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So Sorry...

I was so distracted this morning with working on the new RITA Now site that I totally overlooked my devotional time which of course I always post here as well. My day went really bad and by mid-afternoon I finally realized why! I didn't start my day with God Not a good way to start. Anyway, I feel convicted so I am still going to post them now.

Email: jonathan@raptureintheairnow.com

Re: So Sorry...

God Bless you Jonathan! Thank you for your devotionals.

Email: wjloman@sbcglobal.net

Re: So Sorry...

Awwwww, Jonathan, we all know and understand and the Lord above all knows. Don't feel bad brother, we and the Lord love you. You are working hard for the Lord and for those that are His. Go easy on yourself! You are allowed to take a break and rest in Him. Whatever HE wants to get out to many or a few, will be accomplished by Him. We are all human and He knows your heart, beloved.

Our work is to rest in HIM.

Re: So Sorry...

Bless you, Jonathan! We love you & appreciate all that you do!!

Website: Check out this video on YouTube: www.youtube.com/watch?v=QopzID7EltI&feature=youtube_gdata_player Sent from my iPhone

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