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Tracking Bible Prophecy Headlines - 9/4/2013

US Senate Foreign Relations Committee green-lights authorization of use of military force in Syria

Senate Syria resolution would limit Obama to 90 days

Kerry opens door to 'boots on ground' in Syria, then slams it shut

Military has concerns about Syria mission

UN's Ban casts doubt on legality of US plans to punish Syria

AIPAC say they support US strike on Syria

Hezbollah mobilizes for expected US attack on Syria

Israel announces successful joint missile test with US in Med, after Russia detects launch

Russia's President Putin warns US over Syria action

America, Syria, and Russia: Opening the Gates of Hell

First Syria rebels armed and trained by CIA 'on way to battlefield'

UN: 5,000 Flee Syria Every Day; 28% of Population Driven From Homes

White House uses Israel as lever to press Congress on Syria

Group calls on 'all Muslim hackers' to attack Israel, US on anniversary of 9/11

Palestinians working to arrange Abbas-Kerry meeting in Europe

Settler leader: 'Our fear is an interim agreement with temporary borders'

Saudi Arabia donating $200 million for Palestinian cities to prevent Judaization

Hamas dismisses talk of strike by Egypt against Gaza

Thousands of Islamists take to Egypt's streets again

Egypt's Islamist crackdown intensifies

Iraq: deadly car bombs kill more than 60 in Baghdad

Libya at a crossroads as strikes threaten oil supplies

McCain: Shouting 'Allahu Akhbar!' Same as Christians Shouting 'Thank God!'

Venezuela hit by blackout, government blames 'sabotage'

6.5 Magnitude Quake off Alaska's Aleutian Islands with several large aftershocks

6.5 magnitude earthquake hits near Izu Islands, Japan region

6.0 and 5.3 magnitude earthquake hits near Sarangani, Philippines

Japan Plans To Build An 'Ice Wall' In Attempt To Stem Radioactive Water Leaks At ***************

Russia to evacuate another 36,000 due to floods

Six children killed by landslide in Honduras

Massive storm on Saturn throws water ice high in atmosphere

Mapping 320,000 New Animal Viruses Crucial to Preventing Global Contagions: Report

Mexico Reports Two More H7N3 Bird Flu Outbreaks

California Legislators Pass Bill Allowing Nurses, Midwives to Perform First Trimester Abortions

Catholic bishop warns against rise of anti-Christian bigotry in U.S.

Feds forced churches to get baptism permits

Mich. minister who allegedly killed fiancée's daughter to have sex with dead body kills self

Ariel Castro, Cleveland kidnapper, found hanged in prison cell

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