecy Update today with two YouTube comments, and here’s why:

Both speak to our need of “occupying until He comes.” And by “occupying,” that means reaching as many as we can while there’s still itme. We may have only one week, one month, nine months, one year -- we may even have longer. We don’t know the day or the hour.

This first one: very interesting. And it’s really kind of a consensus from a number of comments that we’ve received from people who have [sic] and would be in the know as to September/October being very key, very key. Listen to what he says:

“I’m retired Special Ops, and am relieved to know that someone is out there saying what needs to be said. The repercussions against the U.S. from this” -- interesting! -- “contrived and scripted Syria crisis, may unfold on October 1st based on report of extreme readiness operations for FEMA Region #3.”


Here’s the last one. And this speaks to how it is that people are asking questions. And they want to know what’s going on. And they’re looking for answers.

And we have the answers. And we need to give to every man the answer of that hope that lies within us. Listen to this:

“Yesterday while watching your video, my wife’s friend, a nonbeliever, walked into my study, and for some,” quote, “strange reason walked up to my computer, which she normally wouldn’t do and asked me to tell her about what you were talking about. Long story short, we led her to Christ. Your videos are reaching beyond what you and your wonderful church” -- **points at the congregation** -- that would be you! -- “can even imagine!

“You and your church are the last few who preach and teach truth. God bless. Maranatha!”

And I echo that.

We want the Lord to come quickly, but we also have loved ones and family members and friends that we want to come to Christ before He does, so they’re not left behind. That’s our heart.

Lord, come quickly -- but! we’ve still got work to do, until You do. Until that trumpet sounds.

We need to blow the trumpet and get the Gospel out loud and clear, and answer those questions that are being asked.

By the way, don’t waste your time with those who are not looking for answers but looking for an argument. The Holy Spirit will give you the discernment. Don’t waste your time!

Shake the sand off yo slippahs [“your rubber sandals” in Pidgin] and find somebody else who’s really seeking, who’s really asking, who’s really knocking. There are plenty of people that will waste your time -- and I believe that Satan will put them in your path to cannibalize your time so that you won’t have the time to get to the one who really needs to hear the Gospel, the Good News of Jesus Christ.

Would you pray with me?

O Lord: very exciting! Perhaps for one or some, very terrifying. Lord, if someone who is here today -- or hearing this today -- is terrified by it, then Lord, would You reveal Yourself to them, that they might surrender to You, call upon You, and pass from death unto life and have that assurance of eternal life.

Lord, we’re asking you for this. And we say Maranatha because of this.

In Jesus’s Name, amen.

Re: Transcript of Pastor JD Farag’s Sept. 1, 2013 Mid-East Prophecy Update

And here's the video for those who prefer video:

And a link to the video discussion thread:

And Pastor JD's sermon notes (otherwise known as the short version) from Calvary Chapel Kaneohe:
http://www.calvarychapelkaneohe.com/index.php?option=com_sermonspeaker&view=sermon&id=10880 rophecy-update-2013-09-01&Itemid=

At the link above, you will also be able to find a downloadable audio file (at the bottom of the page on the left).

Re: Transcript of Pastor JD Farag’s Sept. 1, 2013 Mid-East Prophecy Update

Perian, thought you would like to know that one of Pastor JD's other long distance congregants living in Mexico ask him about translating his updates into Spanish and inquiring if any transcripts were available. Pastor JD directed her to your transcripts. Her response: "Oh, they are perfect!!! I just checked out the page!! EXCELLENCE!!" So she will be translating your transcripts into Spanish for the Mexican mission field. And she's going to try to get the Spanish translations dubbed into the youtube video so that non-English speakers can follow along as well. At two a week, both of you will have your work cut out for you. You never know how what you do for the Lord will effect others. Even in foreign lands.

Email: TxThom@raptureintheairnow.com

Re: Transcript of Pastor JD Farag’s Sept. 1, 2013 Mid-East Prophecy Update

Praise the Lord! That's amazing, Thom! And Perian, thank you so much for transcribing the updates. I do prefer to read them. Love Pastor JD, but sometimes I don't have 45-50 minutes to lay down and watch the video.

The Lord is blessing your work! Awesome!


Email: rebeccagoings@gmail.com

Website: yahwehishisname.blogspot.com

Re: Transcript of Pastor JD Farag’s Sept. 1, 2013 Mid-East Prophecy Update

How exciting. I wonder who else could be translating? How great to know Pastor is aware of your work here Perian! Very humbling. See how much you are appreciated! I want to be there to hear your blessing from the Lord, "Well done good and faithful servant of the Lord." Don't forget the hearing impaired are being blessed also!

When Thom told us of this I was blown away. Absolutely breathtaking.

Thanks for being blessed to be a blessing, Perian!

Email: victorychanter@raptureintheairnow.com

Website: Rapture In the Air Now

Re: Transcript of Pastor JD Farag’s Sept. 1, 2013 Mid-East Prophecy Update

The link above wasn't working for some reason.


Email: victorychanter@raptureintheairnow.com

Website: Rapture In the Air Now

Re: Transcript of Pastor JD Farag’s Sept. 1, 2013 Mid-East Prophecy Update

It is thrilling how RITANow 'churches' in witnessing ~~~ spreading the Prophetic Word (Perian in this case)transcribing Pastor Farag's Prophetic messages making available a missionary outreach ~~~~exponentially we're seeing it, luvs . . souls wonderfully blessed and our Lord Jesus gets the Glory . . ~~

Re: Transcript of Pastor JD Farag’s Sept. 1, 2013 Mid-East Prophecy Update

Thanks, Perian!

Re: Transcript of Pastor JD Farag’s Sept. 1, 2013 Mid-East Prophecy Update

Wow, GACK, and other expressions of being generally freaked out.

Gotta go deliver the transcript to a neighbor. More later! and thanks to all of you.

Re: Transcript of Pastor JD Farag’s Sept. 1, 2013 Mid-East Prophecy Update

Perian, thank you for the latest update. I wouldn't be able to keep up with Pastor JD without you! You are truly a blessing for so many of us in this late hour. See you in the air soon! ♥

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