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Feast of Trumpets Meteor shower!

Hey Ritan's saw this the other day and forgot to post it! Maybe someone else already has but I thought I'd share anyways! This October 7th and 8th(real fest of trumpets it seems) there will be a Draconid meteor shower, here's a link on it!


Re: Feast of Trumpets Meteor shower!
Re: Feast of Trumpets Meteor shower!

This would draw a interesting picture in the heavens if we were to be caught up around this time 7-8th October, what seems to be the correct date for Rosh Hashanah. Draconid meteor shower depicting Satan and his host being thrown to earth. I read where someone was shown, that when we go up Satan is cast down.
Either way we know it is closer than when we first believed.

Re: Feast of Trumpets Meteor shower!

His Unmerited Favour, I hope you're right :P that would be an amazing sight, and it seems to fit!

Re: Feast of Trumpets Meteor shower!

I thought it was when the missiles come down, we go up...

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