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Sad for people

I am starting to feel sorrowful for all the Earth and what is going to happen during the 7 year tribulation.I dont think I could endure it...but God has been long suffering and waited patiently and His ways are just...Once we are raptured we cannot look back....Im full of emotion this week...excitement,happiness,joy...but also feel judgement is coming.I think the calmness in the air is kind of frightening too.I want our Lord to come but I can see why He wishes for none to perish.

Re: Sad for people

Me too I had that for a while on my heart it grieve me a lot and tonight I cried because it hurts me the most thing is that my family tends depends on me in almost everything at home as I don't want to detail everything but it most hurt me because it will impact on them when I am gone. And they will have to go through this horrible times as I remember I told my son blake before and told him how can u expect to depend on me if I will be gone with Jesus and it will be worse after rapture. I remember he shed tears I pray that they will wake up. This evening I cried for my family


Re: Sad for people

Same here.

Re: Sad for people

Same here.

Re: Sad for people

Ditto for me.... very weepy this week....

Re: Sad for people

I love that about The Lord God , He wishes that none should perish ...
praying for the lost and praying for restoration for The Laodicean Church .
Yes WAKE UP ! time running out ...what a strange Fall ..bb

Email: bonniebell81@hotmail.com

Re: Sad for people

Though that reality is a stark one indeed, I can only focus on the joy of our upcoming wedding. Ever looking forward and not behind. Selfish perhaps, but also steadfast and focused. See ya there!

Love & blessings...Tender Reed

Re: Sad for people

I've always felt sadness for the lost. A few months ago, I watched a zombie movie called World War Z and I can't imagine how terrifying it will be for these people. About 1/4 of the world's population will die during the 4th seal. Hopefully, most of these people will make up the seal martyrs. Of those who enters the trumpets, 1/3 will die. It is way more tragic for the trumpet martyrs because they are actually subjected to the mandatory mark of the beast. I guess we just have to share the gospel however way we can while there's still time.

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