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Our Granddaughter Had A Dream About Jesus

From Rapture Flight To Heaven - Valerie's granddaughter's dream:

Our Granddaughter had a dream....about Jesus!

Our Granddaughter Arianna, had a dream last night that woke her up!!! She told me that she saw Jesus in the Sky!!! It was night time, and dark, but in the sky she said, where Jesus was allot of light shining! She was also trying to tell me Jesus was talking to her something about the animals, but I couldn't understand her point....She said "Grandma, it stays in my mind all the time, I can't forget about Jesus in the Sky"! She woke up out of bed with this dream around midnight!

Just thinking, maybe the children, and animals are also sensing the soon coming of our Lord Jesus!!!



Re: Our Granddaughter Had A Dream About Jesus

They very well could be, Valerie & T/Sue.

Re: Our Granddaughter Had A Dream About Jesus

Oh my goodness - out of the mouths of babes... bless you little Arianna - praying it's soon .

Oh, I wish we knew what He said about the animals. I'm hoping He was comforting her about them going too.

Re: Our Granddaughter Had A Dream About Jesus

Shirley, I am with you here. I have two dogs and 2 cats..Last summer my Rottweiller who is our great love became ill with a disease that is incurable..she has to take cordisone daily and another pill...and is doing great...she will be 10 this July. Last summer when this happened I asked the Lord to please keep her alive until the rapture so she could go with us and He told my PP and I everything would work out. Also about 7 years or so ago a teenager around 16 that Jim Bramlett knew of (his father) placed a message that this young teenager received...He was taken to heaven and met the Lord and the Lord told him He would soon be coming for His Church..the young boy was fearful of leaving his beautiful dog behind and the Lord told him his dog would be coming with him...

This type of message has been given to many Christians,so I pray that is so, for it is very comforting. It would not be a problem for the Lord to accomplish such a task...He knows how much they mean to us...


Email: varnke@roadrunner.com

Website: RITA

Re: Our Granddaughter Had A Dream About Jesus

Oh Virginia - thank you for sharing this!!!! This means soooo much to me and I know most if not ALL at RITA cause we're animal lovers - Virginia, I do hope and pray your sweet Rottie gets to go with you, and I keep talking to the Lord about my little Maggie who is soooo devoted to me. I know she will grieve herself to death if I leave and she doesn't know why!

Oh I hope they go with us, if we've asked and prayed for it.

Re: Our Granddaughter Had A Dream About Jesus

Oh Virginia - thank you for sharing this!!!! This means soooo much to me and I know most if not ALL at RITA cause we're animal lovers - Virginia, I do hope and pray your sweet Rottie gets to go with you, and I keep talking to the Lord about my little Maggie who is soooo devoted to me. I know she will grieve herself to death if I leave and she doesn't know why!

Oh I hope they go with us, if we've asked and prayed for it.

Thank you Virgina for this interesting thread .

Shirley, someone here posted several days ago that they told their cat and dog in effect, "If Jesus calls for you, you go to Him." I love this and I've already told our cocker named Maggie and our cat Callie this reminder

Our Maggie is a little fuzz ball and she is going to the groomer tomorrow.

Not only will she be able to hear our Lord better she will be able to see her Creator

Email: jpcarr@att.net

Re: Our Granddaughter Had A Dream About Jesus

Oh, Texas Sue, how beautiful! Thank you for posting this! The time is sooooo close with all the dreams and visions that everyone is getting...even the little ones!!

And I'm loving all the pictures of your darling pets here, Joseph!! I just love animals!! I hope heaven is full of animals. (And I really believe it will be!)

Re: Our Granddaughter Had A Dream About Jesus

Awwww Joseph - your little Maggie is soooo cute! She likes golf balls I see! And that is the cutest picture of Callie hidin in the jacket!!! Those eyes are tremendous!

I'm gonna remember to tell Maggie that too Joe - I am always telling her "Jesus loves you" - "I wanna see Jesus" I want her to recognize Jesus' name.

There's a whole lotta RITA folks countin on havin their fur babies with them - I know we won't be disappointed and Daddy God is a GOOD PAPA - he would never break our hearts.

Re: Our Granddaughter Had A Dream About Jesus

Joseph, you cat and dog are both just adorable. I look forward to seeing them in heaven when we get there. They will have to meet my darling red toy poodle, "Punkin". He is waiting for me - died several years ago. We had many different pets over the years but Punkin is my sweetest one.

Jack Van Impe put out a video on pets going to heaven. He has all the Bible verses that support it.

Re: Our Granddaughter Had A Dream About Jesus


Re: Our Granddaughter Had A Dream About Jesus

Hi all!

I've been gone for awhile and I see things are heating up on RITA. I very much agree with CJ's recent predictions. I'm very proud of you two young men.

Like many of you, I've suffered through family trials and have been seen as odd. My mother died in '97 and my dad was in a nursing home. I, too,had problems there with removing my dad for outings. Later, after getting an attorney, I found out my brother was the cause. This all involved inheritance of course and the turn around accusations of what he and my sister-in-law were doing blamed on me instead. In the ugliness of all this I lost my family, including a daughter that became a traitor. Much like the Obama sell outs we've witnessed. My fervent prayer was to save the family and make sure my dad had the complete family circle around him. It was very much spiritual warfare. Despite prayers from prayer warriors along with myself, that prayer wasn't answered. The family remains broken to this day. Dad died 5 years later with that split never getting healed. I never did get to take him out all those years.

The court case involved a guardian ad litum (spelling?). I challenged in protecting my father and his money. It was his, not my brother's. The last day in court the judge asked my brother a financial question. He didn't want to answer, basically the case had gone to my brother already per this guardian investigator. So my brother just packed up his briefcase and left the courtroom! I didn't know you could do that. I'll never forget the look I exchanged with that judge. He knew in that moment he'd errored. He finally "got it" but it was too late. Later I was told I'd had a better chance had I done this under my own name because of what had been done to me. I wasn't after dad's money. I was trying to protect him. Yes indeed our elderly need us to stand up and defend them. My prayers go to them and those battling for them.

On one note, God does have a sense of humor.. My brother bought a thousand shares of Enron! Lost dad's shirt for him. I laughed pretty heartily on that one. But it was dad's money, not his. The good Lord took dad in a timely fashion as his money could've run out after that.

I've given you some background so you understand my grievous situation at the time.. There was one creature there in the middle of sleepless nights when I mourned and talked to the Lord many a night. Our beautiful seal point Siamese cat, my baby. My husband needed his sleep to work the next day and I did my best to hide my feelings until he'd fallen asleep. We'd already talked this matter to death anyway. But you can imagine the grief of losing my daughter in this mess. This went on for months. Just me and my best friend in the whole world then. Toffee, my furry baby, became seriously ill and it would take her life. The last thing I needed. We had several months together but they weren't normal. She'd sit in my lap and eat baby food off my finger. She was so weak. And then came the day she couldn't control her bladder. I knew what this meant and couldn't face it. But I didn't want her to suffer.

We'd radiated her at one point trying to save her.. She rallied for awhile. It was her thyroid, a condition older cats get. Well, you've never seen so much grieving and praying as I went through. I put her into His hands that last day.I told Him I knew how much He loved her, how He loved all His creatures. In Noah's flood He saved animals. I told Toffee all this. I didn't know what happened to the animals but Lord this cat has more soul than people in my family. Look at her eyes, you can see it. I told Toffee to go find Jesus, He'll know what to do.

Now this sounds crazy but Toffee would sing praise songs to Jesus with me. No not words but she made her own joyful noise in unison with me. One day I had a door shut while taping praise music and she howled to get in there with me. Such a sweetheart. My husband knew how hard this was for me. He was to take Toffee to the vet to see if there was anything more that could be done. I finally gave him permission to put her down if there was nothing that could be done. Oh, how I hoped and prayed that day at work. Even wrote a letter of recommendation and prayer to Jesus.

I went to work--to the middle school. I was sitting at my desk with a group of 5 or 6 kid's desks facing my my desk in a circle for some special help. It was about 2:10 in the afternoon when Toffee appeared on my desk in spirit form. I knew immediately what this meant and softly spoke to her. I told her how happy I was that she looked so well and healthy now. I continued on awhile and wanted to caress her face. I feared putting my hand through her, so I very gingerly traced her face. She closed her eyes in bliss like she would when she was alive. I don't know if that was in rememberance or she actually felt it.

I was so in awe and kept thanking Jesus that we were granted this special farewell. I told her how much I loved her and would miss her. I nervously glanced to see if anyone was noting my odd behavior. I wondered if my students noticed that or even saw her themselves. To my amazement everyone of them seemed focused on the paper on their desk like they were frozen. They weren't rigid, very relaxed really. But no one looked up or moved. No one was writing. They just sat in their seats looking down. Truly, I believe it was a moment out of time. There were other students and teachers also in that room. Not one stirred. Amazing!

Toffee became curious and turned to look around at the rest of the class. I told her, "Yes, this is where mommy goes each day when she leaves you at home." Again I glanced over to my students in awe of this moment in time. When I looked back, Toffee was gone. I wanted to run out into the hall and shout, "Come back!" I restrained myself and just thanked and praised God. In that moment frozen in time my utter grief changed to joy. Sure I was still hurting and missing my friend, but I had a glimpse of her eternity. She was healed and we'd just shared the most precious experience any woman and her furry buddy could ever experience. God answered my prayer. He'd heard me in those many nights, knew my grief, saw my hurt that now I'd lost Toffee,too, meant more unbearable grief. He knew my concern with what happened to our precious pets and showed me He had it all under control. Toffee was with Him.

I later found out this was about ten minutes after she'd been put to sleep. My husband assured me of the love and care involved and that she truly had been held in loving arms as she fell asleep. He shed some tears of his own over all this. But my story is not yet complete.

Some how I managed to fall asleep that night. About 2:45A.M. I was suddenly awakened. There was a lit screen-like vision in the air a little to my left. It was Jesus holding Toffee. I blurted oh, "Oh Toffee, you found Jesus. I didn't know you understood me." Me and big mouth. That was so dumb of me. Of course, Jesus had her all along. This was all under His control. He must get some good laughs at our blunders. I've never had the Lord visit me before that I know of anyway. I'm realizing the King of Kings, Lord of Lords is in my bedroom and there I am in bed. I start scrambling as I'm saying thank you over and over again. I'm trying to get free of the blankets and I'm all tangled up . Now I learned my lesson from that prior afternoon, don't you dare take your eyes off this vision for a second! I'm looking for all I'm worth still trying to get free of these blankets without looking at them. Finally, I sink to my knees beside my bed in awe drinking in this sight. Toffee and Jesus admiring each other, loving each other. A telepathic voice
speaks in my head. Our conversation is on that level. And finally, I hear "I will sing of your love forever." This vision slowly fades away. And my husband missed the whole vision experience soundly sleeping! You just missed Jesus!
But the it wasn't meant for him.

I run to my kitchen for the church bulletin and just as I believed there were the words to that song! I found a chair and sat down to let this roll over me for awhile. I reexamed every precious detail. It dawned on me that Jesus was holding Toffee in a blessing I've given others when writing notes to them. "May He hold you close to His side in the palm of His hand. Toffee was held in that blessing mode! His left side under His arm, closr to His heart and in the palm of His hand. Amazing! He's heard me or seen me write that at some point. (No I didn't see scars because Toffee would have covered that with her body. ( I knew someone would ask this question. He has blue eyes as best I could tell. There's a lot of glory around His face. Those eyes are so full of love that awash you in them. He's very handsome. While His hair is longer then most of our men here, it wasn't real long. He had a short chin beard. Both He and Toffee radiated love. I seemed to understand things not actually stated. I knew it wouldn't be much longer then (atleast in His timing-Ha!)

So you go tell your pet friends to find Jesus! But I have a hunch He's got them all in the palm of His hand. He's got it under control. They'll be coming too. Ask. Put in your recommendations and praise them. Tell Him what they mean to you. I believe love is all it takes. It's all about love!

I even asked Jesus later--since Toffee was stray when we found her. My youngest daughter begged to keep her. We never found her owner and from the way she was scared when my husband removed his belt one day, we believe she may have been abused and ran away. No collar but she'd been declawed. Obviously an expensive cat one wouldn't carelessly leave wandering around. We live near an interstate exit/entrance. Could she have wandered from a parked car? We'd always wondered. I asked Jesus if He'd loaned me His own personal cat knowing these troubles were coming? They were so happy to be together. They just went together. Another silly question. Of course, all the animals belong to Him. An angel cat?

We aren't cat people. I never would've gone looking for a cat. We were leary at first. She had to prove herself. Did she know what to do with a litter box? Ha. To my amazement we fitted so well together. She's one special cat.

I pray this story encourages those wondering about their pets. Jesus has a plan. Ask Him to bring your pet with you. For those missing beloved pets who have passed before you, rest assured you will see your friends again. Ask to meet them there. One post told us their job here is done. I believe it honors them and Jesus when we tell how special our pets are to us and what they've done for us. Tell Him these things so dear to your hearts and thank Him.

I'll close reminding you that your victory is won. Jesus is our victory. There's a beautiful praise song that is called The Victory Chant. Brothers and sisters I send love to all and will be looking for you at the big reunion. Praise God. May He hold you and your loved ones close to His heart , in the palm of His hand... the entire Rita gang and lurkers, too!

Thanks Lynn!


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