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Signs in the Pyramids - What do you think..

I just ran across this. I haven't read the whole thing, but thought I'd post this URL before I went to bed and read it later today..

I don't know if it's worthy to read or not.. If anyone does read it before I get back, let me know what you think... I might not waste my time if it's not biblical...

Pyramid Link


Re: Signs in the Pyramids - What do you think..

WOW 2017 AGAIN! Lovin it! Cant post it all but a facinating study. Ive read studies on the measurements of the Pyramid that also point to the church and the Jews. Ive always thought it was a marker of things to come. GREAT FIND.

When looking for a time when Rosh Hashanah (the Feast of Trumpets) coincides with September 20th, the nearest year found is 2066 with the next occurrence in 2085. This however puts the time beyond the promise of a generation and beyond the time put forward in Signs of the End. Since Rosh Hashanah begins on sundown and signs come before events, it seems to make more sense for Rosh Hashanah to begin at sundown on the 20th instead of the 19th of September. This would then push Rosh Hashanah to September the 21st. If we look for the next time this occurs, it would be in the years of 2017, 2028, and 2047. The year of 2017 is the same year suggested by Signs of the End for the end of the Tribulation. Apparently further confirmation for this year was on its way (though the signs and their apparent exact fulfillment mapped in Signs of the End is more than enough confirmation).

At the moment Al Nitak is at meridian, Leo (the Lion) is in the east, but more importantly its star known as Regulus (the King) is precisely at the altitude of the Christ Angle. Therefore, the Christ angle not only bisects Bethlehem, but it also bisects Regulus at this time. The year 2017 is the first year from present that Rosh Hashanah comes immediately after September 20th—the time Al Nitak hits meridian precisely at dawn, and also when Regulus hits the Christ Angle. The next years that this will occur are 2028 and 2047 .

Entry into the Great Pyramid is first at the descending angle, so this would seem to fit the angle of Regulus and Venus. After one has entered the Pyramid only then can the ascending passageway be traveled. Much like Jupiter below the horizon, it is hidden and follows the other alignment. What does this conclude? At this point I am not sure. It would seem to suggest that the ascending passageway has something to do with Rosh Hashanah 2017 and the coming of Messiah the King.

There is Al Nitak “the wounded one”. There is the Great Pyramid of Al Nitak without its chief cornerstone. There is also Leo and the “Lion of Judah” with Regulus the “King” and Venus the “Morning Star”—all titles for the Messiah who at this marked time will be returning.

Email: iampriceles@aol.com

Re: Signs in the Pyramids - What do you think..

I have read this before and it is great!!! Well worth the time!

Re: Signs in the Pyramids - What do you think..

This was on the news awhile back. The media all thought this image on the Great Pyramid looked like Obama. This was taken right from CNBC where they were comparing.


Re: Signs in the Pyramids - What do you think..


There is some interesting research at this link concerning the Bible Codes and the pyramids. It was the first time I ever heard the idea that the pyramids could have been built by Joseph, but it makes sense to me, particularly in that there seems to be much that is prophetic hidden within them. This is a quote from the above link:

"Also in the matrix, I give a hint of "who built it", at least for the Great Pyramid. There are ancient writings called the "Works of Joseph" which are supposedly from the Joseph in the Bible. He became second in command to the pharaoh and gathered up and stored grains during the 7 bountiful years, and then sold the grain during the 7 years of intense famine over all the earth. The Works of Joseph state that he instituted the pyramids project as a sort of huge public works project to put people to labor during the 7 years of famine."

That the pyramids were built with a spiritual theme in mind is backed up in the Bible. This is quoted from the link at the top of the thread:

"In the Bible there are two prominent passages that point to the Pyramids of Egypt.

Which hast set signs and wonders in the land of Egypt, even unto this day . . . -Jeremiah 32:20a

In that Day there will be an altar to the Lord in the midst of the land of Egypt, and a pillar to the Lord at its border. And it will be for a sign and for a witness to the Lord of hosts in the land of Egypt, for they will cry to the Lord because of the oppressors, and He will send them a Savior and a Mighty One, and He will deliver them. -Isaiah 19:19-20 "

Re: Signs in the Pyramids - What do you think..

I wish I could edit my above post: I meant to say "the Great Pyramid" instead of "the pyramids" in reference to the prophecies found in the Great Pyramid and the idea it could have been built by Joseph.

Re: Signs in the Pyramids - What do you think..

ok In the early 80's my former husband and I would watch this really radical man on tv... He would teach on the the great pryamid ... He showed how inside was the story of the bible...he also showed how the stars lined up.... it was one of the most interesting things I had watch...my husband and I would look forward to the nights he taught on the pyramid....we were young and this radical man was right up our alley and got our attention.

I remember him teaching on the rapture...and he said something about steps that lead up into the kings chamber is what i was thinking it's actually the antichamber... and back then I remember him saying it would be 2010... I also thought I would get busy until 2010 but actually in all my business I forgot about it until just a few months ago...I remembered about the pyramid teachings but had forgotten about the 2010 teaching... then the other day when someone made a post about the pyramid I started to remember.... I looked for this guys teachings and he has passed and his wife has kept them out of the public....

I was searching for the pyramids but could not find anything ...then I remembered it was the great pyramid...so I just searched and this is what I found...she wrote this in 2007...Just like the guy in 1980's wrote!! Funny how it is coming back to my rememberance now.... I got busy and now here it is...praise Jesus.

Re: Signs in the Pyramids - What do you think..

Thats an interesting article Susan...I remember watching Jack Van Impe with my husband in the early 90's..He would say he believed the rapture/or second coming (I cannot remember which) would be 2010-2013. We thought he was WAY OFF LOL!!!!!! but HERE WE ARE! so many 2010/2017 makes you take notice.

There are interesting scriptures In Psalm 78 that 'could' be talking about the Pyramids.

67 Moreover he rejected the tabernacle of Joseph, and didn't choose the tribe of Ephraim,

68 But chose the tribe of Judah, Mount Zion which he loved.

69 He built his sanctuary like the heights,(mountains) like the earth which he has established forever.

70 He also chose David his servant, and took him from the sheepfolds

This is interesting for a few reasons... If Joseph built a tabernacle it would have been in Eygpt since he stayed there until his death.
Also when I first saw this scripture 68, It read "Mountains" in the translation I was reading. I immediatly wondered if it was talking about the pyramids. Because mountains look like???

I saw that some side notes say this is the temple of Solomon, but thats why I included verse 70..
First it is talking about GOD BUILT not Solomon and also the following verses go on to talk about how God raised up David, so in context it has nothing to do with Solomon.
I dont know if it relates to the pyramids in either verse but they are interesting.

Email: iampriceles@aol.com

Re: Signs in the Pyramids - What do you think..

Funny Tearose...Your husband is a prophet and didn't know it :)

Here has this scripture been posted??
Sorry if it has I do not have time to read everything...

"In that that day shall there be an altar to the Lord in the midst of the land of Egypt, and a pillar at the border thereof to the Lord, and it shall be for a sign and for a witness unto the Lord of Hosts". ISAIAH 19, 19-20.

Re: Signs in the Pyramids - What do you think..

Susan, it was very impressive to me that in the 80's you heard a prophecy teacher teaching the rapture would be in 2010 according to the Great Pyramid prophecy. I also really enjoyed your article you posted. These two quotes stand out to me:

Now, the final inch of the Great Step in the Grand Gallery leading to the Antechamber is tied to the year 2010 AD, indicating that the Great Tribulation may begin immediately after this date. Since Jews begin and end their years on Rosh Hashanah, or the Feast of Trumpets, it is possible that the Great Tribulation will begin after Rosh Hashanah in 2010. After all, the Great Pyramid indicates that the year 2010 is a significant year, and Psalm 110 speaks of Christ sitting on His heavenly throne, and watching the events about to unfold on the Earth that will lead to His Millennial Kingdom, I therefore think that the Rapture will likely occur in the year 2010.

If we look at the first 62 weeks of Daniel’s Seventy Weeks as 62 years, and add 62 to the year 1948, we arrive at the year 2010, the same year that is singled out by the Great Step in the Pillar of Enoch. After this, the seven years of Daniel’s prophecy follows, showing the period of the Great Tribulation from 2011 through 2017. This means that the final year of the 70 marks the year 2018, which could likely be the first year of the Millennial Reign of Christ on Earth!

Re: Signs in the Pyramids - What do you think..

This teacher was very radical...he was on every night late at night and he was from CA.... He would teach on the inside of the pyramid and then when he would get to the great step he would say...he is not going to tell us until we call in...lol... and he would not teach any more...but anytime he would say he was going to tell us we would tune in..and finally he did ..... I think thats when I stopped watching him too....and then I just knew jesus was going to be coming back and we were going to be all raptured....and things on this earth werenot as important ....

I really think God woke me up at this tme because I wanted to be watching so bad that He has given me the disire of my heart and then He brought this my rememberance....

I shared it with my daughter last night and because I was able to tell her that her dad and I watched this in the 80's and we were interested in the rapture then, she was eager to listen (because it is her dad) I think God used this to bring her closer too.....

Now my response to all my friends is Jesus is coming soon...lol..weather they like it or not (me saying this all the time not that He is coming)

I am praying God will give me more things that will point to His coming and the rapture so I can show my friends....

Re: Signs in the Pyramids - What do you think..

That is so cool! So many mysteries are being revealed to us in these last days!

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