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Quadruplet Babies Cracking Up!!!

Re: Quadruplet Babies Cracking Up!!!

That is soooo cute!! I am still smiling...they all looked alike and the mom too.

Thanks Charity for posting this..still smiling :)

Re: Quadruplet Babies Cracking Up!!!

Too precious!!! . . Bring on the chuckles, so God-given!!! Contagious. Our Creator is a happy God, isn't He.

Re: Quadruplet Babies Cracking Up!!!

There is just something about a baby's laugh that is so darling. I love to hear them laugh and we will hear much of that in heaven. A happy baby and child friendly environment - not like earth where abortion is worshipped.

Re: Quadruplet Babies Cracking Up!!!

Texas Sue
A happy baby and child friendly environment - not like earth where abortion is worshipped.

Abortion gets to me more than anything on earth. How deceptive can 'wrong' be? This world applauding abortion as 'right for the mother'.

This generation's darkness is exactly as Jesus said it would be, . . . unnatural affections . . . amazing!!!!

Re: Quadruplet Babies Cracking Up!!!

TSue .. Do you think we will still be able to have children? What are your thoughts on marriage in heaven? If we can have children for an eternity then there will be lots of people but I am sure God will have a plan though.

My son has expressed that he wants to experience those things and I just can not believe that we will not be able to still have children..... for such is the Kingdom of heaven.

Re: Quadruplet Babies Cracking Up!!!

I'm convinced J/Sue that our relationships in Heaven will be greater than earthly marriage.

And, all our desires met beyond imagination, perfected in Christ Jesus . . abundantly so . .

I think, too, that our feelings for babies will be expanded, perfected and enjoyed. We'll get to enjoy holding these darlings as if they were our own . . for all that God has, His very inheritance is ours.

We are told, that we will lack nothing, only perfect joy everlastingly promised to the King's kids!!!

Praise God of Light and Life!

Re: Quadruplet Babies Cracking Up!!!

Where will the babies come from? I know these are hard questions...I know there will be babies there when we get there but they will grow up and then where will babies come from..what about marriage? I would like to have someone with me in eternity but i am still single here will I be alone and never experience that? although I think the ultimate experience will be with Jesus....but my desire now is to be married here on earth..but it has not happened and if we are going to be leaving soon what does that mean for my desire?

Re: Quadruplet Babies Cracking Up!!!

Jesus said that we would be as the angels in heaven. We will be married - TO JESUS! Can't get better than that.

As far as babies- ALL babies who die go back to their Creator and are in heaven. More than 4,000 a day are aborted in America alone. That doesn't include the body counts from China where forced abortion is law, and Russia and all the other 146 nations of the world. Many of those will not have Christian parents and will need someone to love and care for them and teach them about God. I want in on one of those assignments.

There are also babies in heaven who were miscarried and didn't come to full term. There are also those who died young of crib death or illness, killed in war, or other disasters, car wrecks, etc. Those whose parents become Christians will raise their own babies in heaven if they go home not many years after the child dies. If you have seen Jesse Duplantis's visit to heaven video he talks about the babies and the children in heaven at length.

Re: Quadruplet Babies Cracking Up!!!

Thanks Sue that makes sense and I know I will want several of those babies myself..but will the babies stay babies once they get to heaven? I had a miscarriage over 20 years ago that baby should be grown by now and if they grow up then there will be no more babies? I was thinking about the dream job thread and did not post becasuse I can not make up my mind...I would want lots of different jobs.... but taking care of babies and baby animals is up there....

Its been a long time since I read Jessies book and heard his testimony...and I had the tape too...lol... I should remember what he said.... but still it makes me wonder .... and I do remember that you will still have your relationships and do things like picnics and such I have always wanted to make sure I have that special someone to go on those picnics with......

Oh well we will find out soon enough.....right now I better finish algebra and go to work.

I hope you are staying warm sue..it is soooo cold!!! and tomorrow is going to be worse :(

Re: Quadruplet Babies Cracking Up!!!

Joyful Susan, thanks for the stay warm wish. We are all going to need that for a while it seems. UNLESS, ta-da-ta-da!!! Rapture happens!

I know once we get to heaven we will have lots of new things to learn and many surprises - ALL GOOD! What we do know is probably just a smidgen compared to the reality of our wonderful future. Can hardly wait to find out. Have a great day at work.

Re: Quadruplet Babies Cracking Up!!!

Charity, that is so sweet..

That really got my morning started..

Thank you for sharing this with us..

The wife is in the front room feeding g/son and I hear him sputtering like a little stinker does having fun....LOL

All you RITA folks have a great day..


Re: Quadruplet Babies Cracking Up!!!

That is to die for, she is so lucky to have 4 happy babies all at the same time.

It makes me sad too...where does the time go...my babies are grown. It is so fulfilling to raise children, the most important job we will ever do on this earth.

Email: maria callison@hotmail.com

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