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Are you Absolutely Certain You Know What Happened on 9/11?

This is an interesting read. Just food for thought!


Email: rbmomof4@yahoo.com

Re: Are you Absolutely Certain You Know What Happened on 9/11?

I have long thought something was suspicious about the hole thing

Re: Are you Absolutely Certain You Know What Happened on 9/11?

The day the tower's went down, I told my husband they went down like a demolition.. Very suspicious ..
I don't think those towers would have dropped straight down like that without it being an inside job, should have went sideways toward where the planes went in ...

Re: Are you Absolutely Certain You Know What Happened on 9/11?

Three of the Architects who Designed those buildings made trips all across America giving "whistle-blower" speeches to audiences who would listen .
It was all aired on the National Geographic Channel that frequently blows the cover for government projects that are anti-the-people .
*************** They Said :
The buildings were designed and built to withstand planes flying into them . ~~~The Inner Cores were made of Steel . They would not melt for days , even from airplane fuel or jet fuel burning . Let alone an hour . Besides the Third Building across the plaza went down by itself , no plane hit that building ....what of it ???
~~~ It was an insider job done with carefully set demolition bombs . The people going down the staircases heard the Demolition Bombs going off as they descended into the basement area and testified to this in interviews.
***Haliburton Corp. wanted a clear view ahead for Oil Pipelines in the middle east .
When government wants to do something they " find a way ".
"they" depend on our Naivite' , saying "our government is too compassionate and honest in America" to ever do anything like that to it's own people. And there are no bears in the woods either .

Re: Are you Absolutely Certain You Know What Happened on 9/11?

Bonnie, I can't rememer but I wonder if that's the same special/documentary I saw. They had experts on there in the fild of demolition, explosives, planes, etc. Some were retired military ut still in the field of work. None of it added up to them. They also showed slowed down videos (repeatedly) of the plane on the left (2nd plane that hit) where you can clearly see sommething big strapped to its belly. I still have my suspicions but what could ever be done?

Re: Are you Absolutely Certain You Know What Happened on 9/11?

Shiloh , Blessings today , True ...Nothing can ever be done about this tragic loss and travesty of justice to the American people .
But the best thing to do in any situation is to let the people who did this know that you know, and you are not fooled , for more of "the same " always comes from saying "it can't be true ...they would not do this ". As the government is like any other entity , they strive on a "lack of curiousity" of events like this which do not add up . Then they plan the next event ....we must look backwards to Pearl Harbor .We pay their salaries with our taxes . We may expect a fine performance from all concerned , not travesty .
People possess a strange attribute " what I do not know will not hurt me ". Satan built his world kingdom on this one opinion of human beings .
The architects know more about those buildings than any one man or woman , as they drew the plans out step by step , and these were seasoned architects who built "sky-scrapers " before . I believe every word they said and think them courageous to stand up to evil ....Courage ...Bravery .....using their heads instead of their hearts when necessary !
All human government is evil , not just that of other countries. Only the Government of Jesus Christ will be perfect , untainted , fair , just .

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