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Dutch Sheets

March 17, 2010

Dear Sarah,

It is 5:00 a.m. I have been up all night praying and agonizing over the condition of America. While praying for the nation in general, and also concerning a gathering this summer to cry out for awakening in America, I felt drawn to the book of Joel. While reading it, this word began to stir in me for our nation. I know it is lengthy, but please read it prayerfully. Not since October of 2000, have I been so burdened for America. At that time I issued a call to prayer, which, due to the favor and anointing of the Lord on it, went viral. Millions received it and prayed. My heart cry is that the same thing happens with this word, for I am actually more burdened now than I was then.
America is in a horrendous crisis of monumental proportions, a season much like Israel in the days of Joel. This Old Testament prophet warned of devastating judgment coming to Israel, but laced the warning with hope and God’s mercy if certain things occurred. That is precisely where we are in America. We Americans are a confident and optimistic people, which is often good, but can also create a dangerous denial and crippling passivity. This is happening with many. But please do not be deceived by those who are saying everything is fine. The truth is that we, as a nation, are in serious trouble. Listen to these words from Joel – they are accurate for us today:
What a day! Doomsday! God’s judgment has come. The strong God has arrived. This is serious business! ... Shake the country up! God’s judgment’s on its way – the Day’s almost here! (Joel 1:15, 2:1; The Message)
The State of the Nation
If God brought corrective but serious judgment to Israel, we are horribly deceived if we think it will not happen to us. If something doesn’t happen to lessen this judgment—and it can be lessened--we are headed for very difficult times. The economy is going to be devastated. The stock market will go well below where it went a few months back—a crash is coming, and soon. More terrorism and violence will occur in our land, perhaps even war. In my spirit I’ve seen buildings crumbling and cities burning. Devastating natural disasters will take place. In general, hard times will be prevalent. Why is this so? Because we have turned from God and His ways. Consider the true condition of America. This assessment is bleak but accurate.

1) Our government is in decay. The current leaders of Congress promote homosexuality, abortion and socialism, while arrogantly ignoring God and the wishes of the people. They are proud, power-hungry, self-serving, career politicians, not the statesmen/women we so desperately need. Our President fits the same description. Along with the above, while honoring—in the White House—the Muslim day of prayer, homosexual activists and a coalition of atheists, he refused to honor the time-honored traditions surrounding the National Day of Prayer. And along with Congress and the President, we have many Judges with no regard for God’s word, the Constitution or our true history. The predictable verdict is in: America is in a moral and spiritual crisis of such magnitude that it is almost unbelievable.

2) What does this look like practically? From my grandparents’ day until now, we have gone from 65% of Americans having a biblical worldview to now 4% of today’s young people sharing these beliefs. This is staggering! Apart from an absolute miracle, which I believe is still possible, we have lost a generation of Americans to Satan and secular humanism. Generally speaking, we are a narcissistic, self-loving nation that has accepted a culture of death, perversion, drugs and violence. We have murdered 51 million babies in the womb and to satisfy the cry for a toleration of immorality and perversion, we are ready to throw away 6000 years of honoring God’s definition of marriage and family.

3) The church, which is supposed to be salt and light for this mess, is neither. Though a remnant has remained faithful, for the most part the church of America has become totally irrelevant and completely ineffective. We have produced lukewarm Christians and a generation that doesn’t know God or His ways. Our pulpits are filled with smiles, not tears; entertainment, not passion; and self-help stories, not prophetic truth. Our feel-good messages and mega fun-centers have anesthetized us to the reality of our condition and, as opposed to offering solutions, are actually part of the problem. We, the church, are not changing our world, we’re being conformed to it. It’s easier to find the truth about our condition as a nation on talk radio than in our churches. We have left our first love and abandoned our cause. In short, an apostate church, an ungodly government and a culture of death, perversion and self-centeredness has earned us an appointment with judgment.
There Is Still Hope for America

But there is still hope. God desires to bring a Third Great Awakening to America. It can be truly amazing – millions saved and delivered; all of society impacted in a huge way; the youth of America finally introduced to the true Christ in all of His power. But please hear me when I say this: “our prayers and actions will determine the magnitude and timing of this awakening; and the level of awakening will determine the magnitude of our judgment. Again, the hope-filled words of the prophet Joel are very pertinent:
But there's also this, it's not too late—God's personal Message! Come back to me and really mean it! Come fasting and weeping, sorry for your sins! Change your life, not just your clothes. Come back to God, your God. And here's why: God is kind and merciful. He takes a deep breath, puts up with a lot. This most patient God, extravagant in love, always ready to cancel catastrophe. Who knows? Maybe he'll do it now, maybe he'll turn around and show pity. Maybe, when all's said and done, there'll be blessings full and robust from your God! (Joel 2:12-14; The Message)

What powerful words of hope! Re-read them. Our God is so ready to show mercy. But not to the proud and indifferent! The prescription to turn a crisis such as Joel warned of and that which we face today, and the trigger that releases the spirit of awakening to offset it have never changed: repentance, humility, prayer and fasting. Please hear me: This is our only hope for a reduced sentence. Judgment cannot be fully averted but it can be lessened.
A Joel 2 Gathering: Wilderness Outcry

With this in mind, I now believe more fully than ever that a strategy recently given to some colleagues and me is from the Lord. There are and will be numerous opportunities for Americans to gather corporately and cry out to the Lord, but this is one that I know God has ordained and will use greatly. Through dreams and other confirmations, He has spoken and directed several national, spiritual leaders to call for a “Joel 2 gathering.” We are calling for tens of thousands of believers to join us this June 14-18, for 5 days of worship, prayer and some form of fasting (a meal a day, etc.) in Poplar Bluff, Missouri. (Though we will have worship Monday and Friday, the heart of what occurs will be 3 days, Tuesday through Thursday.) Listen once more to the words of the prophet Joel—he articulates what we are calling for:
Blow the ram's horn trumpet in Zion! Declare a day of repentance, a holy fast day. Call a public meeting. Get everyone there. Consecrate the congregation. Make sure the elders come, but bring in the children, too, even the nursing babies, even men and women on their honeymoon— interrupt them and get them there. Between Sanctuary entrance and altar, let the priests, God's servants, weep tears of repentance. Let them intercede: Have mercy, God, on your people! Don't abandon your heritage to contempt. Don't let the pagans take over and rule them and sneer, and ‘so where is this God of theirs?’ (Joel 2:15-17; The Message)

A Call to the Entire Nation
Can you hear the passion and desperation in these words from the prophet? One translation says: “Sound the alarm.” No one was exempt from Joel’s call: spiritual leaders had to come; young and old had to come, even nursing babies; honeymoons had to be postponed! No one was excused. And this sweeping appeal is no less appropriate today. I plead with you to hear the call: we have come to a Joel 2 time in America! So much hangs in the balance! How we respond to Him today will decide what America looks like for the next 50-100 years! This Joel gathering will be led by individuals who have truly been mantled by God for such a time as this: Lou Engle, who carries the greatest mantle of our day for solemn assemblies and Nazirite consecration, will lead much of the gathering. Lou feels this could launch the next phase/generation of the Nazirite movement that was embodied in The Call gatherings of the last 10 years. (Please go to www.wildernessoutcry.com to read a dream one of Lou’s spiritual sons had about this gathering.) Karen Wheaton and Damon Thompson of the Ramp will also be leading the gathering with Lou and me. Without question, the Ramp has the greatest mantle of/for awakening that I know of anywhere. They will be releasing this anointing. There will be approximately 25 very anointed worship leaders joining us – the worship will continue 24 hours a day, pausing only for a few short messages – as well as other national leaders from around the nation. This is not a concert and it isn’t a festival. It will truly be “presence” driven, and the Holy Spirit is going to hover over us for these special days and nights as we humble ourselves before Him. Can you imagine what it would be like if thousands of people from all 50 states did this in one accord for several days? I don’t know if there has ever been a gathering quite like it.
Many of those attending will be camping in tents and campers on the land. We have room for 35,000-40,000 people to camp on this incredible property. (Go to www.wildernessoutcry.com to register for a site.) Many others will camp in nearby campgrounds, and for traffic flow reasons, be bussed back and forth throughout the day and night. Still others will stay in nearby hotels and also be bussed in. Even if you have to stay as much as an hour away, I assure you that these days will be some of the most significant of your life! And just think, in Joel’s day they walked for hours—probably days—to join the gathering.
Please come! It is not too late for America. Together we can release the transforming effect of a Third Great Awakening. If Woodstock 40 years ago could change a nation, what could thousands of believers crying out to God for several days accomplish?! We would like to have people from all 50 states, all ages and all walks of life. We can do this! (We already have a group coming from Hawaii.)
It is a small thing to ask for the Lord and the future of this nation. Help us sound the alarm. Even if you absolutely cannot attend, spread the word. Send this email to everyone you know.
I hope to see you in Poplar Buff, Missouri, as together we answer the call and cry out for mercy and awakening. Here is a final quote from Joel that states what I am believing for, not just through this gathering, but because of the many prayers and the true repentance that I believe will take place in the coming days in our land:

At that, God went into action to get His land back. He took pity on His people. (Joel 2:18; The Message)

May it be so, Lord!

For awakening and reformation,

Dutch Sheets

Email: sbell48907@aol.com

Re: Dutch Sheets

Sarah, thanks for posting Dutch Sheets' heartfelt call for prayer for America. We certainly need it. I want to say here that contrary to what is posted on another thread, Dutch Sheets is a Godly man and devoted to the salvation of souls and God's will being done on earth as it is in heaven.

Re: Dutch Sheets

Texas Sue
Sarah, thanks for posting Dutch Sheets' heartfelt call for prayer for America. We certainly need it. I want to say here that contrary to what is posted on another thread, Dutch Sheets is a Godly man and devoted to the salvation of souls and God's will being done on earth as it is in heaven.



Re: Dutch Sheets

The Third Wave "New Apostolic Reformation"
Heretical doctrines and ideas that have fused together
to form the teachings of the movement
by Sandy Simpson, 10/02

If there is anything I want you to come away with from this article is to know who the false teachers are so that you can stay away from them and help others to avoid them as well. My general advice is to turn off TBN, get into the Word of God daily, get down on your knees and pray for people in your sphere of influence who may be falling into the Third Wave, and reach out to them to pull them from the fire. Stand firm in the Faith and don't allow false heresies from the past and present leaven your faith away from a pure and true faith in Jesus Christ. The situation is so dire today in what is left of Christendom, that if you are not careful you can be deceived even if you consider yourself to be one of the elect. That's what Jesus told us would happen and from what I see going on today many people who claim to be Christians are being deceived to the point where they are changing their very belief system. The Bible says that if we put our faith in another gospel, another Jesus, another Spirit we have believed in vain. If your belief system gets corrupted, at some point you are no longer believing in the true Jesus Christ, but another "Jesus". This is the whole idea behind all the weird stuff in the church--not to get you to do weird stuff but to corrupt your belief system. There is a great apostasy in the churches right now, a great delusion, and it is the fusion of many old heresies from the past.

There are many roots to the Third Wave/New Apostolic Reformation and counterfeit revivals we see today. The churches have been invaded by ideas from other religions and the occult. In some ways all the influences from the past have common characteristics and have been combined by false teachers into doctrines that have cause many to be led into apostasy. The Bible tells us we are to keep the Faith, to guard the church against false doctrines.

Jude 1:3-4 Dear friends, although I was very eager to write to you about the salvation we share, I felt I had to write and urge you to contend for the faith that was once for all entrusted to the saints. For certain men whose condemnation was written about long ago have secretly slipped in among you. They are godless men, who change the grace of our God into a license for immorality and deny Jesus Christ our only Sovereign and Lord.
2 Timothy 4:3 For the time will come when men will not put up with sound doctrine. Instead, to suit their own desires, they will gather around them a great number of teachers to say what their itching ears want to hear.
1 Timothy 4:16 Watch your life and doctrine closely. Persevere in them, because if you do, you will save both yourself and your hearers.
2 Thessalonians 2:15 So then, brothers, stand firm and hold to the teachings we passed on to you, whether by word of mouth or by letter.

If those who call themselves apostles, prophets, evangelists, pastors and teachers teach against the core doctrines of the Faith, whether explicitly or implicitly, we are to admonish them once or twice and if they do not repent we are to reject them as heretics.

Titus 3:10 Warn a divisive person once, and then warn him a second time. After that, have nothing to do with him.

The word for "divisive" in Greek is "hairetikos" from which we get the word "heretic". A heretic is a person who teaches against the core doctrines of the Faith and divides the church. This is exactly what we see today in the Third Wave. The efforts of Third Wavers are not primarily aimed at non-believers, though they have given it a half-hearted attempt, but are mainly aimed at Christians. They are famous for proselytization, that is getting people from one church to attend their churches or events, and then sending them back to get more. The heretics of our day are the divisive ones and the churches should have renounced them a long time ago. But they have been allowed to continue and that is why we find the Church in the state it is in today.

Heretics can almost always be found to have connections with false systems of belief, other religious practices, even the occult. I want to detail some of the influences on the Third Wave movement and those who have brought these teachings into the churches. There are many influences, but I will try to briefly give you a background on the major influences seen in the Third Wave.

(1) Shamanism (Witchcraft, Sorcery)


Shamanism is classified by anthropologists as an archaic magico-religious phenomenon in which the shaman is the great master of ecstasy. A shaman may exhibit a particular magical specialty (such as control over fire, wind or magical flight). When a specialization is present the most common is as a healer. The distinguishing characteristic of shamanism is its focus on an ecstatic trance state in which the soul of the shaman is believed to leave the body and ascend to the sky (heavens) or descend into the earth (underworld). The shaman makes use of spirit helpers, with whom he or she communicates, all the while retaining control over his or her own consciousness. (Dean Edwards, Shamanism-General Overview-Preface, 1997, originally available at http://www.webcom.com/gspirit/Shaman/so.shamanism.html)


One becomes a shaman by one of three methods:
a) Hereditary transmission
b) Spontaneous selection or 'call' or 'election'
c) Personal choice and quest.

The shaman is not recognized as legitimate without having undergone two types of training:
1) Ecstatic (dreams, trances, etc.)
2) Traditional ("shamanic techniques, names and functions of spirits, mythology and genealogy of the clan, secret language, etc.) (Mircea Eliade, The Encyclopedia of Religion, v. 13 , p. 202. Mcmillian, N.Y., 1987.)


Medicine men, mediums and witch doctors in all cultures
Faith healers
Spiritism, spiritualism


Today we have a number of people in the Third Wave who are driven by dreams, visions, special secret knowledge (Gnosticism) and contact with dead people who claim to have powers, such as knocking people backwards and healing. They claim they can summon the power by their own will. They even claim they can create reality by their words, which is a major tenet of witchcraft, but also a major idea in Word-Faith.

Contact with the dead: One of Benny Hinn's visions

"This is recently. I'm not talking about a long time ago. He was about six feet two. Old man. Had a beard. White-like Norvelles jacket. Glistening white beard. His face was somewhat thin. But, very bold! Eyes - crystal blue. He had on a white garment; whiter than my shirt could ever get. On his head was a shawl, like a, like a covering. He looked like a priest. Every part of him glistened like crystal. And I spoke out and I said, 'Lord, who is this man I see?' I know you may, you may think I lost my mind, but the Lord said, 'Elijah, the prophet!' I never heard the Lord say that to me you know when that happened? That happened days before the anointing on my life doubled. Literally, the ministries' anointing doubled after that.…" (Hinn, Blaisdale Arena, Honolulu, HI, on February 28, 1997)

"One of the strangest experiences I had a few years ago [was] visiting Aimee (Semple McPherson's) tomb in California. This Thursday I'm on TBN. Friday I am gonna go and visit Kathryn Kuhlman's tomb. It's close by Aimee's in Forest Lawn Cemetery. I've been there once already and every so often I like to go and pay my respects 'cause this great woman of God has touched my life. And that grave, uh, where she's buried is closed, they built walls around it. You can't get in without a key and I'm one of the very few people who can get in. But I'll never forget when I saw Aimee's tomb. It's incredibly dramatic. She was such a lady that her tomb has seven-foot angels bowing on each side of her tomb with a gold chain around it. As--as incredible as it is that someone would die with angels bowing on each side of her grave, I felt a terrific anointing when I was there. I actually, I--I, hear this, I trembled when I visited Aimee's tomb. I was shaking all over. God's power came all over me. ... I believe the anointing has lingered over Aimee's body. I know this may be shocking to you. ... And I'm going to take David [Palmquist] and Kent [Mattox] and Sheryl [Palmquist] this week. They're gonna come with me. You--you--you gonna feel the anointing at Aimee's tomb. It's incredible. And Kathryn's. It's amazing. I've heard of people healed when they visited that tomb. (Benny Hinn sermon, Double Portion Anointing, Part #3, Orlando Christian Center, Orlando, Fla., April 7, 1991. From the series, Holy Ghost Invasion. TV#309, tape on file.)

Speaking things into existence: Kenneth Copeland

"Words are the most sacred things....This is a word planet...governed by words...created by words....Words cause it to function...cause life...cause death....Words go on forever....Words are holy." (Kenneth Copeland, The Abrahamic Covenant, side 1.)

"Words create pictures, and pictures in your mind create words. And then the words come back out your mouth....And when that spiritual force comes out it is going to give substance to the image that's on the inside of you. Aw, that's that visualization stuff! Aw, that's that New Age! No, New Age is trying to do this; and they get somewhat results out of it because this is spiritual law, brother." (Kenneth Copeland, Believer's Voice of Victory (television program), TBN, 28 March 1991.)

Shamanism: TB Joshua

TB Joshua is a man who Toronto Blessing people are flocking to in Nigeria, including John Arnott the head pastor of the Toronto Airport Vineyard church. TB teachers all endorse him as a "holy man of God". Joshua has direct connections in his background to shamanism, and he evidences that in his meetings. He claims to heal all kinds of health problems including and especially genital disorders. He then gets people to show their "healed" genitals in the meetings. He claims to turn water running from faucets in the church into the blood of Christ, and people shower in it, roll in it, drink it. I saw part of his promotional video and I would not advise anyone to watch it as it is very demonic.

"In a week I deliver contrary spirit carriers (Ogbanjes), witches and wizards (about 1000 of them). They are not ordinary human beings. Some are half human and half fish. So if you eat fish you can not deliver them." (TB Joshua, Pastor W.F. Kumuyi and Prophet T.B. Joshua: Are both messengers of God? by Isaac B. Agbaje and Abieye Kalu)

"Faith means the Word of God mixed with God's Spirit. When you speak the Word of God and it is mixed with the Spirit of God, whatever you decrees comes to pass." (TB Joshua, Pastor W.F. Kumuyi and Prophet T.B. Joshua: Are both messengers of God? by Isaac B. Agbaje and Abieye Kalu)

(2) Quakers (Friends) & Shakers


"The term "Quaker" refers to a member of the Religious Society of Friends, which is the proper name of the sect. This name refers to people "quaking" or trembling when feeling moved by the Holy Spirit to speak in Meetings for Worship. (Quaker FAQ, http://www.jmas.co.jp/FAQs/Quaker-faq)


These are the doctrines of most Quaker groups, though there are evangelical Friends who are not so far out.

"Quakers beliefs are a little hard to quantify, since Friends do not believe in having a fixed Creed or Dogma, but rather in seeking for the leadings of God within ourselves.
- Doctrines of Jesus' deity and the virgin birth are nonessential and not accepted as fact.
- Primacy of "feelings" over scripture as source of testing doctrine.
- Acceptance of any document as valid for doctrine (i.e. Tao Te Ching, Koran, etc.)
- Universalists (by their own description) (i.e. all religions and beliefs are correct and of equal value.)
- Great manifestations including trembling and shaking.
- George Fox saw himself as an apostle restoring the true church." (Quaker FAQ, http://www.jmas.co.jp/FAQs/Quaker-faq)


The Shakers splintered from a Quaker community in Manchester, England (Gidley and Bowles 1990). James Wardley, its preacher, had absorbed the teachings of the millennial French Prophets and his community began to evolve around 1746 (Melton 1992). The members were known as the Shaking Quakers and were viewed as radical for their communion with the spirits of the dead and impassioned shaking that would occur at their services (Horgan, 1982; Robinson 1975).

The Shakers were present at the Asuza Street Revival and the Cane Ridge Revival, revivals that most of the Third Wavers hearken back to as a great revivals of God. However, many false groups such as the Shakers, were present at those and other "revival" meetings and had influence on the "manifestations" that ended up dominating those meetings. Robert Liichow of Discernment Ministries said:

The Shakers were the true forerunners to today's revival. The Shakers had visions, personal prophecy, they spoke in other tongues, they had "holy" laughter, spiritual drunkenness and a form of spiritual warfare.
The only thing the Shakers did not have was Jesus Christ, they were a Pagan cult! (Robert Liichow, Discernment Ministries, audio interview)

Here is and account of one of the Shaker meetings:

"At the close of the singing, one of the sisters began to rock to an fro; at first gently, then in a more violent manner, until two of the sisters, on on each side, supported her else she would have fallen to the floor. She appeared to be wholly unconscious of her surroundings, and to be moved by an invisible power. The shaking of the subject continued to increase in violence, and it was with great difficulty that she was restrained from throwing herself forcibly to the floor. Her limbs became rigid, her face took on an ashen hue, her lips moved, and she began to speak in a clear, distinct voice, every word of which penetrated every part of the room, which was as still as death. Every eye was on the recipient of the gift, every ear open to catch each word as it fell from her lips. She spoke of the shortness of life, of the absolute necessity of abandoning the world and its sinful pleasures before it was too late; that in Shakerism were embodied all the virtures and none of the vices of mankind; that through her the spirit of Mother Ann was speaking to every Shaker present to remain steadfast to the faith ..." (Sears, op. cit., p. 201; as cited in The Confusion Of Tongues, Chrales W. Ferguson, 1927, p. 336)

This is an account that bears comparison what happened in Toronto and in the Brownsville A/G Church of Pensacola, FL, in the early stages of the "revival" there. Third Wave meeting accounts are almost identical to the what the Shakers were doing. It is important to note that this Shaker account shows clearly that they had opened themselves up to demonic influence by the use of mediums and necromancy. What we read about regarding the Shakers and what we see and hear going on in the "counterfeit" revival are clear indications of spiritism. Dave Hunt has noted:

Such questions involving the whole gamut of today's revival scene, from Toronto to Pensacola, must be seriously faced! Videos of the services show people crawling on the floor, howling like wolves, barking like dogs, roaring like lions, going through bodily contortions impossible without the aid of some spiritual power, unable to speak or even remember their names when they try to give a testimony--and worse. Many of those being baptized at Pensacola seem to lose consciousness or shake so violently that they must be carried out of the baptismal tank or they would drown. Others flail about so wildly as to require several men to handle them. Such manifestations were also found in past "revivals" among the Shakers, the Mormons and many other cults. That such things could now be accepted widely as evidence of the Holy Spirit can only testify to the depths of the delusion! (Revival Or Apostasy, Dave Hunt)

Third Wave teachers with Shaker/Quaker influences: John Wimber

John Wimber began as a Quaker, originally being a member of the Quaker church. George Fox is deemed to be the "prophet" whose teachings tend to be the prime source of guidance for the philosophy followed in the Quaker faith. Gunner Payne was the person who initially had the primary influence in John Wimber's life.

John Wimber was kicked out of the Calvary Chapel and started the Vineyard. Out of the Vineyard came all the manifestations and "slain in the spirit" stuff that became the Toronto "Blessing". John Wimber is one of the fathers of the Toronto Blessing movement, which also spawned Brownsville and others, and he started out as a Quaker.

Richard Foster

Foster is a Quaker and started a group called Renovare, which had a direct influence at Fuller Theological Seminary where John Wimber did his first experiments in "Power Healing" and "Power Evangelism". Wimber was a member of Renovare, as well as many others.

Renovare Board Of Directors: Sister Thomas Bernard was the Director. Also on the board of directors was David Allan Hubbard, President of FULLER THEOLOGICAL SEMINARY. On the Board of Reference were such Pentecostals as JAMIE BUCKINGHAM, Ted W. Engstrom, Gary Fawver, TONY CAMPOLO, MICHAEL HARPER, Roberts Hestenes, and DAVID & KAREN MAINS. Speakers at Renovare conferences included: Sister Thomas Bernard, Isaac Canales of Fuller Theo. Seminary. (Fuller had many speakers for Renovare). Eugene Coffin of Crystal Cathedral (Robert Schuller's "cathedral"), Richard Foster who is President of Renovare, Jack Hayford, Sen. Pastor of The Church on the Way, California.

So you can see the heavy influence of Quakers and Shakers in the counterfeit revival movements today.

(3) Latter Rain Movement

One of the biggest influences on the counterfeit "river" movement of the Third Wave was the New Order of the Latter Rain.


In the mid-1940's, the enthusiasm and fire of the Pentecostal revival that started at Azusa Street was waning, and people were looking for another move of the spirit, and wanted signs and wonders. (In) 1907-1910 David Wesley Myland began teaching the rudimentary concepts regarding the Latter Rain. (In) 1947 William Branham, Hunt and George Hawtin begin to teach New Order of the Latter Rain codify teachings into doctrines. The movement is based upon William Branham, and therefore his theology formed the basis for the Latter Rain theology. He was seen as the "prophet" (Elijah) of the movement. Latter Rain doctrines caused division in traditional Pentecostal churches. They led to the condemnation of the 'The New Order of the Latter Rain' by the Assemblies of God in their general council in 1949. After this action, many Assembly ministers resigned or were excommunicated for their involvement and formed independent Latter Rain churches. Most of these churches were small. Their evolving doctrines became increasingly heretical and, many degenerated into clearly definable cults. (Church of the Living Word, The Body, House of Prayer, etc.) Some of those who kept the Latter Rain teachings alive from that time and are a big influence in the new Latter Rain Third Wave are Bill Hamon and Paul Cain.

Latter Rain teachings today have evolved and now also include: Kingdom Now/Dominion Theology, Progressive Revelation, Revival/Harvest, Joel's Army, Replacement Theology, Post-Millennial Eschatology, Signs and Wonders, Territorial Warfare, Ecumenism, Restoration of Apostles and Prophets, Jubilee/Feast of Tabernacles, and the Post-denominational Church. (The Latter Rain Revival, Tim & Barb Aho, 1997, http://watch.pair.com/rain.html)


In 1949 at the General Council of the Assemblies of God held in Seattle, the Council overwhelmingly approved a resolution that was prepared by a committee that dealt with the Latter Rain Movement. The resolution adopted disapproved of the following practices of the Latter Rain, and the action was made necessary as a result of the movement invading the Assembly of God churches:

1. The overemphasis relative to imparting, identifying, bestowing, or confirming of gifts by the laying on of hands and prophecy.
2. The erroneous teaching that the Church is built on the foundation of present-day apostles and prophets.
3. The extreme teaching as advocated by the "New Order," regarding the confession of sin to man and deliverance as practiced, which claims prerogatives to human agency which belongs only to Christ.
4. The erroneous teaching concerning the impartation of the gift of languages as special equipment for missionary service. (Interestingly this is the only tenet no longer being promoted. Why? Because it didn't work the way it was advertised.)
5. The extreme and unscriptural practice of imparting or imposing personal leadings by the means of the gifts of utterance.
6. Such other wrestlings and distortions of scripture interpretations which are in opposition to teachings and practices generally accepted among us.

The Latter Rain featured individuals with "oil in the hands"; congregational singing of "the song of the Lord" singing in the Spirit; the emphasis on "God is doing a new thing"; the manifested sons of God teaching; the placing of experience over exposition; the branding of those who denounced the movement; getting away from what the church had been.

The Latter Rain has now become almost totally mixed together with doctrines of the Manifest Sons Of God movement. Here is a quick understanding of this heresy which is also a big influence on the Third Wave:

Kingdom Theology (combined) with the Manifest Sons of God doctrine (believes in) the ongoing incarnation of God and (that) believers are "little gods" exercising autonomous sovereignty within their spheres of dominion. As this is perhaps the most objectionable and controversial aspect of Bishop Earl Paulk's teachings, it deserves special attention. (A Critique of "Kingdom Theology" By Earl Paulk by Robert M. Bowman, Jr., with Craig S. Hawkins and Dan R. Schlesinger, 1988, http://www.iclnet.org/pub/resources/text/cri/cri-jrnl/web/crj0022a.html)

Manifest Sons Of God teachings were as follows:

- A New Form and Standard for Christianity is emerging. It will change our entire understanding of what Christianity is. In 20 years it will be entirely different. Change will be so dramatic, the Christian church as we know it will oppose it. The change will come from outside the church.
- Rapture is for the "wicked" (Not of the saved!).
- God is to be revealed when he takes his throne in the temple.
- Christians cannot be deceived.
- City Churches: One church leadership per city. Other churches are to join the under the apostolic authority of one man or group of men and transfer membership to them (or associated churches in other cities), and ultimately close down their churches).
- Joel's Army/Kingdom Now/Dominion theology: the church is to conquer and subdue the earth in order to bring in the millennium.
- New Breed/manifest Son's of God: We will be perfected into our glorified bodies prior to Christ's return. This will allow us to subdue the earth.
- The restoration of "the fivefold ministry" as enumerated in Ephesians 4:11, with particular emphasis on the offices of apostle and prophet. (Branham was widely touted as the prophet Elijah reborn).
- Christians become "gods". We have the "divine" nature.
- Christ comes into us as a "seed" and grows into a "prophet". Christ therefore returns "within us".
- Jesus was sent as a "pattern" for the corporate church (Corporate church in this context means that the church becomes Christ. Christ is not complete without us because he is the head and we are the body).
- The current churches have the spirit of "Antichrist".

Major current teacher of Manifest Sons of God:

Earl Paulk
Grace Bible
Apostolic Churches
Oral Roberts
Paul Cain
William Branham
Bill Britton
George Warnock
Franklin Hall
John Robert Stevens
Hatwin Brothers
Sam Fife
Myrtle and James Beall
David Wesley Myland
Benny Hinn

The most prominent current teachers of the tenets of Latter Rain are Paul Cain, Bill Hamon, C. Peter Wagner and all other apostles and prophets in the New Apostolic Reformation.

Paul Cain

Paul Cain even advised his audience to wait until they get to heaven to examine his exposition of the `Manchild Company,' which would never stand the test of Scripture: "I know some of you are going to disagree with this. Don't you even stop to disagree. Revelation 12:5. If you disagree, just file it in `miscellaneous' and check it out. And don't bother with it; when we get to heaven we'll check it out and you'll find out I'm right" (Paul Cain, Prophetic Power and Pa

Re: Dutch Sheets

Cheryl, I personally do not appreciate your denigrating and slandering other Christians. I personally know Chuck Pierce and Dutch Sheets. BOth are good Christian men. I would be careful of judging God's servants. That is God's business alone not ours.

Edited: Just saw your list in the article above. Is there anyone left not on your list? From that person's opinion it looks like the population of heaven has been considerably sized down.

Re: Dutch Sheets

Texas Sue
Cheryl, I personally do not appreciate your denigrating and slandering other Christians. I personally know Chuck Pierce and Dutch Sheets. BOth are good Christian men. I would be careful of judging God's servants. That is God's business alone not ours.

Edited: Just saw your list in the article above. Is there anyone left not on your list? From that person's opinion it looks like the population of heaven has been considerably sized down.

I personally don't appreciate you promoting PROVEN false prophets to the Body of CHRIST.....

they are KINGDOM NOW/ LATTER RAIN/ DOMINIONISTS TEACHERS..... say the "wicked will be raptured" dont even BELIEVE in the Rapture... and TEACH HERESY!!!
I am not afraid to tell the truth!!

we are not to unequally Yoked with darkness!!!

Re: Dutch Sheets

Texas Sue
Cheryl, I personally do not appreciate your denigrating and slandering other Christians. I personally know Chuck Pierce and Dutch Sheets. BOth are good Christian men. I would be careful of judging God's servants. That is God's business alone not ours.

Edited: Just saw your list in the article above. Is there anyone left not on your list? From that person's opinion it looks like the population of heaven has been considerably sized down.

I personally don't appreciate you promoting PROVEN false prophets to the Body of CHRIST.....

they are KINGDOM NOW/ LATTER RAIN/ DOMINIONISTS TEACHERS..... say the "wicked will be raptured" dont even BELIEVE in the Rapture... and TEACH HERESY!!!
I am not afraid to tell the truth!!

we are not to unequally Yoked with darkness!!!

Oral Roberts? Apostolic Churches?

This is dangerous, very dangerous and WAY out of line.

Re: Dutch Sheets

dear CHRISTinCheryl, your anger and accusations/judgments you rail here do not help . .

. . . Reading "I Cor. 13: 1 -2. . "When I speak with the tongues of men and of angels and have not love, I am a banging gong or a clashing symbol"

please keep in mind that this is the wrong forum expressing such a tone and debate . .

RITA is known for no christian bashing . .

We prefer among the brethren speaking in love.

We seek the fruits of the Spirit which says:
Love is patient,
love is kind,
it does not envy,
it does not boast,
it is not proud.

It is not rude,
it is not self-seeking,
it is not easily angered,
it keeps no record of wrongs.

Love does not delight in evil, but rejoices with the truth….Love never fails" . . . 1 Cor. 13:4-8

Your replies, I feel, reminds me of the 'sons of thunder' saying, 'LORD, rain down fire and hail" . . yet how they changed, as they learned Christ's Way to love.

The Samaritan woman whom the Jews would having nothing to do with was precious to Jesus, and look how He loved her to salvation . .

Re: Dutch Sheets

Cheryl doesn't sound angry to me, maybe a little intense because she is trying to get an important point across. Being intense is OK, intense is not anger. How come when we strongly disagree with someone we accuse them of being angry? If you disagree that strongly with what Cheryl is saying then why don't you do some research and disprove her? You could pray for her if you feel she is wrong. That would carry a lot more weight then useless ranting and raving.

From reading what the rest of you have written, I gather that if someone says they are a Christian and has some sort of Christian "office" or ministry then;

1. They are above reproach or correction.

2. We cannot point their error no matter how many people they deceive, because we are being judgemental.

3. If we do point out error we are sowing seeds of discord amongst the brethren.

4. They are still fine men and women of God no matter how wrong they are.

5. Deceit in the Body must be tolerated if the deceiver appears earnest.

6. I could go on, but this is enough to get the point across.

It isn't slander or denigration if Cheryl is correct. If Cheryl is slandering someone then by the definition of slander Cheryl would be lying. If she is lying then prove it. To say she is slandering and denigrating without offering proof to the contrary is doing the same thing you are accusing her of. Cheryl has given evidence and quotes from those she is referring to. She hasn't said anything without some evidence.

I may not agree with some of the conclusions Cheryl makes, but if I feel it important enough to reply to that which I disagree with, then I will do some research and present some evidence. I am sick and tired of seeing someone who is earnestly trying to send a warning being attacked as though they sit at the right hand of Satan. Like I said she is only trying to warn, if you disagree, then prove she is wrong.

I am not trying to be harsh here. I am saying this in love. The Church is in a lot of trouble right now because many are believing the lies of the enemy. If the Church was right with God then our country wouldn't be in this much trouble.

2 Chronicles 7:14 (KJV)
"If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray , and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land."

Many are praying but our land isn't being healed. Could it be that they are not repenting? If they are not repenting could it be that they are listening to the lies of false teachers and believe they don't have to?

We need to stick to the scriptures for our information, not the opinions of other men and woman who spout their opinions as truth when they are in disagreement with the scriptures and are anything but the truth.

I used to listen to many of these false prophets. One day God got a hold of me and told me not to listen to them any more. He said I could get what I needed from his Word.

As a last point email and text are very difficult to express feeling. You cannot see my face, my concern, or what kind of countenance I, Cheryl or anybody else may have as we write. We have a tendency to read those things into the words that are written because that is the only way we can do it. Trying to read a persons emotional state just through their words can be deceiving.

D. Boyter

Re: Dutch Sheets

As a last point email and text are very difficult to express feeling. You cannot see my face, my concern, or what kind of countenance I, Cheryl or anybody else may have as we write. We have a tendency to read those things into the words that are written because that is the only way we can do it. Trying to read a persons emotional state just through their words can be deceiving.

When you write in capital letters , the whole web knows that it is yelling..Do you like to be yelled at? Neither do I not does anyone else.

Email: sbell48907@aol.com

Re: Dutch Sheets

Oh, my goodness, D. Boyter, for someone who rarely posts here, you seem to have lots to say,.

Though you have 'judged' Cheryl being intense, it still brings tension, and won’t change anything here. You've missed the point.

RITA is to encourage and speak with LOVE, and that's not what we heard.

Why not just pray for RITA.

. . . in His keeping with hearts and minds stayed on Him, may you be blessed! (Isaiah 26:3).

Re: Dutch Sheets

dear CHRISTinCheryl, your anger and accusations/judgments you rail here do not help . .

. . . Reading "I Cor. 13: 1 -2. . "When I speak with the tongues of men and of angels and have not love, I am a banging gong or a clashing symbol"

please keep in mind that this is the wrong forum expressing such a tone and debate . .

RITA is known for no christian bashing . .

We prefer among the brethren speaking in love.

We seek the fruits of the Spirit which says:
Love is patient,
love is kind,
it does not envy,
it does not boast,
it is not proud.

It is not rude,
it is not self-seeking,
it is not easily angered,
it keeps no record of wrongs.

Love does not delight in evil, but rejoices with the truth….Love never fails" . . . 1 Cor. 13:4-8

Your replies, I feel, reminds me of the 'sons of thunder' saying, 'LORD, rain down fire and hail" . . yet how they changed, as they learned Christ's Way to love.

The Samaritan woman whom the Jews would having nothing to do with was precious to Jesus, and look how He loved her to salvation . .

Yes as you stated LOVE does not delight in evil..

false prophets spread lies and are evil...

....I am passionate about getting the truth out...sorry If I seemed angry...I am really angry with satan and what he is doing, decieving folks...
I was the one who was personally attacked here as being "SELF RIGHTEOUS"....with NO apology....is that loving???

I see telling the TRUTH as love... warning people IS love...IF a family member joined a cult would you warn them??..if someone was getting ready to crash to their death would you warn them???...
maybe im not the smoothest person in the world in communicating my point, but I know what JESUS has a shown me.. Im sorry if correction , exposing of false prophets to protect the flock is NOT welcomed here....I see IM not welcomed here because I am passionate about doing what JESUS commands.... LOVING people enough to show them the truth....

Re: Dutch Sheets

D. Boyter
Cheryl doesn't sound angry to me, maybe a little intense because she is trying to get an important point across. Being intense is OK, intense is not anger. How come when we strongly disagree with someone we accuse them of being angry? If you disagree that strongly with what Cheryl is saying then why don't you do some research and disprove her? You could pray for her if you feel she is wrong. That would carry a lot more weight then useless ranting and raving.

From reading what the rest of you have written, I gather that if someone says they are a Christian and has some sort of Christian "office" or ministry then;

1. They are above reproach or correction.

2. We cannot point their error no matter how many people they deceive, because we are being judgemental.

3. If we do point out error we are sowing seeds of discord amongst the brethren.

4. They are still fine men and women of God no matter how wrong they are.

5. Deceit in the Body must be tolerated if the deceiver appears earnest.

6. I could go on, but this is enough to get the point across.

It isn't slander or denigration if Cheryl is correct. If Cheryl is slandering someone then by the definition of slander Cheryl would be lying. If she is lying then prove it. To say she is slandering and denigrating without offering proof to the contrary is doing the same thing you are accusing her of. Cheryl has given evidence and quotes from those she is referring to. She hasn't said anything without some evidence.

I may not agree with some of the conclusions Cheryl makes, but if I feel it important enough to reply to that which I disagree with, then I will do some research and present some evidence. I am sick and tired of seeing someone who is earnestly trying to send a warning being attacked as though they sit at the right hand of Satan. Like I said she is only trying to warn, if you disagree, then prove she is wrong.

I am not trying to be harsh here. I am saying this in love. The Church is in a lot of trouble right now because many are believing the lies of the enemy. If the Church was right with God then our country wouldn't be in this much trouble.

2 Chronicles 7:14 (KJV)
"If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray , and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land."

Many are praying but our land isn't being healed. Could it be that they are not repenting? If they are not repenting could it be that they are listening to the lies of false teachers and believe they don't have to?

We need to stick to the scriptures for our information, not the opinions of other men and woman who spout their opinions as truth when they are in disagreement with the scriptures and are anything but the truth.

I used to listen to many of these false prophets. One day God got a hold of me and told me not to listen to them any more. He said I could get what I needed from his Word.

As a last point email and text are very difficult to express feeling. You cannot see my face, my concern, or what kind of countenance I, Cheryl or anybody else may have as we write. We have a tendency to read those things into the words that are written because that is the only way we can do it. Trying to read a persons emotional state just through their words can be deceiving.

D. Boyter

Thank you so very much Mr Boyter for showing your love to me and may JESUS richly bless you

Re: Dutch Sheets

How you stand in judgment and call evil ALL the listed names in your starting 'post', Cheryl, is verrrrrrrry serious.

Re: Dutch Sheets

I think if they are all teaching it is the wicked that get raptured than they are teaching wrongly. I recently had a man tell me that too...that the wicked get raptured and the godly stay here to usher in the millinial kingdom. Someone taught him that...and boy is that wrong!

Re: Dutch Sheets

I think if they are all teaching it is the wicked that get raptured than they are teaching wrongly. I recently had a man tell me that too...that the wicked get raptured and the godly stay here to usher in the millinial kingdom. Someone taught him that...and boy is that wrong!

That is New Age belief that the wicked get transferred to another dimention or planet to become enlightened while those who are "enlightened" get to stay here.

Now I can NOT speak for all those preachers but I CAN speak for Kenneth Copeland and what Cheryl says about him is ABSOLUTELY FALSE!

He does preach the rapture for the righteous, he does preach the blood of Jesus and as for words?? well have you ever read what the bible says about them?
Matthew 12:37
For by your WORDS are you justified and by your WORDS are you condemned
Proverbs 18:21
The TONGUE has the power of life and death, and those who love it will eat its fruit.

Does not the BIBLE say
Matthew 12:34
Out of the abundance heart the MOUTH speaks?

Was not the world created by God's word?
Does God not tell us to keep His word before our eyes and in our ears so that it gets down into our hearts?
(Therefore we speak His word out of our hearts Matthew 12:34 Above)
Proverbs 4

This is NOT heresy this is the WORD of GOD.
How can God's word be heresy?
Does Jesus Himself not say "WHOSOEVER ( and Im a whosoever) shall say unto this mountain.....and it shall be removed...Mark 11:23

Seems to me like God and Jesus understood the power of words but whoever quotes Them is a heretic.....

Email: iampriceles@aol.com

Re: Dutch Sheets

As a last point email and text are very difficult to express feeling. You cannot see my face, my concern, or what kind of countenance I, Cheryl or anybody else may have as we write. We have a tendency to read those things into the words that are written because that is the only way we can do it. Trying to read a persons emotional state just through their words can be deceiving.

When you write in capital letters , the whole web knows that it is yelling..Do you like to be yelled at? Neither do I not does anyone else.

In her first post in this forum she only posted one line in all caps. I didn't take that as yelling only emphasis, maybe raising the voice a little, and that is certainly not offensive. Many preachers like to yell their entire sermons when they preach, and nobody seems to mind that. Not everybody knows how to bold highlight and change colors in the html code required by this forum. Her second post, the longest and most important, it is a normal combination of upper and lower case. If she did her second post in all caps that would be another story.

To respond to another post. No I don't post a lot, but I always have a lot to say. Just not the time to say it. My daughter says I'm long winded . But if I think it's important enough I will try to say something.

D. Boyter

Re: Dutch Sheets

As you probably know, I am Dutch. But I do not know the meaning of Dutch sheets. I know the meaning of Dutch courage or going Dutch, but what are Dutch sheets?


Re: Dutch Sheets

Oh come on. These men are just men, and if they are partaking in these kinds of doctrines, they need to be called out, as do we if we err.

Don't set these people up like they are some kind of 'god' not to be questioned. It is absolutely ridiculous to chastise someone that is posting info that has been gleaned from other sources, and is being presented as information.

CIC wasn't personally attacking anyone in a slanderous way. I bet you will think that I am angry when I am writing this, but I am not.

It is so true about any kind of letter, or text, writing of any kind because we can attach whatever 'spirit' to that information that we see. We don't get voice inflections, facial expressions, or tone from the written letter.

There is a scripture that sums up all of this.

1 John 2:27

'But the anointing which you have received of him stays in you, and you need not that any man teach you: but as the same anointing teaches you of all things, and is truth, and is no lie, and even as it has taught you, you shall abide in him.'

As far as I am concerned, these people are superfluous, as are all of us to each other. If I can glean some info...great, but what are they teaching that I do not already have right in front of me when I open my Bible? God is no respector of persons. What he does for one, he will do for another. Holy Spirit is my guide and teacher...not man.

Jeremiah 17:5

'Thus saith Jehovah: Cursed is the man that trusteth in man, and maketh flesh his arm, and whose heart departeth from Jehovah.'

"Be not ye called Rabbi: for one is your Master, even Christ; and all ye are brethren .... Neither be ye called masters: for one is your Master, even Christ. But he that is greatest among you shall be your servant," (Matthew 23:8-11).

I don't see these 'great' men of God as servants. I see them as Christian theater. They put on the show and then they collect their money, buy their big houses, expensive cars, Lear jets, $2000 suits, and move on to the next venue.

Is that slander?

This is an excerpt from the article at the link above if you dare to read it. Go and see Benny's $12.5 million dollar house, and his beautiful jet. Ewwww...awwww....woooooow.

'During 1993, his one year of "reform," he talked about being stung by being portrayed as a millionaire and how he wanted to be "more Christ-like." His solution: "The Lord said sell the Benz and the watch."

He got rid of his Rolex and his Mercedes. Notice he didn't give them away. He sold them--and then replaced the Mercedes with a $65,000 BMW. This is what God told him to do. And who better to know what God wants, because Hinn, after all, is only the third person in the history of the universe to have actually seen God and lived to tell about it. God, he says, is 6-2 or 6-3, with long hair of a light brown color, and eyes that can look right through you.

So what is Benny Hinn really doing in Dallas? He's having conversations with a God who thinks about Rolexes and luxury cars a whole heck of a lot. God really did pick the right city, didn't he?'

I laughed my head off at this. Really...if you don't laugh, it will make you cry. This is what the world sees as a Christian. Well...I missed that boat.


You look up any one of the big celebrity preachers, and you will find massive wealth...I know...it's because God wants them to have the best. They are children of the King! Where does that leave the poor souls that are sending them their last 2 cents? I guess they aren't as favored. Sigh.

Re: Dutch Sheets

"Father, open our hearts, Lord Jesus, in the Power of Your Spirit abiding to see the good in the brethren.

Help us Lord, all of us to learn humility, for such honors You, Jesus, as You continue to observe your church meant to shine as little lights that cause the devil flee . . amen.

Re: Dutch Sheets

Father, open the ears and eyes of your people so that they can see the wolves in sheeps clothing. Amen

Re: Dutch Sheets

HolyToTheLord, well said.

D. Boyter

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