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Red Flags of DECEPTION

Recently I have wondered what some signs of deception might be. I shared in a prayer request how my son is using new age false teaching to lead followers astray on facebook. I'm sure this is not a complete list, and maybe additions can be made to it, but this is what I found. Hope it is helpful to anyone questioning the same:

Red Flags of Deception

The following is a list of ‘Red Flags’ that are symptoms of deception in a person or group.

1. Spiritual elitism. This is the root of many delusions. Any kind of elitist belief is a certain indication of deception. Elitism is the belief that God has given a certain group special revelation/power/anointing that other Christian groups or previous generations have not entered into. They are on the spiritual cutting-edge, rising to spiritual levels not attained by other groups. It’s often dressed up as super anointed end-time warriors. Elitism is seen today in the ‘this-is-the-greatest-generation-ever’ kind of preaching we often hear. It can be found in the need to search out so-called ‘deeper’ truths and discover new, hidden mystical insights.

2. A tendency to marginalize the written Word. Watch out for any talk that plays down devotion to Scripture, such as “God is bigger than the Bible” or “God is doing a new thing, so put away your Bibles.” Marginalizing the written Word can take many forms:

a) Ignoring the Word.

b) Disregarding the Word. A careless attitude towards obedience. Any teaching that plays down our requirement to be doers of the Word is a sure sign of delusion.

c) Deceived groups that marginalize the Word are often those who have an emphasis on prophecy. Beware of any emphasis on the revelatory, prophetic word, where there is a sidelining of the written Word. We are not to despise prophecy, but the real meat of the Word that nourishes the saints and builds them up in the faith is the written Word of God.

d) “Fools despise knowledge.” Any kind of talk that does not give the Word the high regard it is due, effectively marginalizes the Word and is a sure sign that deception is at work in the group.

3. Neglect of private prayer time.

4. Disdain for Berean spirited searching of the scriptures. Any kind of anti-Berean, anti-discernment teaching that discourages people from questioning what is going on or being taught is a sure sign of deception. If you ever hear the leadership of your church group say anything along the lines of “put away your Bibles”, or “don’t worry about being deceived”, then head for the exit as fast as you can.

5. An inability to separate Godly criticism of their words from personal attack. Such leaders may often talk about the ‘Jezebel spirit’ and the ‘accuser of the brethren’ and warn people about moving in a fault finding or critical spirit. What they are driving at is that if you question what is going on, or challenge what is being taught, you are being critical and run the risk of incurring the Lord’s disfavor.

6. Lack of accountability. One common trait among the new wave of apostles and prophets rising to prominence these days is that they do not like to be held accountable for their teachings and failed prophecies. Any criticism of their teachings and prophetic utterances is taken as an attack against their ministry.

7. Discernment primarily the prerogative of leadership. A tendency to see discernment as a special gift or anointing not available to everyone to the same degree, or that increases with higher spiritual office. Believers are not encouraged to trust their own discernment, or are encouraged only so long as it agrees with the overall word as set forth by the leaders.

8. Any form of Mystery Religion. A mystery religion is a religion that has successive levels of knowledge and ‘deeper’ truths, which are not necessarily available to all, at least not at first. Those in higher levels will know things not revealed, nor available, to lower levels. A new ‘believer’ comes in on the ground floor, and then progresses up through successive levels of spiritual understanding and empowerment as he is introduced to the ‘deeper’ truths.

9. Heightened interest with spiritual levels and rankings. Higher ‘spiritual’ rank is equated with greater closeness to God. Gifts and callings are typically ranked, and those higher in rank are seen as closer to God in some practical way, such as hearing from God more frequently and being more privy to God’s inner secrets. Those on higher spiritual levels have a privileged access to God that is not available to those holding lesser callings.

10. Heightened interest in dreams, visions, new revelations - this may not necessarily be explicitly stated in their Creed, and they may claim to believe the Bible as the Word of God. But in actual practice dreams, visions and revelations are preferred over sound Bible teaching and exposition of the basics.

11. An increase in personal ‘prophetic’ words and ‘revelation’ for guidance and direction. Seeking the mystical ‘inner voice’ as guide over the written Word.

12. Detractors are dismissed as having inferior vision. They see anyone who is also in tune with the Divine will agree with them. Detractors are obviously "not in tune with God" and have inferior vision. It is a defensiveness which is very difficult to penetrate, because they are convinced that detractors don’t have the same level of anointing or discernment as they have. They dismiss any criticism of their teaching or conduct as bitterness, jealousy or fault finding, while they themselves feel they have very sharp spiritual perception. People are truly discerning only as long as they support their movement.

13. Dismissive attitude towards detractors. Detractors given derogatory labels, such as ‘religious’, ‘old order’, ‘old wineskins’, or ‘Pharisees’. Detractors denounced as not being able to ‘handle it’, or they have a ‘Jezebel spirit’, or a ‘spirit of criticism’. They are said to be ‘accusers of the brethren’, that sort of thing. Threats of God’s judgment on detractors and critics are a sure sign of a cultic mindset and delusion.

14. A ‘get-on-board-or-else’ mentality. A fear that you’ll miss God’s new move and be left behind if you don’t join up. God is doing a new thing and if you do not go along with it, regardless of how long you’ve been faithfully serving God over the years, God will pass you by and you’ll get left in the dust.

15. New thing-ism! God is doing a ‘new thing’ and you’d better get with it. There is now a further requirement if you want to remain a first class Christian and in God’s highest favour, which is to be a part of the new thing represented by the group. If you don’t come along, you run the risk of God passing you by.

16. A special anointing. A certain person or group has been anointed by God to introduce something to the rest of the Body. God has given it to them, and other believers can come to them to ‘get it.’

17. A priesthood. Placing a person or group in an exalted status with God, so that they become special intermediaries, is a sure sign of delusion. False movements and false religions invariable try to interject some kind of priesthood between the believer and God. This is seen whenever a person or group claims to have received something from God that can then be received from their hands. They become an intermediary between you and Jesus Christ if you want more of God, and people are encouraged to go to the ‘anointed’ of the Lord to get it.

18. “Don’t think about it, just jump in” type of teaching that encourages people to throw caution to the wind. Encouraging followers not to worry or think things through, that God won’t allow them to be deceived. Just jump in before it’s too late or you may miss the boat.

19. Glorification of the vessel. An excessive focus on the ‘anointed’ person of God.

20. Old Testament ‘typed’ anointing. (A ‘Phineas’ anointing. The mantle of Elijah, etc.)

21. An excited interest in subjects not central to the gospel. A de-emphasis on the central themes of the gospel. They claim to agree with the gospel, but the bulk of their teaching, writing and prophetic messages show a greater interest in peripheral topics, novel insights and new revelation.

22. May talk unity, but bring division.

23. Watch out for leaders who love to surround themselves with minions who affirm their special anointing.

24. More interest in breaking through to new levels and remaking the church along new lines rather than reaching the lost with the good news of Jesus Christ.

25. False spirits love to show off and love center stage. They love to parade highly subjective impressions and insights that cannot be proved or disproved one way or the other is a real “Red Flag”.

26. Conference chasing. Running from place to place to meet God. There is a whole generation of believers now who are bored with ‘quiet time’ alone with God, who don’t know how to meet God in the prayer closet.

27. The ‘anointed’ leader has a privileged access, a hot relationship, with God that the rest have yet to attain. They get angelic visitations, dramatic visions and prophetic insights, and they publish ‘prophetic bulletins’ to keep others abreast with what God is doing. Because the apostles and prophets are in such a privileged position of receiving the latest hot word from God, the rest are reduced to second hand status, anxiously awaiting the latest prophetic bulletin. Watch for groups that tend to place emphasis on the leaders anointing or relationship with God. This results in Christians running to conferences for a ‘fresh touch’ from those who seem to have ‘it’.

28. The Holy Spirit is seen more as coming to bring an experience rather than to give a greater understanding of the Scripture.

29. A tendency to distinguish between people who accept their movement as a true move of God and those who don’t.

30. Beware of any anti-intellectual position, such as the belief that exercising the mind will hinder the Holy Spirit, is a real indication of deception. A careful reading of the Word tells us the truth: God will inform the mind to convince the heart. Jesus often did offend the Pharisee’s – by telling them the truth! The Holy Spirit leads people to Christ by shining the light of God’s Word into their minds and convicting them of its truth.

Re: Red Flags of DECEPTION

Thanks for this, Kolleen.

Re: Red Flags of DECEPTION

Very Very good Koleen...and true... thank you so much. I hope this stays at the top of the page so I can reference to it ( I still need ot read the rest of it too)

Re: Red Flags of DECEPTION

I would like to add to the list.

Many are saying that we need to change the music to "attract" new believers and the young ones.
What happened to Holy Spirit drawing them in?
Man has replaced the Lord with programs, schedules and conferences with hyped music to attract the masses.

Give me "The Old Rugged Cross" any day.

Re: Red Flags of DECEPTION

I believe that this is a very good guideline - even worth printing off and studying all the points.

Document found here: http://scatteredsheep.wordpress.com/the-red-flags-of-deception/

Re: Red Flags of DECEPTION

In the name of JESUS.With the authority in LK.10:19.
This vessel takes authority over this desception.And in Jesus name,command's it to be stopped.Lord I lift
a standard against this desception.That Lord you will turn it around for your GLORY.I plede the BLOOD of
JESUS over this prayer.
In JESUS name,

Re: Red Flags of DECEPTION

Hi everybody

TN, thanks back to you! Donna - hope you'll post another picture - I don't like to miss them!! Joyful Susan, that would have to take a whole lot of bumps!! Daffodil, great point well taken. We are pulled these days from every side even in our churches with the demands of life!

TerribleSwiftSword, thank you and just to clarify, I did not include everything from the whole article to lessen the length, as it was pretty wordy. That was the article of the link you posted, but was not where I got it from.

Thanks for all your encouragement that you believe it is worth referencing. Blessings

Re: Red Flags of DECEPTION

Thank you Kolleen! This was a very helpful and informative message.

I think this thread should be a sticky!! We need to refer to it from time to time.

Re: Red Flags of DECEPTION

Thank you Kolleen. I have prayed for a long time how to write about this very subject; the Lord has answered my prayer with your post.


Email: angela.shaver@earthlink.net

Re: Red Flags of DECEPTION

Thank You for this beautiful message Kollen.

In the core is that I can understand from this is:
1. Build your own prayer time, closet prayer time.
2. Have a close relationship with YHWH, our Father in Heaven personally. That means you and me, each of us, and not make yourself dependable on somebody or any institution's prophecy.
3. Use your mind accordingly to every Word of Yahweh written in the Bible to see what is going on in the surface of every church every time.
4. Start always critical thinking of what is going on everytime you get the news of every prophecy.

I realize some have used "mentally game" to promote "personal emotion" to act quickly at the time of offering in their service.
"If you believe, this will be tripled, or something like that, so act right now, if you have God's telling you"

Then I am happy Yeshua has risen and we still have more time on earth so more time for unbelievers to come to know about the truth
At least now we're almost over with April 4 2010, meaning the next watch is Pentacost.
May Yeshua takes us all home at the appointed time only by His grace and mercy to be forever with Him and His glorious joy beyond words fulfill each of us everyday of our life.

Re: Red Flags of DECEPTION

Thanks, Kolleen. Such an important thread!

Re: Red Flags of DECEPTION

A MILLION thanks , Kolleen !
All take heed !
Great Warning Post !!!!
Bless you today as you WATCH , Sis !!!
Jesus Is LORD !

Re: Red Flags of DECEPTION

Thanks everyone for your comments - I just found this additional information in an old booklet I have, that may also be helpful in discerning between different voices:

When the Lord Speaks, the following is evident:

1. An inward knowing: 1Cor 2:13
2. Peace: Jn 14:27
3. Trust: Prov 3:5-6
4. Confidence Assurance: Is 30:15
5. Agreement with the word of God: 2Peter 1:19
6. Confirmation: 2Cor 13:1
7. Clarity: 2Cor 1:20

When the devil or evil spirit speaks, the following is evident:

1. Doubt, fear, discomfort: 2Tim 1:7 Ro 8:15-16
2. Conflict, restlessness, no peace: James 3:14-18 Is 48:22
3. Questioning, wondering: Ro 14:23
4. Lack of clarity,Confusion: James 3:16 1Cor 14:33
5. Negation of the Lord's commands: Genesis 3:4 Matt 13:19,24-30
6. Lordship of Christ denied, discounted: 1Jn 4:1-6
7. Condemnation, guilt, discouragement: Ro 8:1 1 Jn 3:20 Rev 12:10

When the flesh/self speaks, the following is evident:

1. Hesitation: Ro 8 5-7, 26-27
2. Deception: Jer 17:9-10 Heb 5:12
3. Double-mindedness: James 1:8 Matthew 6:22-23 Matt 6:33 Phil 2:13 Jn 14:16, 16:13
4. Unregenerate desires: James 1:13-16 Ro 6:1-4


Re: Red Flags of DECEPTION

Recently I have wondered what some signs of deception might be. I shared in a prayer request how my son is using new age false teaching to lead followers astray on facebook. I'm sure this is not a complete list, and maybe additions can be made to it, but this is what I found. Hope it is helpful to anyone questioning the same:

Red Flags of Deception

The following is a list of ‘Red Flags’ that are symptoms of deception in a person or group.

1. Spiritual elitism. This is the root of many delusions. Any kind of elitist belief is a certain indication of deception. Elitism is the belief that God has given a certain group special revelation/power/anointing that other Christian groups or previous generations have not entered into. They are on the spiritual cutting-edge, rising to spiritual levels not attained by other groups. It’s often dressed up as super anointed end-time warriors. Elitism is seen today in the ‘this-is-the-greatest-generation-ever’ kind of preaching we often hear. It can be found in the need to search out so-called ‘deeper’ truths and discover new, hidden mystical insights.

2. A tendency to marginalize the written Word. Watch out for any talk that plays down devotion to Scripture, such as “God is bigger than the Bible” or “God is doing a new thing, so put away your Bibles.” Marginalizing the written Word can take many forms:

a) Ignoring the Word.

b) Disregarding the Word. A careless attitude towards obedience. Any teaching that plays down our requirement to be doers of the Word is a sure sign of delusion.

c) Deceived groups that marginalize the Word are often those who have an emphasis on prophecy. Beware of any emphasis on the revelatory, prophetic word, where there is a sidelining of the written Word. We are not to despise prophecy, but the real meat of the Word that nourishes the saints and builds them up in the faith is the written Word of God.

d) “Fools despise knowledge.” Any kind of talk that does not give the Word the high regard it is due, effectively marginalizes the Word and is a sure sign that deception is at work in the group.

3. Neglect of private prayer time.

4. Disdain for Berean spirited searching of the scriptures. Any kind of anti-Berean, anti-discernment teaching that discourages people from questioning what is going on or being taught is a sure sign of deception. If you ever hear the leadership of your church group say anything along the lines of “put away your Bibles”, or “don’t worry about being deceived”, then head for the exit as fast as you can.

5. An inability to separate Godly criticism of their words from personal attack. Such leaders may often talk about the ‘Jezebel spirit’ and the ‘accuser of the brethren’ and warn people about moving in a fault finding or critical spirit. What they are driving at is that if you question what is going on, or challenge what is being taught, you are being critical and run the risk of incurring the Lord’s disfavor.

6. Lack of accountability. One common trait among the new wave of apostles and prophets rising to prominence these days is that they do not like to be held accountable for their teachings and failed prophecies. Any criticism of their teachings and prophetic utterances is taken as an attack against their ministry.

7. Discernment primarily the prerogative of leadership. A tendency to see discernment as a special gift or anointing not available to everyone to the same degree, or that increases with higher spiritual office. Believers are not encouraged to trust their own discernment, or are encouraged only so long as it agrees with the overall word as set forth by the leaders.

8. Any form of Mystery Religion. A mystery religion is a religion that has successive levels of knowledge and ‘deeper’ truths, which are not necessarily available to all, at least not at first. Those in higher levels will know things not revealed, nor available, to lower levels. A new ‘believer’ comes in on the ground floor, and then progresses up through successive levels of spiritual understanding and empowerment as he is introduced to the ‘deeper’ truths.

9. Heightened interest with spiritual levels and rankings. Higher ‘spiritual’ rank is equated with greater closeness to God. Gifts and callings are typically ranked, and those higher in rank are seen as closer to God in some practical way, such as hearing from God more frequently and being more privy to God’s inner secrets. Those on higher spiritual levels have a privileged access to God that is not available to those holding lesser callings.

10. Heightened interest in dreams, visions, new revelations - this may not necessarily be explicitly stated in their Creed, and they may claim to believe the Bible as the Word of God. But in actual practice dreams, visions and revelations are preferred over sound Bible teaching and exposition of the basics.

11. An increase in personal ‘prophetic’ words and ‘revelation’ for guidance and direction. Seeking the mystical ‘inner voice’ as guide over the written Word.

12. Detractors are dismissed as having inferior vision. They see anyone who is also in tune with the Divine will agree with them. Detractors are obviously "not in tune with God" and have inferior vision. It is a defensiveness which is very difficult to penetrate, because they are convinced that detractors don’t have the same level of anointing or discernment as they have. They dismiss any criticism of their teaching or conduct as bitterness, jealousy or fault finding, while they themselves feel they have very sharp spiritual perception. People are truly discerning only as long as they support their movement.

13. Dismissive attitude towards detractors. Detractors given derogatory labels, such as ‘religious’, ‘old order’, ‘old wineskins’, or ‘Pharisees’. Detractors denounced as not being able to ‘handle it’, or they have a ‘Jezebel spirit’, or a ‘spirit of criticism’. They are said to be ‘accusers of the brethren’, that sort of thing. Threats of God’s judgment on detractors and critics are a sure sign of a cultic mindset and delusion.

14. A ‘get-on-board-or-else’ mentality. A fear that you’ll miss God’s new move and be left behind if you don’t join up. God is doing a new thing and if you do not go along with it, regardless of how long you’ve been faithfully serving God over the years, God will pass you by and you’ll get left in the dust.

15. New thing-ism! God is doing a ‘new thing’ and you’d better get with it. There is now a further requirement if you want to remain a first class Christian and in God’s highest favour, which is to be a part of the new thing represented by the group. If you don’t come along, you run the risk of God passing you by.

16. A special anointing. A certain person or group has been anointed by God to introduce something to the rest of the Body. God has given it to them, and other believers can come to them to ‘get it.’

17. A priesthood. Placing a person or group in an exalted status with God, so that they become special intermediaries, is a sure sign of delusion. False movements and false religions invariable try to interject some kind of priesthood between the believer and God. This is seen whenever a person or group claims to have received something from God that can then be received from their hands. They become an intermediary between you and Jesus Christ if you want more of God, and people are encouraged to go to the ‘anointed’ of the Lord to get it.

18. “Don’t think about it, just jump in” type of teaching that encourages people to throw caution to the wind. Encouraging followers not to worry or think things through, that God won’t allow them to be deceived. Just jump in before it’s too late or you may miss the boat.

19. Glorification of the vessel. An excessive focus on the ‘anointed’ person of God.

20. Old Testament ‘typed’ anointing. (A ‘Phineas’ anointing. The mantle of Elijah, etc.)

21. An excited interest in subjects not central to the gospel. A de-emphasis on the central themes of the gospel. They claim to agree with the gospel, but the bulk of their teaching, writing and prophetic messages show a greater interest in peripheral topics, novel insights and new revelation.

22. May talk unity, but bring division.

23. Watch out for leaders who love to surround themselves with minions who affirm their special anointing.

24. More interest in breaking through to new levels and remaking the church along new lines rather than reaching the lost with the good news of Jesus Christ.

25. False spirits love to show off and love center stage. They love to parade highly subjective impressions and insights that cannot be proved or disproved one way or the other is a real “Red Flag”.

26. Conference chasing. Running from place to place to meet God. There is a whole generation of believers now who are bored with ‘quiet time’ alone with God, who don’t know how to meet God in the prayer closet.

27. The ‘anointed’ leader has a privileged access, a hot relationship, with God that the rest have yet to attain. They get angelic visitations, dramatic visions and prophetic insights, and they publish ‘prophetic bulletins’ to keep others abreast with what God is doing. Because the apostles and prophets are in such a privileged position of receiving the latest hot word from God, the rest are reduced to second hand status, anxiously awaiting the latest prophetic bulletin. Watch for groups that tend to place emphasis on the leaders anointing or relationship with God. This results in Christians running to conferences for a ‘fresh touch’ from those who seem to have ‘it’.

28. The Holy Spirit is seen more as coming to bring an experience rather than to give a greater understanding of the Scripture.

29. A tendency to distinguish between people who accept their movement as a true move of God and those who don’t.

30. Beware of any anti-intellectual position, such as the belief that exercising the mind will hinder the Holy Spirit, is a real indication of deception. A careful reading of the Word tells us the truth: God will inform the mind to convince the heart. Jesus often did offend the Pharisee’s – by telling them the truth! The Holy Spirit leads people to Christ by shining the light of God’s Word into their minds and convicting them of its truth.

Re: Red Flags of DECEPTION

Bookmarked it,thanks!

Email: skyjams2002@yahoo.com

Re: Red Flags of DECEPTION

Didn't want this thread to slip away just yet. This is timely.

Now the Spirit speaketh expressly, that in the latter times some shall depart from the faith, giving heed to seducing spirits, and doctrines of devils; Speaking lies in hypocrisy; having their conscience seared with a hot iron. I Timothy 4:1,2.

Beloved, believe not every spirit, but try the spirits whether they are of God: because many false prophets are gone out into the world. I John 4:1.

And then if any man shall say to you, Lo, here is Christ; or, lo, he is there; believe him NOT: For FALSE CHRISTS and FALSE PROPHETS SHALL RISE, and shall shew signs and wonders, to seduce, if it were possible, even the elect. But take ye heed: behold, I have foretold you all things. Mark 13:21-23.

Re: Red Flags of DECEPTION

most EXCELLENT post.. should be a sticky!!
may JESUS bless u Kollen!

Re: Red Flags of DECEPTION


Re: Red Flags of DECEPTION
Re: Red Flags of DECEPTION

Thanks again everyone!

As far as making this a sticky, I have no idea what constitutes making something eligible for that.

When I made the post, it never entered my mind as far as it being a sticky, because I was searching on it mainly because of my son, and secondly for Rita. So, anything beyond that, I know nothing about, but I appreciate knowing that it has been helpful to several of you, as it is to me!


Re: Red Flags of DECEPTION


This past post has the rest of Kolleen's message on the red flags of deception that have been stickied already. Symptoms of deception in a person or group. So worthy of our notice as we live in an age of deception like never before now. So continuing with a lesson on deception here....

Re: Red Flags of DECEPTION

Daffodil>> "Give me "The Old Rugged Cross" any day."

I'm with you on that, Daffodil. Great thread! Thanks everyone.

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