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This has gone on too long and although others have complained of the same thing, nothing seems to change!

My complaint is that the church seems like they could care less that Jesus is coming back for His own. The world, especially in the US is sinking faster than a torpedo. That should get some church members stirred. But mention that we're in the season or the time frame of the Lord's return and it's like you're an alien and no one and I mean noone wants to talk to you or comment or be excited or anything!!! What in the world is going on??????

It also seems that those that are excited are having the greatest challenges, especially financially, while rest of the church that I've come across anyway, seems to doing fine. Just don't talk about the return of the Lord!

RITA...We are about to face the most HISTORIC event in the entire world. It is going to be life changing for those leaving and for those left behind. The ground is going to shake, and the dead in Christ will come walking forth. Then all of the children in the entire world under the age of accountability and the entire church that is blood washed and stain free will be gone. The 1st and 2nd horse of Revelations will be riding and the world is going to be turned upside down.

How can the church be so complacent about the rest of their lives. Life isn't here, it's for eternity with Christ. This is just a speck in time, when we look at it as the Lord does. Am I riding a dead horse? Have I not bathed? What in the world is so offensive about the Love of our Lives coming for His own??? What am I missing? Any clues???

If I was Jesus, I would be very hurt! If I was the Father, and the church, washed in the blood of His only Son, I would be hopping mad!!! I'm sorry, but I really don't get it. No one knows the day or the hour. End of conversation. I'm just absolutely at a loss. We should be doing sommersaults, as if I could. I have no takers......NONE!!!! This is beginning to bum me out. What's it going to take? If we're watching, then we must be watching for us, because the church as a whole doesn't seem to care. Do we really get a crown when we aren't warning anyone of the change to come?

Ok, I'm done ranting, but still as in the dark as when I started typing. What's the answer?


2Th 2:11 And for this cause God shall send them strong delusion, that they should believe a lie:


Do you think that verse was for the unbelievers, or for the church? I've always taken that for the unbelievers and their willingness to accept the world religion and system.

You guys...all of Rita, please don't be silent on this one, if nothing else for my sake. Are you seeing the same thing or is your church as excited as we are? I know that a few of you go to wonderful churches, but for the body of Christ to be this unconcerned and really disinterested has now surprised me. I have to literally say " Are you aware that we are now living in the time frame of the Lord's return?" People are suppose to tarry till He returns, I realize this but really...Am I alone? Where in the world is the anticipation???

Thank you AbideInHim for your thoughts!!!



Steve, you just described the "Laodicean" church to a tee. I grieve to know that those who are not ready (thru repentance/obedience), and who aren't looking forward to His return (loving Him more than anything in the world) will not be going in the rapture.

Revelation 3 (NLT)

The Message to the Church in Laodicea

14 “Write this letter to the angel of the church in Laodicea. This is the message from the one who is the Amen—the faithful and true witness, the beginning of God’s new creation:

15 “I know all the things you do, that you are neither hot nor cold. I wish that you were one or the other! 16 But since you are like lukewarm water, neither hot nor cold, I will spit you out of my mouth! 17 You say, ‘I am rich. I have everything I want. I don’t need a thing!’ And you don’t realize that you are wretched and miserable and poor and blind and naked. 18 So I advise you to buy gold from me—gold that has been purified by fire. Then you will be rich. Also buy white garments from me so you will not be shamed by your nakedness, and ointment for your eyes so you will be able to see. 19 I correct and discipline everyone I love. So be diligent and turn from your indifference.

20 “Look! I stand at the door and knock. If you hear my voice and open the door, I will come in, and we will share a meal together as friends. 21 Those who are victorious will sit with me on my throne, just as I was victorious and sat with my Father on his throne.

22 “Anyone with ears to hear must listen to the Spirit and understand what he is saying to the churches.”


Brother Steve,

I agree with you 100%

Steve I do not go to church, I get my fellowship and teaching from RITA, books, internet and of course from the Lord and his beautiful word.

Over the years I have seen too much political back biting, pettiness and a general lack of love. When I got sick and had a breakdown 10 years ago, I was basically left by myself bar a few precious saints. I have seen Monday to Saturday people that are ruthless in business then on Sunday become on their knees saints. To tell you the truth, I got totally burnt out and confused. I have seen beautiful loving pastors chewed up and spat out by congregations, I have seen the bricks and mortar of the building mean more than the teachings inside or more importantly to the greater community outside of the church. I have seen fellow members used without appreciation for the sacrifices made.

The Christian church has so much to offer, the church can offer what no one else can ever do, and that is called GRACE.

But why is it that people have to make them selves or feel clean before they can walk through the doors? Where are the addicts, where are the prostitutes, where are widows and where are the hurting and the wounded. They should be inside the church feeling the love and the grace of God through his children.

Some churches have become large corporations, entertainment venues preaching prosperity through belief.

Where are the wounded I say?

I do not judge anyone for that is for the Lord, but I also have to protect my self. I am content to roam in the wilderness and find my mana from him whom is able.

There on the other hand are many beautiful churches that evangelise and open their doors filled with many Spirit filled Christians. In no way am I generalising.

At the end of the day the church, Gods church is not comprised of bricks and mortar. It is the people within that are his church. The buildings, the stages, the pulpits and everything else will be left behind for the world to plunder. The broken, the meek, the redeemed, the saved and the ones that crave him and him alone will be taken. The church fitting enough to be called his bride

I am a sinner the very worst kind, everything that I own, have or given is by his grace and mercy. If I wake up tomorrow and loose everything that I own, I am still a rich man indeed. For I still have the greatest prize, HIM. I have him and his love and his beautiful grace that shines on this sinners face each and every day.

Be encouraged brother
In his beautiful love / Paul


Amen, brother Paul. Amen.


Hi Steve, it's me again.

I think you're right about the verse being for unbelievers, or even those who are Christian in name only. They have head knowledge, but may not be born again. Also, not all believers are called to be watchers, and not all have a desire to study prophecy. There are many parts to the body. So many don't even see a pre-tribulation rapture.

Lately I've come accross so many who say they are blood bought born again believers, but see either a pre-wrath scenario, or even post trib. I don't understand it, but chock it up to the fact that the body is made up of many different parts. Each with a different calling, and place in the Lord's plan.

Even some of my best online friends, who were pre-trib for a long time, have switched their views on the timing of the rapture. Many switching to pre-wrath, and a few changing to Post. I was so upset at first about this, as none could really give me a good answer as to why they changed their views. They say they just don't see it. It's almost as if that now that we're so close to going home, they can't believe that it true. Like it's too good to be true, so therefore it must not be?

I'm trying to quit being upset about it, yet I'm still very puzzled. I've decided that we're all at different places in our walk with the Lord... That must be why there are so many different types of crowns, because we all have a different calling and place in the body, we're all at differnet places in our Christian growth/walk? The Lord has a different plan for each of us. That's the only thing that I can understand about those who don't see a pre-trib rapture.

Love ya, brother, just keep praying for their eyes to be open, and for them to know the Lord, and keep looking up!

Chris N.


Paul, Charity, Chris,AbideInHim....thanks for your thoughtful remarks.

You see, when the world seems to be out of balance, as it was to me in the last couple of weeks, it takes true Christians that think alike, to bring a better picture to the table.

Charity...you're right...we live in the Laodicean church timeframe. Lukewarm. It's interesting though that so many of those that go to our church and friends as well aren't really lukewarm, so that is what was getting to me.

Paul, and Chris...You both hit issues that are what is going on today. Chris...thank you for a very thoughtful response. It really hits the fact that not everyone is called or vessels that are made alike. They are very interested in going home, but their minds are on the things that the Lord has given them to do.

Paul...very good response brother. All of you has hit a piece of the pie that for the life of me, I was losing sight of. I'm not normally a very judgemental person. Things don't get to me, maybe some things should more. I like others are seeing a general rotting of America, because we have forsaken the Lord. It slays me.

AbideInHim...I'm glad you mentioned the changing of positions. Because I have too. I was post for most of my life but after asking the Lord, He asid pre..That has taken me on a journey that has changed my perspective on the Lord's coming by a long shot. I've gone one direction and others move to a different point of view. Good post!

Our pastor is tremendous, but he's definitely not caught up with the 2nd coming. He's more wrapped up with a burning heart for souls and more souls.

Maybe we here at RITA are wired differently. If I were a kid still and my folks said we were going to Disneyland or a place of great interest, I would be all excited, like at Christmas. Most people are all the same in that way. Then why aren't they so interested in the Lord's coming? That's better than any place on earth by a long shot.

Usually I can see through these things, but like I said, over the last few weeks it's really gotten under my skin. Thanks all. You're all precious in the eyes of the Lord. Mine too! Good night.


Steve W, you are 100% correct and I "AMEN" all which has been
written. This morning I had 3 knocks at my computer while sound
asleep. I did NOT want to get up!!! Then, when I do come on line,
I see this post and it SURELY strikes a VERY, VERY STRONG
NOTE WITH ME!!!!!!!!! I seldom mention things like this but could
mention more. The church that I mention here literally TRAMPLED
an older man who had fallen down at the door as church was over
around noon one Sunday. The lady who was the wife of the man
went to the pastor and then later switched to another more loving
church. The following happened (I'm pretty sure) before that event
which I have heard of since my experience here. This was written
on January 26, 2006 while I was living in Mississippi from about
January, '03 to July, '06. Just to explain, I was NOT being fed, I
believe, from churches and quit going. I would share on the Internet
on R.I.T.A., etc. when I felt the Holy Spirit had something for me to
share. But, because I did miss some of the "fellowship" of other
Christians, I started going first to a P.C.A. Presbyterian and then
to a Baptist Church. This happened as I was going to the 2nd church.
I finally have just GIVEN UP on going.

Last week, I had a dream that I was trying to "leave" the parking
lot of a church and, as I tried to move my car, it just kept bumping
into the other cars in the parking lot as "ALL" looked on. It was
VERY embarrassing to me and I woke up with an embarrassed
feeling. I believe a couple of people whose cars were hit were
trying to tell me is was "ALL RIGHT" but most were just staring
with a look of condemnation and accusation. I decided that this
was a "message" to me that people just WILL NOT any longer
understand what is going on. I "DID NOT" go to church on Sunday
but stayed home. I'm sure that I'll probably still go back (time
permitting) but it is VERY disheartening when almost ALL will not
even "LISTEN" about any warnings. It is JUST LIKE the dream!
When you imply that "something" may be up, they look at you like,
"What on earth are you talking about?!"

My nephew is about the "ONLY" one in my family who has taken
some of my "warnings" (that I have been talking about) to heart. For
some reason, I shared the dream with him 2 days ago. AMAZINGLY,
he had "JUST" had the "SAME" type of dream. Most likely, he
wouldn't have told me about it had I not shared mine. In his dream,
he had been told to move a car that was parked in front of our house
where our family home is but the car was "JAMMED IN" with other
cars. While many in the family looked out the front window, he
eased the car that he was to move "forward" but it got hung up on
the bumper of the car in front.

There is NO FREEDOM OR LOVE in depending on "JUST" church
doctrine or family traditions I don't care "HOW STRONG" your family's
history is. Our family has VERY STRONG ties to Presbyterians (and
even ministers) in its history (as you may guess by my name). Of
course, just "HOW MUCH" prophecy or "TRUE WARNINGS" are you
getting at almost "ANY" evangelical church these days? I told my
nephew that all the devil has to do is to say to our leaders, "Hey, why
should you start something 'new', everything's going along so fine. You
will just stir people up...thus risking your good salary...the good peace
you are enjoying!!!" And when they see somebody tell them something
differently, it's like, "We HAVE TO stop them...they MUST be wrong!"

Many tend to actually operate on a religious scale where they "CAN'T
SLEEP" until they have "ACCUSED SOMEONE" or done some innocent
person harm. It's like their ENTIRE Christian experience is "NOT" based
on "LOVE" but on just accusation and scoffing. I like the saying that I read
on "ALL THINGS NEW", "Pick your friends, but not to pieces!"

...Psalm 4
...13 Take fast hold of instruction; let her not go: keep her; for
...she is thy life.
...14 Enter not into the path of the wicked, and go not in the
...way of evil men.
...15 Avoid it, pass not by it, turn from it, and pass away.
...17 For they eat the bread of wickedness, and drink the wine
...of violence.

Biblical "TRUTH" that doesn't have "LOVE" at its roots does, many
times, about as much harm as good, I believe. Look CAREFULLY
at the following verses. If we are NOT DILIGENT in watching over our
hearts, the love that we "CLAIM" to have, is "REALLY" not Holy Spirit
love nor does it produce "HOPE" in an individual but actually causes

...Romans 5
...1 Therefore being justified by faith, we have peace with God
...through our Lord Jesus Christ:
...2 By whom also we have access by faith into this grace wherein
...we stand, and rejoice in hope of the glory of God.
...3 And not only so, but we glory in tribulations also: knowing that
...tribulation worketh patience;
...4 And patience, experience; and experience, hope:
...SPIRIT which is given unto us.

...Proverbs 4
...20 My son, attend to my words; incline thine ear unto my sayings.
...21 Let them not depart from thine eyes; keep them in the midst of
...thine heart. 22 For they are life unto those that find them, and health
...to all their flesh. 23 KEEP THY HEART WITH ALL DILIGENCE;
...for out of it are the issues of life.
...24 Put away from thee a froward mouth, and perverse lips put far
...from thee.

I am VERY thankful for churches that preach the truth. "BUT", again,
"WHY?" are SO MANY missing the "WARNINGS" that seem so very
"BLATANT" to those watching. Is it because "some" of their so called
"TRUTH" is NOT based on the Holy Spirit's TRUTH and LOVE (which
would DEFINITELY want us warned!!!)? It might even be LIKELY that
they are operating, again, in "FEAR"! That "FEAR" would be based
on the possibility of changing the religious "system" that they are
operating in. I told my nephew that that was probably the case.

So, perhaps most have just found it unnecessary to really "DIG" for
the truth!


My goodness, Steve! You've captured exactly the cry of my heart for weeks/months/years now! There is really someone else out there with the same turmoil inside. Wow! Thanks for voicing it.

You said, "It also seems that those that are excited are having the greatest challenges, especially financially, while rest of the church that I've come across anyway, seems to doing fine."

I can't help but think that the Lord brings us through such things so that we will have a THOROUGH DISTASTE for this WORLD. After all, would our affection be set so strong on going home and things above if we were completely comfortable here? I think probably not.

You said, "No one knows the day or the hour. End of conversation." Exactly. Scriptural.

That's WHY we watch and strain our eyes to fatigue looking out the window and desiring our Lord to come back! And watching produces...wait for it...wait for it...THINGS to SEE! Imagine that, one looks, and one SEES!

After all, brothers, we are not in darkness that that day should overtake us as a thief. (Borrowed that one from my Lord.) Do we not reside in the light?

Finally, the blessing of this post reminds me of the following verses, which state my heart so unequivocally:

2 Timothy 4:8
Henceforth there is laid up for me a crown of righteousness, which the Lord, the righteous judge, shall give me at that day: and not to me only, but unto all them also that love his appearing.


Malachi 3:16
Then they that feared the LORD spake often one to another: and the LORD hearkened, and heard it, and a book of remembrance was written before him for them that feared the LORD, and that thought upon his name.

THAT'S US, STEVE! Thank you!

I cannot wait to embrace each of you around the throne of my God. Dear, Lord, can you read to us from the remembrance book one more time?

In Christ by HIS GRACE,


P.S. I have several family members (not my wife and kids, thankfully) and friends that do not know Jesus. Oh, please agree with me in prayer that the Lord would put in them a heart to repent and turn to faith in our Lord Jesus Christ by his Holy Spirit before it is eternally too late!

Website: www.christark.org



I have noticed the same thing about many Christians these days. I don't understand why they just go on believing that things will stay the same, and they don't believe that Jesus will come again. Even after seeing the remarkable signs that Jesus told us to look for, they are blind concerning the end times.


Email: hogwoodk@gmail.com


Steve W: I echo the thoughts and words of everyone here. Having been a watcher for years now, as well as many more here on this forum and others, this is not anything really new, but just more and more pronounced. It's not preached from the pulpit and may be mentioned only in passing. Why, even sin at our church isn't preached because it might make someone feel "uncomfortable" (and yes, we are looking for another church).

There is absolutely no fulfillment here on earth. The closer I get to heaven, the less enamored I am with this world. I agree that God is allowing things to happen to us watchers because He wants us to have a thorough distaste for things here so we can become "holy" or separated in Him. He doesn't want us tainted by the world's view.

Hang in there, Steve. We're almost Home, so don't spend the last of your days worrying about things you can't change. Seek God's wisdom and discernment as to when you should share God's message, and if it is accepted, praise the Lord. If not, shake the dust off your feet and move on. Time is too short to spend it where we're not wanted.

Lovingly to all here at RITA, Rhonda

Email: rbmomof4@yahoo.com


O Yes Steve, I DO understand exactly what you are saying - I have friends and family members who attend church every Sunday, (which I don't attend church), but they are only interested in what is going on in their personal lives... children in college and the goings on, trips they are taking, all good people but definitely NOT looking for Jesus to come.... just things as usual..... and I can tell it makes them uncomfortable when I mention that Jesus is coming SOON! They don't know how to respond to me I know because they just don't believe it or agree with me. It is so sad....

No Steve, you are not alone in wanting to SHOUT TO WAKE THEM UP... but knowing it wouldn't help, only make them avoid you that much more.

My only hope is that all the warnings we've tried to give them, when something HUGE happens, like the Rapture for instance , they will KNOW what we were warning them about was true and then their journey will truly start looking for the Lord's appearing.


This is for you Steve W. & all of the rest of my brothers & sisters here who I love so much: Charity, Paul, AbideInHim, Prof. E.C., Mike, Khog, Rhonda Burtch, Shirley & everyone else. I love you all so much for speaking my heart.

As usual, one of my friends expressed my response best to all of you in a song. Hope this encourages us all to hold on.

Keep looking up!


Click to download to The Kingdom FREE — just CLICK

The Kingdom by Chip Davis

We've been wandring lost in our cathedrals
trying to complicate a SIMPLE thing
scaling lofty heights to build our kingdoms
tearing down vision of the King

but what is left when the stained glass shatters
when the steeples fall & crumble to the ground
when all our grand cathedrals lie in ruin
still there's a place the Kingdom can be found

In the hearts & lives of those who walk with Jesus
lies a treasure that can not be bought or sold
forgiveness, love & mercy flow so freely
the measure of such wealth cannot be told

This is what was spoken by the Saviour
by this shall all men know that you are Mine
to live your life for one another
this is divine, this is the Kingdom

To judge a man by heart & not by deed
to love a brother more when he's in need
to open up our arms to every race & creed
when will we understand — this Kingdom is at hand

In the hearts & lives of those who walk with Jesus
lies a treasure that can not be bought or sold
forgiveness, love & mercy flow so freely
the measure of such wealth cannot be told

This is what was spoken by the Saviour
by this shall all men know that you are Mine
to live your life for one another
this is divine, this is the Kingdom

Click to download to The Kingdom FREE — just CLICK

Website: www.chipdavisworld.com/


Wow! So great to know I am not the only one! Ditto on everything said here!

I think the same thing about all that surrounds me also! Friends, family, coworkers all just seem to go about life without any concern or excitement or anything! They watch shows, listen to music, say words, go places that I would be embarrassed to have Jesus "Physically" be beside me and witness! I guess having the Holy Spirit dwell inside of me discerns me about certain things that I just don't want to do anymore! Isn't that the way it should be?
And so many go to church on Sunday morning just because it is the "thing" to do. They play that game thinking that this will get them into heaven!
Don't get me wrong-I in no way am judging, I sin every single day, but I see this luke warmness and I just think oooookkkaaayyy-what is wrong with you???
And when you do try to talk to them about Jesus, the rapture, the last days, etc. they just look at you like you are a one-eyed green alien from another planet! HELLO-wake up people!!
Sorry-see you got me started also!! LOL

Email: tedebear395@yahoo.com


Steve W,

just read your post, I have to agree 100% because I am experiencing the exact same thing with the little church I attend. No matter what church I try, or whatever believers I run across, I get the same response, a cold "no one knows the day or the hour" then they just walk away to silly worldly matters. No one seems to care, I don't see excitement among Christians except for my own brother, we are the only ones who seem to be anxiously awaiting the rapture but all our other friends or acquaintances who claimed to be spirit filled don't seem to want to hear about the rapture. I think the message of Grace is emphasized alot more than the message of obedience and loving God and fearing him and watching for his return. Don't get me wrong, I understand its by grace we are saved but also that faith without works is dead and anyone who truly loves God would surely want to please him best they could by being warm all the time and not lukewarm or cold. Yes, I feel like an alien in this world, I live in Toronto, when I go out side of my home I feel like i am walking amongst clones created by media and illuminati/luciferians. The deception is so strong its almost impenetrable to get someone to listen to truth, to Gods message and change their life style, sometimes I think all we can do really is pray and support ministries on tv and radio financially so they broadcast the message to the millions.


One more...

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Blessed are His Faithful Believers
by Debra Paxton

Blessed are His Faithful Believers
blessed are the doers of His will
blessed are his upright in service
who weary not their calling to fulfill

and though the enemy is raging, they don't waver
though destruction slows them down, they still press on
Blessed are His Believers
who labor and go ON

Blessed are His righteous believers
standing in the center of His light
joyful & determined in battle
victorious for never losing sight

and though the enemy is raging, they don't waver
though destruction slows them down, they still press on
Blessed are His Believers
who labor and GO ON

Click to download Blessed Are His Faithful Believers FREE

Website: www.garyspaxton.org/Music/index.htm


Yes-the churches.
I have visited several large churches and am completely blown away. They have 2-3 services scheduled because they are so large. So you have to sing, worship, hear the message and be outta there in one hour because the next group will be coming in!
They just herd people in and out like cattle!
Excuse me but I don't put God on a time clock. When the Holy Spirit moves, God may have you worship 2 hours or pray 3 hours! (small churches just my personal preference) I don't want to attend church just to show up and then try and beat people to the nearest restaurant afterwards! Not my idea of worshipping my Lord and Savior!
Gee Steve-You really got me on a roll this morning too! Guess I will shut up now!

Email: tedebear395@yahoo.com


Steve, I have posted these same sentiments at least 5 or 6 times on this board, and it has never gotten any better....and I don't think it will. People are not interested.

Keep witnessing to people about it, though, because every once in a great while you will run across someone who will at least consider the possibility, and that can have an effect in his or her life. For the last 35 years I have been so frustrated with the blank stares or the ridicule or the simple apathy that I have wanted to scream sometimes. But it doesn't do any good.

My family does now listen to me. That's a small victory. I have to be careful not to wear it out, though, or it will not be effective. Small doses, placed with discernment. Other than that, just go about following Jesus the best way you can. (When I think about it, I have enough trouble with that to keep me busy )


Steve, I have posted these same sentiments at least 5 or 6 times on this board, and it has never gotten any better....and I don't think it will. People are not interested.

Steve W. & Don... I think it's because you're preaching to the choir here. It's not that we are not interested; it's that we are all looking up & counting the minutes 'til we're GONE! We all agree, so you won't get much rebuttal on RITA about these things, that's for sure!


I've read the opening message here and quite agree with the writer of it!
I am thrilled and KNOW that we are in the last moments of this earthly existence before Jesus whisks us away.
Why aren't the people excited you ask? The ones who are watching for Jesus' return are really excited!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Don't think we're not! How many of us are 'out there'? Perhaps NOT as many as we think that are rapture ready.
Remember there were only 8 in Noah's day and only Lot's family in his day..That has always concerned me because there were only a very very few people saved . Even Lot's wife didn't quite 'make it'..if you know what I mean...and she was close ......even up to the very last second when judgement is simultaneously falling some may not make it---that thought they would.
Why do I say that? " As in the days of Noah--some were marrying and giving in marriage,eating drinking, planting building, up until the floods came and washed them all away....THEY didn't know!!!!!!!!!!!
Same attitude as the uninterested church-goers you seem to be talking to.

Email: steffiefree@rogers.com


Wow...all of you brought tears to my eyes.

Mike...those scriptures made me cry. I guess the Holy Spirit was ministering to me. There's not words to even say of how much I appreciate all of your (everyone's) thoughtful and truthful remarks.

I don't normally explode, but I guess it was time for me to give it all to the Lord and let Him carry it. There are times though that walking this alone, except for the RITA family, it gets tough. I want to explode with Joy and there is no one to share it with.

I find it so sad that we are watching for the LOVE OF OUR LIVES to come and we're Watchers on the Wall for just ourselves. Sorry, but that's pathetic!!!

Some of your remarks really hit home. Why are we going through such tests and trials. The response was tremendous, and quite frankly one I had not explored. The Lord does want to make this world to be of no importance, so that we are truely "dependent" on Him and so our hearts will be His and His alone. We long for going home. Our real home with the house the Lord has built just for us!!! Anyone homesick???

Once again....I love my family tremendously, but there are times that even they seem to be in the back seat and all I want to do is go home to be with my true love. Selfish..huh??? This must be a time of true confessions or something. Then when others have no comphrehension for what you see and feel, it's like you are that one eyed green alien!!! I guess we're separated from the world but not forgotten.

Again all.....thank you so much for all of those thoughtful and honest and much needed responses. You've ministered to me in a very special way. Thanks TN Dove for the song. The words make one homesick and made me cry. Wow...didn't know how much I needed all this.

Blessings on all of you!!!



TN Dove, I was speaking of the response from regular church-going Christian folks who just aren't interested, not the people here. Sorry I wasn't clear. The folks at RITA are who keep my spirits up a lot of the time. And the other folks are still good folks, and I expect most of them will be raptured. I just can't understand their reaction to the news. Mostly, they haven't been taught, and it seems so foreign that they can't grasp the entirety of it, I think.

I just listened to the song you posted on the thread you started, by Caleb. Great song, great thought. thanks.


The RITA family Loved the truth! and is Rapture ready!! AMEN!

First we like to say thank you Steve, for your post! We pray that it will bless all that read it, because it truly blessed us, and the lord touched our hearts, to respond to your post and to give this message. Praise the Lord!

On September 5, 2009 The Lord, call Wayne and I out of a church that we had attended faithfully for 7 month not missing a Sunday, not missing any thing that were taking place at this church. Wayne, was a usher and anything else the church needed him for I was in a ladies group at church and available for what ever the church need me for as well we both was available for the Lord, to use us any way he saw fit.

Wayne and I notice a few month after being at this church actually the whole seven month of being there that the pastor, never did a altar call for the unsaved, perhaps their all saved, even all the visitors and the teenagers every one that came perhaps already saved, and ready to go. WHERE??? we do not know, we can only guess? But the pastor,
never gave a calling for the unsaved.

Before I started going to this new church with Wayne, he said the pastor, asked the congregation what would they like for him to speak on perhaps this was not on a church day I would hope not, don't know for sure but that was a (RED FLAG) anyway Wayne, said that one person asked the pastor to teach more meat, stronger teaching was what he was wanting, unfortunately the pastor, haven't got around to getting the job done as of yet; we're not saying that he wont get around to it we pray he will very soon. That person is no longer attending that church as he did before.

I will try to keep this story short by giving mostly the details I pray. Sept. 5, on a Saturday, Wayne and I was just sitting around on the side of his shop talking about how hunger we were for God word, after leaving the Sunday servicers, we were so hunger for more of God word, so many time we would come home and find some teaching that was talking or preaching God's word, we would literally take the word in like a sponge, as long as it lined up with God's word in the bible. I had attended church for over 35 years and I knew God word, I have always wanted to know the truth and nothing more, we were fed up with watered down teaching of the Lord's word; because it wasn't feeding our Spirit man. THE HOLY SPIRIT, KNOWS THE TRUTH and it will not COMPROMISE, THE LORD, WILL NOT COMPROMISE HIS WORD it is what it is THE TRUTH WILL SET YOU FREE!

We are being blessed, being fed very good because we are sit at the Lord's feet and he is using the Holy Spirit, to teach us we're being fed God's word every day, not a day go by that we're not learning God's truth, we're so happy and so blessed, we thank the Lord, for His Holy Spirit, that's living inside of us. We thank the Lord, for the Pastors and all of God workers that's willing to give the whole truth, and not water it down. Praise the Lord, Thank you Father, for all of your worker including RITA! that you Oh Lord, has place in our path. PRAISE GOD! GLORY! GLORY!

The Lord, was so merciful and remove us out of that church and sit us at His feet so Wayne and I could learn His word the right way, so we could learn the truth about all things that the Lord, wants us to know about especially about Rapture, we want to be found worthy of the Rapture, so we can go home when Jesus return for us. HALLELUJAH! PRAISE GOD! can you feel all the excitement I am feeling when talking about our Lord, and savior, WOW WOW The Holy Spirit, is keeping us on fire with God's word for our lives, as well as others. We are eager to talk about our Lord, and Savior Jesus Christ, to everyone we meet we always tell them that the Lord, is coming back very soon, and we asked them are they ready, and if not, we asked them why not. The Lord, is truly using Wayne and I and we are honored to be a worker, servant, and a good friend to the Lord.

Please remember we're only sharing parts of the story because it long and will take up to much of your precious time, Wayne and I pray that we are conveying this information in an understanding way, we wish we was face to face with you all, as I tell this story, perhaps one day we can share our story face to face but then again, perhaps we will not care about what went on in this world with the churches, I do not know that "but what we do know, it's going to be so good to get up and get out of here, come Lord Jesus" Amen!

Before I close this messages Wayne and I like to make it very, very, clear we're not judging any of our brothers and sisters that's attending church, Please understand we would never, never, never, tell you to not go to church! we would never ever talk badly about any church, or anyone attending a church. that's the way it is, like are not. We still pay our tithes and offerings to a church that the Lord has directed us to, this church is in another state, and we have never attended that church, but God knows what is best for all of his children. Amen! The word said to assembly yourselves together Wayne and I are the church, if you don't have a mate, perhaps a small bible study with people that's hunger for god's truth. It will bless you and keep you strong and very excited for the return of our Lord, and Savior, Jesus Christ.

If that's not the case, then keep yourself excited, anticipating, for the return of our Precious Lord, and Savior. If the church won't feed your Spirit man, then you can go and search out the truth, for yourself. We are the church, and by having a relationship with our Lord, he will direct you in the way you should go. The Holy Spirit, that the Lord, Jesus Christ, place inside of us after we accept Him as our Lord, and savior, is good enough for our household. Amen!!



Wayne and Cathy


Cathy (WC)...

That was such a blessing to read. Yes we will be relaying stories of our lives when we get to heaven. The reason being is that through the stories of how the Lord has led us and fed us, others will see the Lord through our lives.

I can see the Lord in your writing. I can see the heart that shines on through. It brings the Lord alot of glory now and will forever more. As we speak, in a conversation with others, many will stop to listen. All directed by the Holy Spirit. He will be just as active there as He is here. The only difference will be there will be complete harmony and unity in heaven.

I bless you both for sharing in Jesus Name. May He be glorified through us now and throughout all of eternity.

Rita...you are all such a blessing. You bring tears to my eyes.

Stephanie...blessings on you as you live a life that is pleasing only to Him. We don't have to stive, as Texas Sue wrote a while back. Such a timely message. Ours is to walk simply moment by moment with Him.



You certainly have described the LAODICEAN CHURCH to a tee ! AMEN !!!...Thanks !!!!!
and yes we are here for such a small amount of time that we should have leaving on our minds , HEAVEN our eternal home with Him !!!!
I wonder that all of the time ...what are people thinking ? Can't they see this ship going down ?
can't they see the SIGNS all around them ?


TN Dove, I was speaking of the response from regular church-going Christian folks who just aren't interested, not the people here. Sorry I wasn't clear. The folks at RITA are who keep my spirits up a lot of the time. And the other folks are still good folks, and I expect most of them will be raptured. I just can't understand their reaction to the news. Mostly, they haven't been taught, and it seems so foreign that they can't grasp the entirety of it, I think.

I just listened to the song you posted on the thread you started, by Caleb. Great song, great thought. thanks.

Sorry, guys. I had one eye open while reading this post. Yes, it's been happening for yearrrs. My dad was preaching about this in the 70's, & said it would just get worse & worse until we FLY! He called it "Microwave Christianity" — Christians who want everything their way in a minute or less, please. Not the truth. The truth is there will be trials in this life. If you're not facing obstacles, something is wrong. It means you're not a threat.

"For the time will come when men will not put up with sound doctrine. Instead, to suit their own desires, they will gather around them a great number of teachers to say what their itching ears want to hear." — II Timothy 4:3

It's frustrating, but just another sign of the times.



Wayne and Cathy

Wayne and Cathy-

I LOVE you guys. Great post.


Gosh, I guess I'm not the only one, huh? I wonder how many more of us are out here that are not in church for the reasons mentioned by Steve, Paul, Southern Grace, Prof. E.C, and others. My own experience is similar. After years in a large family-run church which served a weekly diet of milk, humor, and happy encouragement – I decided to leave. In my 15 years there, I don’t recall hearing anything on end times, the nearness of the Lord’s return and/or preparations. So many people don’t want to hear it (one Christian I knew said it would spoil her plans), or they roll their eyes heavenward and speak of Jesus' return in the sweet by-and-by. (I wonder which sweet by-and-by they're waiting for). Many churches don’t prepare their people, I guess, because it’s sure to wreck their attendance, building campaigns, and long-term strategic plans. Pass the cookies with the milk, please…

Like Southern Grace, after nearly 30 years in church, my experience was becoming more of a cattle call than a time of worship and fellowship. Time was of such a premium that even the alter call was glossed over, so that the next wave of people wouldn't have to wait.

And I wonder why? When praise and worship started, only about half the church was filled, anyway. But for the next 10-20 minutes, while people were trying to worship, the late-comers filed in, while the pesky usher would tap people on the shoulder, followed by murmured “excuse me”s as people shuffled past, stepping on toes, banging people with handbags, baby carriers, and backpacks. It occurred to me that I was so trained to anticipate the interruptions of the usher and his retinue of late-comers, that I hadn’t actually allowed myself to worship in 5 years! What's the point? I'll only be tapped on the shoulder. I suggested to the usher director on several occasions that the late-comers be seated in the empty rows in the back out of courtesy to those who arrived on time to worship – I was told I should sit in the back instead. When that failed, I suggested that the ushers carry squirt bottles to announce their arrival, which was far less painful than a pounding on the shoulder, but with the same effect. When one usher threatened to take my husband to the parking lot and beat him for complaining, I knew I was pretty well finished with the milk-and-cookies cattle call!

Email: kate5525@aol.com


Steve, I just had to get in on your post and say I feel your pain! You and everyone here expressed so very well my daily sentiments, it's such a blessing to know that we're all out there and we're in the same boat! My dear husband lovingly refers to me as a "rapture dork"- he listens to me and believes me, but is just not as crazy about Jesus and going Home to Him like we all are. I don't mind being a rapture dork or a Jesus freak, either! I'm in excellent company!


Bonnie, Melanie, KT, TN Dove....

Thank you for all of your loving input. I'm back to normal now, but I guess this whole thing was building up inside of me and all of a sudden it came out.

I want you to know I'm reading all of your posts. If you took the time to write, I'm wanting to hear.

Blessings on all of you!



Bless you, Brother Steve! I'm so glad you were able to let some of your steam out and help us all along the way, as well!


Boy I just love everyone here my brothers and Sisters
(and of course Rapture Dork!!!) Lol

I just had to say it, one of those moments, you all mean so much to me.

Love ybiC / Paul


Love you too, Brother!

Email: kate5525@aol.com

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