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Cows, The Constitution & The 10 Commandments

Email that came today - too good not to share:


Is it just me, or does anyone else find it amazing
that during the mad cow epidemic our government could track
a single cow, born in Canada almost three years ago, right
to the stall where she slept in the state of Washington ?
And, they tracked her calves to their stalls. But they are
unable to locate 11 million illegal aliens wandering around
our country. Maybe we should give each of them a cow..



They keep talking about drafting a Constitution for
Iraq ... Why don't we just give them ours? It was
written by a lot of really smart guys, it has worked for
over 200 years, and we're not using it anymore.



The real reason that we can't have the Ten
Commandments posted in a courthouse or Congress is this --
you cannot post 'Thou Shalt Not Steal' 'Thou
Shalt Not Commit Adultery' and 'Thou Shall Not
Lie' in a building full of lawyers, judges and
politicians ..... it creates a hostile work environment.

Re: Cows, The Constitution & The 10 Commandments

OOooooh My! HaHa

Email: iampriceles@aol.com

Re: Cows, The Constitution & The 10 Commandments

I'm sending this on to my e-mail list!!!


Re: Cows, The Constitution & The 10 Commandments

Yes, those hit the nail on the head and pretty funny as well..


Re: Cows, The Constitution & The 10 Commandments

A friend had sent this to me today and it sure gave me a belly laugh. I thought some of you would enjoy it too. Love the cow part!

Re: Cows, The Constitution & The 10 Commandments

Texas Sue if you were a LOAF of BREAD you would be a RYE-HUT Get it? Riot!! It's a pun on the words RYE Hu...Oh forget it!!!

These were great my friend!! These need to be posted up at my library or at every office building in the city!!! Better yet hand them out at the grocery store to shoppers which I will be doing once I find time out of my busy life!!!!

Texas Sue I storied to you!!! I don't have time out of my busy life to go handing these out to shoppers at Walmarts!!!!

I can't even go to Walmart's to shop anymore!!! I only have money for gas and food and enough change to do my laundry!!!!!

Oh yeah!! and a few dollars to spend on a taco dinner at the Bell!!!!

Oh yeah and a few coins to spend on yogurt at Price Choppers!!!

Oh yeah and a few nickels to spend on bic razor blades for my facial beard!!!!

Oh yeah and a few pennies left over for a dollar cheese burger at Burger King!!!!

And finally a few cents to hold me over until my retirement check comes in the mail!!!

Then I have enough to go to Walmart!!!!!

I guess by then I will take this funny post to Walmart and hand them out as fliers to all the shoppers who enter the store!!!!

Just kidding!!!!!

Did I have you fooled by this long silly diatribe????

I suppose I was bored today and I guess it shows!!!!

Re: Cows, The Constitution & The 10 Commandments


RYE-HUT?!?!?!? You are the RYE-HUT my friend! I just catch some of the fall-out when you are in the area. YOU are 2 funny.

Arrival of next retirment check? Fuggitaboutit, the trumpet may blow before the postman shows brother! Only one drawback - I don't know if there's any Taco Bell in heaven.

P.S. After Maria's awesome post I am now carrying my RED ROSE, just in case.

Re: Cows, The Constitution & The 10 Commandments

Texas Sue

RYE-HUT?!?!?!? You are the RYE-HUT my friend! I just catch some of the fall-out when you are in the area. YOU are 2 funny.

Yes, Scott, that was a pretty good one, good brother...

I don't know if there's any Taco Bell in heaven.

Ohheee... Let's hope not... LOL....   Maybe I'd go along with some heavenly Tacos though.. Ymmm

P.S. After Maria's awesome post I am now carrying my RED ROSE, just in case

I like that Rose, T/Sue, very pretty...


Re: Cows, The Constitution & The 10 Commandments

I loved this, Texas Sue, I needed that chuckle today!!!!

RyeHut!!! Who else but Scott would think of that????

Re: Cows, The Constitution & The 10 Commandments

Ilove the cow part!!! So funny...ok I guess this is where I should have posted my graphic sorry if some of y'all are getting graphic overload...

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