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Has Anyone Noticed.......

the hundreds of quakes that are continuing in Baja, Mexico and Southern California that continue now days after the big quake on Easter?

Also, today there were quakes above a 3.0 magnitude in Oklahoma and New Mexico. Showing up more and more around the U.S. are several little quakes dotting the landscape. Are we building toward the big one?

Re: Has Anyone Noticed.......

Yes I was just looking at this...If you look at the top of the USA map it says over 2800 on that page...before this is was way under 1000..I think around 400 - 600....and on the world map it had fallen to under 200 3earthquakes listed on that map and its now up to 1200.

Re: Has Anyone Noticed.......

If you click onto the map on the area around the big quake ..there is over 2100 shown in just that square!!!!

Re: Has Anyone Noticed.......

Yes, Texas Sue, the big earthquake (the largest ever measured and off the charts) happens after the rapture. Sure makes you not want to be "left behind." God bless - Coulby

Email: run_coulby@yahoo.com

Re: Has Anyone Noticed.......

Texas Sue
the hundreds of quakes that are continuing in Baja, Mexico and Southern California that continue now days after the big quake on Easter?

Also, today there were quakes above a 3.0 magnitude in Oklahoma and New Mexico. Showing up more and more around the U.S. are several little quakes dotting the landscape. Are we building toward the big one?

I have Texas Sue.

I've been watching the earthquake numbers increasing rapidly.

The small earthquake that occurred on Feast of First Frutis, Magnitude 3.4 in WEST VIRGINIA woke my sister who my grand daughter and I visited last weekend.

She told me the other day she thought her big dog Bo ran into the back deck door and dismissed it and went back to sleep.

This event http://earthquake.usgs.gov/earthquakes/recenteqsww/Quakes/sehnw0404b.php occurred at 05:19:14 AM EDT 9 miles from where I was born and raised.

Magnitude 3.4 - WEST VIRGINIA
2010 April 04 09:19:14 UTC

Magnitude 3.4
Date-Time Sunday, April 04, 2010 at 09:19:14 UTC

Sunday, April 04, 2010 at 05:19:14 AM at epicenter

Location 38.599°N, 80.916°W
Depth 0.1 km (~0.1 mile) (poorly constrained)
Distances 15 km (9 miles) WSW (238°) from Gassaway, WV
19 km (12 miles) WSW (248°) from Sutton, WV
21 km (13 miles) NE (43°) from Clay, WV
220 km (137 miles) SSW (202°) from Pittsburgh, PA

Location Uncertainty horizontal +/- 1.6 km (1.0 miles); depth +/- 3.6 km (2.2 miles)
Parameters NST= 17, Nph= 21, Dmin=160 km, Rmss=0.38 sec, Gp=119°,
M-type="Nuttli" surface wave magnitude (mbLg), Version=B
Source Southeast U.S. Seismic Network

Event ID sehnw0404b

This event has been reviewed by a seismologist.
Did you feel it? Report shaking and damage at your location. You can also view a map displaying accumulated data from your report and others.

To my knowledge, this is the first recorded earthquake to occur in Braxton county.

Gassaway, W.Va. is where I was born and raised.

This is a small event, however, my home made seismograph picked this up 165 miles away as the crow flies....

If you click on your view icon on your browser you may be able to see this a little better. It didn't work to well on mine due to the size of the original.
It might work for your settings.

The long black fuzzy looking tracing below the earthquake signature is a recording of a train that passed through our town two days before.

The current # of earthquakes listed on N.E.I.C. site is 1238. http://earthquake.usgs.gov/earthquakes/recenteqsww/

Email: jpcarr@att.net

Re: Has Anyone Noticed.......

Joseph, I don't remember ever seeing news posted of an earthquake in West Virginia until this year. Actually Oklahoma is more known for tornados than earthquakes yet they have had several this year. Very strange. They are popping up now in the most unlikely places. Things are definitely speeding up and the earth is about to fall apart. Hope we leave soon.

Re: Has Anyone Noticed.......


Here's an earthquake map that depicts how earthquakes have increased after the year 2000. Too bad it only goes to 2008, but you get the picture.

Re: Has Anyone Noticed.......

Texas Sue
Joseph, I don't remember ever seeing news posted of an earthquake in West Virginia until this year. Actually Oklahoma is more known for tornados than earthquakes yet they have had several this year. Very strange. They are popping up now in the most unlikely places. Things are definitely speeding up and the earth is about to fall apart. Hope we leave soon.

Yeah, Oklahoma has a had what seems like a "boat load" of earthquakes recently...I've noticed this as well.

Amen Sis, I hope we're leaving soon!

Email: jpcarr@att.net

Re: Has Anyone Noticed.......


Here's an earthquake map that depicts how earthquakes have increased after the year 2000. Too bad it only goes to 2008, but you get the picture.

Thank you Earthangel. "Good Night Nurse", this REALLY brings home how the seismic activity has picked up in recent years. LOOK AT ALL OF THEM!

Email: jpcarr@att.net

Re: Has Anyone Noticed.......

I live in Oklahoma, and a bit of a geology nut.

We have, indeed, had a boatload of earthquakes here in the last six months. Earthquakes do occur in Oklahoma regularly, but they are typically small (like most of us don't ever know they happen). Recently, we have had several relatively large earthquakes including a 4.5 right after the Haiti earthquake.

The activity has been so unusual that the USGS has sent in new, additional monitoring equipment in pursuit of an answer. Most of these new earthquakes are happening in about the same location, just north & west of Oklahoma City, and that is where research is currently being conducted.

And - I have been watching the USGS site of U.S. earthquakes for the last seven days. Before the 7.2 this weekend, there were 750ish As I write this, there are 2969.

Folks, I watch the USGS earthquake site regularly and have for several years. NEVER seen anything like this. Not even close. What I can't figure out is why no one is talking about it. I keep thinking that someone in the media would be noticing this... but then again the USGS always tell us that there is no significant increase in earthquake activity.

I do expect, however, someone with prophetic insight will tell us what all of this really means.

BTW: there is a page on the USGS site that animates our earthquakes over the last 7 days. You might find that interesting.

Click on the "start animation" button at the top of the map.


Re: Has Anyone Noticed.......

They stated on the news two days ago that we are at the norm level for earthquakes. Nothing unusual.

Re: Has Anyone Noticed.......

I've ever been in that position but in the other kind of observations.

I think I understand that they have to say that EVERYTHING IS NORMAL for the sake of creating calmness in society.
Because when we say there's something that will be bad for the US economy further, triple down effect:
1. People begin to storm markets for daily necessities, creating panics, and push the price spiraling upwards.
2. That inflation triggers more difficulties for current companies which are already in difficult situation to recover, meaning adding more unemployment.
3. More unemployment meaning more instability to political situation and thus creating disbelief to the incumbent government which will motivate to the impeachment of the current government.
4. Financial institutions will be hurt more because of their lack of motivation for lending money to businesses and people as situation is not in a good shape. No credit means disasters even more to businesses and thus spiraling further toward the destruction of our economy which is already in a critical condition.

So the message (internally will be spread among all government officers and institutions linked to government) is DO NOT CREATE PANIC BY SPREADING UPCOMING DISASTER NEWS, BUT PREPARE AND READY FOR THE WORSE, CREATE CALMNESS IN THE PEOPLE.

I think they understand something strange happen, they must be preparing for that, but they just to make calmness in the people. If you know what is actually what is going to happen, what will you do?
Prepare for it that is the best way in case we're not in so hurry been catching up by Our Lord.
Prepare as if we have to go through it.

May Yeshua takes us all home at the appointed time only by His grace and mercy to be forever with Him and His glorious joy beyond words fulfill each of us everyday of our lives forever.

Re: Has Anyone Noticed.......

If the media thought the amount of earthquakes as of late was normal, would they bother to report on it? I think not.....

Re: Has Anyone Noticed.......

See the single dot in Arkansas? That is near Enola, about 25 miles from my home, where there have been almost daily earthquakes for many years, mostly below 4.0. It is so common that people don't even give it a thought, no property damage resulting from it. How big does it have to be to show up on this page?

Re: Has Anyone Noticed.......

Don - the earthquakes populating this map are greater than a 1.0 So basically, everything in the US.

Your earthquakes should be showing up. I recall earthquakes there quite frequently... but I don't know how often. I don't believe they show up as frequently as you feel them. That's surprising and it will be interesting to watch.

I wonder how your little earthquakes relate to the New Madrid seismic zone...

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