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More Proof by Pastor Riley that 2010 is the year we go home!!!!

How soon…..? By Pastor F. M. Riley February 12, 2010

“So teach us to number our days, that we may apply our hearts unto wisdom.” Psalm 90:12

Dear ____________,

Thank you for writing. I am glad the studies were a blessing to you. I have an entire series of studies setting forth the truth of the Pre-tribulation rapture which I will be glad to send to you or any of our readers who request them. Just ask for “The Pre-tribulation Rapture Series.”

Dear brother, I DO NOT know that the rapture of New Testament believers has to fit within the holy days of the Jewish calendar, for the Lord’s New Testament church is primarily a Gentile entity. The Lord’s church is not Jewish, and therefore it is possible that the church does not have to conform to the Jewish holy days.

However, that question is up to the Lord. The church may indeed have to conform to them! We will soon see! If it is required that the prophecies regarding the Lord’s church be fulfilled in accordance with the Jewish holy days, then it appears to me that everything predicted leading up to the rapture of the church is coming together like a hand fitting into a glove.

Brother, the Lord Jesus Christ rode into Jerusalem on the back of a donkey on the 10th day of Abib [Nisan] nearly 2,000 years ago in exact fulfillment of His appearance as the Messiah predicted in Daniel 9:25, bringing the 69 weeks of Daniel to fulfillment on that exact day. Four days later He was crucified [cut off] in direct fulfillment of Daniel 9:26(a).

The Lord Himself verified this truth three times in Luke 19, verses 40, 42, and 44. Then knowing how precise the Lord is all through His inspired Word, I see no Scriptural reason why the 70th week of Daniel may not commence right where the 69th week left off, with only the 2,000 years of GRACE intervening.

If this should be the case , then the Tribulation period [the 70th week of Daniel] will begin on Abib 11 on the Jewish calendar which this year begins at sundown in Israel on March 25th. This date therefore then looms on the horizon as a distinct “possibility.”

Quite significantly, the Jews back in November began building an altar according to the exact specifications set forth in the Scriptures. That altar is now complete! On January 12th KorbanPesach.org, a committee of the Sanhedrin in Jerusalem, sent an invitation to Jews all over the world to come to Jerusalem on Passover this year to reinstitute the actual, literal sacrifice of the Paschal Lamb.

They plan to buy enough lambs so that every Jew who attends will be able to partake of the meat of their Paschal lamb exactly as specified in Exodus 12. They are anticipating at least a million Jews coming to Jerusalem to observe the Passover this year, which will occur on March 29-30.

Brother, for the following information I am glad to give credit to Bob Mitchell who wrote about this on his Interesting Prophecies on January 8th. I also want to express my appreciation to a dear sister in Australia [who prefers that her email address not be circulated] who forwarded this information on to me. I am sharing it with you and other readers by rewriting it in my own style and adding my own comments.

Remember that Peter in Acts 2:17-21, when speaking to the Jews in Jerusalem on the Day of Pentecost [Acts 2:5; 2:14; 2:22; 2:36; 2:39(a)], and transliterating from Joel’s prophecy, clearly stated, “I will pour out of My Spirit upon all flesh: and your sons and your daughters shall prophesy, and your young men shall see visions, and your old men shall dream dreams…..”

Both the context and the wording used here makes it clear that this statement is speaking of the Jewish people. This cannot be denied by anyone who understands the grammatical construction of sentences and has a real desire to “rightly divide the Word of truth,” 2 Timothy 2:15.

It clearly states that in these “last days” Jews would be given prophecies, would see visions, and dream dreams. I am aware that many people today claim they have been given these “gifts,” but it is very obvious that some making the claim have and some haven’t. 1 John 4:1-3 is still in the Bible!

However, when I run across a Jew today who claims to have been given a prophecy or a vision or a dream, I pay a good bit more attention to their claim than I do that of Gentiles making a similar claim. Without apology to anyone!

Then in view of this inspired prophecy given by Peter, I think it is highly significant that…….

In 1217 the Jewish Rabbi Judah Ben Samuel prophesied that the Ottoman Turks would rule over the holy city of Jerusalem for eight Jubilees. A Jubilee is a period of 50 years according to Leviticus 25:8-13. Eight Jubilees would then be 400 years.

Sure enough, 300 years later in 1517 the Ottoman Turks seized control of the city of Jerusalem and ruled over it for the next 400 years. They were finally driven out of the city and the holy land in 1917 by the Allied forces under the command of General George Allenby. The Rabbi’s prophecy about the 400 years was fulfilled exactly to the year.

The Rabbi had also prophesied that during the ninth Jubilee Jerusalem would be a “no-man’s land.” This is exactly what happened from 1917 to 1967, due to the fact that the holy land was placed under British Mandate in 1917 by the League of Nations and literally “belonged” to no nation.

Even after Israel’s war of independence in 1948-49 Jerusalem was still divided by a strip of land running right through the heart of the city, with Jordan controlling the eastern part of the city and Israel controlling the western part of the city. That strip of land was considered and even called “no-man’s land” by both the Israelis and the Jordanians.

Anyone even stepping into that strip would be shot down. I lived during that period of time and well remember the reports in the newspapers and shown on TV about the division of Jerusalem. It was not until the Six Day War in 1967 when the entire west bank of the holy land was conquered by the Israeli army that the whole city of Jerusalem passed back into the possession of Israel. So once again the prophecy made by the Rabbi 750 years previously was fulfilled to the letter.

But that is still not the end of the matter. The Rabbi also prophesied that during the 10th Jubilee Jerusalem would be under the control of the Jews and the Messianic “end times” would begin. The 10th Jubilee began in 1967 and will be concluded in 2017. The Rabbi’s prophecy has been fulfilled to the letter right up to this present day.

There is then no Scriptural reason to believe it will not continue to be fulfilled exactly as it was given, until the conclusion of the seven year Tribulation in 2017. This then means that the pre-tribulation resurrection and rapture of New Testament believers will occur this very year; 2010, and that the Messiah and Savior of Israel will return and establish His Millennial Kingdom in 2017, again fulfilling to the letter the Rabbi’s prophecy.

Glory to God! Hallelujah! Praise the Lord! Jesus is coming for His people VERY SOON! Praise the God of glory! Thank God for the “blessed hope.”

But this still isn’t the whole prophetic picture. During the 18th century [the 1700’s] Rabbi Vilna Gaon prophesied that the Hurva Synagogue in Jerusalem, probably the most magnificent Jewish Synagogue in the entire world, would be destroyed and rebuilt twice, destroyed yet again and built a third time. He prophesied that when it was rebuilt the third time, then construction would begin on the [third… ?] Jewish Temple.

The Hurva Synagogue was first destroyed by the Muslims shortly after it was originally built. A hundred years later it was rebuilt a second time. Then it was destroyed for the second time by the Jordanian army during Israel’s war of independence in 1948-49. It lay in ruins until 2001! That year the Israeli government and the Jewish people in Israel began rebuilding it again. Now here is the fascinating relation to end-time Bible prophecy…….

The Hurva Synagogue has just been completed, and is scheduled to be dedicated and officially opened in a grand ceremony in Jerusalem on March 15, 2010. Significantly, the Jewish Rabbinate in Jerusalem has already announced that the plans for rebuilding the Jewish Temple will be presented to the nation of Israel and the Jewish people on March 16, 2010. The Rabbi’s prophecy wins again!

Glory to God! Thank you Lord Jesus! Praise the Lord! Hallelujah! O glory be to God! Our Lord’s coming for His people is right at the door! Read Revelation 3:8.

Dear brother and dear readers, it is time for people to GET READY OR GET LEFT! Read John 3:3-7, 3:16, 3:36, 5:24, 14:6, Acts 4:12, 16:30-31, and Romans 10:8-13. DO IT TODAY! Tomorrow may be too late! 2 Corinthians 6:1-2. Then bow your head and your heart before the Lord and ask the Lord Jesus Christ to come into your heart and grant you true repentance and save you, cleanse you, and make you one of His children. The ONLY way anyone is ever “accounted worthy” is to have the “righteousness of Christ” imputed to you. Compare Luke 21:36 with 20:35-36, and then carefully read Romans 4:1-25.

Any reader who needs spiritual help is urged to contact me or some other true believer in whom you have real confidence. I will count it a blessing to answer your questions, study the Word with you, pray with you, and do whatever I can to help you find salvation in Christ, or the assurance and peace that the Lord wants to give to all of His people. May God grant you His GRACE is my prayer for you.

Dear brother, I hope this answers your questions and gives you additional spiritual insight. Please feel free to email or write to me anytime. My greatest blessing is to be used of the Lord to minister His Word to His people, and to the lost who are seeking Him for salvation. Please keep me in your prayers. God bless you.

Pastor F. M. Riley

Website: www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=667676418&ref=profile

Re: More Proof by Pastor Riley that 2010 is the year we go home!!!!

Dear Angelheart, thank you for posting this!!!! Pastor Riley's writings have always blessed me because they are so scripturally sound. He pours hours (days, weeks, years) into his studies, researching it throughly, even going into the original greek and hebrew roots of the words, using a lexicon if I'm not mistaken. I appreciate his accuracy in interpreting the scriptures.

What he wrote about Nissan 11th (March 25th) possibly starting the prophetic clock again, I really got excited! That really bears witness to my spirit, especially since Passover starts 4 days later on March 29th. And what about the Hurva Synagugue being completed? With the grand ceremony on March 15th? And what about the altar being built, also?

So many of us believes that it is soooooo close! Let it be so! COME QUICKLY, LORD JESUS!!!

Re: More Proof by Pastor Riley that 2010 is the year we go home!!!!

Your welcome Lisaleenie!!! I thought this would be encouraging for everyone!!!

Website: www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=667676418&ref=profile

Re: More Proof by Pastor Riley that 2010 is the year we go home!!!!

That is very interesting. My only bone to pick is that the Lord's Spirit is going to be poured out on ALL flesh (Jew, Gentile, even heathen)...so I think Pastor Riley is wrong when he says Gentiles won't dream dreams. Secondly we as gentiles are grafted in to the vine so we are in fact Jews so once again this goes back to the premise of only Jews getting dreams and visions is wrong. Perhaps I feel this way because I get plenty of dreams and visions.

I do find the rest of his post VERY interesting.

FWIW, from Feb 15 to March 26 (the day Jesus rode into Jerusalem) is 40 days. I believe we will be enduring a 40 day period in the wilderness. Today I had a vision that was a continuation of two other visions I had the end of last year.....I am not entirely sure of the interpretation, but I think the Lord was showing me that things are going to get BAD here for a little bit.

The three visions are as follows:

The first I saw a round white light with a dark black circle surrounding the light and from the circle grew these dark black squiggles...like cracks. I was looking at the ceiling when this happened. This occurred last August.

The second was the same thing except the light was gone. There were just a few of these black cracks and they were in disarray...not in any consistent pattern.

Today I saw the same black cracks though this time they covered the ceiling and they lasted a LONG time.

I got the impression that the Lord was telling me that the light was the Restrainer and that in the subsequent visions He was showing me that it was being removed and that shortly evil and chaos would begin to prevail. I don't know the timeline on this at all. However, I was given the date Feb 15th for the time that the company would be moving to a new building (representing a spiritual change in the world) and secondly that both the former and latter rains would fall by July 5th. I believe it is the former rain that causes the wise virgins to physically change prior to rapture.

I have also seen this 'rain' in a vision too many times to count. I saw it as recently as this past week. It appears like static or like snow on the t.v. but yet it clings to the ceiling. It comes in like smoke. I have felt it come upon me too and it feels staticky and it comes in waves...and feels kind of like a dizzy pleasant feeling...the best way I can describe it.

With all of the above visions I am completely awake...these aren't dreams and these things appear before my eyes. Perhaps it isn't from the Lord, but I sure feel like it is.

I find it very interesting that Feb 15 coincides with the New Moon. Just thought I would add this as I too think something is going to happen soon...however, I believe it will be something bad first, where we will be protected followed by something very good

Re: More Proof by Pastor Riley that 2010 is the year we go home!!!!

Today, Feb 14th. (Also known as Valentine's Day - A Gentile holiday of sorts)

I calculated it and it is 40 days from today to Nissan 11. (March 26th). As stated by Pastor Riley the 26th is the day when the actions of the Lord will be concentrated on the Jewish Nation.

An important number (40) and a virtual countdown until the beginning of the final seven years.

Remember it was also 40 days from the death of the Lord until He Ascended to heaven with His glorified body. It is also 37 days from Tuesday/Wednesday to Nissan 11, which is the number of days Jesus walked the earth with His glorified body.

I too believe that the Lord's Spirit will be poured out upon all flesh. That's why I do not believe of 40 days of testing or trial,

Because thou hast kept the word of my patience, I also will keep thee from the hour of temptation, which shall come upon all the world, to try them that dwell upon the earth. Rev 3:10

but just the exact opposite. If we have to go through any of these coming 40 days and all he** breaks loose, I believe it will be with the latter and the former rain annointing....for the Lord to return for a Gloirious Church.

Just some of my thoughts.....

All I do know...It is getting close...very close.


Re: More Proof by Pastor Riley that 2010 is the year we go home!!!!

I feel it too, that the Rapture is sooo near.

I've also felt Jesus' strong presence w/me in two stores (a grocery store & Kmart) for which I felt his loving powerful hug(s) for which I felt I was/or wasn't in these stores. I think that in the grocery store, He was telling me the same thing He told that woman at the well, but this time His focus was on food. The food he has for me, I will never hunger again.

Then at Kmart (I was there looking for a unisex Christmas gift), He told me, "These are useless things." I have treasures stored up for you in heaven. WOW!!!

Re: More Proof by Pastor Riley that 2010 is the year we go home!!!!

Oh I loved this Angelheart - this is soooo encouraging. To really think this is finally the year - it's almost too hard to believe but I sooo want to believe it and trust all the research that shows so obviously this IS the year - It just all makes so much sense - it's so plain and logical for anyone who delves deep into it that if all these things don't pan out - nothing else could fit.

I wish we could know the actual number of people who were believing just as we are that THIS IS THE YEAR! I believe it is a GREAT NUMBER!!!

Re: More Proof by Pastor Riley that 2010 is the year we go home!!!!

Angelheart thank you so much for sharing this with us. Pastor Riley is such a blessing. He is one of the few, the VERY few men of God who will actually talk about the rapture. Seems to be a lost subject in most Christian circles now.

Shirley, you should see the word that Sarah posted this morning too. It adds even more evidence to the whole that this is the year. It has 2010 -2011 in the title bar. It can be today for me, I am so ready to go home. Wouldn't it be great if Jesus came for us on Valentine's Day, a day set aside for LOVE?

Re: More Proof by Pastor Riley that 2010 is the year we go home!!!!

quote by T/Sue:
Wouldn't it be great if Jesus came for us on Valentine's Day, a day set aside for LOVE?

YES!YES!YES! Wouldn't that be so fitting???

Re: More Proof by Pastor Riley that 2010 is the year we go home!!!!

Woo-hoo!!! Amen!! Hallelujah!! Come, Lord Jesus!!!

Re: More Proof by Pastor Riley that 2010 is the year we go home!!!!

Quite significantly, the Jews back in November began building an altar according to the exact specifications set forth in the Scriptures. That altar is now complete! On January 12th KorbanPesach.org, a committee of the Sanhedrin in Jerusalem, sent an invitation to Jews all over the world to come to Jerusalem on Passover this year to reinstitute the actual, literal sacrifice of the Paschal Lamb.

They plan to buy enough lambs so that every Jew who attends will be able to partake of the meat of their Paschal lamb exactly as specified in Exodus 12. They are anticipating at least a million Jews coming to Jerusalem to observe the Passover this year, which will occur on March 29-30.

EXACTLY 888 days after Comet 17P Holmes exploded...

Re: More Proof by Pastor Riley that 2010 is the year we go home!!!!

This is a very good article, AngelHeart..

I enjoyed the part especially on the Rabbi prophecy of the Turks and Jerusalem, which we have discussed here before on the Jubilee.

This is lining up for a soon departure in order for the 2017 of the Messiah's coming


Re: More Proof by Pastor Riley that 2010 is the year we go home!!!!

More info on the Passover sacrifice...


Re: More Proof by Pastor Riley that 2010 is the year we go home!!!!

I like his teaching. Lots of proof and good study behind it. He makes a good case for this year.

Re: More Proof by Pastor Riley that 2010 is the year we go home!!!!


Re: More Proof by Pastor Riley that 2010 is the year we go home!!!!


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