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"Ten Sheckels and a Shirt" by Paris Reidhead YOU DON'T WANT TO MISS THIS POST!!!!!!!!!!!!!


If there is one tape/cd that is a must have, it's Paris Reidhead's message "Ten Sheckels and a Shirt".He was associated with the Christian Misionary Alliance. I've encluded his personal autobiography on this tape blow. Rev Reidhead went on to be with the Lord in 1988, but the work of the Holy Spirit still resonates through this one tape, with the same power and life like it was first given.

I was talking with the owner of the bookstore shown at the bottom of the thread, when I found out he had converted the tape to a CD, I ordered several. The shop owner had a missionary couple that had spent 40 years in the mission field come into his store. They were burnt out. He gave them a copy of the tape free. A few days later they came back into the shop and thanked them for giving the tape to them. He asked what their plans were now. They said they were returning to the mission field.

One quick story, then you can read about the tape itself from the man who gave it. Paris Reidhead was a paster turned missionary turned pastor. In the 50's, he had heard of all the hardships of those that lived in Africa. He was determined to go himself and preach the gospel. He made a list of all the things he would need, had approval from the board and off he flew to do missionary work for those who were lost.

When he arrived in Africa, he realized that the conditions of life where far worse than the missionaries had depicted. His heart went out to the people. He didn't want those whose lives were filled with such depravity here on earth, then to end up in hell eternal. Sounds like a good motive, doesn't it???

He went out daily and preached to the people, but none were inteested. A month went by, then two, then three and finally after 4 1/2 months of preaching and not even one person converted, He went back to his trailor and got mad at God. He said..."Why in the world have you sent me to such a place. These people live in such depravity, yet they love their sin and want to stay in it?". As he sat on the bed, angry at God, the Lord spoke to Him and said "I didn't send you here for them, I sent you here for ME. I'm the One who died on the Cross, I'm the one who suffered the shame. I'm the One who loves them. I didn't send you there for them, I sent you there for Me. After that Paris said that it changed it all, it righted it all. No longer was he serving man, but was serving the Living God.

This tape is a life changing tape unlike any other. It's the type of tape that will reground pastors to the flock that they serve. It will change the heart and determination of each and every person who is willing to hear it.

God Bless...


And now the story, in his own words....


In over fifty years of Bible teaching and preaching "Ten Shekels and a Shirt" is the only message that I feel constrained to explain how it came to be preached.

During a Bethany Fellowship Summer Conference in the mid sixties I was preparing to speak at the Tuesday morning Bible hour. Upon returning to my room after breakfast to meditate and pray about the message for that morning hour, I felt strangely impressed that I could not deliver the message that had been prepared for the session. Instead, I felt that there was some other message that was needed which I was to bring.

After prayer, the message that came to mind was one on which I had begun preparation for the ministry at the church in New York City of which I was pastor at that time. My notes were not with me, but were in a file folder in my study. An empty envelope was on the desk in my room, on the back of which I wrote the scripture texts to be used and one or two ideas that came to mind. With the envelope in my Bible marking Judges, Chapter 17, and myself utterly cast upon the Lord, I went to the auditorium where between four and five hundred people waited to hear from the Lord through me.

I remember praying, "This morning I am utterly cast upon You because I am not prepared." In my heart I seemed to hear His response, "Well, is that so bad, already?" (Being from New York City it was given in an idiom I would understand.)

I delivered the message and gave an invitation. Shortly the altar across the front of the auditorium was filled with broken people seeking God.

The summer conference was soon over and I returned to New York City and the ministry there.

About ten years later one of the Bethany Fellowship staff was in Washington, D.C., where we had moved and from where we still minister. His word was, "Paris, I want to tell you that God has repeatedly used your message 'Ten Shekels and a Shirt' in my life."

I didn't really know to what he referred, for I had never preached that message again. The substance of it occurs in other messages, but the exact message itself was preached only that once.

A week or two later Harry Conn from Rockford, Illinois was in Washington. He invited me to have dinner with him. In the course of the meal he said, "I buy that message 'Ten Shekels and a Shirt' by the dozen to give to people. God is really using it in lives." My response was that if you have a copy, I would like to have it sent to me so that I can find out what it is I have said. In a few days the cassette arrived.

Since I don't have a tape player in my office, I put the tape into the Sony dictating machine on my desk and listened through the little playback on the hand-held microphone. The element of distance in terms of time, and the distorted sound through the miniature speaker, let me listen to the message with no real awareness of who was speaking. From time to time I felt like exclaiming, "That's right. I wish I had said that." Then it dawned on me that it was I ... no, not really. I realized that on a Tuesday morning during a summer conference, God had been able to get His message across because of my utter and complete helplessness.

Be sure of this, I take no credit for anything and everything that is good and a blessing from the message. In the past sixteen years several thousands of taped copies of this message have been sold and many more thousands of copies have been made from the ones purchased.

I have never preached this message again, nor will I. This message has not been transcribed and printed, nor will it ever be. Here is the message just as the Lord, Who chose to use Balaam's donkey, was also able to use another who was utterly dependent upon Him.-Paris Reidhead

Rare Christian Books

19275 Highway 28

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Email: rcb@RareChristianBooks.com

Re: "Ten Sheckels and a Shirt" by Paris Reidhead YOU DON'T WANT TO MISS THIS POST!!!!!!!!!

Here's an audio of the sermon:

Ten Shekels and a Shirt

Re: "Ten Sheckels and a Shirt" by Paris Reidhead YOU DON'T WANT TO MISS THIS POST!!!!!!!!!

Thanks, Steve. Sounds awesome! I've saved this to my computer to listen to... hopefully I'll get a chance sometime today.

Re: "Ten Sheckels and a Shirt" by Paris Reidhead YOU DON'T WANT TO MISS THIS POST!!!!!!!!!

Well, that was truly incredible to listen to. Everyone really does need to take 51 minutes and listen to it. I don't know what else to say except that it truly gets to the heart of the matter - and explains why there will be so many saying "Lord, Lord" and not be able to enter the kingdom of heaven. Woe to the pastors who are preaching a humanistic view of "what Jesus can do for us". I believe they will pay a heavy price.

May the Lamb that was slain receive the reward of His suffering!

Psalm 51:17
The sacrifices of God are a broken spirit: a broken and a contrite heart, O God, thou wilt not despise.

Re: "Ten Sheckels and a Shirt" by Paris Reidhead YOU DON'T WANT TO MISS THIS POST!!!!!!!!!

Diane, Charity and Francesca...

Thanks all for your comments. Diane...You hit the nail on the head. My father gave this tape for me to listen to after coming out of 3 years of Christian service, and I broke down and wept and wept.

Since God looks at the heart, we need to stay so right with Him. It's sooooo easy to run down a small rabbit trail. If there is sin in our hearts, the Bible says He will not hear us. I know how important the law of grace is, yet the other side of the coin is disception, which the enemy so cleverly weaves into our lives, without us even picking up on it.

Jesus is just too important. This tape does not condemn, it just tells the truth of what true Christianity is suppose to look like. Read again what Diane had to say. It really is right on.


Re: "Ten Sheckels and a Shirt" by Paris Reidhead YOU DON'T WANT TO MISS THIS POST!!!!!!!!!

Steve, I think one of the things that he said that got to me the most is would be still be willing to serve Jesus even if he sent me to hell anyway? That really gets to the heart of the matter because if I can say to myself "well, no, if he's not going to send me to heaven, I'm not going to serve Him - I'm going to go live it up since I'll go to hell either way", then I have to wonder if my heart is in the right place. We serve Him simply because He Just Deserves It - not because at the end we get the reward of heaven. If we're not serving Him just because of who He is and not because of what we get, then we have to reexamine ourselves. I have been, since listening to this.

This goes right back to one of the discussions last week about the rapture being an idol. I think we used the word idol wrong in that context - thus the controversy - but the fact still remains that if we are only serving Him now to make sure we get taken in the rapture, then are we truly serving Him for the right reason - which is JUST BECAUSE HE DESERVES IT?

Anyway, I don't want to start another controversy here - just giving my opinion to the audio. Thanks for posting!

Re: "Ten Sheckels and a Shirt" by Paris Reidhead YOU DON'T WANT TO MISS THIS POST!!!!!!!!!

Um, I feel like my last post mght have scared some folks from listening to the audio as they may think it is condemning or frightening and I just wanted to say that it is not so! It is an uplifting and informative audio that shows how much God truly loves us by what he sacrificed for us. It also is a great history lesson on how humanism has grown in the world and in the church. I learned a lot. It was full of "meat of the Word".

Re: "Ten Sheckels and a Shirt" by Paris Reidhead YOU DON'T WANT TO MISS THIS POST!!!!!!!!!

Dear Rita...

If there was ever a tape that so brings the words of God directly into ones heart. This is the one. I don't say it because it posted it. I say it because it comes directly from the Father of Lights above.

Do we want to see as He sees and live as He lives, and love as He loves. This tape, which Paris was ill prepared to give and only gave it once, has had an unbelievable affect on the body of Christ, worldwide.

You just don't want to miss this one. Plan the time and sit back and be ministered to.


Re: "Ten Sheckels and a Shirt" by Paris Reidhead YOU DON'T WANT TO MISS THIS POST!!!!!!!!!

This sermon really blessed me, Steve. The Lord confirmed to me another dream I had through this....the dream regarding the Subaru as it was this Subaru in which this couple showed me WHERE to put the key in so I could open the trunk and there was a mattress in the back and it was obvious I was to get in and 'rest' for a period of time.

One other thing that had me puzzled in it was that this couple (who I think may represent the latter rain "double portion of the Spirit") were telling me that I needed to reinforce the luggage rack on top of the trunk as it appeared that the roof of the trunk might collapse on me. This may represesnt strengthening my faith for the 'baggage' or 'calamity' that is to come on the earth for a period of time, but I am to rest in Him. I could see the roof of the trunk was warped in the middle and did not appear strong.

The Lord has also pointed out to me in another dream my need to put on the shoes of peace and in fact I was given a pair of shoes that happened to be blue, like the Subaru. Blue representing the heavenly realm. These shoes had holes in the toes, so it was showing that my faith may not be perfect but at least it would be 'matched' as I was currently wearing unmatched shoes.

Anyway...it is so clear to me when I heard this sermon that the Lord knew I was going to listen to it a few weeks ago and He was confirming that the Subaru dream was from Him.

Re: "Ten Sheckels and a Shirt" by Paris Reidhead YOU DON'T WANT TO MISS THIS POST!!!!!!!!!

I'm gonna bump this thread because I really think the message is right from the heart of God and worth listening to - so if ya'll have time.... you'll be blessed.

Re: "Ten Sheckels and a Shirt" by Paris Reidhead YOU DON'T WANT TO MISS THIS POST!!!!!!!!!


Thank you for bumping this thread. I didn't think of it. I just figured the ones the Lord wanted to hear this will, and Francesca has made it so easy with a simple click.

Blessings on you!!!


Re: "Ten Sheckels and a Shirt" by Paris Reidhead YOU DON'T WANT TO MISS THIS POST!!!!!!!!!


Email: ljpoohbunny@insightbb.com

Re: "Ten Sheckels and a Shirt" by Paris Reidhead YOU DON'T WANT TO MISS THIS POST!!!!!!!!!


Re: "Ten Sheckels and a Shirt" by Paris Reidhead YOU DON'T WANT TO MISS THIS POST!!!!!!!!!


Email: ljpoohbunny@insightbb.com

Re: "Ten Sheckels and a Shirt" by Paris Reidhead YOU DON'T WANT TO MISS THIS POST!!!!!!!!!


To listen to the tape, go to Francesca's note above. She gave the link to listen to "Ten Sheckels and a Shirt"



Re: "Ten Sheckels and a Shirt" by Paris Reidhead YOU DON'T WANT TO MISS THIS POST!!!!!!!!!


If you go to the bottom of my first post on this site, you will see a phone number that may be able to help you.

If you need audio, Francesca also made it available above on her post.

Hope this helps.


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