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This pic W&W post on my FB I had to share~

with You, Father, we're not alone
oh, Jesus, You know our every moment ~~

the Spirit nudging:

through each day, I hear your groans
I AM with you, so absorb My Word
in mind and heart stay close to Me,
Holy Spirit is yours, ~~I AM Your Lord,
My promises applied, will bring you peace,
I am Your manna and only contentment~
worry and fear? that's the world's attention
~sons and daughters, watch and see
My Love for you ~~ eternally~"

It's not for nothing running this race
Your Spirit in us ever stays~

Re: This pic W&W post on my FB I had to share~

Maybe she will post a photo of Basti for everyone to see. After all , he is a hero! I thought maybe this was his photo when I came upon this post.

We can sure identify with this sentiment expressed here, huh?

Email: victorychanter@raptureintheairnow.com

Website: Rapture In the Air Now

Re: This pic W&W post on my FB I had to share~

What blessed words and thoughts Donna. May you be encouraged by the Lord as you continue to encourage others. Know that the Larry is in the Lord's keeping, as we all are.

May the Lord's grace be sufficient in that which the Lord allows, and may glory in His sovereign will, in that which the Lord ordains.

Love & blessings...Tender Reed

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