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End times ignorance

I was trolling on a catholic forum. I know, I know. So somebody asked about the catholic position on the mark in Revelation. It killed me, it just killed me. I can't proselytize so I had to try to educate carefully.

Most people didn't know that they shouldn't take the mark. Really, how can you not know that?! I did warn them that they would be eternally ****ed for getting it and beheaded for not.

They will be like sheep to slaughter.

Re: End times ignorance

It's more than just ignorance about the end-times; there is widespread ignorance about all things Biblical. Or I could just stop after the word "ignorance."

I hope that doesn't come across as sounding uppity; there are lots of things I am uninformed about. It just seems that general knowledge is in great want these days, in so many areas that used to be known by almost everyone.

You know something's wrong when quiz show contestants can't name who built the ark in Genesis.

Re: End times ignorance

. . . here's the latest 'admonition by the Pope: "Church will fail if mired in rules for gays, abortion"

thankfully, Jesus changes not ~~ our Lord Jesus is the only One Who can change the soul toward repentance . . oh, Jesus, You are never the author of confusion nor the Spirit of ignorance, but the CENTER of our faith, not the Pope and his 'sayings' . . ~~ ~~ still, the catholic church accepts the Pope's 'messages' infallible ~~

(Mark 9:50) - "Salt is good; but if the salt becomes unsalty, with what will you make it salty again? Have salt in yourselves, and be at peace with one another."
(John 14:27) - "Peace I leave with you; My peace I give to you; not as the world gives, do I give to you. Let not your heart be troubled, nor let it be fearful.

Re: End times ignorance

I don't think it coincidental that we are viewed as sheep. As sheep I am told are one of the dumbest animals on the planet. I guess that's why we are also called "sheeple". Until and unless we are enlightened by the Holy Spirit, we all seem pretty dumb spiritually. But sadly, I am finding that we as a society are not only consumed by the "spirit of stupid" with regards to spiritual matters, but common sense isn't so common anymore. Seems like people need help with even the ordinary tasks of life. IE: how many can't distinguish between their left hand or right hand. After years of shopping at the same store, more than once a week, you would be surprised to find out many people can't even find their own groceries without asking someone for help. Or how about people that walk through a door/entrance to a business, and then immediately stop, blocking all other traffic. The spirit of stupid reigns, and laziness isn't far behind. I know that we are broken vessels before the Lord, but even the simplest, ordinary and mundane daily tasks are often overwhelming and befuddling to so many people, why? I find it scary. If people need help getting out of bed and getting dressed each morning, how can they find the answers to deep spiritual issues???

Love & blessings...Tender Reed

Re: End times ignorance

Alas we have more knowledge available to us then ever yet people are not
becoming smarter as evidenced by increased problem solving, common sense or
Knowledge of anything importance. What has grown is knowledge of who went were, did what, with who, what was worn, what they ate, etc.

Email: GodIsLove5bc@gmail.com

Re: End times ignorance

Here is the one I ALWAYS cringe at, and it's a red flag to me that the person is a DECEIVED "Christian":

"Being a Christian means you don't judge."

Really? Sure Jesus said to lover others, turn the other cheek, etc., but he also REBUKED those who did wrong, he didn't just step back and say "Oh, it's my Father's job to judge." Nope, he even called the Pharisees a "Brood of vipers" that's a pretty bad insult if you really think about it, it means they walk around spewing their poison and killing others with their posion. Sure we should rebuke in a loving way, but why do they skip over parts like Matthew 18:15-17 in which Jesus tells us how to deal with our brothers who sin against us? Or how about Revelation 2: 1-3?

This believe that we "are not to judge" is the VERY reason why there are gay Catholic priests who have "come out of the closet" and even went to the extreme of saying that "homosexuality is a GIFT from God!" Say WHAT?! (Yes this happened, saw the Priest in a news video say it, if anyone wants to watch it let me know and I'll find it). He even said that he has received "overwhelming support from the church and the Catholic people." Ugh, where is the waste basket, I need to vomit!

Re: End times ignorance

Before I even begin, I'm going to beg forgiveness of my ignorance, but where does it say:
"Judge not that ye be not judged. For with whatever measure you mete against your brother,
Shall be used against you."

Scholars: Did I get the wording correct?
And how does this scripture tie in with Sparkle's Post?

Just learning all I can.
Humbly, Patti

Re: End times ignorance

Patti, the verse is from Matthew 7:1-2, and they're Christ's Own words. The idea is don't be a hypocrite. This is the same sermon from which Christ uses the speck/plank illustration. Don't judge your brother for... cheating on his wife if you've got a lady on the side. Don't judge him for being a smoker if you take a few puffs on your lunch break. That kind of thing.

Now, notice, the wording is BROTHER and not NEIGHBOR. I believe this is on purpose, to distinguish our fellow believers from unbelievers. Fix yourself first.


The Apostle Paul states we shouldn't judge unbelievers, but those who claim to BE believers in 1 Corinthians 5:12-13. If there's a brother who's involved in the laundry list of sins listed in vs. 5:11, then we have every right to "judge" him and kick him out of the congregation, because "a little leaven leavens the whole lump" (vs. 5:6).

Therefore, to review, we shouldn't judge a brother for a sin we also participate in, however, we are allowed to judge a brother if he's worldly.

So, we shouldn't judge unbelieving worldly people - we have no grounds, they're judged by Yahweh. But we do have authority to judge believers (like the gay priest mentioned above), because Paul goes on in 1 Corinthians 6:2-3, "Do ye not know that the saints shall judge the world? ... Know ye not that we shall judge angels?"

So yes, we are allowed to judge our brethren. The "don't judge" mentality was taken out of context by people who think you're wrong to tell people they're wrong.


Email: rebeccagoings@gmail.com

Website: http://yahwehishisname.blogspot.com

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