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Dreams/Visions from this year....

This year I had many amazing things happen--I had this dream:

In my dream I was in the country and there was a young woman with blond hair and a white gown on...the gown was long and poofy--with white netting--(I later perceived that it was perhaps a wedding gown and this young woman represented the bride/church)--next I see a wire fence that is tall and in fact it is more than twice her height. Next I see her (in this white dress) and she has climbed to the top of the wire fence and she is at the top and there is barbed wire all across the top of the fence and there is a large majestic eagle sitting on top of the fence and I knew for some reason that this eagle belonged to this young woman and that they were together. While the eagle was sitting on top of the fence this woman in the white gown climed over the fence with the barbed wire and once she got over she dropped down to the ground and was on the other side. I think the Eagle represents Christ--and I think the bride is escaping with the Eagle (Christ) looking on....I didn't think anything about this dream when I first woke up but then I started to think about all the imagery--and it startled me.

This was the word I received from a good friend who hears from the Lord the interpretation of my dream--these are the Lord's words:

"The country represents My glory. The woman is My bride. The fence are the difficult life situations where many of My bride are going through now. Sometimes it looks like a mountain, bigger than themselves. I have prepared My bride for this day. She has climbed My mountain and conquered. The eagle is Me Myself, Jesus. My bride has conquered. You (Susan) have interpreteted the dream well, My daughter, My bride. I come soon, so don't look at the circumstances around you, don't look at the mountain, but keep your eyes fixed on Me and look over the mountain at Me. I shall deliver you soon out of this world and bring you in My world. My bride is ready and I come soon! Be ready. Your Lord and husband, Jesus."

Also this year, incredibly I had good friend who receives visions and dreams contact me and she was very upset because of an intense dream she had. In her dream she saw a huge eagle in the sky coming to the earth and the eagle was on fire and bringing fire down on the earth. She wanted to know what I thought this dream meant--I was not even sure. She was greatly disturbed by her dream. Then about one month later incredibly--another friend--who had no idea about what my other friend had told me--this friend had a vision and told me about it and it was of the same thing--only the eagle which was also big in the sky was not made of fire it was bringing fire to the earth:

Last night I had a vision of a cliff; a hand lifted a white egg and rolled it down the cliff. Then, there was darkness with a crack of light, and a lion's face showed in through the crack - he was looking in. Then there was a forest fire and an eagle flew over the forest from left to right (west to east?) fanning the flames and left smoke behind it as it flew over the evergreens, fanning the flames with its wings.

I was amazed that the two people (who had never spoken to each other)--had told me the same thing--both say that they saw a very great and large eagle in the sky over the earth--one made of fire--one bringing fire to the earth and catching the earth on fire. I was so amazed by the incredible similarities--I contacted my friend who hears from the Lord and incredibly the Lord provided insight to the dream and identical vision:

"The eagle represents my Son, the fire that surrounds Him is the power of My Holy Spirit. I shall come with power and My fire shall I throw on the earth. My Coming shall be so spectacular, that everybody shall know that I am God and Lord. When this happens, My bride shall already be raptured. This is for the ones left behind. Big shall be their destruction!"

you know--I take all this very seriously as I know the Lord told me last March go out and to warn the people.

Email: lovethewhirlwind@sbcglobal.net

Website: sites.advancedministry.com/lovethewhirlwind

Re: Dreams/Visions from this year....

PRAISE THE LORD Susan, I think it's time to BE READY !!!

Email: jan.sabrina@pandora.be

Re: Dreams/Visions from this year....


Normally, I can't get Five Doves until later in the day. When I checked
this morning, they had March already started and your's were the only
posts which I've read so far. I am AMAZED at how well what you have
written FITS WHAT HAS JUST OCCURRED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!




My comments are in my post.

Susan Davis' 2 posts of 3/1: The Lion (Leo) looking through a crack (the 8.8)!!??


Re: Dreams/Visions from this year....

PRAISE THE LORD Susan, I think it's time to BE READY !!!

Ditto!!! I'm MORE than ready too!!!

I only wish that my intermediate non-believing family would listen to me, and what I've been trying to tell them. For I'll surely hate to leave them behind when Jesus comes to Rapture us out of here. They only instead think of me as being some kind of a religious nutcase. Are certain members of your families the same way?

Re: Dreams/Visions from this year....

This is the key--the Lord is showing us in so many ways--weather; world events; signs; dreams; visions--that we are close to the rapture event itself--so I can only imagine that there are a couple things going on if you are a Spirit-filled believer: A) you know the hour we are in and the gravity of the situation and you can see the people around you who are in total denial and cannot seem to grasp what is going on and B)You are being persecuted by the very ones you want to see saved--wow what an incredibly frustrating time we are in and simultaneously so exciting.

We must pray, pray, pray and fight the enemy--how do we fight the enemy? Cast him out and worship Christ--worship, worship, Worship. Also if you are having struggles in your home, finances--don't just pray for the answers--pray for the enemy to be destroyed at the GATES--when you cast the enemy out of your home (in the authority of Yeshua!)--pray that the enemy will be destroyed at the gate--that is where he can block the coming and going of commerce--resolution--answers.

Email: lovethewhirlwind@sbcglobal.net

Re: Dreams/Visions from this year....

SisterNChrist Yes!! The answer to your question!

Re: Dreams/Visions from this year....

Susan Davis
This is the key--the Lord is showing us in so many ways--weather; world events; signs; dreams; visions--that we are close to the rapture event itself--so I can only imagine that there are a couple things going on if you are a Spirit-filled believer: A) you know the hour we are in and the gravity of the situation and you can see the people around you who are in total denial and cannot seem to grasp what is going on and B)You are being persecuted by the very ones you want to see saved--wow what an incredibly frustrating time we are in and simultaneously so exciting.

We must pray, pray, pray and fight the enemy--how do we fight the enemy? Cast him out and worship Christ--worship, worship, Worship. Also if you are having struggles in your home, finances--don't just pray for the answers--pray for the enemy to be destroyed at the GATES--when you cast the enemy out of your home (in the authority of Yeshua!)--pray that the enemy will be destroyed at the gate--that is where he can block the coming and going of commerce--resolution--answers.

Susan This is very good advise and what I imagine a lot of us are experiencing in our own homes, with family members, etc.

Thanks for sharing your dreams/visions with us!

Re: Dreams/Visions from this year....

Susan Davis,

You are sent by God today to release the revelation of declaring that the enemy is destroyed at the gates and will no more control what comes out and in regarding our lives and our families. Bless you dear girl for that key revelation. I just prayed over my self and my family and I hope everyone who reads this thread does so as well. VERY KEY - destroy the enemy at the gate where he and his demon hordes have no access to you and your family at all.

Then pray as in the book of Acts, "Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and you shall be saved AND YOUR HOUSE (household)". ALL Praise to God our Father for His wonderful gift of LIGHT.

Now that the blockage is removed and permission is given to save your family, trust God to do it.

Re: Dreams/Visions from this year....

God bless you and thank you for your very kind words--not easy to be a Christian in this hour...regarding destroying the enemy at the Gates--it is a spirtual legal matter--speak it on earth so it can be done in heaven--when we speak it God can act on it--watch HIM go to work and empower our angels on our behalf--PRAISE GOD ALL CREDIT GOES TO FATHER--SON--HOLY SPIRIT! CHRISTIANS YOU ARE NOT WIMPS--PUT ON YOUR HOLY ARMOUR AND FIGHT--AND WHEN THE ENEMY COMES--WORSHIP GOD--IN THE SPIRITUAL REALM IT IS LIKE LASER BEAMS OUT OF YOUR MOUTH WHEN YOU WORSHIP JESUS. AMEN

Email: lovethewhirlwind@sbcglobal.net

Re: Dreams/Visions from this year....

AMEN Susan!

Email: jan.sabrina@pandora.be

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