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Speak God’s Word And Activate His Angels

Psalm 103:20
Bless the Lord, you His angels, who excel in strength, who do His word, heeding the voice of His word.

Notice that the verse says that angels are “heeding the voice of His word”. Now, who gives voice to God’s Word? We do! Each time we speak God’s Word, we give voice to His Word. And when angels hear His Word given voice, they respond!

The Bible says that at the end of Daniel’s three weeks of fasting and praying for an answer from God, the angel Gabriel appeared to Daniel and said to him, “I have come because of your words.” (Daniel 10:12)

So when angels hear you saying, “Thank You, Father, no evil shall befall me nor shall any plague come near my dwelling,” (Psalm 91:10) they will come to your aid because you are giving voice to God’s Word. Even if you cannot quote the verse perfectly, they can still come to your rescue.

This was what happened to a lady in the United States. While walking home after an evening church service, she was attacked from behind by a man and dragged toward a dark corner in an alley. In that frantic state, she remembered only one word from that evening’s sermon. So she shouted, “Feathers! Feathers!” Her attacker released her and fled!

Feathers? What did she mean? She was actually referring to Psalm 91:4—“He shall cover you with His feathers, and under His wings you shall take refuge”. In that state of panic, she remembered only one word—“feathers”, and it was enough to cause her attacker to flee. You see, it is not your ability to quote an entire verse perfectly that releases God’s power, but faith in His Word and His love for you. And one word from Him is enough to send your enemies scurrying away.

However, if you know God’s Word by heart but refuse to proclaim it, the power of His Word cannot be released. The Bible does not say that angels heed His Word. No, it says that “His angels, who excel in strength, who do His word, heeding the voice of His word”. So beloved, give voice to God’s Word and see His angels respond. His angels are activated for your benefit when you speak His Word!
By Joseph Prince
Fair Use for informational or educational purposes
Email Inspirations.

Re: Speak God’s Word And Activate His Angels

I don't know much about activating angels, but I can vouch for praying the Word of God. The Holy Spirit taught me to do so, and ever since I've begun to do it, my prayers have been swiftly answered. It's because praying the Word is the same thing as praying God's will, and according to 1 John 5:14-15, if we pray according to God's will, we know we have what we asked of Him.


Email: rebeccagoings@gmail.com

Website: http://yahwehishisname.blogspot.com

Re: Speak God’s Word And Activate His Angels

Forgive me for being self-indulgent and taking this thread a bit off-topic.

I first heard the "Feathers! Feathers! Feathers!" story from my mother, who heard it from a woman in her Bible study. It was sometime between 1962 or 1963 and mid-1965, when we were living in Fremont and then Menlo Park, California.

The way my mother told it, the woman in the story was a friend -- or at least an acquaintance -- of the woman in her Bible study. My impression was of an older woman: the standard "little old lady."

Anyway, this particular little old lady was very firm in her faith, and had always planned that if she was ever threatened in any way, she would quote the verse from Psalm 91: "He shall cover thee with his feathers, and under his wings shalt thou trust." She firmly believed that verse would protect her from harm.

Well, one day she was walking somewhere, and a man grabbed her purse. She held on tightly. He tried to jerk it away from her. In the midst of the struggle, she opened her mouth to quote her well-known Bible verse -- but to her dismay, the verse had vanished from her memory! All she could remember was that it had something to do with a bird. In desperation she cried out, "Feathers! Feathers! Feathers!"

The would-be purse snatcher stared at the woman in horror. "Lady," he informed her earnestly, "you're crazy."

And then he ran away, leaving her still in possession of her purse ...

and feeling decidedly foolish. But the Lord had indeed protected her -- though not quite as she'd expected!

I've told this story many times, in different parts of the country, and there are probably one or two of my posts online, as well. This is the first time I've seen it from another source.

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