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Joel Rosenberg's take on why he couldn't back a strke on Syria.

I think that Joel hit the nail on the head with this one. He lay's out the subject of trust. Lack of Trust in this particular President... Is the reason that most Americans probably agree with Joel, as why they don't support a strike on Syria.

For information and discussion purposes only:



* Note: I'll be on Hannity radio today to discuss.
* Also on blog: What Israel is learning from Obama's vacillations on Syria.

By Joel C. Rosenberg (@joelcrosenberg on Twitter)

(Washington, D.C., September 5, 2013) -- I cannot in good conscience support the Congressional resolution to authorize this particular President with the power to use U.S. military force in Syria for 60 days, much less 90 days.

1.) The United States does not currently have a President who is trustworthy, principled, steady and wise -- to the contrary, Mr. Obama is weak, vacillating, dithering, and devoid of a clear, compelling and principled policy in the Middle East. He doesn’t inspire confidence, not with our allies, not with Congress, and most importantly, not with the American people. It is clear that he drew his “red line” without thinking it through. He doesn’t have a plan. He hasn’t built Congressional or international support. He is winging it. And that is incredibly dangerous.

2.) Nobody is with us -- President Obama has been unable to build even the limited international coalition for action that President George W. Bush built going into Iraq in 2003.

3.) The unintended consequences of becoming engaged in the war in Syria with an undependable President could be catastrophic, and this could draw our government, and thus us, in even deeper, with no exit strategy -- What if a U.S. military strike in Syria leads to the fall of Assad and to al Qaeda or other Radical Islamic groups coming to power? What if Syria’s chemical and biological weapons fall into the hands of al Qaeda or other terrorists? What if those terrorists use those weapons against the American people and/or our allies? What if Assad, in a desperate last gasp of vengeance, unleashes a chemical weapons attack against Israel?

Under a different President -- one who was trusted and respected deeply by the American people, and our allies; one with foreign policy experience; one with solid principles and a steady hand -- I could support this resolution because I would believe that the President would be ready to handle any unintended consequence. As it stands, I agree with most of the language in the resolution. But I do not have any confidence that President Obama is up to this enormous challenge. And since the downstream effects of what could be unleashed by a mishandling of this crisis are so horrible, I would not be able to vote in favor of the resolution if I were a member of the House or Senate.

It is a dangerous thing to have an American President that the nation does not trust to lead us into battle, or that we can depend upon in times of crisis. But that is where we are.

[These are excerpts from a larger column. You can find the full version on the blog]

Re: Joel Rosenberg's take on why he couldn't back a strke on Syria.

Amen and amen.

Re: Joel Rosenberg's take on why he couldn't back a strke on Syria.

It is a dangerous thing to have an American President that the nation does not trust to lead us into battle, or that we can depend upon in times of crisis. But that is where we are.

Chris N, thank you for sharing Joel's right on message.

Joel gets it!!

Interestingly, God knew all along O's motives and intentions as 'leader' and contributor to the ac setup ~~ it's all so prophetically real so close to the sheer nearness of our Lord's return ~~ we're going up, dear watchers!

Re: Joel Rosenberg's take on why he couldn't back a strke on Syria.

Couldn't agree more with Joel Rosenberg. We have a President in denial of starting a larger war. We're just going to shoot across the bow at military infrastructure taking down means of using chemical weapons. (That's war!) No sovereign nation is going to take that sitting down and twiddling their thumbs! We're not putting boots on the ground. Right! A bunch of dreamers that aren't facing reality or trying to deceive people. It's suicide in the long run. That will come later.

We're just going to shoot a hundred and fifty missles or so there. Syria does have allies.. In fact, Syria is considered a province of Iran. We're actually taking on Iran and Russia who may object in the strongest terms by fighting back.

Perhaps they'll be invading this country as a response. Where will this shadow government , the UN, and TPTB be then? They want us to do their dirty work for them and then will leave us hanging out to dry as they make a hasty stage right exit. It's a green light to do just this. Don't look now but it appears the lunatics really are running the asylum! You bet there's no trust factor. We are endangering our own troops and ships. Even if there's no fight then and there , that doesn't mean they won't hit us later.

We're making enemies of every nation on earth! No one will come to our aid to help us then either. It's international suicide. There's no coalition to help which sends a loud message. This is a fool's errand and mission. What could possibly go wrong? Prophecy reveals that answer!

In the meantime we've announced loudly and clearly we're coming--how foolish is that? Those weapons are no longer there now. Plus there's been time to plan ahead and put human hostages at those sites. Imagine the horror photos we'll see. That puts us in the evil category by then.

We still don't know truth about who used these chemical weapons. Shouldn't we know this before acting? Remember we invaded Iraq to take care of those chemical weapons which weren't there by the time we arrived. Lesson should've been learned then. This has "fool's errand" all over it.

But the real truth is that none of this matters to TPTB. It's not the real agenda. That's why common sense seems to have flown out the window. Per Daniel's video on another thread this has been planned years in advance --going back to 9/11. It's simply now time to put it in action in their scheming of things.

It's not that don't condemn what happened in Syria. We need truth and then penalties. I have questioned all along the UN's role in all this. This simply isn't our job to do. But here's the UN coaxing us to take care of their problem for them. Where are their forces? Where's their money to finance this? Oh no, the people have to pay for this. It's not our war. We're being pushed into this like we're puppets on a string.

I don't agree with gassing people but a coalition of nations must stand together . Without a coalition then the answer should be "no way." Expecting one nation to police the world is unethical and dangerous. Please pray for the Syrian people. We should be doing the humanitarian role there and loudly objecting and finding means to punish the guilty party but attacking when we don't know with absolutely truth who did this monstrous thing, is wrong from every perspective and unimaginable. We then become another evil added to the mix there. That doesn't solve anything but instead complicate it further.

Please pray for our service personnel. How many young people from this country have to die to do this? We're tired of all of this war mongering by TPTB and can't trust them with the lives of our own youth. Previous wars, the wrongs done there to our Brothers, the mistreatment of vets to even now naming them as terrorists proves the wrongs done to our combat vets. There's no glory in this. How dare this government use our guys and then toss them aside? It's a wonder anyone will ever serve this country again. We've become a war machine. There's no protecting of the country but war mongering going on . We aren't the answer to the world's squabbles. It's time some other country stood up to be counted for if this is necessary. Enough is enough.

Email: victorychanter@raptureintheairnow.com

Website: Rapture In the Air Now

Re: Joel Rosenberg's take on why he couldn't back a strke on Syria.

I'm shaking my head VC at the madness obviously covering this globe ~~ the signs of Matthew 24 are so in place, ~~~even a year ago, the M/E was not like it is today ~

~ and what do the watchers know? That the increase in the devil's plans of insanity on this 'earth' that he considers his playground, is headed straight toward God's judgment . .

Re: Joel Rosenberg's take on why he couldn't back a strke on Syria.

I almost expecting Iran or Assad to do something truly stupid now that they think they are untouchable. Or Israel to go ahead and hit Iran by herself, having given up all trust in O.

Re: Joel Rosenberg's take on why he couldn't back a strke on Syria.

Well said, VC, well said!

Website: Check out this video on YouTube: www.youtube.com/watch?v=QopzID7EltI&feature=youtube_gdata_player Sent from my iPhone

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