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We are still here

So we are still here. But thanks to Tom's thread(has anyone missed his "God's Countdown to the Rapture"?) and all the wonderful additions to it, I find renewed hope.

Much as I didn’t like reading at first, of Tom’s suggestion that Pentecost might be the day we have all been/are waiting for, (it is after all, farther off), it does fit in with a lot of what scripture has taught us.

It’s been awhile since I’ve read about 2nd First Fruits, so please correct me if I’m wrong, but wasn’t it first initiated by Moses in order to make allowance/provide a second chance, for those of Israel who for reasons of distance or ceremonial uncleaness were unable to participate in the 1st First Fruits?

If so, that jumps out at me emphasizing yet AGAIN how much the Lord makes the effort to draw people IN to His circle of love rather than seeking ways to cut them out. Remember the wonderful story of the Prodigal Son? (Can’t believe I typed “wonderful” as I never did like that parable as I always connected with the elder brother). Well, wasn’t the younger/prodigal son the perfect example of the one who is unclean and in a place FAR FROM HIS FATHER? There is NO WAY that young man (or anyone else who is spiritually far from God)could have celebrated First Fruits for he was living with pigs (unclean) and in a far away country (nowhere near the temple of God or clean enough to enter into even its outer courts).

Yet when that young man recognized the error of his ways and was READY TO ACKNOWLEDGE THEM AND MAKE AMENDS TO HIS FATHER, he started on the road back home.

And who was out there watching and hoping for his return? His loving father! Knowing this is a picture of our Father’s love for us, and His willingness to not only forgive us but also to celebrate our return to Him, I see Pentecost/2nd First Fruits as that second chance offered to those who weren’t ready the first time. Our Lord is a God of incredible understanding and forgiveness – hence His willingness to provide not only the sacrifice needed to cleanse us of our sins, but He even takes into account the need to accommodate the late and wayward prodigals. (Which is another reason He goes to such great lengths to reach out to the lost even during the Tribulation.) Being the good Father who KNOWS His children, He has made provision for their/our return – late and undeserved though it may be in the eyes of the ‘righteous’ older son.

Each of us here at RITA experiences disappointment when dates come and go without Christ’s return for His own, but isn’t it just like our heavenly Father to be out there scanning the horizon to make sure no one who is seeking reconciliation is left behind at the rapture?

Father isn’t going to allow the great gathering up until the last possible moment, so while we may be impatient, we can comfort ourselves in knowing that when the big day finally arrives, it will be an even BIGGER celebration precisely because Father‘s love will have made it possible for several more to be welcomed home.

Re: We are still here

New Creation
It’s been awhile since I’ve read about 2nd First Fruits, so please correct me if I’m wrong, but wasn’t it first initiated by Moses in order to make allowance/provide a second chance, for those of Israel who for reasons of distance or ceremonial uncleaness were unable to participate in the 1st First Fruits?

Yes, New Creation. 2nd Passover is on the full moon at the end of this month — April 28th. Shavuot (Pentecost) is between May 19th – 23rd depending on the calendar.

Not much longer to wait & see.

Don't forget that the prodigal wasn't just allowed into the "Outer Courts"... His father threw the banquet for him with his best & gave him rewards inside the house!


Also, checkout the parable of the Workers:

Jesus also told the parable of the workers in the vineyard in which each laborer got the same wages even though each had worked a different number of hours (Matthew 20:1-16).

Matthew 20:1-16

The Parable of the Workers in the Vineyard

1 “For the kingdom of heaven is like a landowner who went out early in the morning to hire laborers for his vineyard.

2 Now when he had agreed with the laborers for a denarius a day, he sent them into his vineyard.

3 And he went out about the third hour and saw others standing idle in the marketplace,

4 and said to them, ‘You also go into the vineyard, and whatever is right I will give you.’ So they went.

5 Again he went out about the sixth and the ninth hour, and did likewise.

6 And about the eleventh hour he went out and found others standing idle, and said to them, ‘Why have you been standing here idle all day?’

7 They said to him, ‘Because no one hired us.’ He said to them, ‘You also go into the vineyard, and whatever is right you will receive.’

8 “So when evening had come, the owner of the vineyard said to his steward, ‘Call the laborers and give them their wages, beginning with the last to the first.’

9 And when those came who were hired about the eleventh hour, they each received a denarius.

10 But when the first came, they supposed that they would receive more; and they likewise received each a denarius.

11 And when they had received it, they complained against the landowner,

12 saying, ‘These last men have worked only one hour, and you made them equal to us who have borne the burden and the heat of the day.’

13 But he answered one of them and said, ‘Friend, I am doing you no wrong. Did you not agree with me for a denarius?

14 Take what is yours and go your way. I wish to give to this last man the same as to you.

15 Is it not lawful for me to do what I wish with my own things? Or is your eye evil because I am good?’

16 So the last will be first, and the first last. For many are called, but few chosen.”


I don't think the returning prodigals will be confined to the Outer Courts for eternity. That's contrary to these two parables.

I know that's tough to swallow for those who have remained faithful. But, I think it shows the mercy in God's character. He forgives when no one deserves it.

Re: We are still here

Thank you TN Dove for your post.

I must have marbles in my mouth - this (and other posts of last week) and I guess I'm going to have to stop posting - seems I can't make my thoughts clear and I don't want to mislead anyone.

Sorry- didn't mean to imply prodigals would be kept at a distance, I was trying to say that being unclean wouldn't permit someone to approach the temple(even the outer court?) - let alone the Holy of Holies.

Thank you for reminding us how generous our Father is.

Re: We are still here

Good word, New Creation!

Reminds me of one of my favorite verses:

Be patient therefore, brethren, unto the coming of the Lord. Behold, the husbandman waiteth for the precious fruit of the earth, and hath long patience for it, until he receive the early and latter rain. James 5:7

The Lord is not slack concerning his promise, as some men count slackness; but is longsuffering to us-ward, not willing that any should perish, but that all should come to repentance. 2 Peter 3:9

Repentance IS the key, even in the parable of the prodigal son. The Lord is long-suffering and is waiting for a contrite heart and a return to Him for those, His wayward children, while there is yet time. In a little while it will be too late, and they will be left behind if they do not heed His word, however, for I don't believe He will take those whose heart's a hardened to Him. Just as the days of Noah and Lot, and as Jesus says in the Word, narrow is the gate AND the way that leadeth unto life, and few find it. We are only saved by Your Grace, Oh Gracious and Loving Lord Jesus!!

Re: We are still here

Gotcha. Sorry, still on 1st cup of coffee here.

It seems that many have been talking about various forms of a "heaven purgatory" lately. That doesn't line up with the word. I choose the word, even when it hurts or doesn't make sense to us yet.

Oh, & PLEASE don't stop posting. Everyone's input is valuable.

Re: We are still here

Repentance IS the key, even in the parable of the prodigal son.

I so agree, Mel. The thing is — it's a continual process for all of us. Just when I think I have one area under control, another pops up. His word is the best plumbline.

I've been digging deep into Leviticus & Numbers this month & LOVING it. I've never done those books before. Yippee for progress for once. I'm a bit ADD, & have a tough time reading for long stretches.

Re: We are still here

TN Dove
Repentance IS the key, even in the parable of the prodigal son.

I so agree, Mel. The thing is — it's a continual process for all of us. Just when I think I have one area under control, another pops up. His word is the best plumbline.

Amen, Kerry~ this is the evidence of our faith and the working of the Holy Spirit in our lives, with whom we have been sealed for the day of redemption! Praise God! May he bless your studies of His Word~

Re: We are still here

I don't think the returning prodigals will be confined to the Outer Courts for eternity. That's contrary to these two parables.

I know that's tough to swallow for those who have remained faithful. But, I think it shows the mercy in God's character. He forgives when no one deserves it.

AMEN! It's not tough for me to swallow~ I KNOW who I was and the wretchedness that I was entirely when HE called me to Him. I'm not in this for any title or rewards at all~ I'm in it for HIM ALONE!!! HE IS THE REWARD, JUST HIM!!!!

We love Him because He first loved us and gave His life as a ransom for many!

Re: We are still here

New Creation
That jumps out at me emphasizing yet AGAIN how much the Lord makes the effort to draw people IN to His circle of love rather than seeking ways to cut them out.


Re: We are still here

AMEN! It's not tough for me to swallow~ I KNOW who I was and the wretchedness that I was entirely when HE called me to Him. I'm not in this for any title or rewards at all~ I'm in it for HIM ALONE!!! HE IS THE REWARD, JUST HIM!!!!

We love Him because He first loved us and gave His life as a ransom for many!

Me either, Mel. It's probably why I have more compassion on others who are still struggling & knee deep in their mess. The Lord let me wallow like a pig for a long while, too. Not fun.

Thank God for His forgiveness!

Re: We are still here

Dear Brothers and Sisters,

I just love the story of the prodigal son, for it is a story that parallels many. It is a story of the Fathers love.

It has that twist in the sense that the son that was loyal to the father felt rejected, many can sympathise with the older son. And this is where the underlining theme of grace and mercy lies, undeserving blessings.

I have read a story that says, would the prodigal have come home if his money or fortunes changed. The answer as you may guess would be no

The parable is a very deep parable with many underling topics, the deeper you dig into to it the more parallels you can draw. Basically it is all about the Father, not the son. His never ending love for his child. And this is the direct comparison between Jesus and us.

To fully understand the parable you must understand the Jewish laws and customs of the day. The family unit was everything, and a break away from the family was seen as the ultimate rejection. And the path the son took, spending the families’ money, sexual encounters etc. The son had become unclean in the vilest way. And not only that, because he had family blood lines, he had dragged his family down by discrediting them by his own actions.

We are Gods children, loved and adored. Picture if you will going to God and asking for your inheritance. The son in the parable within the first few paragraphs had shamed his Father, but what did the Father do? He gave it to him and blessed him.

And so the story continues, the son’s life though happy, started the downward spiral. In the process his actions went against everything that he was taught, everything that was Holy. Basically he had become of this world. The same as us before we knew Jesus.

I find it interesting how humans are no different from when time began till now. When life shines its worldly fortunes upon you, we do not think deep, feel close to God. The other story of the rich man comes to mind. So the son continued in his mire.
Then the money ran out and the famine hit the land, oh boy what a reality check this son had now received. And so too like many of us, we then cry out to God.

So the question is answered, would the son have come home if his fortunes continued?

A lynch pin in the parable is when the son was making his journey home. For when he was far away the father saw him, and ran to him.

The following is a story that I wrote for my very first post at RITA-

Like a father seeing his son come over the hill towards him while the father is working in the fields. The sun is in the father’s eyes as the son approaches, but he knows his sons shape. Am I dreaming the father asks himself at first? When the son gets closer, the realisation and love and excitement and fear pour out of the father. Please don’t do this to me, I can’t take this, let this really be my son.

The love that has always been in his heart, every day thinking about his son, is he alive, is he dead? He went off to the city, I know he found trouble, I have feared the worst. The sleepless nights, the worry and the pain, I told myself he was dead long ago. But my heart has not really accepted that, though I push the feelings deep down, as I cannot bear the suffering.

But in this moment he considers what if it is really him: I would just want to hold him and tell him that I love him, it does not matter anymore what we said to each other in anger, I just want my boy back.

And then it happens: it is really him. The father now knows without a doubt.
And then as the boy stops in shame, the father runs to him until he is sprinting. At first no words are said, just a loving embrace. Then the father cries and breaks down, not with sadness, but with love. Years of sorrow and pain evaporate through the tears of joy. And for a long time they just hold one another, as no words are needed now.

The prodigal son is about grace and mercy for the undeserving. The oldest son was right about feeling like the second fiddle compared to the son that rejected everything. The parables of the lost coins, the workers coming late, the Shepard that goes out searching for the lost sheep.

Gods love never changes; he never stops loving his children no matter what sins they commit. He loves the sinner, but hates the sin. He died while we were all still sinners, for they do not know what they do.

The prodigal son is a story about the cross in a different take, a story of Gods love for the lost, and the joy of the found wayward child.

A story of hope for all the down cast, the prostitutes, the addicts, the low of spirit, the deepest of sinners. We are all prodigals

Praise his name forever; for I am his biggest prodigal, I am his child

In his transforming love / Paul

Re: We are still here

I'll throw my two cents in about the prodigal son, the workers in the vineyard who all got paid the same, even though some worked all day and others worked only one hour.

First, the prodigal son:

Yes he was welcomed home joyously, but read what the father said to the angry older son in Matthew 15:31 (NKJV):

And he said to him, "Son, you are always with me, and all that I have is yours...".

It seems the younger son would not get any more inheritance from his father, even though he came back, so he did indeed suffer long term loss, even though he was welcomed back into the family.

The workers in the vineyard parable seems to indicate that if you work for Christ full-on from the time you are called until the time you are called home, it all counts the same, whether it's one month or 50 years.

BUT, on to the two parables of the talents:

Matthew 25:14-30,

The Master gave each servant a different number of talents, one received five, one received two, and one received only one. The servants who received the five and the two talents each doubled their money and received the same commendation from their Lord. (Although, I will note that the servant with ten talents got the one talent from ther worthless servant.)

Luke 19:11-27

The Master gave ten minas to each servant; one earned ten, and received a commendation, and was granted authority over ten cities. Another servant earned five minas, and was granted authority over five cities (no special commenndation noted). Also, as in the last case, the one mina from the worthless servant was given to the servant who earned ten minas.

So, it seems Jesus does reward faithful service: if the service is equally fruitful considering the resources, the rewards are equal. If the service was not equally fruitful, the rewards will reflect that.

Re: We are still here

Muriel dear Sis,

A point that comes to my mind is when the Father clothed the son in finest clothes. He was dirty then make clean.

And then presented with a banquet.

Yes there are rewards for faithful service, the jewels in the crown, but the wayward son is still included under the father wings.

My thoughts only, correct me if I am wrong.
Love ya Sis-

ybiC / Paul

Re: We are still here

Muriel dear Sis,

A point that comes to my mind is when the Father clothed the son in finest clothes. He was dirty then make clean.

And then presented with a banquet.

Yes there are rewards for faithful service, the jewels in the crown, but the wayward son is still included under the father wings.

My thoughts only, correct me if I am wrong.
Love ya Sis-

ybiC / Paul

Paul you have just given a perfect picture of the church. We are saved when we accept Jesus into our hearts and He forgives our sins. The Holy Spirit marks us as those BELONGING to Jesus. We do our best with the Holy Spirit's leading to walk circumspectly in the world but we still fall down and get dirty. Isaiah says all our righteousness is as "filthy rags". When Jesus takes us home, the Father gives us clean new clothes - the righteousness of Christ. Then the Father put a ring on the finger of the son - sign of authority, and a clean turban or crown on his head - the Bema Seat rewards. Finally, there is a BANQUET to celebrate the return of the son (our entry to our true home - heaven).

I love what TN Dove and Charity said on another thread last week about remembering being in heaven before they were born. We started out there, were sent to earth and during our time here CHOSE Jesus and chose to be a citizen of heaven and then at the end we RETURN home. One other note - in the Hebrew language the word for "spring" meaning season is teshuvah. Teshuvan literally means "to return". Another clue that the rapture will be in the SPRING!!!!

Re: We are still here

Hi Texas Sue,

But when the earthly father died, what would the younger son get? It looks like the property would all go to the older son. I know the parable is not a perfect analagy to heaven, because our Father never dies, and our inheritance is eternal, however while we are sleeping in or are out having fun or goofing off, we are not earning eternal rewards.

Personally, I'm expecting a HUGE bonfire at the bema seat because I've wasted ALOT of time and talent! But I still beleive I'll get a one room hut somewhere in New Jerusalem, becasue Jesus paid for all my sins.

Re: We are still here

Muriel, I'll be so glad to get home to heaven that I would be glad for a park bench. When you read or hear about the great sacrifices many have made for the Lord, it makes you feel like you haven't done nearly enough. Some will have great rewards. I am just hoping not to be empty handed as I would love to have a crown to give back to Jesus for His love and patience with me and His unending mercy.

Re: We are still here

Texas Sue
One other note - in the Hebrew language the word for "spring" meaning season is teshuvah. Teshuvan literally means "to return". Another clue that the rapture will be in the SPRING!!!!

T/S... my jaw is on the GROUND!

I've been praying for someone who offended me deeply to make a “teshuvah” (to make a turnaround) for over a year, but never knew it also meant “Spring”. I was advised to pray for “teshuvah” early last year, but had no idea the double-meaning.

That makes so much sense, with the cycle of seasons. It seems everything the Father does is in cycles that return back to Him.


Re: We are still here

A story of hope for all the down cast, the prostitutes, the addicts, the low of spirit, the deepest of sinners. We are all prodigals.

Praise his name forever; for I am his biggest prodigal, I am his child.

That's some DEEEEEP stuff, there Paulie. Only a Father who loves his children could write that. I'm going to have to read this one about 10x slowly.

Re: We are still here

TN the first time I heard that taught about the meaning of teshuvah I knew it was a rapture connection or clue. In the vernacular of the season it means of course that physically the trees which are "dead" during the winter come back or return to life. Same with the bushes, flowers, etc. But what a perfect word for the rapture right? The 'dead' return to life and we all "return" to heaven!

Re: We are still here

Somebody sent me this link about all the earthquakes in California. Maybe the rapture is still in the offing. I think a new moon or full moon might be the best bet, sometime during the omer as we head toward's Pentecost!


Re: We are still here

Sue dear Sis,

I hope there a many park benches, because I will need one also.

Love ybiC / Paul

Re: We are still here

Sue dear Sis,

I hope there a many park benches, because I will need one also.

Love ybiC / Paul

Oops! I didn't consider a park bench instead of a hut; oh well, at least there's no bad weather in heaven!

Re: We are still here

Paul I guess if fall short of rewards and get to hang out in the park, we can be heavenly hippies huh? I'll be like Minnie Pearl who always said,

"I'm just so proud to be here!"

Re: We are still here

Texas Sue
Paul I guess if fall short of rewards and get to hang out in the park, we can be heavenly hippies huh? I'll be like Minnie Pearl who always said,

"I'm just so proud to be here!"

ROFLOL, T/S!!! I miss Miss Minnie. She used to speak @ my school every year at a chapel session. She did it up until the year she passed. Such a SWEET person. She gave SO much of her time to charity causes.

"Howwwwwwwwwww-DEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE, Miss Minnie!!!!" We'll be seeing you again real soon.

We can all share a park bench. I know I'll be in a hut on the outskirts, too, for sure.

Heavenly hippies... sounds good to me.

Re: We are still here

In that case TN I better bring the-
Mung beans
And lets not forget the peace and love 

Does not sound like a banquet to me!!!!
I have pointy teeth in my head for a reason!!!!!

Arrr Well, at least we will be home

Just thinking, I could paint flowers on my new park bench?

Re: We are still here

TN Dove
Texas Sue
Paul I guess if fall short of rewards and get to hang out in the park, we can be heavenly hippies huh? I'll be like Minnie Pearl who always said,

"I'm just so proud to be here!"

ROFLOL, T/S!!! I miss Miss Minnie. She used to speak @ my school every year at a chapel session. She did it up until the year she passed. Such a SWEET person. She gave SO much of her time to charity causes.

"Howwwwwwwwwww-DEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE, Miss Minnie!!!!" We'll be seeing you again real soon.

We can all share a park bench. I know I'll be in a hut on the outskirts, too, for sure.

Heavenly hippies... sounds good to me.

TN Dove, here is a great clip from way back with Minnie and Faron Young. Very funny! My granny loved Minnie Pearl. I guess those two girls are getting together for coffee up there these days. I love her too. She is one of a kind!

[url [/url]

Re: We are still here

No worries Sue,

To be a hippie you need long hair.
That counts me out, it keeps falling out not growing out

Re: We are still here

Paul, you can paint flowers on your park bench, but please no rusty old hippie vans with flowers painted on the sides!!

We are going to have a great time in heaven. Probably won't stop laughing and crying for the first thousand years!

Re: We are still here

This thread is making me giggle...I would be one of the happy park bench campers.... just thankful to be there.....and thankful that all my brothers and sisters were there too....

Re: We are still here

Whats that smoke I can see coming out of the windows of the van?

Could be a new type of fuel system? Runs on grass!!!

Hope he has fire insurance

Re: We are still here

LOL... heavenly incense.

I can't wait to smell the incense in the Temple of our Lord. I'm sure it smells amazing!

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