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Elijah List
Re: Elijah List

The ElijahList
The biggest distributor of false prophecies in cyberspace.
compiled by Sandy Simpson, 4/08

This is a sampling of false prophecies by many false prophets that have been distributed by ElijahList. I have been collecting ElijahList newsletters for years. The following are but a tiny fraction of the false prophecies ElijahList has sent out. Prophesy, that is predictive, is to be judged not only on whether or not the prophecy came true, but on how it depicts the character and testimony of God, and whether or not it teaches what the Bible teaches. If a Third Wave prophet happens to, on the very off chance, get a prediction right his prophecy must still be judged as to whether or not it is consistent with the law and the testimony (Is. 8:20). If it is not it is a lying prophecy, not from the Lord, but from either the delusions of his or her own mind (Jer. 14:14) or from evil (Jer. 23:10) which has it's origin from the evil one (Jas. 3:15, 1 Jn. 3:8).

Steve Schultz, head of ElijahList, states a very unbiblical premise for the prophecies he sends out to his mailing list of 100,000 plus.

When we post any word at all on The Elijah List website-- ANY word some think it's from God and some think it's NOT from God. So, that's the way it's supposed to work. Over time, you will decide literally for yourself which words you feel are trustworthy for YOU and/or which prophets you feel have the least or best credibility. (Steve Shultz: "DEBUGGING THE PROPHETIC--Questions and Answers with Steve Shultz", The ElijahList, 12/4/07)

First of all, I want you to notice who the prophets listed below have claimed is speaking. They ALWAYS claim to be speaking what they heard from God. If the Lord has not spoken, as they claim, then why would there be a question as to their "trustworthiness", and why would ElijahList be sending these lying messages out? The fact is that Shultz, the ElijahList, and those who read it believe that ALL those who post prophecies are true prophets/prophetesses REGARDLESS of their telling the truth or spreading lies. This idea that a prophet can be wrong when they are claiming to have heard from the Lord and still be considered a prophet of God is part of the theology of the New Apostolic Reformation or Third Wave.

The alleged messages from God to these ElijahList prophets are often colored in blue to delineate them from the black color used for regular information. This, I believe, is intended to be like the red letter text in some Bibles. It looks to me like this practice shows that they are putting prophecies on the same level as the written Word.

Another practice that is often repeated it to quote from the Old Testament, in particular from Israel taking the land of Canaan, and allegorically apply it to the Gentile Church. Promises and commands for Israel are teleported to modern times and turned into all kinds of mandates for the Church. This is what Gary Gilley of Think On These Things had called "fairy tale hermeneutics". Most of the emails from ElijahList are full of the misapplication of Old Testament Scripture. I don't have time to detail all these instances but wanted to mention this aspect of the false prophecies in order to help the reader to understand that there are many dimensions to the false prophecies and false teachings I am detailing that are not fully covered by this article.

I will continue to add to this article as I have time. Check back for updates.


"... There shall be a cleaning up, and there shall be a wonderful, wonderful victory, says the spirit of the Lord; therefore, let your Christmas be a Christmas of celebration, because beyond this year, into 2004, suddenly there shall be a shift ... Look for the wind," says the Spirit. A very unusual wind, and you shall not say as Elijah said, "God was not in the wind." The spirit of the Lord said, "It shall be a sign that that which has tormented the citizens of this nation, of Great Britain, of Saudi Arabia, and many other nations, shall be swiftly brought to an end," says the Lord. There shall be a wind that shall blow in certain portions of the nation. They shall see as never before this wind," God says. (Kim Clement, November 22, 2003, Portland, Oregon, cited in Elijah List, 9/16/04)

This has to be referring to terrorism. Terrorists have not stopped "tormenting" the US, UK, Saudi Arabia and other nations by the end of 2004 so this is a false prophecy. Kim Clement has a long history of false prophecies. It is a wonder any Christian would even give him the time of day.

In recent months, the Lord has taken me up several times, in the Spirit, to a particular place in the Heavenly realm. I call this place the land of promises. This place was lush and flourishing with the life of God. The very atmosphere of this place was radiating with the presence of the Lord. It had the feeling of Spring when all things are new and refreshing. All around I could see rainbows reminding me of the promises of God throughout His word and the personal promises and prophecies that have been delivered from His mouth to His people throughout history. ... I want to present a key in the life of Jesus that I call "synchronization" because it is a secret to bringing manifestations of heaven into the earthly realm. I believe that Jesus came to this earth and lived His life as a prototype of what is possible and available for each one of us. Jesus lived in a place of such intimacy and fellowship with the Father on a daily basis that He just proclaimed and decreed what he saw and heard His Father doing and the realm of heaven was immediately ushered into every situation He touched. You see, Jesus did not do any miracles as God! He was most definitely the Son of God, but He laid down His power as God and limited Himself as a human in the very same way that we are limited. The only difference between Jesus, in His human life, and us is that he lived a life completely yielded to the Holy Spirit. (Ryan Wyatt, "Birthing Manifestations of the Realm of Heaven on the Earth", Elijah List, 7/5/04)

False vision, false prophecy. Why? Because Jesus Christ was God at all times here on earth in His humanity. Yes, the Son was always obedient to the will of the Father, but that doesn't mean he was not God. A core doctrine of the Church is that Jesus Christ is 100% Deity and 100% man for all eternity. This teaching is the false teaching of Word of Faith that basically says that Jesus Christ was simply an anointed man who was perfectly obedient, therefore if we are obedient we can do everything He did and more. The problem is, we are not little gods like WOF teaches. We are servants and He is the Master. He is ALWAYS the One who does miraculous things, and He is the ONLY one who can do the miracles.


As we were waiting in London for our flight to Nigeria, we looked out the windows and saw an interesting pattern in the clouds. There was clearly a sword emblazoned in white across the sky. We knew the Lord was communicating about the SWORD that had come into the atmosphere over London and England. ... I shared that this was a time that the sword was being awakened in the atmosphere over London. ... I decreed that tradition would not guide the Church from this day forward. I also decreed that false religion (the sword of Islam) would not be able to be the guiding force over England. From this passage I felt like God was saying, "I want to take charge over England and London for this hour. ... Officials do not know why the 147-year-old clock on the banks of the River Thames stopped at 10:07 p.m. Friday. It resumed keeping time, but stalled again at 10:20 p.m. and remained still for about 90 minutes before starting up again, said an engineer at the Palace of Westminster, which operates the clock. ... Note by Steve Shultz: Please observe that the temperature reached 90 degrees and the clock stopped for 90 minutes . . . both a record for the history books. Perhaps there is meaning . . . a sign and a wonder for London, for England -- Steve Shultz (Chuck Pierce: "GOD'S INTERVENTION OVER LONDON AND THE WHOLE OF ENGLAND -- Prophecy and Prayer Directives Coincide with Historic, Unexplainable 90-Minute Stop of BIG BEN CLOCK", The ElijahList, 5/31/05)

First of all, this is false prophecy because it is based on reading omens like a pattern in the clouds or Big Ben stopping briefly. De 18:10 Let no-one be found among you who sacrifices his son or daughter in {Or who makes his son or daughter pass through} the fire, who practises divination or sorcery, interprets omens, engages in witchcraft Second, this contains a definite false declaration/prophecy about Islam not being able to be the guiding force over England. Islam has only increased it's influence in England since 2005. Case in point: The Archbishop of Canterbury's lecture on "Civil and Religious Law in England: a Religious Perspective" given on 2/07/08 where he says: This lecture will not attempt a detailed discussion of the nature of sharia, which would be far beyond my competence; my aim is only, as I have said, to tease out some of the broader issues around the rights of religious groups within a secular state, with a few thought about what might be entailed in crafting a just and constructive relationship between Islamic law and the statutory law of the United Kingdom. ... In conclusion, it seems that if we are to think intelligently about the relations between Islam and British law, we need a fair amount of 'deconstruction' of crude oppositions and mythologies, whether of the nature of sharia or the nature of the Enlightenment.He is basically equating Sharia law with Judeo-Christian law, thus giving his endorsement to instituting it within the laws of England. Another fact is that more Mosques than churches have been guilt in the UK since 2005. (Islam, Rome, The Antichrist, and False Prophet? by Bob Mitchell, Moriel Ministries, http://www.moriel.org/articles/sermons/islam_rome_antichrist_false_prophet.htm) In fact Muslims have been buying Christian churches and setting up Mosques in them. (http://eye-on-the-world.blogspot.com/2007/04/england-old-church-becomes-mosque.html) Britain may continue to regard itself as a Christian nation. But practicing Muslims are likely to outnumber church-attending Christians in several decades, according to a recent survey by Christian Research, a group that specializes in documenting the status of Christianity in Britain. (CLITHEROE votes to change a church to a mosque, Posted in: Islam & the Arab World— @ 8:31 am, 2/4/07) So what Chuck Pierce declared and what "God" allegedly said has not come true.


"This Christmas, I will bring about changes so massive, that the Church shall no longer even look like the Church has looked before. I will invade the marketplace. I will take Texas, and I will honor you. I will buckle the Bible belt again, and bring honor back to you,’ says the Lord." (Kim Clement: "WATCH OVER THE CHRISTMAS SEASON--FOR THERE SHALL BE THE IGNITING OF FIRES", The ElijahList, 11/18/06)

There were not any sudden changes in the churches except that they have become more apostate and many churches in the southern US are now giving themselves over to the New Apostolic Reformation and the Emerging Church. So this is a prediction from the enemy, not from God. Any changes in the churches involved with people like Kim Clement do NOT "bring honor back" to the Lord.

I also saw the Lord handing out many graduation certificates to those who are prophetically gifted. Many who have faithfully labored on one level are about to immediately be elevated to the next one. Almost all of these were going from elementary to middle school, but this is a significant advancement, and widespread credibility will soon come to the prophetic ministry in the church. (Rick Joyner: "2007--A YEAR OF INCREASING REVELATIONS OF SCRIPTURES, PROPHECY, DREAMS, AND VISIONS", The ElijahList, 12/29/06)

This is not Biblical. There is no school where prophets go "from elementary to middle school". There is no such thing in the Bible. A prophet is either a true prophet who has simply heard from the Lord and delivers that message to God's people, which is 100% accurate because it is God Who has spoken, or he is a false prophet who has to learn how to prophesy by using his imagination (Eze. 13:2, Jer. 14:14) or interpreting omens (De. 18:10) and who does not speak the truth. Rick Joyner would be one of those. By the title of this fantasy Joyner proves again that he is all about new revelations that have nothing to do with the Word of God.


Recently I was invited into a prison to teach about the shofar and, of course, to blow it . . . . At the end of the teaching, I explained how the breath of God is released as the shofar is blown...In the Spirit as the shofar sounded, I immediately saw a Jacob's ladder being extended down inside of many prisons and jails with angels ascending and descending . . . . I saw angels with swords drawn ready to cut time for some prisoners . . . SOME PRISON FILES AND RECORDS WILL STRANGELY DISAPPEAR THIS COMING YEAR -- I SAW ANGELS SNOOPING INTO FILING CABINETS. In the Spirit I could overhear some prison wardens and officials discussing some of the prisoners' destinies who were doomed with lengthy sentences, saying, "How can this be? Where are those records and files? Without that record or file there is not enough evidence to keep him here! He will walk out the front gate a free man!" Death row angels were descending to interfere in the affairs of men and women and the death assignments over them. Some angels were present to stay the hand of death, while other angels were present to welcome others into the presence of Jesus. (Bill Yount: "THE YEAR OF THE PRISON BREAKER ANOINTING--MANY JOSEPHS ARE BEING SUMMONED BY THE KING!", The ElijahList, 5/12/2007)

Comment by The Berean Call: Mr. Yount declared his vision of a heavenly "jail break" was made possible not by prayer but by the blowing of a ram's horn. Yount's "prophetic words" are promoted by the Elijah List, and he is a favored speaker at New Apostolic Reformation (NAR) conferences. Mr. Yount teaches that blowing the shofar operates according to scientific and spiritual "laws" so that the physical properties of sound has a profound heavenly impact, which in turn releases favor and God's "breath" upon the earth. In contrast to Scripture or early church practice, no such tools or methods are taught in God's Word. One might also wonder why the Lord needs to rifle file cabinets in order to accomplish his will. (http://www.thebereancall.org/node/5432)

Added 5/20/08 The fourth questionable assumption was that Allah is just another name for the true God. This was a great victory for the enemy who is attempting to control the spiritual atmosphere over Iraq. The reality is that Allah is a high-ranking demonic spirit who has come to steal, to kill, and to destroy. As long as Iraqi people worship him, he has legal right to accomplish his vile purposes in their nation. Political correctness may attempt to deny this spiritual reality, but it only plays into the hands of the evil principalities and powers over Babylon. Intercessors need to recognize that in the invisible world this is a clash of kingdoms. The question is: Who will rule? The kingdom of darkness or the Kingdom of Light? (SOME THOUGHTS ON IRAQ by C. Peter Wagner, The ElijahList, 5/13/07)

Contrary to this latest declaration by Wagner that Allah is not God his NAR followers, including YWAM and a number of Bible societies associated with his Mission America, often do not agree with him. The World Gathering on Indigenous People backed and endorsed by NAR leaders like John Dawson of YWAM are teaching that the "supreme beings" of many cultures are all the same God, including Allah. C. Peter Wagner called Daniel Kikawa's book, which is a handbook for the WCGP, "One of the best books I have ever read". "Christians should cease representing Jesus as the Son of the foreign God of a foreign people, especially if these foreigners had never shown concern for nor had any involvement in the lives or culture of the natives. God lovingly created them in the beginning never left them without a witness and, in his great love for them, even sent His only begotten Son, Jesus, to die for them!" [Daniel Kikawa, Perpetuated in Righteousness, 4th edition, p. 27, cited in Idolatry In Their Hearts by Sandy Simpson and Mike Oppenheimer] Wycliffe claims that one of the first steps in translating the Bible is to find out what the name of the “supreme being” or the “local deity” is in the cultural language they are translating. From the outset one has to deal with identifying the name for the Supreme Being, God. This can be difficult and potentially divisive. However, each language and culture appears to have within it a ‘ “homing instinct” for God – deeply buried by the sin and corruption that affects all cultures, yet still there’ (Williams, 2004: n.p.). Each religion has a different understanding of deity that is based upon how the Supreme Being is defined (Thomas, 2001: 305). The characteristics of the local deity must be identified so that it can be determined how these will impact the understanding of God. Is it possible for any language to totally explain the meaning of God? Or is there a need to add further definition or explanation? The challenge is to identify what intrinsic capacity exists within the language that helps provide the meaning of God. (Theological and Cultural issues in Bible Translation, A lay person's guide to a basic understanding of what is important, Article by Kirk Franklin, Executive Director Wycliffe Australia, http://www.wycliffe.org.au/html/missiological_articles/missiological_article007.htm) The Society of Biblical Literature uses the same methodogy, which means Bible societies associated with them have followed suit. The Old Testament names for God are not unambiguous and there are many different names of God (Mettinger). ... In view of multi-religious and multi-textual traditions where there are long literary histories of God and orally transmitted articulations of the divine, naming the biblical God in indigenous languages is far more profound than just a linguistic-translational issue. It entails the notion of translatability and is understood as “the transposition of a concept from one language and cultural context into another. This involves the question whether the concept should remain the same in the receptor language or whether it changes and if so, how” (Eber, 199)? Existing terms for God involve the cultural milieu and thus the complicated, tangled web of local religious belief systems. ... There is an unwarranted skepticism towards the heathens' possession, if at all, of a very limited and low knowledge of the divine from the so-called “natural/native religion.” The adoption of a local name for the universal God will facilitate mutual transformation of both Christianity and the native religion and culture. (God's Asian Names: Rendering the Biblical God in Chinese, Archie C. C. Lee, SBL Web Site, http://www.sbl-site.org/Article.aspx?ArticleId=456) Read the WCGIP section of our site to understand that the New Apostolic Reformation is backing the claims of the WCGIP that YHWH has always gone by different names, that people could be reconciled to God through their "God-given cultures", that Muslims simply need to add Jesus Christ to their already proper worship of God as Allah, that Muslim "Christians" can continue to pray to Allah and participate in their religious ceremonies, etc. So the above statement of C. Peter Wagner, reiterated in other articles, means that he is speaking out of both sides of his mouth.

The Spirit of the Lord says that God is placing a crown of manifestation on the heads of His faithful, diligent, chosen saints--a crown of great favor and authority with God and men--a new and greater installment of the fruits and blessings of the Spirit. Another measure, and another, and another. (Todd Bentley: THE DAY OF MANIFESTATION--IMPARTATION OF FAVOR, The ElijahList, 5/26/07)

There is no such crown mentioned in the Bible. There is the crown of life (James 1:12, Rev. 2:10), the crown of righteousness (2 Tim. 4:8), the crown of glory (1 Pet. 5:4). There is also no "new and greater installment of the fruits" of the Spirit addressed in the Bible. Fruits are identified in the written Word. There is simply the evidence of the fruit of the Spirit in those who are obedient to Jesus Christ. The blessings of God are His to bestow, but serving the Lord and being under His protection may also bring Christians into trials that test their faith. Those who think that they are only walking with the Lord when they are "blessed" by Him are fooling themselves. False prophets identify blessings with money, power and influence. Many true missionaries and church planters had no worldly money, power or influence. Yet many souls were added to the Kingdom. The fact is that any "manifestations" in the Third Wave have been those that deceive and delude Christians and cause non-believers to not want become a Christian because the Truth has been brought into disrepute (2 Pet. 2:2).

God says, "I am raising up a 'promise keeper' generation that will joyfully obey My commands and decrees entering into covenant relationship with the Lord their God in a profound way. As My children spend time in My presence I will reveal the power of My covenant-keeping promises. I am birthing a fresh wave of love for right living by My commandments. (Catherine Brown: "THE JOSIAH GENERATION--FREEDOM FIGHTERS FOR HOLINESS!", The ElijahList, 6/11/07)

Here are some commandments the followers of these false prophets have not gained a love for, therefore this is a false prophecy: Concerning those who tell lies in the name of the Lord - 1Co 5:11-13 But now I am writing to you that you must not associate with anyone who calls himself a brother but is sexually immoral or greedy, an idolater or a slanderer, a drunkard or a swindler. With such a man do not even eat. What business is it of mine to judge those outside the church? Are you not to JUDGE those inside? God will judge those outside. "Expel the wicked man from among you." Concerning testing false prophets - 1Jo 4:1 Dear friends, do not believe every spirit, but TEST the spirits to see whether they are from God, because many false prophets have gone out into the world. Concerning separation from false teachers and worldly people - Re 18:4 Then I heard another voice from heaven say: "Come out of her, my people, so that you will not share in her sins, so that you will not receive any of her plagues. Concerning judging rightly instead of teaching people not to judge at all - John 7:24 Judge not according to the appearance, but judge righteous judgment. Concerning avoiding those who teach false doctrines - Rom. 16:17 "Now I beseech you, brethren, mark them which cause divisions and offenses contrary to the doctrine which ye have learned; and avoid them." Concerning rebuking those who teach or prophesy lies in the name of the Lord - Titus 1: 13 "Wherefore rebuke them sharply, that they may be sound in the faith " Eph. 5:11 "And have no fellowship with the unfruitful works of darkness, but rather reprove them " Concerning withdrawing from those who walk disorderly and do not teach sound doctrine - 2 Thes. 3:6 "Now we command you, brethren, in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ, that ye withdraw yourselves from every brother that walketh DISORDERLY, and not after the tradition which ye received of us " Concerning not allowing false prophets and their TV and materials into your home - 2 John 10, 11 "If there come any unto you, and bring not this doctrine, receive him not into your house, neither bid him God speed For he that biddeth him God speed is partaker of his evil deeds " Concerning rejecting heretics - Titus 3: 10 "A man that is an heretic after the first and second admonition reject."These are some of the commandments of God that Third Wavers have yet to embrace and love.

The Coming Kingdom! - The kingdom of God will not be socialism, but a freedom even greater than anyone on earth knows at this time. At first it may seem like totalitarianism, as the Lord will destroy the antichrist spirit now dominating the world with "the sword of His mouth" and will shatter many nations like pottery. However, fundamental to His rule is II Corinthians 3:17, "Now the Lord is the Spirit; and where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is liberty." Instead of taking away liberties and becoming more domineering, the kingdom will move from a point of necessary control while people are learning truth, integrity, honor, and how to make decisions, to increasing liberty so that the

Re: Elijah List


I don't know who Russ Power is who created the video you posted. It says nothing about who he is and why he is slamming a whole group of Christians. Personally, I would not like to be in the shoes of someone who is judging other Christians this way. Also, wouldn't want to be the one posting it either.

Re: Elijah List

Texas Sue

I don't know who Russ Power is who created the video you posted. It says nothing about who he is and why he is slamming a whole group of Christians. Personally, I would not like to be in the shoes of someone who is judging other Christians this way. Also, wouldn't want to be the one posting it either.

The ELijah lists groups are FALSE PROPHETS,,, they belong to the NEW APOSTOLIC REFORMATION belief, which is heresy!!!

the Bible says we are to NOT judge on the OUTSIDE.. BUT we are to judge those who SAY they are christians,, that is biblical....Im only postng what JESUS tells me to and exposing some false prophets that keep popping up here.. only to inform the readers here of the truth....EPHESIANS 5:11!!!

I am pleased to stand in my shoes and post this..

..many read here may never post and they must be informed of these false teachers so they don't get lured into their heresies!!

I will gladly stand in front Of my LORD JESUS on my judgement day and know I have obeyed HIm in exposing the false prophets of these last days...HE doesnt want HIS children decieved...
I do care enough about the people who read here to speak the truth knowing some may DISLIKE Me...


Re: Elijah List

Wouldn't want to be in your shoes either and stand before God wrapped in such a mantle of smug self-righteousness.

Re: Elijah List

Texas Sue
Wouldn't want to be in your shoes either and stand before God wrapped in such a mantle of smug self-righteousness.

do you even care if people get duped into FALSE prophecies?????
I am NOT self righteous.. I DO care sincerely about folks getting decieved here.. Ill forgive your insult...

Re: Elijah List

Why does every time someone sends something someone disagrees with is there so much yelling at them..can't we show some love here?

There are lots of people I don't agree with but I just ignore them and most times God has shown me that I am wrong..

Email: sbell48907@aol.com

Re: Elijah List

Cheryl is correct. Any man/woman who claims to be a prophet must 100 percent accurate 100 percent of the time. The men/women she has pointed out teach some pretty dangerous heresy, not to mention the fact that they are often wrong. This is not a judgement it is a fact, a fact that can be verified by anybody who wants to do the research on what they teach, and compare it with good solid scripture. As a watchman (watchwoman? ) it is incumbent upon Cheryl and others to point out the wolves masquerading as sheep. Anybody who is called to be in the position of watchman must do this in order to be faithful to the Lord.

That being said. Knowing they are wolves in sheep's clothing, enables us to pray for them more accurately, that they will find that Yeshua (Jesus) will forgive them also. He will also send the Spirit to teach them the truth and we can pray for that also.

D. Boyter

Re: Elijah List

ChristinCheyrl, I agree that most of those people listed on that video are absolutely false prophets. Though I think some of them are not aware that they are false prophets and are hearing from the wrong source. As so many people think that anything they hear in the spirit is from God. (Or any answer to a FLEECE is a confirmation from God.) I still remember Doctor EBBY and Pastor Hinkle,(who were truely men of God)passing out wrong information that they thought was directly from the HOLY SPIRIT. Actually I am not convinced that there are any real prophets anymore.

Re: Elijah List

I believe that many people who are hearing messages have not always interpreted correctly. Also what must be taken into consideration that many messages that have been posted of what may happen have been twarted because people have prayed long and hard for them not to happen like for instance earthquakes in different areas...many still will but have been delayed because people have been praying for them. Even some of terrorist attacks that have been prophezised. We all see through a glass darkly. I have learned through the years not to make such harsh judgments on people...we are not living in OT times..we are living in the time of Grace. God is a mercifful God..


Persecution has already arrived and will become stronger even amonst the Christian...I have felt it strongly and so have others...Our armor needs to be on us constantly because the arrows are falling fast and furious....therefore we are to WATCH!!!


Email: varnke@roadrunner.com

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