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Quote (Lisaleenie)

I would LOVE to know personally the depth of Christ's love for me! I have a really hard time receiving it because I feel so unworthy of it. There have been times in my life where I have felt His love so strongly, and I wish I could bask in it forever....then slowly it fades and I'm left with that emptiness that I've struggled with all my life. How I admire you, Paul, that you feel His love on a consistent basis! That must be wonderful!! My whole life would change if only I could have that myself

Lisaleenie dear Sis,

How I wish I could see you face to face and be able to sit down and talk. The hardest thing about forums is that you are reading my words typed, you are not seeing or hearing the voice of another just like you.

I am no one special Lisaleenie; I am as a filthy rag. But it is only the love of Christ that I can boast. I struggle with sin on a daily basis just like you and everyone else. Every day I have to choose to die to my flesh to live for God. Some days I do well, others I fail. Yes a sinner

From reading your post you are no different to anyone here including me Lisaleenie. I do not feel his love each and every day, but I know his love. And you are the same. As some days the world drags you down to the point where you can feel your head about to go under water. When these days come I close all the hatches and hold onto to my faith, his promises and his love.

We all feel unworthy it is a human emotion to the gift of grace. And feeling unworthy is not a bad thing because it drives the heart to repentance daily. But the fine line is when the feeling of unworthiness drags you down to the point where you never will think you are good enough. At this point we question the basics, like our salvation. And Lisaleenie dear Sis, one guess who wants to make us feel this way? Yes satan

Because the truth of the matter is you are a child of the one and only living God, the God of all creation. Jesus Christ our King, our brother but its gets even better, our friend.

Jesus loved us so so much that he died for us, a love like no other. Yes we are to come to the throne with our head bowed, knowing our place as a sinner. But our loving Lord has brought you Lisaleenie. And because of that, he wants to exalt you for you are his child. And this exaltation is shown in the greatest form, LOVE.

Gods wants you to feel his love and most importantly, for you to know his love. And this is shown in so many ways. Through his word, through the Holy Spirit, and through his creation. Women just love it when a man sends them flowers, why? I am a man don’t ask me, maybe it is because they feel someone cares for them. In affect they feel a kind of love. Well Lisaleenie, just take a look outside your window, look past all the daily gloom and you will see Gods creation. His flowers, trees, his birds of the air, his everything. And that has been given to you as a sign of his love for you. And that is only one love letter from God.

One of Christs biggest commandments to man was to show love to others, for when we do we are expressing his love. For God is love and love comes from him. So what are we to do if we want to experience his love in a deeper level, to truly understand the never understandable? Love others as Christ loved us.

We are told by Paul that if we can move mountains, do wonders but cannot not love, then we are nothing. But with Christs love, all men will be left in wonder, and no mountain will left standing by the force of his love.

So how do we get it into our hearts, the fathers love?

Praise him and ask him to reveal a deeper understanding
(You will never know the ins and outs of his love for it is immeasurable, but a tiny little scratch of the surface will blow your mind)
Praise him and call him your Abba, your father
Praise him and ask him for his love, so others may know
Praise him and ask for his love, that this love may be the thing you leave as a mark in this world for others. Reject all worldly fame, fortune and honour in the preference of leaving a story of love. Christs love revealed in your life.

Lisaleenie, some may call this Aussie man a fool. I am not as educated as some, nor am I as successful as some. But you know what, I do not care one little bit. The God who created all the heavens and the earth, the same God that knows every single hair on my head, and the same God who came as a man and died in my place- loves me. And that is enough for me.

I am worthy even though I am a sinner, because of his love
I am worthy even though I do not deserve it, because of his love
I am worthy for the simple fact, I am his child, because of his love
I am worthy only because of what he has done for me, because of his love

I think that means LOVE

Be encouraged dear Lisaleenie, I love you dear Sister

ybiC / Paul

Re: Lisaleenie

Dear brother Paul,

You wrote this at a time when I needed it the most. I was beaten down yesterday by someone close to me that said some very cruel and hurtful things. I could hear the devil laughing in the background while my spirit was being broken at that moment.

I couldn't sleep this morning, and instead of lying there, re-living the cruel words that were pounded into my heart yesterday, I decided to get up and check my RITA family to see what was going on with everyone when I saw your post for me.

It was like giving water to a parched and thirsty soul. And I thank you from the bottom of my heart. You have no idea what your encouraging and loving words have meant to me. Tears are running down my cheeks right now as I am feeling our Father's love and compassion through your reaching out to me the way you did.

This is a beautiful example of the love of God. May the Lord bless you for this, my wonderful and sweet brother. God bless you.

With much love,


Re: Lisaleenie


Don't let the world get you down..And satan would love to get you depressed and to let anger and hurt rob you of being the sweet person you are.

You are much loved here and by our Lord and Saviour..

I wish I could reach out and give you a hug.

Love ya sis


Re: Lisaleenie

Oh, Sarah, thank you for saying those kind and encouraging words to me! And you're right about satan, of course. He lives to kill and steal and destroy. And he uses the people closest to us to do it. But I know that God can turn this around for good, and He will. I have faith in that.

I wish I could give you a big hug, too! But I feel in my heart that it won't be long before we'll all be together face to face.

Love you too, sis!!!

Re: Lisaleenie


Don't let the world get you down..And satan would love to get you depressed and to let anger and hurt rob you of being the sweet person you are.

You are much loved here and by our Lord and Saviour..

I wish I could reach out and give you a hug.

Love ya sis


Dear little Leenie - I agree with my dear sister Sarah - we love you so much - can't wait to see you in the clouds! Your sister in Christ, Ms. Victor

Re: Lisaleenie

Dear Ms. Victor, you're always a comfort to me. I can't wait to see you, either!

Love you, sis!

Re: Lisaleenie

Paul, what an inspiring and encouraging Word for our dear Lisaleenie, and for all of us. Bless you, bless you.

"Father, thank You for sending Your Son, for Your Plan made known through Jesus Christ so breathtakingly real.!!! Thank You, for the Holy Spirit, Your Comforter given in Christ's Love !!

The price You paid, LORD is way beyond our understanding. By faith, we cling to You and Your Love, Lord God.

Praise the Lord!!! The veil's been torn, we cherish You, Jesus, and Your invitation, oh God, and run to You and your open arms, yea, even at Your Throne in Heaven. Yes, we rejoice over Your Mercy, Your Grace, Your Love immeasurably honored by our God . . all because of the Cross of Christ.

What LOVE!!! Linda @ 5 doves expresses God's Love wonderfully, too
~ ~

Linda L (2 March 2010)
"Indescribable Love"

Greetings Brothers & Sisters!

Don't you just love Him!! Oh, my! When you stop and really think what He did for us. . . . . . .

May God richly bless you all,
Linda L

Re: Lisaleenie

Amen, Donna! What Paul did for me touched me deeply.


I love the picture of Jesus tenderly holding the lamb. What a touching expression of God's love for us. Thank you for sending it!

Re: Lisaleenie

Amen, Donna! What Paul did for me touched me deeply.


I love the picture of Jesus tenderly holding the lamb. What a touching expression of God's love for us. Thank you for sending it!

My Dear "LilSis" here is a "BIG HUG" for you Lisalennie from me to help you through the day...

I LOVE the picture above as well.

ybi In Christ's Wonderful Love,

Email: jpcarr@att.net

Re: Lisaleenie

Lisaleenie and Joseph, I agree, that picture is so graciously anointed . . How beautiful the way the artist captured the Great Shepherd's Love. Can almost feel the Love of Jesus. What must He be thinking as His Hand holds His sheep showing His scar.

What a beautiful God and Saving LORD!

Re: Lisaleenie

Oh, thank you, Joseph! A big hug to you, too.

I know, isn't that picture great??? Thanks again, Donna.

Re: Lisaleenie

Eileen dear Sis,

Bless you, you are an inspiration to us all.
Walk in his love dear Sister, you ARE his child

ybiC / Paul

Re: Lisaleenie

Thank you, Paul!! You surely are an inspiration to us, too, dear brother.

Strange, when I read your post just now, a thought about my feeling God's love came into my mind. Since I'm a feelings person, perhaps the Lord doesn't want me to depend on "feeling" his love, but rather He's teaching me to live by faith, and not by feelings.

Let me explain what I mean.

You see, if I don't "feel" God's love or His Presence, I start to doubt if He's there or even if He's concerned about me. So in order for me to "walk by faith and not by sight", He withdraws from me the AWARENESS of His Presence so He can teach me to grow into a a mature Christian as a part of His refining process.

Wow, what a revelation that the Lord showed me right now!! Thank You, Lord!!

Paul, I thank you again for reaching out to me at a time when I really needed it. That's an example of God manifesting His love for me, through the love of His children.

Love from your sister in Christ,


Re: Lisaleenie

Donna, that picture of Jesus with the lamb is a reminder of this year's Passover approaching - possibly our homegoing day.

Love you sweet Leenie! :)

Re: Lisaleenie



I Just wanted to send you a HUG!!! Hope and pray you will have a wonderful night!!!

Paul, wonderful message!!!


Re: Lisaleenie

Dear Texas Sue,

Yes, that beautiful picture is a touching reminder of Passover! Thank You, dear Jesus, for what You've done for us!! Love you, too, sis!!!

And dear WC/Cathy,

A big hug to you, too! What an adorable picture, thank you!!

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