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Abnormal EKG - Please Say a Prayer....

Rita Family - I believe your prayers are truly working, in Darlene's situation with her niece, and in mine in that I just heard from my youngest daughter(40). But it's not news I would have ever dreamed of! YOU DON'T EVEN NEED TO POST ANYTHING, but would you please pray for her heart. Thank you so very much - Here is a portion of her message:

"I tore my ACL and am set to have surgery on April 2nd. They had me get an EKG first, which came back abnormal, so they had me get a second one, same thing. Now I'm being sent to the cardiologist on Monday an 10:30 am, then to pre-op at 2pm. I'll know then if my heart is strong enough for the surgery..."

Re: Abnormal EKG - Please Say a Prayer....

Praying right now, dear sister Kolleen.

Lifting your daughter up to the Great Physician, who can meet all of your daughter's, and your's, needs and concerns. May he give healing to your daughter, discerment and skill to her physicians, and bring peace of mind and comfort to both of you. In Jesus precious name, amen.

Re: Abnormal EKG - Please Say a Prayer....

Dear Kolleen,

I pray for your daughter, also, for total healing from the Lord, and that He will hold her in the palms of His Hands.

Just a note of encouragement: Before my 5 hour cancer surgery, I too had an abnormal EKG which showed enlargement in the left side of my heart, and I came out of it just fine, praise the Lord!! Put your daughter in the hands of the Great Physician. He is our healer.

Re: Abnormal EKG - Please Say a Prayer....

For both of you AbideinHim and Lisaleenie, love, thank you, and so much appreciation for the peace and comfort of your prayers. I know I posted this late, but also thank you so much to anyone else who has prayed but not posted. God bless you back mightily.

Re: Abnormal EKG - Please Say a Prayer....

Praying Kolleen!

Re: Abnormal EKG - Please Say a Prayer....

May our God send His peace to your youngest daughter, Kolleen . . Asking our Lord to bring close His ministering angels over her . . Praying to our Abba to guide, by His Spirit the surgeon's hands . . praying, sis, for your daughter's healing and blessed recovery . .

Re: Abnormal EKG - Please Say a Prayer....

Iam praying dear sis for your daughter and for you. I just got the same news a few weeks ago and I know these messages are hard to hear. Trust in the Lord for all you needs and the needs of your children.

Love ya................Lynn

Email: ljpoohbunny@insightbb.com

Re: Abnormal EKG - Please Say a Prayer....

I am praying.

Email: run_coulby@yahoo.com

Re: Abnormal EKG - Please Say a Prayer....

Re: Abnormal EKG - Please Say a Prayer....


Email: peacock@ubtanet.com

Re: Abnormal EKG - Please Say a Prayer....

Praying right now for you Kolleen

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