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Here Is An Amazing Sign Developing Before Our Eyes: Three Comets Help Make 9 Candle Menorah!

Picture in your mind these constellations on a conveyor belt-- Sagittarius-- Scorpio- Libra- Virgo- Leo- Gemini and let us look at what takes place in each on During the fall months!

During November 2013 we wll see an alignment of both 9 planets and comets along this conveyor belt of constellations!

What is amazing is the fact that there will be THREE COMETS at the same time in the same area of the sky that will fill up the gaps in this heavenly 9 candlestick menorah --as the main attraction comes to a head with Comet Ison lighting the Middle candle(The Sun) on November 27, 2013 at the time of the feast of dedication.

Now here is a rough order of the planets and comets and where they will appear in during this month of November 2013:

November 2, 2013
1) Sagittarius---> VENUS
November 3, 2013
2) Libra---------> SUN

November 3, 2013

3) Libra--------> MOON/SUN Rare Hybrid Solar Eclipse

November 9, 2013

4) Virgo--------> COMET ENCKE

November 9, 2013

5) Virgo-------> Comet ISON
6) Virgo ------> Mercury

November 9, 2013

7) Leo---------> Comet Lovejoy2
8 Leo----------> Mars

November 9, 2013

9) Gemini------> Jupiter

Now some of these planets and Comets move at different speeeds withing these constellations so it is very difficult to pen down their exact positions as they move in each of their independent orbits either around the Sun (With Planets) or away from the Sun (with Comets)!

Taken all together these 9 objects line up like one compact or well placed train across the sky and it will be one awesome sight come November 2013.

The fireworks will really begin when Comet Ison appears nearest the Sun on November 27, 2013.

Could the Haggai prophecy in Haggai 2:20 for the 24th day of the 9th month of Kislev be fulfilled on the date of November 27, 2013 ofr our western calendar?

It says that God is going to shake the heavens and the earth and He will overthrow nations and armies.
Could a major war break out between now and the end of November 2013?

Could a Mega-earthquake take place around this feast of dedication?

The 9 planet/comet menorah alignment in the heavens will be a sight to behold--but don't expect to go outside and see all 9 objects lined in a row in the night sky--some of these planets and comets will be under the horizon and on the other side of the setting Sun's location.

We will at least see some of this alignment during November 9, 2013 with Jupiter, comet Lovejoy, Mars, Comet Ison, and Comet Encke in a close alignment.

I know some are saying that two of these comets may not be naked eye visible but still they will help complete this 9 star menorah in the heavens from God's vantage point!!

Go to this website and view a simulation of the partial line-up: Astrobob,areavoices.com New-Comet-Lovejoy-Joins-An-Exciting Lineup Of Fall Comets and Planets!

What the sky map doesn't show is Mercury and The Moon anhd Sun and Venus---which have already at that time will have dropped below the southeast horizon!!

There is an interesting scripture at the end of this Haggai prophecy and it is in Haggai 2:23---> "On THAT DAY" ---November 27, 2013? I Will TAKE YOU!!!"

Also check out Luis Vegas new chart on Ison! The Chanukah Comet--Just google this title and you should come up with his chart!

Looks like October and November 2013 are going to be very high alert prophetic months!!

Look up (to the sky for the signs in the heavens) and lift up your discouraged heads---your redemption is drawing or coming near--as Comet Ison may be that heads up sign for the close of the church age!!

If you are thinking like me and all us watchers---That this church age closing TIME could not come sooooooooon enough!!!! Amen to that reverend!!

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