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what can be lost ?

If you are Born-Again , saved , marked with the Holy Spirit for The Day of Redemption , what can you lose , as Christ said in The Garden , " not ONE will be lost ..."
Then what is it possible to lose , IF anything ?
JESUS said we can lose rewards .
Jesus said , " Let no man take your crown !" ( The Book of The Revelation )
How would a person do that exactly ?
By not obeying this command of The Lord Jesus Christ , " Abide in Me !" This action leads to disobedience , or sins of omission (things we are told to do, but fail to do ).
There can be loss , but not one's Eternal Salvation . Once SECURE IN CHRIST , The Holy Spirit , present in the Believer , works sanctification in us daily by conviction , by teaching , by chastisement, if necessary . The Third Person of The Godhead seals us literally til that DAY when we are taken up with The Lord Jesus Christ at His Call !!!
Praise be to God !
The Son was sent that we might be saved and see Eternal Life !
Glory to Jesus Our Savior and Friend !
Then we should always ABIDE IN HIM !

Re: what can be lost ?

What does Paul mean by this in The New Testament ?
"saved as though by Fire ?"
He is teaching that though the person's works are burned , his soul is SECURE .
We should OBEY CHRIST at every command , not to do so can bring loss of rewards .
We should name our sins before The Lord , 1st John 1:9 .
The Lord is Faithful to KEEP US unto that DAY .
HE has sealed us with The Holy Spirit .
Bless His Holy Name !

Re: what can be lost ?

Spiritual exhaustion can come when one goes in and out of fellowship , in and out , in and out .
Christ wants continuity in your life as it brings Spiritual Growth .
To STAY in fellowship with Christ , or to obey this , "Abide in Me !", brings results that please The Lord . It is our earnest desire to Please The Lord at all times .
Even if there were NO HEAVENLY REWARDS , out of love for Christ we OBEY !

Re: what can be lost ?

Blessed wisdom, powerful Truth, Bon-bell

~~ Jesus is our God of peace, and has given us the gospel Truth. Oh, sis, and all who adore and love Jesus, we abide IN HIM and He in us ~~~ the good news is that we cannot save ourselves, ever ~~

~ a true believer is assured of the Spirit abiding, spirit to Spirit. The true believer rests in the finished work of Christ the Lord keeping our souls sheltered in His Hand~ Oh, God You are faithful and true!! You are FOR US!! Halleluiah~

A true believer knows intimately the ONE Who died and rose again, fulfilling the Law perfectly ~~
The Father is satisfied with His Son, oh Glory to the King of kings~~~

The true believer hates sin, though we stumble in this earthen clay, we are promised full Redemption and Peace in Jesus Christ . . Strength and faith is exercised warring against our flesh. Though we tend to 'wonder' if we are saved ~ Thankfully the Holy Spirit abiding assures us that Almighty God shall lose none on the day of rapture~

. Glory to God, Jesus is the Great Shepherd. He knows His own and His own follow Him . . above all, Jesus shall lose none~

and the SPIRIT and the BRIDE, say come LORD JESUS ~~ we're so ready for YOU~~

Re: what can be lost ?

REJOICING & worshipping HIM with you , Sis ! .....Glory ! Hallelujah !
" we can rest in his finished work .." Amen and Amen !
Dear Lord , we love you because you first loved us ."
You will come again for us !
The Time is soon .

Email: bonniebell81@hotmail.com

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