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Wow. Under attack mentally today. Anyone else ?

Been building the last few days. Today I feel nearly comatose....tired, headache, disinterested in anything. Everything is annoying me. Seems I have a small voice in my ear whispering " He isnt coming, not now and not ever. Give up this silliness." I hope everyone is feeling ok, Im praying to be caught up any moment.

Re: Wow. Under attack mentally today. Anyone else ?

BSFC123, Don't feel bad. I think a lot of us are so weary and trying to wait patiently...what other choice do we have? I pray the Lord gives us all strength and endurance to run the race. I know I've been having days like you are too. They come and go. Just so tired. I end up looking like this at dinner:

Re: Wow. Under attack mentally today. Anyone else ?

Shiloh-hee hee!!
BSF,that was me yesterday.
Many unexpected,stormy relations with people.Overwhelming by end of day!
Today I am blessed with peace even here at work(praise Jesus).
grace and peace to you,

Email: chiefbrody1975@shaw.ca

Re: Wow. Under attack mentally today. Anyone else ?

I know what you mean. These last couple of weeks have been difficult, but the Lord is carrying me through them. Another reason why I'm hoping we're out of here really really soon if not sooner, so we're able to just worship and praise Him without anything trying to hold us back.

Lol, Shiloh! Me too. I get so exhausted sometimes at night that I am just like the cat in that picture, but falling on my bed, not on the dinner.

Re: Wow. Under attack mentally today. Anyone else ?

Just wondering, but have you seen a doctor lately? I'm not suggesting there isn't a spiritual attack underway, but might there be something physical as well that is causing you to feel so exhausted? I've also had days when I felt similar to that; it's hard to concentrate on the things of God when your nerves are fried. And perhaps we will be caught up at any moment. I know I wouldn't object.

Re: Wow. Under attack mentally today. Anyone else ?


Yes, my mind is so active I have to keep telling myself to relax, asking the holy spirit for peace...

Re: Wow. Under attack mentally today. Anyone else ?

David, are you asking me? If so, I haven't been to the doctor in a few months, but last time I did everything was fine (for which I praise the Lord), and I don't mean I get exhausted as in completely out of energy, I get exhausted if I stay up too late past my usual time for sleep, which is probably my fault. Plus, I feel fine otherwise. I just really like my sleep.

As to the other difficult stuff, I think I see what it is. I have a feeling it is a spiritual attack of sorts, because it has been affecting mostly my faith or trying to. That's what I was referring to about the Lord carrying me through these past couple of weeks.

If you weren't asking me necessarily, sorry. You said "exhausted" and I thought you meant what I wrote.

Re: Wow. Under attack mentally today. Anyone else ?

BSFC123, I was thinking the same thing today. It was like something was whispering in my ear, "Is He REALLY coming?"

I'm exhausted too (maybe that's because I'm sick lol) but I just want to fall into Jesus' arms like...right now!


Email: Oyaah@yaho.com

Re: Wow. Under attack mentally today. Anyone else ?

I feel depressed today, too. Like you, my head hurts, I can barely move my body, my emotions are all over the place, I can't make myself get up & DO anything. . .
I don't know (sigh), just not normal.

Website: Check out this video on YouTube: www.youtube.com/watch?v=QopzID7EltI&feature=youtube_gdata_player Sent from my iPhone

Re: Wow. Under attack mentally today. Anyone else ?

Are we all eating healthy? Are we taking our vitamins and supplements? Have we been to a doctor? I'm up to snuff on all that...I just feel the whole body of Christ is under some sort of attack and it's not only on this site. I've noticed that with other Christians I know, who are waiting on the Lord's call for us too. I don't even bring the subject up. They do. I don't look for a demon behind every bush but this seems to be a spiritual "wearing down" of all the saints as of late. Time MUST be short. Can anyone imagine having energy at this point? LOL...What's THAT?! We'll all know soon. Just keep in your thoughts: (I would look up the Scripture verses for these but I'm too tired)

"they will run and not grow weary"


"they shall leap like lambs"

Re: Wow. Under attack mentally today. Anyone else ?

The descriptions of the "blows and lows" we Christians are going through
remind me of how I felt just before I gave birth to
my children. It's like the valley of the shadow of death!
Then, of course,the birth makes it all worth while. The Bible describing the end times as labor pains really describes it well!
Hope these labor pains are the ending ones before we see our Saviour!

Re: Wow. Under attack mentally today. Anyone else ?

Vicki, you definitely got that right!!


Yes even you men.....

Re: Wow. Under attack mentally today. Anyone else ?

YES! Great analogy, Vicki! It's EXACTLY like that. Morningstar...lol @ "even you men". They go through sympathy pains and same things too.

Re: Wow. Under attack mentally today. Anyone else ?

Mentally, emotionally, physcially and spiritual, I kno we are weary etc however we need to watch what we eat same with our spiritual life we have to watch out for satan trying to lurking us and trap us into the sin. That s why God wants us to do right thing and honor this to God as we are His temple. I read in old testment in couples of weeks ago and taught me something. In old testment solomon built the temple to glory God and had beautiful thiNgs in the temple when solomon died. And one od his son was doing evil in God s eyes and put idols in the temple and lurking israel worship idol not God. That king died and some kings were good and follow God and they destroyed the idols and throw out and clean up temple and get things in order and some kings were. Not doing right in God s eyes evil before God s eyes and they switched to idols and shrines etc. It is same thing in our lives as we are His temple and He wants us to do right thing like eat, worship God and read His words daily etc. And keep oursleves away from sinning. That s why God wants us to obey. He wants the whole heart. And whole mind, whole soul and whole spirit in us to be surrender completely not half or 3/4 or 2/3 of it. That s why he want us fasting, praying and seeking Him. I know some people have problem with their health like can't have fasting. As for me I do have struggling with food as I love to eat but it is not goood for me as I have thyroid and it can make me more tired also moody. So I have to watch. Also excerise like walk or something that can make our brain clear and refresh. That s why God want us to learn to rest in His arms.and let God refresh and restoration and rejuvaltion in ur and mine life through praying, listen to His words etc. And God will give u strength.


Re: Wow. Under attack mentally today. Anyone else ?

I have been feeling the same way brothers and sisters...worn out,exhausted feeling!I just think our bodies know that they are going to be changed and transformed...that is my opinion.Shiloh,I love this pic so much I just had to save it.(the cat)Precious!

Re: Wow. Under attack mentally today. Anyone else ?

Praise and sing to him anyway no matter what happens he will always be with us. I have felt the same way this past week but today I felt like singing so that's what I did. I feel so much better after just spending some alone time in worship to him. I have had a very moody grumpy week it will pass rember what ever we feel it is only temporary. I hope this can help someone else tonight.Love Charlotte(BamaPeach)

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