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Re: Transcript of Pastor JD Farag’s Sept. 22, 2013 Mid-East Prophecy Update

Here they are: quickly and first, religiously:

“Islamic Movement leaders warn of Israeli plan to destroy Al-Aqsa Mosque.” This is the Dome of the Rock there on the Temple Mount. [Both mosques are located on the Temple Mount, but they are separate.]

“Al Qaeda vows to slaughter Christians after U.S. liberates Syria.”

“Pope Francis assures atheists, ‘You don’t have to believe in God to go to Heaven.’”

“Pope seeks historic easing of rigid Catholic doctrine.”

“Pope warns Church must find balance or fall like a house of cards.”

“Pope Francis: 'Church too focused on gays and abortion.'”

“The Pope separates Jews from Israelis.”

“200 million Europeans see Israel as Nazi state.’


“Government shutdown looming over Obamacare sequester.”

“Detroit government shuts down power because residents didn’t conserve electricity.”

“Egyptian government forces raid pro-Mursi town of Kerdasa.”

“Egypt arrests prominent Muslim Brotherhood spokesman.”

“Egypt army storms Islamist-held town.”

“‘No time left for negotiations with Iran:’ Israeli minister.”

“Hinting at dismay with Obama, Prime Minister says Israel can rely only on itself.”

“Official: ‘Obama and Netanyahu to meet in Washington on September 30th.’” Also Abbas, of the Palestinian Liberation Organization-- **covers his mouth as if to take back his words** Oh, I’m sorry: they don’t want to be called that anymore! --will also be meeting with the President.

“Putin to visit Iran for the first time in six years.” Are you guys feeling me here? Is this Isaiah 19, Egypt? Isaiah 17, Syria? Ezekiel 38, Russia and Iran?

“Turkey downs Syrian helicopter, claims it violated airspace.”

“Implications of U.S.-Russia agreement about Assad.”

“Obama waives ban on arming terrorists to allow aid to Syrian opposition.”


“Al Qaeda leader urges small-scale attacks in U.S. to,” quote, “bleed America economically.” How’s that one? Have a nice afternoon!

**with his hands out to the sides in puzzlement** “Obama: ‘Raising the debt ceiling does not increase our debt.’” **congregation finds that amusing** Though it has, over a hundred times.

“U.S. House passes budget bill that would defund health care law.”

“Cabinet establishes team to evaluate reducing the use of cash.” Aha! How convenient!

“Gas prices set record: 1,000 days above $3 a gallon.” Saudi Arabia! Oil, natural gas, Israel: the hook!

“American poverty figure edges up to 46.5 million.”

“Why a U.S. recovery may send Treasury’s dollar crashing.”

“Analysts: ‘Republicans go for broke in fiscal battles.’”

“Food Stamp use rises: some 15% get benefits.”

“Study: ‘U.S. debt obligations--’” You ready for this number? “‘70 trillion.’”

“4 in 5 in U.S. face near poverty: no work.”

How about this one? “National debt, stacked in dollar bills, would stretch from the Earth to the Moon 5 times.”

“Study: ‘Record number 21 million young adults living with parents.’” Most of whom are here in Hawaii, I think. **laughs** For obvious reasons, by the way.

“U.S. blows out $16.7 trillion debt limit.”

I would suggest that while these headlines paint a very bleak picture of how the world is falling apart, they also paint a perfect picture of how Bible prophecy is coming together. And here’s the thing: how one responds to this becomes a litmus test, and as such, reveals where one is at in their relationship with Jesus Christ.

Simply put: if this is exciting, it’s not because you’re demented and morbid and-- No, it’s because you’re right with the Lord, and you’re ready for the Lord and His Soon Return.

Conversely, if this terrifies you, the reason is that you’re not right with the Lord. And that’s why you’re not ready for the Lord: because you’re not right with the Lord.

And I cannot offer you a false hope and encourage you, because if I were to do that and you don’t know Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior, it would be disingenuous at best, deceptive at worst.

And I’ll stand before God one day and have to give an account for what I told you and taught you from the pages of Holy Writ. And the bottom line is, unless you’re born again, you will not see the Kingdom of God. You cannot go to Heaven unless you’re born again, and you cannot be born again unless you call upon the name of Jesus Christ, the only name given among men whereby we must be saved.

He’s the only way to the Father; He’s the only Truth, the only Way, the only Life. There’s no way to the Father except through Him.

Re: Transcript of Pastor JD Farag’s Sept. 22, 2013 Mid-East Prophecy Update

I’m convinced that sometimes it’s not just easy or simple, it’s that it’s too simple. It’s too childlike-simple. And maybe that’s why people won’t become as a child to enter the Kingdom of Heaven, to be born again of the Spirit of God.

If you’re here this morning -- and I assume nothing, even if you’ve been coming here for many months, maybe even years-- If you don’t know Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior, you will not go up in the Rapture. I don’t know how else to tell you that.

And I say that to say this: you need to get right with the Lord. You need to call upon the Lord. You need to be born again. Today. You need to confess your sins. You need to confess Him as your Lord and Savior.

And then He in turn will give you the Holy Spirit that will indwell you and seal you for the Day of Redemption.

I don’t have time, but I want to give you two passages in the gospel of Matthew that give us the assurance that: a) we need not worry about a thing. We need not fear about anything. [no “b)” was mentioned]

And the first one is in Matthew 6, verses 19 through 34. And here’s the gist of it. It’s the famous Sermon on the Mount. I like to call it “the Sermon on the Amount,” because that’s what He talks about: treasures on Earth. Wherever your treasure it, there will your heart be also.

And in this passage of Scripture you will find the cure for worry, the antidote for fear. And there are no side-effects, by the way. So if you ever see a commercial, you’re never going to hear that real -- you know, with that soft music in the background as it’s playing, and -- **in a serious-yet-sensational voice** -- “Possible side effects are internal bleeding, brain damage, and death!”

And you know you’re thinking, “Really, I’m going to take this for the-- And the side effects are worse than the thing I’m taking it for-- Uh: not going to happen.”

In other words, there’s no pill that you can take, but there is a passage of Scripture that has been given, and it’s Matthew 6, 19 through 34.

Finally, let me say this: This is why I believe we’re not going to be here when all of this goes down. And you can accuse me of escapism, and I will just say -- I’ll be the first to say -- **waving a hand in the air** -- “Guilty as charged!”

Especially from those well-intentioned brothers and sisters who do not believe in a pre-Tribulation Rapture. And they’ll say to you something like, “Well, you just want to escape!”

I’m like, “And you don’t. You don’t want to escape? You want to be here for this?”

“Yeah. I’m going to roll up my arm sleeves and pull myself up by my bootstraps, and I’m going to fight!” **waving a fist in the air**

And I’m going to say, “Aloha!” **congregation laughs** “See ya! Wouldn’t want to be ya!”

Matthew 24, verses 36 through 42: Jesus describes -- here’s just a summary judgment, for lack of a better term. Jesus describes what it’s going to be like when the Rapture happens. And the description He gives is clearly a world that is going about business as usual, as the world did in the days of Noah. They were buying and selling, and marrying and given in marriage, and building and planting, and doing business, and buying and selling!

And then -- one’s taken, one’s left.

So how do you reconcile a global catastrophic event that would render this world unable to buy and sell, and do business as usual, and build and plant, and get married and give in marriage? **shakes his head** You can’t reconcile that.

So that’s what tells me that we’re not going to be here when this thing goes down -- **emphatically** -- and it will.

One last thing. (And this will be the last last thing of the last things that I said.)

This is really going to happen. It’s really happening now, isn’t it? It’s beginning to come to pass now.

Were it not for all of the prophecies collectively, in tandem, in concert one with the other, being in play presently in real time, then I would be willing to acquiesce to the notion that -- you know, maybe this isn’t it. But I’m having considerable difficulty, especially as the days go by -- and I mean literally the days. Not the weeks anymore, not the months, certainly not the years.

Almost with every passing day, I’m becoming increasingly convinced that this is it. And I say that under the banner, again, of saying I would rather have us be ready and have this not be it, than have this be it and have us not be ready. **shrugs**

Let’s pray.

Lord, Maranatha. Come quickly! It looks like You are.

Lord, there are many of us, though, here in this wonderful church, that have loved ones, friends, family members who don’t know You and aren’t ready for You -- perhaps even in our midst this morning. And so, Lord, we would simply pray that today it would be the day of their salvation, that they would surrender to You, call upon You, and be saved.

We ask this in Jesus’s name. Amen.

Re: Transcript of Pastor JD Farag’s Sept. 22, 2013 Mid-East Prophecy Update

And here's the video for those who prefer video:

And a link to the video discussion thread:
I do not see a thread yet.

And Pastor JD's sermon notes (otherwise known as the short version) from Calvary Chapel Kaneohe. It’s not posted yet; look at this link and click on “Prophecy Update 2013-09-22” when they get that up:

At the link above, once it's posted, you will also be able to find a downloadable audio file (at the bottom of the page for the particular Sunday Update you’re looking for).

Re: Transcript of Pastor JD Farag’s Sept. 22, 2013 Mid-East Prophecy Update

Thanks again, Perian!!

Re: Transcript of Pastor JD Farag’s Sept. 22, 2013 Mid-East Prophecy Update

Thank you for your hard work Perian!!!!

Re: Transcript of Pastor JD Farag’s Sept. 22, 2013 Mid-East Prophecy Update

oh, for sure,

Perian ~~ so exciting reading Pastor's teachings, thanks to you, sis ~~~ his insight is stirringly convincing we ARE in the end of this era of Grace, ~~

Re: Transcript of Pastor JD Farag’s Sept. 22, 2013 Mid-East Prophecy Update

Thank you so much Perian... I so look forward to Pastor J.D.'s prophecy updates. This was a REAL WINNER as they all are. Fills my heart and soul with such high hopes.... that IT is gonna be SOON!!!

Re: Transcript of Pastor JD Farag’s Sept. 22, 2013 Mid-East Prophecy Update

You're welcome and thanks for the flowers (and butterfly!).

I agree that this one is a winner!

Re: Transcript of Pastor JD Farag’s Sept. 22, 2013 Mid-East Prophecy Update

Pastor JD has hit some big nails on the head. The world is crashing around us while the NWO rises and that comes with all lies and deceit to the utmost. This just is not our home any more. Thank goodness we know prophecy. How depressing if we didn't.

Email: victorychanter@raptureintheairnow.com

Website: Rapture In the Air Now

Re: Transcript of Pastor JD Farag’s Sept. 22, 2013 Mid-East Prophecy Update

Perian, I just want to tell you how much I appreciate you doing this. Putting it in words allows me to read it at work when I can't watch videos. Thank you very much!

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