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Prayers for Wendy and Her Husband

Wendy and I had a wonderful talk off list and she has decided to fight for her marriage and to believe the Lord to move in this situation. Praise God!

You may have read that she has been unhappy so I am not sharing anything she hasnt.

Her husband believes in Jesus but needs a closer walk and to know Him more intimately.

They both would love to have a baby.

So lets get on our knees for this precious couple and ask the Lord to bring this marriage into His perfect image of how they are to be. Pray for their love for each other to rekindle and that a baby will be conceived (even if he's born in heaven!!!)

These are beautiful people who need the family of God to put their arms around them and help them on their way a little.

Lord I know You are able and more willing than even they are for this marruage to be healed, for each of them to be touched by Your Spirit and strengthened in their love for you and for each other, and Lord we know you love to bless couples with babies and we ask you for this sacred gift for Wendy and her husband.

Help them to put You first and we know then that all things will be added unto them.

Pour out your power, love and mercy on them this day.

We give you all the thanks, all the Glory and all the Praise. In Jesus' name AMEN!


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Re: Prayers for Wendy and Her Husband

AMEN & Amen, Wendy! These are all good things and the Lord delights in giving good gifts to His children. I am honored to pray for your needs~ unity and love in your marriage and the blessing of a child to be conceived! I have a special place in my heart for these very issues, so it really touches me to be able to pray for you in this regard.


Re: Prayers for Wendy and Her Husband

Re: Prayers for Wendy and Her Husband

Dear God, in Jesus Name, we believe You now to create a new spirit within Wendy's husband, to love Wendy as Christ loved the church - and gave Himself up for it. We ask that Wendy's husband lays down and puts behind, things known and unknown that have brought division between them, that her husband will now choose You first, and Wendy second, before himself. They are one flesh before You Lord, so help him to come alongside Wendy for the restoration of godly love between them, that a new love, and a new baby would be conceived in his renewed committment to You. Amen

Re: Prayers for Wendy and Her Husband

Agreeing in prayer Wendy - May God grant you the desires of your heart.

Re: Prayers for Wendy and Her Husband

Great prayer Kolleen and I stand in agreement with that prayer..

Email: sbell48907@aol.com

Re: Prayers for Wendy and Her Husband

Those are lovely names, Wendy, and I fully look forward to meeting whomever it shall be in Heaven~ so soon! Bless you today!

P.S. once when I was praying about my marriage and children, the Lord told me clearly that 'Satan has declared WAR on children and families.' When I understood just how much the enemy HATES our marriages and children- how he will do anything and everything he can to destroy them, it helped me greatly understand the truth and blessing that the Lord has intended in creating marriage. This makes it WORTH the fight to save~ although often times on this side of Heaven it can many times seem unfulfilling and leave us not feeling satisfied or happy. I have truly come to understand that the Lord has decreed that these things ARE a blessing, and despite our temporary feelings on them, we are to press in with faith and line up our thinking with His. Pay no regard to your feelings just now. Your heart WILL LIE TO YOU. There is GREATER BLESSING in trusting yourself and your situation to the Lord and His ultimate plans for you and your marriage and future children~ also there is peace once you make up your mind to obey and please Him first in this, so set you face like flint, and decide that divorce is not an option. Just wait and see the blessing and what the Lord can do when you completly relinqish your will and desire to His perfect love and plan...

Re: Prayers for Wendy and Her Husband

I pray that Our Father in heaven would grant the desires of your heart. May He restore and rekindle your marriage and your relationship with your husband. We pray that the Lord would open his eyes to treat you with the same selfless love as Christ does with the Church. Not to hold past grudges against us but to forgive and more importantly to forget. May He shower you and your husband with His abundant mercy and grace. Amen.

Re: Prayers for Wendy and Her Husband

Wendy my dear beautiful Sister,

You are truly a very special person, there is no other just like you in this world. Jesus loves you like no other Wendy. And the great thing is that our loving Lord has a plan for each and everyone of us. His plans center around us & him, family, marriage and wholeness.

Wendy my Sis, I will keep you in my daily prayers, for the restoration of your marraige but also for a special gift, a beautiful baby.

Wendy I have found in life when the trials assult us, I try to draw closer to Jesus, to give it all to him in praise, even the times when I do not feel like I want too. When I do this, things change. The change I find is not in others, but me. And because I change, others see this which affects them.

Love you Sis, I am praying for ya-

Love ybiC / Paul

Re: Prayers for Wendy and Her Husband

Wendy, I am agreeing in prayer with my brothers & sisters. I pray the Lord's great comfort & love, guidance & encouragement, restoration & forgiveness, peace & contentment, endurance & perseverance, joy & hope... over you and your husband tonight. May He grant you the true desires of your heart!

God loves you, Wendy. You are so precious to Him.

Much Love,

Re: Prayers for Wendy and Her Husband

Wow- This got pushed to the 2nd page so quickly!
You're in my prayers today, Wendy.

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