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Dream husband had!

Okay so my husband is not really into this whole rapture thing and kinda thinks I am a little overkill on the whole end times stuff but...He had a dream the other night...

This is what he shared with me:

We were coming home from visiting my parents and we see this plane in the sky flying really low to the ground, we thought it would crash,than our car stopped working, forcing us to walk the rest of the way home. We argued that the plane must have crashed in different places. When we got home neighbors told us the last thing they heard on the radio was an EMP attack hit.

End dream

My husband does not have dreams like this. He felt it was different and strange.

I tell you I'm gonna be looking up when we're ever driving home from his parents from now on ;)

Mods-I wasn't sure how to check it with you but if its not okay feel free to delete!

Here's hoping! Many seem to be having dreams and visions, even those who don't usually..

Re: Dream husband had!

I hear & see planes every once in awhile over my house, lately though there have been a lot! They sound like they are flying low, but I can seldom see them. (I am in Northeastern Oklahoma.)

Website: Check out this video on YouTube: www.youtube.com/watch?v=QopzID7EltI&feature=youtube_gdata_player Sent from my iPhone

Re: Dream husband had!

Beloved One In Christ. For your husband's next dream, e-mail the dream to TheMods@raptureintheairnow.com for approval. Now worries ; this one would've been accepted. Just following up here since you mention not knowing how to proceed for submitting dreams. This is the e-mail address for any questions also.

Email: victorychanter@raptureintheairnow.com

Website: Rapture In the Air Now

Re: Dream husband had!

So if I have a question about life, the universe, and everything, I can just email TheMods@raptureintheairnow.com and get an answer? Cool! :)

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