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Assad says Israel must first ratify chemical arms treaty

"Before taking any steps to implement the Russian proposal for surrendering his chemical weapons stocks and means of manufacture, Bashar Assad wants Israel to ratify he Convention banning Chemical Weapons, Israel signed the treaty in 1993 but never ratified it."

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I know there's a paucity of "good guys" for us to support, but there's an abundance of irritating ones. Apparently Assad thinks Israel needs to divest itself of all nuclear weapons as well, but that was in his Russian interview. If he would just hold his breath until it happened, the middle east would be a calmer place. For a wee little bit.


Re: Assad says Israel must first ratify chemical arms treaty

I thought the sudden change of Assad's heart was a little fishy. Now his true intentions are coming out. Slippery slope. Its pretty clear from scripture where all of this is going. Hold on tight! To Jesus!

Re: Assad says Israel must first ratify chemical arms treaty

I had read a quote today saying that if Syria gave up their weapons there would be peace in the Middle East but if Israel gave up their weapons, their would be no Israel.

I certainly smell anterior motive here. Then it will all be Israel's fault.

Re: Assad says Israel must first ratify chemical arms treaty

I feel Iran being behind this. Iran knows Israel would nuke them if they attacked but they want the nukes gone to give them a better chance (in their eyes) of winning a fight against Israel...which currently they are afraid of.

Re: Assad says Israel must first ratify chemical arms treaty
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