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How Shofars Are Made

How Shofars are made.

Loz :]

Re: How Shofars Are Made

Wow, that was really interesting, Loz. I like watching those kinds of things. I thought there were going to be directions and step number 1 would be -
1st, get a ram...(lol)

I wonder how they fashioned them back in early Biblical days without having electric drills. Also, the long ram's horn that the man was blowing into near the end of the video - I wonder how they get a drill around those curls in the horn. Must be some kind of long, flexible drill, I guess, huh?

Re: How Shofars Are Made

Cool!! I was wondering about this the other day myself. Thank you, Loz!

Re: How Shofars Are Made

Ha! Ha! Shiloh, I forgot you need to build your own Shofar making machine - That's step 1!

Re: How Shofars Are Made


Step 1.) Build your Shofar making machine.

Step 2.) Get a ram.

Step 3.) Find a good recipe and eat the ram.

Step 4.) Saw his horns off (before cooking or grilling).

Step 5.) Give up after eating the ram and go buy a Shofar.

Re: How Shofars Are Made

Thanks, Loz. I enjoyed it.

Shiloh, I think most of the horn is hollow; it's only the tip that would need to be drilled.

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