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BREAKING: Syria Agree's To Turn Over Chemical Weapons!! (Begley Video)

Published on Sep 10, 2013

Has Damascus been spared? Or destruction delayed? http://www.paulbegleyprophecy.com also http://rt.com

Email: jonathan@raptureintheairnow.com

Re: BREAKING: Syria Agree's To Turn Over Chemical Weapons!! (Begley Video)

So what is everyones opinion on this? How does this all fit in with everything?

The only thing that crosswed my mind is America's insignificance in prophesy and this removes them from the fore front.

The other thing that blows my mind is the big deal with chemical weapons! If you're killing civilians, you're killing civilians. They say you can't use chemical weapons but you can do what ever else you want. You can torture them, you can behead them, you can rape them, you can kill the children - hey open season on civilians...just don't use chemical weapons. Dead is dead. If I were being killed - torture would be just as bad to me as chemical weapons. Yet they KNOW there is killing of civilians - AND SAYING THAT THAT'S OK. I don't get it!

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