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Re: URGENT: I need your prayer support, please! Patti

Oh Sweet sister I am so sorry for all that you are going through. I will definitely be praying for you and for your sweet daughter. I know a little of what you are experiencing as I navigate these young adult years with my 19 year old who is struggling also. I understand the tough love thing and letting them figure things out but a mother's heart can only take so much. I pray that you will be strengthened as you also navigate these waters. Just as Jesus calmed the waters and storm for the disciples, He calms your storms today. He is the same today and he cannot lie so that means that He is wooing her and drawing her unto Him. I would not want to be a young adult in this time. The things that were so unacceptable just a few years ago, are now seen as almost normal. I have known quite a few young women in the past couple of years who have struggled with this and it is nothing more than then enemy confusing their young hearts. I have also struggled with depression in the past 7 years after 3 major losses in my family. i cry out to God and keep on going. Below are some thoughts from Max Lucado on overcoming. I saw him at Women of Faith last weekend. I hope it helps. Keep your chin up my friend. We will hold you up in prayer. Luv U!!!

Steps to overcoming
1) lay claim to the nearness of God (Hebrews 13:5) Never will I leave you; Never will I forsake you
2) just because you have a thought you don't have to think it
3) cling to God's character
4) pray out your pain
5) lean on God's people

Email: Gwise032@yahoo.com

Re: URGENT: I need your prayer support, please! Patti

Patti, as a mother I can really relate to what your going through. it is very difficult for us not to feel for our children in whatever troubles they go through, our first instinct is to protect them. In looking back when I have gone through times where I didn't know what to do, and had cried out and prayed to the Lord for an answer, He always came through but it was always in His own timing, never once did He let me fall but worked it all out for good in the end, I may not have known at the time how He would do it and 100% of the time it wasn't the way I had prayed for His help. Just know this Patti, He will answer your prayers and will be there for you and will see you through it all. In agreement with all the prayers being lifted up to the Lord for you and your daughter.
God Bless.

Re: URGENT: I need your prayer support, please! Patti

Hi Patti, Thought I would check and see how you are. Glad you are doing better. Lived in Tulsa for a while when I was little.
Love & many blessings,
Mom of 2

Re: URGENT: I need your prayer support, please! Patti

Thank you for checking on me!
I appreciate that!
Love & Blessings,
Patti : )

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