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Why The Rapture isn't as far off as you may think...

So, it seems like it's that time of year again.
Rosh Hashanah has come and gone, and many of us are feeling horribly deflated. Caveats aside (I'm referring to the idea that RH might actually be in October this year, rather than September - an idea that has been floated around a bit in the past few days), there remains in my mind one major reason why the Rapture is just around the corner.

I've written on this before, but I'd like to draw your attention once again to Isaiah 17. Obviously this is a key passage regarding the destruction of Damascus, which fits in with the current scenario that is unfolding in the Middle East. Now, whether or not the US, or some other player, will be responsible for that destruction, isn't really relevant to the Rapture itself.

...so what is?

Look closely at verse 4-5.

"In that day, the glory of Jacob will fade; the fat of his body will waste away.
It will be as when a reaper gathers the standing grain, and harvests the grain with his arm-
as when a man gleans heads of grain in the Valley of Rephaim."

I've stated before what I believe this passage is in reference to. I believe that this is a reference to a chemical weapons attack on Israel; specifically the area of the northwest.

What's key here is the fact that this is a judgement not only on Damascus, but also in Israel.

...and what do we know about Israel and judgement? The major judgement of Israel, the focus of God's wrath upon His own nation, occurs not prior to, but DURING the Tribulation. This concept is EVERYWHERE in the Old Testament prophets; from Isaiah to Ezekiel, to Obadiah, Zechariah, Amos, Joel... absolutely everywhere. Almost without exception, the prophets of Israel, both major and minor, saw in prophecy the Day of the Lord approaching - specifically because it pertains not to the church, but to Israel. This in and of itself is a huge clue to the fact that there is a pre-tribulational rapture. The prophets never saw the church; what they saw was Israel. Yet, even when they saw so closely, so intimately the events of the tribulation, the church never came into view... precisely because we won't be here when that terrible judgement occurs.

...so where does that leave us?

The scenario that is unfolding in the Middle East, even this very day (Obama has just delivered a live speech regarding Syria), is a scenario in which the church has NO ROLE TO PLAY. It is a scenario in which the judgement of Almighty God will come to bear on Damascus, and upon Israel. It is the "time of Jacob's Trouble" that we see in Isaiah 17. If you doubt that, keep reading! Isaiah 18 and 19 continue in the same vein, detailing the Lord's judgement during the tribulation on numerous nations.

With that in mind... don't be discouraged, don't be dismayed.
I quoted this in another thread, but I'll say it again, because I love it. In J.R.R. Tolkein's "The Fellowship of the Ring", Gandalf the Grey says:

"A wizard is never late, Frodo Baggins...
...nor is he early.

He arrives precisely when he means to."

...and so it is with our Lord. Don't be discouraged. Our Lord is never late, nor is He early... and He will arrive precisely when He means to!

"He who testifies to these things says, "Yes, I am coming soon.""

Amen. Come, Lord Jesus!

Re: Why The Rapture isn't as far off as you may think...

Amen you are so right God has a plan we just have to trust him all things will work out for good to those that love him. And I belive we all must or we wouldn't be here. I am still looking to the blessed hope of his appearing no matter how long it takes. We just need to keep watching Syria and Israel and see whats next.

Re: Why The Rapture isn't as far off as you may think...

Thanks for your post, Benjamin. I had read Isaiah 17 a few days ago to see what connection there might be between the dramatic events leading to Damascus' downfall and the rapture. The connection to Israel's hardship puzzled me, because we don't quite see it yet. However, we know there will be a sudden attack on Damascus, and it seems very probable that Israel will be drawn in the conflict. It seems very clear that the Restrainer ( Holy Spirit) is at work in the ME. However else could the whole area not have been blown up to pieces yet? God doesn't tarry. He has the timing of prophetic events all worked out.
Even without a RH rapture, the signs of our departure are blaring in the ears of those who have ears to hear.

Re: Why The Rapture isn't as far off as you may think...

Excellent point Benjamin! I knew Israel was going to get hit when Damascus went down but I never thought about it being part of God's judgement on them.
Even more hopeful today,

Re: Why The Rapture isn't as far off as you may think...

What a great post to start my day! :) Thank you Benjamin ....so encouraging

Re: Why The Rapture isn't as far off as you may think...

What I'm confused about is why are Russia and Iran raring to square off with Israel this early? Isn't Psalm 83 supposed to occur before the Ezekiel 38 war? Sigh, all of these plot twists resemble a Tom Clancy novel. You never know what will happen next.

I see Isaiah 17 as a precursor to Psalm 83, during which Israel finally calls out to God. God answers them during the Ezekiel 38 war where He vanquishes the Gog and Magog nations. And then the AC strikes a deal with Israel and we see Europe aka the western leg of the Roman Empire incorporate all nations into the one world government. Of course, this is all speculation because we won't be here to witness all of it.

Re: Why The Rapture isn't as far off as you may think...

Because its Russia and this all is a chess game to them. The best way to defeat your enemies and make yourself powerful is to play your pawns first and let them be taken out of the way, in a way that is strategic to you (Russia) being able to defeat all that is left because they still have all their resources 9military strength).

You can see that this morning with reports that Russia is sending Iran S-300 missle systems and a nuclear reactor.

What does that do? Up the time-line for Israel to attack Iran as if those systems are in place Israel has a harder time in taking out Iran's nuclear power.


Iran is weakened, Israel is weakened (in Russia's view/Lord knows better) all the while Russia is militarily superior.

Re: Why The Rapture isn't as far off as you may think...

Well that makes sense, Jfelts. It's obvious that Russia is merely playing mind games, but won't really engage in a war ahead of her pawns. All these Israel-hating nations are in for a rude awakening.

Re: Why The Rapture isn't as far off as you may think...

well just to play the "devil's advocate" here ...are wizards ever Christian ?
I thought they were always associated with the Occult !

Re: Why The Rapture isn't as far off as you may think...

The wizards in the LOTR series were apparently intended to represent the angelic princes, each with an assigned area to watch over. Most stay with the program, although a fall to corruption can (and does) occur, without redemption. It's not a perfect simile, and it is more compelling with reading the Silymarin (or some such title) which goes much deeper into the back story. The closest to a messianic role is Frodo who bears the burden for everyone, willing to lay down his life for all the others, and was transported to the land where nothing dies (kinda like heaven) at the end for his final restoration.

Email: TxThom@raptureintheairnow.com

Re: Why The Rapture isn't as far off as you may think...

I'm thinking how J.D. Faraq's prophetic teachings are deep with insight re: these intense days . . helping to bring comfort to our weary watchful souls for our Lord to catch us away~~~

Re: Why The Rapture isn't as far off as you may think...

re wizards...JRR Tolkien was a longtime friend of CS Lewis.


Thanks for the post, Benjamin. If Israel's punishment comes during the tribulation, I wonder if America's will, too.

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