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Calling all Rita family I need your help to save a lost soul for Jesus!!!

Click on this link http://www.facebook.com/topic.php?uid=104786470334&topic=9656

Then click on the discussions link at the top then on the topic "Is God for Real?"

I need your help this Jeffrey guy I am trying to help see God exists but he is aksing me questions that I need your help with.

Thank you all my brother and sisters if we can help another lost soul and anyone else who comes to this topic to win for Jesus then I appreciate all the help I can get.

You need to go to the 4th page to see our discussion. His name is Jeffrey.

But to reply you need to go to the very last page of the discussion on page 6.

You might have to sign up to facebook to see the discussion or reply but don't worry it is free.

Website: www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=667676418&ref=profile

Re: Calling all Rita family I need your help to save a lost soul for Jesus!!!

AngelHeart dear Sis,

I love you for your courageous stand for our Lord Sis.
I read what you have been telling this man on the other site.

AngelHeart, this man is on the defense and no words will change his mind. He is been judgmental of you and of us. He is looking for a confrontation, not searching for answers Sis.

Be careful Sis

Love ybiC / Paul

Re: Calling all Rita family I need your help to save a lost soul for Jesus!!!

Thank you for your concern my dear brother Paul.

You are right I felt that at the end but when I said to him that God was like the wind you can't see it but you can feel it just like God is a holy spirit that you can't see but can feel and that is the best way to explain God I noticed he didn't have anything to say after that and decided to leave.

So I am hoping that maybe I got him thinking and planted some seeds to get him searching.

Website: www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=667676418&ref=profile

Re: Calling all Rita family I need your help to save a lost soul for Jesus!!!

I agree. Remember, one plants, another waters, God gives the increase.

And now he's in our prayers, right? And God's word does not return to Him void.

The Lord blesses you for sharing, and Jeff for listening, even if he didn't agree, right now.


Patti in Texas

Email: jpwebco@gvtc.com

Re: Calling all Rita family I need your help to save a lost soul for Jesus!!!

My prayer for Jeffery, is that the LORD will
give him.A true experience in the LORD.Sometimes that
seems to be the only way.We all need to keep praying
for him and all the lost.And all the backslidders.
Jeremiah 3:14)Turn,O backsliding children,saith the Lord;for Iam married unto you:andIwill take you one of a city,and two of a family,and I will bring you to Zion:That is one of my favorite scriptures.
God Bless,

Re: Calling all Rita family I need your help to save a lost soul for Jesus!!!

You did a really good job trying, your patience is amazing. Sometimes you have to let go; I can see this has to be sinking you down. Makes my blood boil to read his smart remarks to you. It's sad how these people are so lost, and not believe in anything. They have no real moral compass to turn. The bible is the only compass we have to go by, and when you read God's word, The Holy Spirit will speak to you. All we can do is pray that God can soften his heart, open it, and let God in.

Re: Calling all Rita family I need your help to save a lost soul for Jesus!!!

Thank you Pattie, Star and Sweet Marie for your encouraging words to me and for keeping Jeffrey in your prayers.

And you made me laugh Sweet Marie by your remark about my patience in amazing all I know God is the one giving me the patience because if it was just me who knows what I would of done.

Molly is another one now that needs our prayers now she is an Aetheist.

I just feel that as christians it is our duty to let people know the truth and then let them make the choice to beleive it or not.

And I hope that is what I have done with my comments on the discussion board and now anyone who goes there will beleive the truth and open their heart to Jesus now.

Love you all

Website: www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=667676418&ref=profile

Re: Calling all Rita family I need your help to save a lost soul for Jesus!!!

Could you post those who respond to you before you reply back to them so that we could pray for them and you as you witness to them? I don't have time to reply to all of the messages anymore, but I do read them and pray for those requested and I would be priveledged to pray for you and those who are seeking and asking questions.

Thanks sis.
Mary in OHio

Email: mcmary73@comcast.net

Re: Calling all Rita family I need your help to save a lost soul for Jesus!!!


You are a blessing and you are doing what we all should be doing more of..telling people the GOOD NEWS OF JESUS CHRIST

Email: sbell48907@aol.com

Re: Calling all Rita family I need your help to save a lost soul for Jesus!!!

Oh Mary yes I can do that for you. And thank you Sarah I am trying my best that is all we can do.

It is only our job to tell the truth it is not our job to make them beleive it that is there choice.

So if anyone on here is afraid to talk to people because of what they will say. All you can do is tell them the truth and give them a prayer to save their soul. Then let them decide if they want to beleive it or not and leave it with God after that.

This is what I do because I hate confrontation so I just tell them what I know and give them a prayer to save themself. Then I just let them think about what I said and ask God to show them what I have said is the truth and nothing but the truth so help me God.

Because God just asked us to share the good news not to make them beleive it that is up to them.

So if anyone knows people like at work or on facebook or people you meet on the street or neighbors or people in your community.

If you feel like sharing with these people just give them the truth and then let them choose to beleive it or not and walk away. That way you have done your duty as a christian and now it is up to them and God to do the rest. And just pray God will show them what you have said was the truth.

But if we don't try then how will they ever know the truth about Jesus right?

Website: www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=667676418&ref=profile

Re: Calling all Rita family I need your help to save a lost soul for Jesus!!!

Here are the names of people we need to pray for and their comments

Most of these people beleive in no God and the ones who do beleive in God I don't think they know about Jesus by their comments as you can see below that is why I showed you the comments they put.

Kv Kushaal
I'm asking this cause no help came from god in that 44 days for junko furuta..........

Mari Shubitidze
If God was real he would not let these type of people (the murderers) exist! I don't care about the 'necessary' evil argument.

Jessica Flores
It completely depends on what you want to believe.
I believe that there is a god, and that he or she tries but think about it, how many people are there in one country? a continent? the world?

God would have done all he or she could, but probably couldn't because these people who were torturing Furuta-san were too...messed up?

if you want to believe in God then believe in God, if you don't then don't.

Just respect other people religions and try your hardest to get along with everyone, and maybe this will never happen again.

Yasir Ahmed Savanur
God doesn't ******* exist... if yes he's a ******* dog... he's a sore loser he cannot help himself who the **** is he???

Kat Heinzen
Dude... just because you can't prove the existance of God doesn't mean he's not there. I can't prove that any of us exist... yes we can see, feel, hear, whatever. But at the same time, how do I KNOW I am seeing you, feeling you, whatever? For all we know we are all in our own universe, no one conecting at all.

And by the way Yasir... if God doesn't exist then why are so many of his stories in the Bahavada Gita? Most religions overlap quite a bit. So if you deny MY God, you have to deny Vishnu, Krishna, Arjuna and the whole lot of YOURS.... At least MY God has been known to perform miracles. Can you say the same?

Ankita Shanker
I'm losing my faith after what I read. I don't know what to thik at the moment.

Alaa Elhendy

Guys it's spelled idiocy.

And you shouldn't doubt God's existence that easily it means that your faith was already weak.

Kat is right why would heaven exist if everyone was already perfect. If God didnt exist who's going to reward people like Junko or punish people like those creatures who tortured her (I can't call them humans or people).

Ankita don't worry they will get their punishment in hell and it's going to be worse than whatever they did to her.

And Yasir who created the supernatural powers? who controls those powers?
Have a proper argument before you start swearing and talking like a complete idiot.

Chance Nicholas Caylor
god didnt stop it because he knows if nothing happens to anyone, we will take it for granted. that if we know nothing bad will happen, we will do what we want and get in fights all the time. it will make earth hell, and he is just reminding us **** happens

Fraser Blair
Hey, Alaa

If your going to use the "if it exists, someone must have created it" argument then who created god or is he the exception?

Gerron V. Kanchan Kat,
you're a jackass..there was no need to provoke Ankita like you did...or is that what your God teaches you to do? As to your half-witted arguments:

'I don't see me ignoring anything... since there were things before man, obviously they were created before man...'
(1) How do you know this? Where's the proof?

When people criticize God making things in seven days, God doesn't have human days. Therefore his days could've been long enough for evolution. And "chance" can't create life.'
Again how do you know this? Explain clearly. And no insults ok? If you can...

Teasha Marie Norman
I think that god is not real. I mean if he was, wouldn't he be there to help people when they were either going to be killed, or what ever the situation is? Personally, I believe in karma. There is good and bad karma, it will either hurt you, or help you. There is no such thing in some god that made the planet and Earth and all that. Some guy just came along one day and thought, "hey, maybe I should write the bible and get lots of money off it.) That's all it ever is, money. If god really did exist, he would of helped Junko... wouldn't he? And if he does exist and was just to darn selfish to help her, then God is one mean person! Saving us people, is what the bible says... how he died on the cross for us... HA! Dying on the cross my butt!

Xiang Ming Zeng
I don't believe in the Christian God.
He will forgive these boys? **** NO. That will not happen. If that does happen, send me to Hell. I do not want to share Heaven with them.

Melanie Enright Kat,
your kind of saying that you should believe in god so that you won't have to fear eternal ****ation. also, you mentioned before that you just have to be thankful that god released Junko when she finally couldn't take it anymore. i dont think she was able to "take it" on the first day when she was kidnapped and raped for the first time. even if there is a god i dont see the point unless he is going to save people from suffering like this. you probably live in a nice middle class neighborhood in WI so i can see how it is hard for you to grasp true suffering. and trust me, its hard for me too..maybe if you lived in other places in this world where suffering simliar to what Junko experienced is a daily occurance you would have a different opinion about god and how he should be involved in the world's suffering.

Edward Chou
Christian isn't free will, the bible says that you will go to hell if you don't believe in God, and in Medieval times, just about everybody was Christian, and if you weren't you were probably burned at the stake. :P

Nathaniel Leon
I don't see why you guys need to fight so much. It's not a battle. This started with one person claiming they were losing their faith. And you've turned something that should be a time of help into something warped and ugly. Stop fighting now. Stop trying to disprove somebody else's beliefs. Kat, I doubt God wants you to pick fights in his name, in fact I'm pretty sure he wants you to get along with everybody even if they don't believe in god. Edward, you're a man of science, so clearly you can understand working together with people despite belief for prosperity and the well being of others. It's funny how both science and religion, things meant for the betterment of man can put man at each other's throats. I'm not telling you to stop discussing, I'm telling you to be civil about it, and don't bring up bible verses or links to websites because what do they prove? Nothing. We know nothing of the world. Religion knows nothing. Science knows nothing. Science can't explain souls or feeling outside of electrical signals and hormones, and religion can't get past "god made it so". Can't we talk about the possible existence of an idea without it turning into a battle? By the way, I'm United. Metaphorical bible. I didn't bring this up until now, because if I did, then I would be pre labeled. You wouldn't have listened. But in personal belief, I think that if their is a god, which I'm not sure of, but I hope there is, that he's a watcher, and not a doer. Like me, he's happy when the world is beautiful, but deals with it when it's ugly. He doesn't have ultimate powers over fate. He's wise enough to let it run it's course. So please, I hate it when people fight over something as trivial as this. Live your life the way you want, and don't attack others for the way they live theirs. Doesn't mean you can't talk about it.

Rea Raganas
It depends if you believe in God. If you don't then you don't, simple.

Fatin Nadia
Amazing how a discussion about God is filled with so much nastiness. To answer the first poster' question: Is God for real? I'm wondering the same myself, but the thing is, a lot of really bad things happen to innocent people...Junko happened to be one of them. We can only hope that after all that pain she's now in a much better place and her torturers will someday be punished.

Pj Abellar
sigh...why cant we all jus get along ^^
small arguments like these can are usually the start of chain reactions that spins the cycle of hatred...lets just respect what one believes...aiyt

Jervic Reyes
I agree with you Pj Abellar..

That is all of them so far

Thank you all for your prayers for these sad lost souls

Website: www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=667676418&ref=profile

Re: Calling all Rita family I need your help to save a lost soul for Jesus!!!

Prayers going up for Jeffrey and the others named here .
The Lord of The Harvest ....HE SAVES !!!

Re: Calling all Rita family I need your help to save a lost soul for Jesus!!!

Dear Angel Heart,
YES! we will pray for all the ones that cross your path, on face book. The Lord is speaking to my heart concerning Jeffery, and all the others from the names of A to Z that will cross your path on face book or where ever you speak the truth; God's word at.

The anger, that's been expressed sometime come from being let down, as you can see their trying to wear you down because their trying your patience, to see if you're walking the walk or just talking the talk to then like perhaps others have done, and some I would care to say have even giving up on them. "Angel Heart, we can see that you're a doer of God's word." Amen!

The ones that's angry with the Lord, and have decided to not trust Him. Their being deceived by satan; he's the one that deserve their anger, you can see the results and the consequence, from not knowing the Lord's love.

By not having a personal relationship with the Lord, satan can mislead you into believing that the Lord, has no power, which is all lies from the pits of hell.

Some don't even realize that satan have set out to destroy, to neutralize them for ever, because that's his job, and our JOB is to fight for them by giving them God's word, and praying for them, and pleading the Blood of Jesus over them, and all that goes with it. We're praying that they will give the the Lord, a chance to show them his Love. We trust the Lord, to save their souls, if they would call upon his, and give their lives over to Him completely. Amen!

We trust the Lord's word that you have spoken into Jeffery's life and others from A to Z so many names, so I'll just say from a-z the Lord, knows them all, amen! Angel Heart, you're doing what the Lord, has place on your heart to do, now just watch and see what the Lord, will do. I believe you will see the fruits of God's word working very soon, and for some of the lives that you've planted seeds in, you will perhaps only know about them when you to get to Heaven; the impact of your faithfulness, will come to pass, because the Lord's word will not come back void. Amen!

NOW! the work that you're doing for the Lord, is so AWESOME! and satan hates it. You're going to need reinforcement from the prayer warriors, to stand in the the gap for you. I want you to know that our household will continue to stand in prayer for you, until we are safely in the present of our Lord and savior. Amen!

Oh Lord, we're lifting up our sister in Christ, Angel Heart, up to you Oh Lord, asking that you would give her a full doseage of your power via the Holy Spirit, Father, as Angel Heart, take up each piece of the armor, (The Whole Armor of God)please secure it in place on her. Oh Lord comfort her and guide her every step of the way Oh Lord, let her always know that your word will do the work, and that all that is needed is for her to just speak your word in truth, and you would do the rest.

Oh Lord Jesus, we thank you for Angel Heart, and we thank you for blessing her to be on fire for you Oh Lord, in these final moment before you return for your Bride.

Father, guide Angel Heart, and keep your angels watching over her, Let the angels go before Angel Heart, and with her, on face book, where the demonic spirits are, the principalities, rulers of the darkness, where they can, and will used any tools that's available to them, even on the internet, for we know that no form of earthly matter, walls, distance, space, can stop them, or hold then back from coming through the internet, through the tv and any other kind of things. Especially, the things that has defilement on it, and in it; including some churches. Anywhere defilement is, the demons, will be there for sure! and they will try and attack us if we've not prayed up, by fasting and staying in prayer.

Oh Lord, we will stand in the gap for Angel Heart, and all of your children out on the battle field, doing the work that's being assign to them, and we know that you're faithful to do the rest, and that you're faithful to take care of your own, Amen! Praise you Father, Thank You Lord, for your never, never, ending love for us, in Jesus, precious name, AMEN!

WOW! I didn't realize I just wrote a book here. I like to apologize for that.

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