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Don't Despair. God Is In Love With His People


One week before Christmas in 1993, I had an extraordinary meeting with my Lord in the City of the Great King.

That morning I was reading the 91st Psalm in my daily bible study, and read that the Angels will carry you upon their hands, and that no evil will befall you. This scripture came to life for me in the afternoon.

Around 2:30 as I was going on my daily walk, my heart started to give me problems, and I became short of breath. Much of this is due to a heart problem that I encountered when I was 9 years old and was interned by the Japanese on the island of Sumatra in the years 1942-1945.

I had survived black water fever, but barely, and I am one of the few survivors of that camp in Bankinang, Indonesia.

I was immediately taken to the hospital by ambulance, and was given a blood thinner called Streptokinase, even after I had warned the doctors of my severe allergic reactions to a lot of medications and food additives.

I asked them to consult with my allergist who was treating me at that time.

They convinced my wife and I that there was no danger in taking this medication.

They administered it, and left the room.

Within minutes, I had an anaphylactic shock, which closed my throat so that I could no longer breath. I flat lined, indicating that my heart stopped beating. They called out a code Blue, and immediately started to work feverously on me to try to bring me back to life. In the meantime, I remember taking my last breath, and asked the Lord to take my spirit into His care, and immediately all anxiety and pain left me, and felt myself leaving the bed in perfect health.

I saw one of the nurses who was in charge of me crying, sitting in a corner of the room. Everyone allready assumed that I had passed on. I jumped in front of her and tried to touch her and show her that there was nothing wrong with me, and that I was quite all right, and very much alive.

The next thing I noticed that I found myself in the presence of three heavenly beings, in long flowing white robes, who where carrying me carefully upon their hands. I could however not make out their faces, as they gently carried me away.

Then I realized that I must have died, so I asked them where they were taking me. Now the language was an unspoken one, language proceeded by thought.
They informed me that they were instructed to take me to the City of the great King.

They treated me with great respect as if I was the Son of the King, or a Prince of Israel. I did not go through any tunnel, nor saw any family members, but was instantly transported to a City of Light, and was brought before the Great King, whom, I might add, treated me like a son coming home from battle. He showed intense emotions, and let me know that He was in love with me and all those who profess His Name. It was his desire to keep me there, but the decision to go back was mine, and I realized that I had much work to do for His Namesake.

I did go back with a heavy heart after He showed me off, and honored me, which I did not understand at the time, for I figured that I should be honoring Him!

When I finally came back to my body after 20 minutes, I saw a woman heart specialist who I had seen earlier, coming to my room, and I explained to her that had seen her in the extensive care room, as she was working on me, trying to revive me. She thought it was unusual since I was supposed to be gone, and showed no signs of life.

I had some brain damage, due to the lack of oxygen to my brain, and could not taste or smell for almost 3 years later. All this occurred around Christmas time, and I was released to go home, but where was home? I had no memory of the places where I had lived, and could not recognize one of my children. The Christmas lights where still on New Years Eve 1993, and when we finally arrived home, my wife explained that this is where I lived, and that I also owned another home, and two cars! I started to cry because of God's grace towards me.

My wife was informed by the doctor, that if I were to survive, I would most likely be in wheel chair and a vegetable. But due to a word of knowledge by one of the pastors in my church, I was told that I would smell and taste again, and have my brain function back.

Since that time I have witnessed to many people about God's great city awaiting all those who place their faith in Jesus, and the great place that He has been building for them. He is soon to come back for his own, at a time that we could not possibly realistically anticipate from a human standpoint. He is so eager to show all He has waiting for them and to show you off to His Heavenly Father. Many things I could not relate due to the fact that the reality of life up there is far grander than human words can express. To anyone who will find comfort in this message I say: God is IN LOVE with His people, and we are considered courageous by Angels, who are all around us at the command of the King. So don't despair, and lift up your head, for your deliverance is nearer than you think!


Re: Don't Despair. God Is In Love With His People

Thank You for this posting because I must admit to you that while I still believe in Yeshua but right now I almost stop believing His coming at this April 2010 because of "normality time" that we have this time. Everything seems normal. I know some mentioned BHO and else, but part of my heart always accused me of "too believe" about the rapture and challenge my believe which said like this "I guarantee you it will not happen this April or May 2010, you just wasted your time doing all these stufs". From that voice, I knew this was come from evil, so I rebuked it, but it still said to me "just look and see when it didn't happen, would you still do what you're doing right now?" Wow, I am very disturbed with that and rebuking this evil spirit several times to leave me alone in Yeshua and trust Him, He will surely come. But this voice has never gave up coming again saying "I know Yeshua will come surely but will it be in your time frame, what if it will take 20 years from now or 2060 like Newton said?" I rebuked this over and over again. So far I win in Yeshua's power becausse I'm pretty sure He will come but about the time, this part is really hard for me, part of my life wanted it to happen right now just because I realized some problems that would arise in just matter of months in my life but some other part of my life wanted it to be in longer time and as normal as today.
The point is this message works with me that Adonai is in love with His people and we must put our trust in Him, He is sufficient for us and will provide everything in our life. I must learn to lean on Adonai in every aspect of my life including my study and my life in this country.

May Yeshua takes us all home at the appointed time only by His grace and mercy to be forever with Him and His glorious joy beyond words fulfill each of us everyday of our live forever ...

Re: Don't Despair. God Is In Love With His People

Dearest Geneustace,

Whenever I feel discouraged, and I want to escape my life because of hardships, I talk to our Lord about this, and He impresses on me that even though I am not walking in His Kingdom in Heaven, I am walking in His Kingdom here on earth, and that I have access to all of His power while I am still on this earth.

He doles out His power in the form of different blessings as we need them in our lives. Our part is to learn how to accept whatever He gives us during those times of hardships. We may want something that we think will fix the whole matter, but from His standpoint He wants to use these times in our lives to bring us into the fullness of the stature of Christ that the Bible speaks about in Ephesians.

We have every spiritual blessing in the heavenly places right now. We are present in His Kingdom right now. We live and move and have our being in Him right now. We don't see all of them, nor can we enjoy all the streets of gold and heavenly mansions, but we are part of His Kingdom here, and we are occupying here until He comes. We are his Ambassadors to a lost and lonely world. Lights shining in the darkness.

We wait for Him to move in our lives and fix things according to His will and His timing. It is difficult, but that is what the Christian walk is all about. Waiting on Him to do for us what we cannot do for ourselves. That is faith in action.

The Lord bless you, and I will be praying for your situation.

Re: Don't Despair. God Is In Love With His People

I really enjoyed reading your post, HolyToTheLord. This is such an encouraging vision, a wonderful insight how much our God loves us.

During those times, we don't 'feel' His Love, and need assurance, this is a lovely post to read.

Last night, while I was praying, and meditating on our LORD . . . Abba Father impressed on my heart' Spirit to spirit, how MUCH our God cherishes His children STILL on earth.

Jesus deeply knows the darkness we face, every day til we're called HOME. His tender watch and care as our Shepherd is so dear to HIM over His own. He seemed to say, that we have no idea how truly MUCH He loves us.

Re: Don't Despair. God Is In Love With His People

Thank You very much, that's what You said is blessing for me. Thank You for Your praying for me and I pray too that Our Gracious Adonai will provide You with His Infinite Blessing spiritually and physically during the rest of our live on earth.

nb: that's why this Rita forum is very blessed, even though we don't know each other but we strengthen each other in Yeshua as this is what Our Lord Yeshua wants.

Thank You very much again, Your praying is such a blessing for me.

Re: Don't Despair. God Is In Love With His People

Thank you sooooo much for a beautifull story.This
vessel needed to read this.As my sweet man passed away
one month ago today.His ministry was talking to
Muslims.Across America.In different Truck Stops.
Thank you again.
God bless you,

Re: Don't Despair. God Is In Love With His People

Thank you sooooo much for a beautifull story.This vessel needed to read this.As my sweet man passed away one month ago today.

for you, sweet sister Star. Our Lord can fill up all of the empty & broken places.

Keep looking up at those angels.

Re: Don't Despair. God Is In Love With His People


Can you imagine the reception that your dear sweet husband received when he was welcomed home by Jesus. It won't be long until you will be seeing him again.

My Mother was killed by a drunk driver in 1990. It was the hardest thing I have ever had to live through. She was my best friend. It does get easier over time. It took me 2 years to 'feel' like I might be okay. My prayers are with you. Our Savior bless you in every way possible.

Re: Don't Despair. God Is In Love With His People

God is IN LOVE with His people, and we are considered courageous by Angels, who are all around us at the command of the King. So don't despair, and lift up your head, for your deliverance is nearer than you think!

HTTL, It is a comfort to know that our Lord's angels are around us. I have been thinking a lot about the angels that minister here after reading WC's post last week.

It makes since that they are surrounding us because we are His temple here on earth and the angels are here to serve Him. It is easy to believe that the angels would be here serving our Lord, it is incredible to believe that they are here looking out for us because God loves us!!

Star, Praying for you. What a blessing for your husband to be able to serve our Lord in this way, witnessing to Muslims. Wish I could give you a big hug!!

Re: Don't Despair. God Is In Love With His People

Holy To the Lord, thanks for posting this man's testimony. It was a real lift to me this morning. As many have said on here you get tired and worn down by the daily battles, fatigued and discouraged. I was really touched by this to the point of tears.
This is such a refreshing word:

To anyone who will find comfort in this message I say: God is IN LOVE with His people, and we are considered courageous by Angels, who are all around us at the command of the King. So don't despair, and lift up your head, for your deliverance is nearer than you think!

It is a word in due season and as Proverbs says, "like apples of gold in settings of silver".
HTTL, I am so sorry to hear about your mom. I know you are eager to see her again and maybe it will be very soon. I really believe based on what we are seeing that 2010 is the year.

Re: Don't Despair. God Is In Love With His People

Oh, Texas Sue, I know I can speak for all of us that are watching and waiting for our Bridegroom's return, I so hope that you are right! If not, we will still watch...we will still wait...until we see His face. All of us that love His appearing are anxiously waiting for His soon return. Come quickly, Lord Jesus, come quickly.

Re: Don't Despair. God Is In Love With His People

They treated me with great respect as if I was the Son of the King, or a Prince of Israel. I did not go through any tunnel, nor saw any family members, but was instantly transported to a City of Light, and was brought before the Great King, whom, I might add, treated me like a son coming home from battle. He showed intense emotions, and let me know that He was in love with me and all those who profess His Name. It was his desire to keep me there, but the decision to go back was mine, and I realized that I had much work to do for His Namesake.

"treated me like a son coming home from battle". What a reception he received from the Lord. How wonderful. It will be so good just to be home but to receive a royal welcome........hard to wrap my brain around that one.

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