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Dear friends,

I woke up at 3last night and prayed and felt frustration and an explosion of anger towards the white house and administration for the health care bill. The emotions I felt were not in my heart (though I'm frustrated) but I felt in the hearts of many who are without work and frustrated with Washington. I was sharing with my friend Rose this morning that we needed to pray (which we did on the phone) and she told me that she heard Aquila Wilkins Nash say on TBN recently that she "saw" an explosion in the white house. Aquila is a prophettess. I feel an> approaching storm in our nation. I'm wondering if some of you have seen anything too. The "secret place" is certainly our place of safety, but as intercessors, we must give ourselves to seek God for America and an approaching revolution and confusion in our land. Perry Stone said on his t.v. program that included in the health care bill is a provision for microchipping everyone with their medical records. They will charge each person 10 dollars a month to sustain the costs of the microchips. Is this the time of the end or will prayer push it back for another season? I really am not sure but I do feel we should be seeking God in "united prayer". I would be interested to know if any of you receive anything from the Lord concerning this.Karen

Re: Micro-chip

I'd rather die first B4 having that dang microchip inserted me, b/c it's an a la MoB. Absent from the body, present w/our dear precious Lord in heaven.

Perhaps that's why our -fully, Rapture is sooo near, our Heavenly Father doesn't want us to go through this, do ya' suppose?

Re: Micro-chip

I think it only right for us to pray for our nation, its policies, and our leaders in the government. But I also believe in the sovernity of God. He has a time and season for everything, including the rapture. Only He knows the exact day and time of Jesus's coming. We can all speculate and try to figure it out, but only God is omnicient. I don't believe our prayers can push back His return for another season.

Having said that, I think this was a very interesting e-mail, especially the part about what Aquila saw in the White House, and what Perry Stone said about the microchipping.

Thanks for sharing, Texas Sue.

Re: Micro-chip

Texas Sue we will not see the fulfillment of this microchipping implementation Hell'th Care Plan!!!

It may get passed in the coming weeks but that part of the plan will not be implemented until the middle of the tribulation period when all the world will be subject to the anti-christ powers that be!!!!

Re: Micro-chip

Texas Sue - I would be interested to read more emails from your friend Karen that sent you that email, that was a very insightful!

I pray for the leaders of this world to do the will of God and I agree with little Leenie - we can pray for our leaders, but the plan of God will be fullfilled no matter what we do here on earth. I also agree with my brother Scott in that we will be gone when the chips will be forced on people by the AC.

With the earthquake in Chile this pass weekend I feel in my heart that time is short for the people of this world to accept Jesus as their Lord before the Trib begins - sure, they will be able to accept Jesus after the rapture, but look what they are going to go thru - wouldn't wish that on my worst enemey. Seems as though the birth pangs are coming closer together and stronger - I think the Lord is about to come for us in the rapture - just feel that in my heart and soul. I just feel an urgent need to tell everyone I see to give their heart and soul to Jesus now while they have the chance. I love all of you so much and value our family here at RITA - we can talk about the rapture and the Lord - I love you guys! Ms. Victor

Re: Micro-chip

I do not think we will get to see the micro chip system as Christians (pre-Rapture). But I fear for the ones after we are gone.

Think about this. With all the earth quakes and the things that will happen after we are gone, the goverments will say that the chip will help emergancy staff in the case of a natural event like another earth quake etc. They will say that people can be helped better with current medical information carried on their bodies.

Lies will ensure many take the mark, so sad

ybiC / Paul

Re: Micro-chip

Like many of you, I agree we will not be here for the "chipping" promotion. I posted the article received in an email because it shows how extremely close we are to leaving this earth.

It also shows that the so-called Health Care Bill is not about health care at all, it is just another vehicle for the micro-chipping ID program that will be used to catalog and control every person and every thing on earth. This has only been possible at this time in history due to the advance of technology and as Daniel was told - the time when "Knowledge will increase". Belwether sign that this is IT, this is the TIME and we are going HOME pretty quick now. They are trying to ram thru the health care bill before the end of March. Remember that the end of March is PASSOVER. Interesting convergence of events wouldn't you say?

Re: Micro-chip

Texas Sue
Like many of you, I agree we will not be here for the "chipping" promotion. I posted the article received in an email because it shows how extremely close we are to leaving this earth.

It also shows that the so-called Health Care Bill is not about health care at all, it is just another vehicle for the micro-chipping ID program that will be used to catalog and control every person and every thing on earth. This has only been possible at this time in history due to the advance of technology and as Daniel was told - the time when "Knowledge will increase". Belwether sign that this is IT, this is the TIME and we are going HOME pretty quick now. They are trying to ram thru the health care bill before the end of March. Remember that the end of March is PASSOVER. Interesting convergence of events wouldn't you say?

Wow Texas Sue - I didn't even think about them pushing the Healthcare Bill before Passover!!! I agree, we could be going home real soon!

Re: Micro-chip

I do not think we will get to see the micro chip system as Christians (pre-Rapture). But I fear for the ones after we are gone.

Think about this. With all the earth quakes and the things that will happen after we are gone, the goverments will say that the chip will help emergancy staff in the case of a natural event like another earth quake etc. They will say that people can be helped better with current medical information carried on their bodies.

Lies will ensure many take the mark, so sad

ybiC / Paul

I totally agree with you, Paul. I think that's exactly what will happen.

I honestly believe that we are going to be out of here by the first week of April.

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