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Texas Attorney General Abbot Wil Challenge HC Bill as Unconstitutional


Texas Attorney General Greg Abbott will challenge health care legislation as unconstitutional
San Antonio Headlines Examiner ^ | March 22, 2010 | Jack Dennis

Posted on Monday, March 22, 2010 7:46:36 AM by real_patriotic_american

Texas Attorney General Greg Abbott announced on March 22, 2010, the State will be joining other states in challenging the health-care reform legislation that passed in the U.S. House last night 219-212.

"The federal health care legislation passed tonight violates the United States Constitution and unconstitutionally infringes upon Texans' individual liberties," said Abbott.

"To protect all Texans' constitutional rights, preserve the constitutional framework intended by our nation's founders, and defend our state from further infringement by the federal government, the State of Texas and other states will legally challenge the federal health care legislation," Abbott announced.

Virginia's Attorney General Ken Cuccinelli's office also confirmed they will file suit against the federal government indicating the health-care reform legislation is unconstitutional.

Abbott is expected to argue that the legislation, with a requirement that nearly every American has to be insured by 2014, violates the commerce clause of the U.S. Constitution.

After President Barack Obama signs the bill into law, expected to be as early as Tuesday, several Attorney Generals have said they would file suits.

"At no time in our history has the government mandated its citizens buy a good or service," Cuccinelli said in a release on March 22, 2010.

Re: Texas Attorney General Abbot Wil Challenge HC Bill as Unconstitutional

Its no surprise that Texas is the first to respond...like this anyway.

I sincerely believe that Texas will not fall under the yoke of this "baby-killing" Healtcare Monster. It is going to be hard, nobody is going to like it but Texas may be the first to depart the Union.

Don't ask me how I know this but I believe that Gov. Perry has already anticipated the consequences of this 'out of control' Federal Gov. I understand that Utah has already printed out its currency.

We are going the way of the ex-Soviet Union and fracturing.

Re: Texas Attorney General Abbot Wil Challenge HC Bill as Unconstitutional

Mark, that will fulfill the notion of Scott Walkington's vision:

This man will be the last US president that you know.
Because US is no longer like our current day .... as simple as that ....

Re: Texas Attorney General Abbot Wil Challenge HC Bill as Unconstitutional

I have heard a prophecy quoted by Billye Brim recently that concerns a judgement coming against (or for) the states. In this, I believe the words, "Who is on the Lord's side?" is being asked. Could be Jeane Wilkerson's prophecy of 1980.

Anyway, a ROLLCALL is being taken (by the Lord or by an Angel) and the question (above) is asked and each state makes its decision and then blessings or cursings come immediately on that state.

It would seem that we are there.

Jeane Wilkerson's Prophecy of 1980

Re: Texas Attorney General Abbot Wil Challenge HC Bill as Unconstitutional

Mark, that will fulfill the notion of Scott Walkington's vision:

This man will be the last US president that you know.
Because US is no longer like our current day .... as simple as that ....

I just called the AG Greg Abbott of Texas and gave my support for his filing a law suit against this Hellcare bill as unconstitutional. I told them that my heart aches for my country and that I forsee a dictatorship coming to the USA if this is not overturned. B.O. and this Hellcare will dictate every aspect of our lives. Example, if you have a person who has high cholesterol, the "board" will give you x amount of time to bring it down, if you don't, no care for you. It will be the same with obesty, diabetes, whatever. Everyone will be made to conform to the standards set by a government board. God have mercy on those who love HIM.

Email: kagnew4@sbcglobal.net

Re: Texas Attorney General Abbot Wil Challenge HC Bill as Unconstitutional

Mark W, thank you for the interview with Jeanne Wilkerson. She was a great woman of prayer in her time. I had heard about the "roll-call of the states" word that she received from God. This occurred about 2 am in the morning in 1976 after she and her pray-ers prayed through a situation that God had given them to accomplish. His reward to them for their perserverance was the information about the roll-call. At that time there were not yet 50 states in the Union. The complete details are lost because there was no tape recorder, but it is good to know at least this much.

Re: Texas Attorney General Abbot Wil Challenge HC Bill as Unconstitutional

You are welcome, Sue. It just seems that there is no time left now does it? ....Praise God!!

Re: Texas Attorney General Abbot Wil Challenge HC Bill as Unconstitutional

I have a little problem with there not being 50 states in the union in 1976...beg to differ, hubby and I were living in Hawaii when Hawaii became a state, March 1959. Still have the papers from the "Honolulu Star Bulletin" and the " Honolulu Advertiser". Remember it well.

Email: kagnew4@sbcglobal.net

Re: Texas Attorney General Abbot Wil Challenge HC Bill as Unconstitutional

yeah,, both Alaska and Hawaii joined in 1959..

I remember very well on that.. Odd, how my old brain is functioning tonight...LOL


Re: Texas Attorney General Abbot Wil Challenge HC Bill as Unconstitutional

Thanks for the correction. My brain must have fallen asleep. One thing I remember was that she said that the U.S. when the U.S. went to 50 states that it had to do with the time of the end.

Re: Texas Attorney General Abbot Wil Challenge HC Bill as Unconstitutional

Jeanne also made the connection of the number of "50" states to Pentecost (Feast of Weeks). Don't think I've heard that anywhere else.

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